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Chapter 470, Resolutely Can't Be a Soldier

Imperial College in Beijing.

"It's unreasonable. The new compulsory military service system actually requires all adult men to perform military service, and we scholars are no exception. Is this a royal law?"

A scholar from the Imperial College held the Ming Dynasty Morning Post and said very angrily.

"No, the imperial dynasty has always treated scholar-bureaucrats favorably, and we scholars have always been treated favorably. Don't we have to do this new military service?"

Someone listened and said in disbelief.

In this era, all things are inferior but reading is high. There is no doubt about the identity and status of scholars.

Not to mention that you will be very successful after passing the Juren exam. Even if you don't pass the Juren exam and are just a scholar, you will still have many preferential treatment, such as not having to go on official business, not having to pay farm grain, and not having to kneel before officials.

You can also use slaves, you can be exempted from prison terms, you can also have some privileges in wearing clothes, etc.

If you can win the election, it will be really great. Not only can you be exempted from various taxes, corvee, etc., but you can also become an official and become an official.

From this we can know that the status of scholars in the Ming Dynasty was really very high.

In the past, they have always enjoyed many privileges and a noble status, which naturally developed the arrogance of these scholars. In each other's eyes, other than scholars, they did not put anyone else in their eyes at all.

Even in the court, those civil servants often did not even pay attention to the emperor. Zhou Jing, the former Minister of Household Affairs, often spit on Emperor Hongzhi. As for the officials, censors, Hanlin and others, it was even more so.

He is strong-willed and arrogant. He looks like the most awesome guy in the world and no one will accept him.

Well, now, the new compulsory military service system does not give these scholars any privileges. As long as you meet the age, you must serve in the military regardless of whether you are a scholar or not.

This made the mentality of these scholars explode.

"It is clearly written in the newspaper that all men between the ages of sixteen and twenty-five must serve in the military, regardless of whether they are scholars or not. It is also clearly written in the newspapers issued by the imperial court. Those of us

People actually want to be Qiu Ba."

Someone was holding a newspaper, looking extremely miserable.

In the eyes of scholars like them, the most despised people are those who wield swords and guns, and soldiers are the most despised. Soldiers are called Qiuba, and military households are dilapidated military households.

For them, let alone being a soldier, even if they become a general, a thousand households, a hundred households, etc., they will lose their status and their value. Even if the British Duke Zhang Mao comes to them, they will not lose any money.

Damn, I don't look down on these soldiers at all.

Their ideal is to be named on the gold medal list and to parade around the streets as the number one scholar. It is definitely not to be like Lord Grim who lies drunk on the battlefield, or to be a wolf and live in Xu. Being a soldier seriously deviates from their values ​​​​and outlook on life.

"How can this not make sense~ How can it not make sense~"

"It's so insulting to politeness, so insulting to politeness~"

"We are scholars, how can we do that?"

"Yes, I won't go, I won't go~"

The scholars in the Imperial College were furious. Every one of them was very angry and kept shouting.

Then some scholars clamored to go outside the palace and ask Emperor Hongzhi to exempt their scholars from military service. Even if they died, they would never become soldiers.

Wangyue Tower in Beijing.

With the promulgation of the new compulsory military service system, it suddenly became the focus of discussion among young and old men in the entire capital, and the same was naturally true here in Wangyue Tower. At this time, many people in Wangyue Tower were discussing this new compulsory military service system.

"It's hard for the people to prosper, and it's hard for the people to die~"

"It's not long since the good days, and the imperial court has introduced such a system. Before, soldiers were only those from dilapidated military families. Now it's better, and we all have to become soldiers."

Some people couldn't help but sigh.

In the past two years, everyone has indeed lived a good life. Their income has been high, and the fish in the ocean allows everyone to eat meat every day. Their lives are prosperous.

Now it's better. As soon as the new military system of the imperial court was introduced, people were immediately filled with mourning. Everyone was afraid when talking about this military service.

