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Chapter 521, Repaying Himself with His Way

This not-too-wide open space is crowded with people.

The Ming people who got off the ship, as well as the surviving Ming people in Manila, all gathered together, the local indigenous people who were driven over by the Ming army.

Everyone arrived, filling the not-so-large open space. Everyone looked at Du Mingen, at Lagan who was being escorted, and at the princes and nobles of Luzon, etc.

Soon, the table was placed, and Taiping Hou Du Mingen, who was wearing a crimson robe, sat on it and looked at the people around him with cold eyes. The scene was completely silent. Everyone wanted to see what Du Mingen wanted to do and why it was so grand.

Will call everyone over.

"Everyone, I am Du Mingen, the Marquis of Taiping in the Ming Dynasty."

Du Mingen didn't mean to waste time. When he saw that everyone had almost arrived, he stood up, raised his hands and said to everyone around him. His voice was very loud and clearly passed to the ears of everyone present.

At the same time, there were also people who were responsible for translating Du Mingen's words and telling every word he said to the surrounding natives, so that they could clearly understand who was deciding their fate.

"The Kingdom of Luzon is a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty. The emperors of the Ming Dynasty all treated the Kingdom of Luzon favorably. During the Hongwu and Yongle years, Luzon sent envoys to pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty always returned the favor several times."

"When the subjects of the Luzon Kingdom come to our country, our country, the Ming Dynasty, has always treated them with great courtesy, and they have never been sloppy in the slightest."

"But today, I came to Luzon. When I came here, I saw you Luzon people slaughtering, killing, and robbing our people wantonly. This is an act of treason and treason."

Du Mingen first talked about the friendly relations between the two countries and how the Ming Dynasty treated the people of Luzon preferentially. Then he changed his tone and immediately pointed out everything that happened here today.


Then Du Mingen turned his eyes to King Lagan of Luzon.

"Xiao Wang is here~"

The lever was quickly put up and he lowered his head and said.

"Have I committed any crime when I came to Luzon?"

Du Mingen asked coldly.

"No, the people of this country have always abided by the law, were friendly to others, and were diligent and kind. No one committed any crime~"

Lagan shook his head quickly and said.

"Then my Ming people came to Luzon and burned, killed and looted?"

Du Mingen nodded slightly and asked again.

"No, the people of this country never burned, killed or looted, and they rarely even had disputes with others."

Lagan also shook his head.

The people of Ming Dynasty are very law-abiding, very obedient, full of wisdom, and have various technologies, which is the most worry-free.

"Okay then, let me ask you, why do you want to kill the people of our Ming Dynasty and rob our people so much?"

Du Mingen nodded, then asked coldly.

"This is a private action of some mobs below, and Xiao Wang doesn't know about it~"

Lagan defended, saying the same thing, refusing to admit that he knew about this matter.

"Since these mobs below are acting privately, why don't you send troops to stop them?"

"Why didn't you send someone to rescue our people in Ming Dynasty as soon as possible?"

Du Mingen looked at him coldly. He was already on the verge of death, but he was still the most stubborn. Did he still think he could escape death?

"Xiao Wang is afraid that the mob will attack my castle, so he doesn't dare to send troops out."

Lagan thought for a while and said.


"It's not that I don't dare, I'm afraid it's your support and acquiescence behind this."

Du Mingen said coldly, and then said to the people below: "Bring the culprit up."

As Du Mingen finished speaking, several more people were brought up soon, including Lapu.

"Sir, have mercy on me, my lord, have mercy on me~"

"All of this is what the king asked us to do, and he ordered us to do it. We all do things according to his orders."

"He wanted to take a Ming woman as a concubine, but she didn't agree, so he held a grudge. In addition, he wanted to take away Ming people's wealth, so he ordered us to do these things."

"Without his acquiescence and consent, we would never dare to do these things even if we had a hundred heads."

"Yes, yes, it was all ordered by the king~"

As soon as several people came up, Du Mingen sold Lagan without asking any questions, and he sold it very thoroughly.

"You guys~"

When Lagan heard this, he couldn't help but his eyes widened. Then his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly said to Du Mingen: "Sir, don't listen to their nonsense. I don't know anything about this matter. These people

They are all desperadoes from our Luzon Kingdom, and Xiao Wang has long wanted to wipe them out."

The people around looked at everything in front of them, and everyone understood it immediately.

It turned out that all of this was actually instigated and acquiesced by La Gan. Akito, who was immediately hurt, looked at La Gan with angry eyes.

"Kill him~"

"Kill him~"

Old man Chen picked up a stone and threw it at La Gan, and said angrily.

"Kill him~"

Others immediately started shouting too.

As for the local natives of Luzon, they all looked at Lagan, Lapu and others with angry eyes. Some of them were originally innocent.

