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Chapter 498, killing chickens and scaring monkeys

The news that the Otomo family was destroyed quickly spread throughout Kyushu Island.

The Shimazu family, one of the three overlords of Kyushu.

"The Dayou family was actually destroyed, and it was the Ming army that took action. This is simply unbelievable."

When Shimazu Tadamasa, the governor of the Shimazu family, received the report from his subordinates, he couldn't help but sigh.

As one of the two overlords on Kyushu Island, the Shimadzu family and the Otomo family, together with the Ito family occupying the Hyuga Kingdom, the three major families have been at war with each other for a long time, and no one can do anything to the other for a while.

He knew very well about the strength of the Otomo family. It was no worse than the Shimazu family, and was even stronger. His old rival, Otomo Masachika, the governor of the Otomo family, was even more powerful and ambitious.

He is also far-sighted and is an extremely difficult opponent.

However, now, such a powerful opponent, the Dayou family that has dominated Kyushu Island for hundreds of years, has been destroyed. The person who destroyed the Dayou family was the most unexpected Ming army that came from thousands of miles away.

"Have you found out the reason?"

Shimazu Tadamasa pondered for a while and asked.

"It has been found out that the Ming army came here for revenge this time. The Dayou family took the lead in imposing heavy taxes on the Ming merchant ships. At the same time, they looted the Ming merchant ship Kunlun Mountain and killed the Ming merchants, so they attracted the Ming Dynasty's revenge."

The subordinates began to explain the battle in detail. They were all forces on Kyushu Island. Several major families had placed spies on each other's families. Such a big thing could not be hidden from the eyes and ears of the Shimadzu family.

"Otomo Masachika is really too greedy. They have already made a lot of money by doing resale trade. They even took the lead in imposing heavy taxes. They even had the audacity to kill Ming merchants and looted merchant ships. They really brought their own destruction."

After listening to the report from his subordinates, Shimazu Tadamasa also breathed a sigh of relief.

The Ming army only came for revenge, not to invade the Japanese country. This was enough. For revenge, as long as the revenge was avenged, the Ming army would naturally withdraw.

If they come to invade Japan, the Ming army will not be able to leave so easily. The Shimazu family is located on Kyushu Island, the key core, and may become the target of the Ming army.

Then what will the Shimazu family do to fight against the powerful Ming army?

With only 10,000 Ming troops, the Otomo family was easily wiped out. How could the Shimazu family be any better?

"Fortunately, we were not motivated by profit and did not loot Ming Dynasty's merchant ships. Otherwise, our Shimazu family would have been doomed this time."

At the same time, Shimazu Tadamasa also felt happy.

In the past two years, the strength of the Otomo family and the Ouchi family has greatly increased, all relying on sea trade with the Ming Dynasty. Because the Shimadzu family is located in the south of Kyushu Island, the benefits are relatively small, so there are some voices within the Shimadzu family.

He was going to loot the passing Ming Dynasty merchant ships.

At that time, Shimazu Tadamasa felt that this idea was not feasible. The Ming Dynasty was the suzerain of the Japanese country and had always been very good to the Japanese country. It could be said that it had been friendly for generations. If it attacked the ships of the suzerain country, once the news was leaked, its reputation in the Japanese country would be ruined.

What's more, the maritime trade of the Ming Dynasty has developed rapidly in the past two years, and the exchanges with the Japanese countries have become more and more frequent. Last year, I heard that the Ming Dynasty defeated the little prince of the grassland and left all the little prince's millions of troops in the Central Plains. This shows that the Ming Dynasty has strong military power.

Therefore, he opposed the looting of passing Ming merchant ships. Even when the Ming Dynasty in various parts of Japan began to impose heavy taxes on Ming merchant ships, he was hesitant to follow suit and impose heavy taxes.

Thinking about it now, he was secretly glad that he had withstood the pressure within the clan, otherwise the Shimazu family would be almost like the Otomo family now.

"Pass this order, from now on it is strictly forbidden to harm or embarrass Ming merchants, otherwise they will be killed without mercy."

After thinking about it, Shimazu Tadamasa also issued another order.

This Ming businessman was not easy to mess with. He directly dispatched tens of thousands of troops and thousands of warships to cross thousands of sea miles to the Japanese country. He had already foreseen that the next Japanese country would definitely suffer because of these tens of thousands of Ming Dynasty troops.

The arrival is turbulent.

"The arrival of tens of thousands of Ming troops is definitely not just as simple as cleaning up Dayou's family. I'm afraid there will be something good to watch next."

Shimazu Tadamasa smiled and judged.

"The artillery used by the Ming army is so sharp. I wonder if we can purchase some arms and weapons from the Ming Dynasty. If there are more than a dozen such artillery, the unification of Kyushu Island will be just around the corner."

Then, his attention soon turned to the artillery of the Ming army, and he was also thinking about whether he could buy arms and weapons from the Ming Dynasty.

Of course, not only the Shimazu family received the news, the Ito family also received the news immediately. They were also shocked by the destruction of the Otomo family. At the same time, the Ito family was also trembling with fear.

Because the Ito family was one of the families that followed the daimyo from all over the country and only imposed heavy taxes on the merchant ships of the Ming Dynasty. However, the Ito family did not loot the merchant ships of the Ming Dynasty, nor did they kill the merchants of the Ming Dynasty.