"Isn't that right? The life of a soldier is the lowest and most deplorable. Even future generations will be affected. Generations of generations will be destitute military households."

Someone nodded and said.

"Actually, you don't need to be too anxious. This time we are recruiting only 10,000 new soldiers from all of Beizhili. Not everyone is going to be a soldier. Didn't the newspaper say that there will be some kind of physical examination? Only if the physical examination is passed

Only those who are young can become soldiers."

Some people looked at it carefully and were not worried at all.

"If you don't want to be a soldier, you can clear the way with the people in the yamen when the time comes. If you don't pass the inspection, it will be fine. There is no need to worry."

"The entire Northern Zhili has recruited 10,000 people, so one government only recruits more than 1,000 people. Not everyone really needs to be a soldier."

After hearing this man's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Actually, I have carefully studied this new military system. This time the court is obviously determined to carry out restructuring. There are still many benefits to being a soldier. You see, if a person becomes a soldier, the whole family's corvee and taxes can be paid.

Exemption is a privilege that only scholars can enjoy. This alone, I think, can attract many people to become soldiers."

"It seems pretty good~"

After listening, some people nodded and said.

"It's not only good, it's extremely generous. Being a soldier is exempt from corvee and taxes, which was something I couldn't even think of before."

"This military service only lasts for four years. Once the four years are over, you can still come back."

"What we are afraid of is that being a soldier will last a lifetime. If you serve as a soldier for the rest of your life, it will be over. What's even more frightening is that if this policy changes, it will return to the previous military household system. How will this happen?

Haven’t they been military households for generations?”

"If you become a military household, your children and grandchildren will all be military households. They won't even be able to study or take the imperial examination."

"Yes, who knows whether the affairs of the imperial court will change. Maybe the new military system cannot be implemented and the original military household system will be restored. By then, those military households will have deregistered and become soldiers.

It has become a new military household. It has been a dilapidated military household for generations, and it is the private slaves of those Qiu Ba."

"Yes, I am determined not to be a soldier. I will ask someone to go to the Yamen to establish connections. When the time comes for the physical examination, my second and third sons will not be qualified."

"You cannot be a military household. Once you become a military household, you are really finished."

Someone said very worriedly, and this person's words also resonated.

Everyone is very aware of the situation of military households, and the situation of those dilapidated military households. They are as humble as grass, the most miserable, and the most dilapidated. The key is that they still have to go to the battlefield. From generation to generation, children and grandchildren will suffer from military households.

Due to the restrictions of the system, you cannot learn a craft or rely on the imperial examination.

"The imperial court's policies should not be changed overnight, and it has been clearly written on it. Military service is only for four years. During the military service, there are still moon rings, and all expenses go to the imperial court. In addition, family members can be exempted from

The corvee and taxes are actually quite good."

"In addition, as mentioned above, during the military service, someone can teach you Chinese and Chinese characters for free. If you are successful in your studies, you can still take the imperial examination after the military service is over."

Some people think it is not possible, but some people think that under this new compulsory military service system, becoming a soldier seems to be a very good choice.

Many conditions were written clearly, and the imperial court obviously attached great importance to this military reform and gave preferential treatment in all aspects.

In the past, when you were a soldier, you really had no identity, no status, and no future.

But things are different now. There are many benefits to being a soldier, and it will not affect your future future. After serving in the army, you can still do what you like to do.

Scholars can continue to study and rely on imperial examinations, farmers can become farmers, and even the court will find ways to solve work problems, so there is no need to worry about the future after retirement.

"No matter how garish the writing is, I will not let my son become a soldier. I will never go~"

Someone said very firmly.

The concept of dilapidated military households is deeply rooted in people's hearts, and it is difficult to change it all at once.

"Yes, I won't let my son become a soldier either~"

"Anyway, you need a physical examination. As long as you don't pass the physical examination, you don't have to go. You don't have to worry about anything."

"Anyway, you can do whatever you want, but you can't be a soldier. That's the end of it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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