They did not harm Akito, nor did they participate in the robbery of Akito. Many of them even had good relationships with the people in Akito's neighborhood.

Everyone knows that Akito is easy to get along with. They are very humble, hardworking and kind-hearted. Many people have been helped by Akito. Their impression of Akito is very good.

Well now, it was precisely because these people were greedy that they went to loot and kill Ming people, and happened to be met by the Ming army again, so everything happened now.

The Ming army bombarded Manila, completely destroying their homes and killing them in retaliation. Many people lost their relatives.

Originally they were very angry and hating Akito, and many people even secretly wanted to take revenge on Akito.

I was living a good life, but how could I not feel resentful when this Mingren suddenly came and killed me?

But now, everyone finally figured out the situation. It turned out that they were greedy and they killed Akito first, so they got the retribution now.

Naturally, they also hated Lagan, Lapu and the others, and looked at them with angry eyes.

In addition, at the beginning, Du Mingen also learned how the Ming Dynasty treated their country of Luzon. Based on everyone's past dealings with the Ming Dynasty, no one would doubt this.

Da Ming really had nothing to say to them, and Ming people were also very easy to get along with.

This resentment was naturally transferred to people like Lagan and Lapu.

Du Mingen looked at the people around him. What he wanted was the effect.

Before killing these people, we must let them know why we want to kill them, and we must also let everyone know that they deserve to die and die without mercy.

"The king of Luzon, Lagan, has ordered that even if he kills the people of our Ming Dynasty and robs our Ming Dynasty's wealth, the following offenders, who have no regard for the emperor and their father, and who are treasonous and unethical, should be executed~"

"Pull it down and chop~"

Du Mingen read out Lagan's crime directly and decisively, and announced his death sentence neatly.

"Sir~Sir, Xiao Wang realizes his mistake, Xiao Wang realizes his mistake~"

"I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore~"

"Take my life around, hook up with my life. I have gold, precious stones, silver, coral, and everything in Luzon. As long as you hook me up, I will give you all these. I can get as much as you want."

Come give it to you."

When he heard that he was sentenced to death, Lagan became completely panicked. He kept yelling and then struggled desperately.

But soon, two strong Ming soldiers came up, carried him and walked to the open space next to him. The executioner's knife had been sharpened.

"I am your King Lagan, come and save me, come and save me~ Whoever rescues me, I will give him a big reward~"

Seeing that it was useless to beg Du Mingen for his life, he started shouting at his people.

It's just that all this is in vain. Everyone knows that he has brought all this on himself, and he deserves to die. What's more, the Ming army around him is watching with eager eyes. If he dares to make any abnormal move, he will definitely be killed without mercy.


The snow-white sword flashed, and Lagan's head rolled on the ground.

The people of the Ming Dynasty around them couldn't help but raise their chests, their faces filled with pride. The king of a small country dared to instruct people to kill the people of the Ming Dynasty. He deserves to be killed.

The Ming Dynasty easily took over Luzon with just a few troops.

"The Ming Dynasty is mighty~"

I don't know who shouted out, and then all the Ming people present roared, and their voices went straight into the sky. The indigenous people present couldn't help but change their faces, and they remembered this scene deeply.

"Drag it down and chop it~"

After Lagan was beheaded, Du Mingen had no intention of letting go of the remaining kings and ministers of Luzon. He didn't even bother to interrogate them. Anyway, your king is guilty, so naturally you are all guilty, so kill them directly.

Soon, the living princes and nobles also pulled him over, slashed him with a knife, and followed La Gan away.

"Rapp, right? I heard that you want to burn Old Man Chen and his family to death, even the children."

"Then I will help you today. These stakes and firewood were prepared by you and were just used to burn you."

By the end, the remaining Lapu and others were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and some even peed their pants. These Ming people killed too much.

When they heard Du Mingen's verdict on them, Lapp and the others lay down on the ground one by one. Lagan and the others were able to stab them easily, but they were actually about to be burned alive.


Hearing Du Mingen's verdict, Old Chen's family couldn't help roaring and burst into tears. Looking at the wooden piles and firewood, they couldn't help but laugh to the sky: "Haha, you beasts, you have today too~ yourself

Just dig a hole for yourself, the sky has eyes."

Soon, Lapu and others were tied to the wooden stakes, and the oiled firewood ignited at once, and a raging fire suddenly emerged.


Being burned by the flames, Lapp and others couldn't help but scream in pain, and at the same time they twisted and struggled hard, but it was all in vain.

The scene was completely silent, and everyone watched this scene quietly. Some people couldn't bear it, but when they thought about it if it was Old Chen's family who was being burned, they suddenly felt that the burning was good.

As for the natives at the scene, each and every one of them firmly remembered the miserable howling, twisting, and struggling figures who were burned.

Looking at the beheaded kings and nobles of Luzon in the open space next to them, everyone silently remembered it.

This chapter has been completed!
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