However, because of the heavy tax imposed on the merchant ships of the Ming Dynasty, the Ito family was scared to death. They always kept a close eye on the movements of the Ming army, for fear that the Ming army would turn around and come to destroy the Ito family.

But soon, they were temporarily relieved, because they discovered that the Ming army continued northward after destroying the Otomo family, and soon entered the Seto Inland Sea, heading straight for the Kyoto area, the core of the Muromachi Shogunate.

On the other side of the Honshu Island Chugoku (yes, that's the name) area, the family that occupies this large area is the Ouchi family. At this time, the Ouchi family is at its peak and is unprecedentedly powerful.

Family Governor Ouchi Yoshihiro was a famous tycoon during the Warring States Period. He was ambitious and extremely intelligent. Under the leadership of Ouchi Yoshihiro, the Ouchi family was extremely powerful at this time. It included Shu Fang, Nagato, and Iwami.

, Chikuzen, Toyozen, Daihou, and An Yun are the guardians of the Seven Kingdoms. They are the strongest forces in Western China and Kyushu Island, and they are also one of the most powerful daimyo in Japan at this time.

The news that the Ouchi family was destroyed by the Ming Dynasty army also reached the Ouchi family immediately.


"The Dayou family was destroyed by the Ming army?"

When House Governor Ouchi Yoshihiro heard the news, he stood up instantly, his eyes filled with disbelief.

The next step is to start to understand the details of the destruction of the Dayou family, and to understand the movements and purposes of the Ming army.

"Because of heavy taxes, Ming merchants were killed and Ming merchant ships were looted?"

After hearing the report, Ouchi Yoshihiro couldn't help but fell silent.

The Ouchi family was also one of the first families to impose heavy taxes on the Ming Dynasty merchant ships, and similarly, the Ouchi family also supported some Japanese pirates who looted the Ming Dynasty merchant ships in the past. However, the Ouchi family did not do anything wrong and often looted merchant ships. Come on.

Money is enough, but they did not kill all the merchants of the Ming Dynasty.

However, the Ouchi family was destroyed because of this incident. Ouchi Yoshihiro immediately knew that the Ouchi family was in trouble. This incident was very likely to destroy the Ouchi family to pieces. Now it depends on what Ming Dynasty is going to do.

"Immediately prepare generous gifts and send people to Kyoto to see the emperor, and ask the emperor to come forward to resolve the misunderstanding between our Ouchi family and Ming Dynasty. In addition, we also send people to ask for help from the shogunate. Our Ouchi family is willing to give up supporting Ashikaga Yoshiki, on the condition that

They must come forward to mediate the relationship between our Ouchi family and Ming Dynasty."

"As long as Ming Dynasty is willing to withdraw its troops, our Ouchi family is willing to pay any conditions."

Yoshihiro Ouchi thought carefully and quickly made a decision.

Facing the powerful Ming army, he knew very well how much he had. The Ouchi family was very strong in the Japanese country, but compared with the powerful Ming Dynasty, let alone his Ouchi family, the entire Japanese country was nothing.


This time, the Ming Dynasty could easily dispatch tens of thousands of troops and thousands of warships to cross thousands of sea miles to the Japanese side, which is enough to show how powerful the Ming Dynasty was.

Ten thousand troops were dispatched and the Otomo family was easily destroyed. It was also easy to destroy the Ouchi family, so the only chance was for the emperor and the shogunate to come forward to coordinate this matter.

As long as the Ming Dynasty does not pursue this matter, their Ouchi family can survive this disaster. Otherwise, when the Ming army arrives, their Ouchi family will be destroyed.

For this reason, he also gave up a lot. His original plan was to support the deposed shogun Ashikaga Yoshiki, and eventually learn from Cao Cao, and use the emperor to control the princes.

Now in order to survive this disaster, he had to give up this plan, because if the Ouchi family was gone, all ambitions and hopes would be gone, and it would no longer matter who he supported.

Then at this time, the 10,000-strong army led by Poluhou Yang Yun successfully brought here after several days of sailing in the Iwami Country area north of the Chugoku area of ​​Honshu Island, which later became Shimane Prefecture.


To the north of Ishimi Country is the Sea of ​​Whales (later known as the Sea of ​​Japan. Thanks to the book friend for pointing out this mistake. The Sea of ​​Japan only got this name after we lost the Daxinganling Mountains. As for the Sea of ​​Whales before, it seemed to be called the Sea of ​​Whales because of the whales here.

Very many), the northeast is ruled by another daimyo family, the Niko family, and the southeast is ruled by the Maori family.

Therefore, Yang Yun's army arrived directly to the north of Shijian Kingdom and landed directly on the coastline to the north of Shijian Kingdom.

"Is there a silver mine here containing hundreds of millions of taels of silver?"

Polu Hou Yang Yun set foot on the land of Shijian Kingdom, stood on the top of a high mountain, and looked around with a telescope. It was really hard to believe that such a place could actually contain a treasure chest containing hundreds of millions of silver.

silver mine.

"Seize the kingdom of Ishimi~"

However, this did not affect the actions of Yang Yun's army. As soon as tens of thousands of troops landed in Shijian Kingdom, they immediately attacked Shijian Kingdom in a mighty and aggressive manner. And this time, they not only wanted to occupy this place, but also

Not ready to leave.

This chapter has been completed!
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