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Chapter 523, Crescent City

At this time, not only Zhu Benduan but also Feng Xiang saw the huge potential of Manila and the huge wealth contained here. Others also saw the richness of the Nanyang region with red eyes.

They are similar to the two of them. Behind these people are all from various trading houses in the Ming Dynasty. Behind the trading houses are the top people of the Ming Dynasty, including the princes and ministers of the court, big families from all over the country, big gentry, big businessmen, etc.


I came to Nanyang just to make money. The purpose is very simple~

Now that I see such huge wealth on display, I can tell you straightforwardly that the Nanyang region is very rich and there is plenty of wealth. As long as you follow the Tianjin Ocean Trading Company and keep it, you will have enough to eat in the future.

There are many benefits to occupying Manila. Everyone hurriedly dismissed the letter and went back to tell the people behind them to send more people here to take root in Manila and lay the foundation for making big money in the future.

This is the effect Du Mingen and Lin Shuhong want.

Relying on the power of Tianjin Ocean Trading Company is always too small. The most important thing is to rely on profits to drive more people to participate in overseas expansion and colonization, so as to drive the entire Ming Dynasty to expand outward.

Du Mingen and Lin Shuhong looked at the bustling scene in the castle, saw the red eyes of these people, and immediately smiled happily.

"Mr. Liu's method is still easy to use. It's simple, direct and effective~"

"As the old saying goes, all the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit, and the bustle in the world is for profit. You can never escape the word profit."

Du Mingen said with some sigh: "Now the fleets from Tianjin are about to go to the Golden Continent. I hope they can all make a fortune, so that more people will go to the Golden Continent."

"The Golden Continent is a good place just like Nanyang. It is vast, sparsely populated, fertile and has countless treasures. It is a gift from God to the Ming Dynasty."

Du Mingen sighed very much. In the past, he only did business in the Ming Dynasty, and he always felt that the Ming Dynasty was the best in the world. Once you really go out and walk around, you will find that the world is very big and there are many good places.

"Master Marquis, look at this Manila Bay. Does it look like a crescent moon?"

Lin Shuhong smiled and turned his eyes to the entire Manila Bay area. The entire harbor was very large and beautiful. The blue water and the crescent-shaped structure made the scenery extremely beautiful when standing on top of the castle.

"It is indeed a crescent moon, very beautiful~"

Du Mingen nodded and said.

"The name of Manila is very unpleasant and does not conform to the habits of our Ming people. What do you think about changing its name to Crescent Bay?"

"The city we build here in the future will be called Crescent City~"

Habitually, the first thing to do is to change the name. The original name is really unpleasant and very difficult to pronounce, so it must be changed to a name that is in line with the Ming Dynasty.

"Crescent City?"

"Crescent Bay?"

"It's a good name, full of poetic and picturesque meaning, and it fits the place very well. That's it~"

When Du Mingen heard this, he nodded immediately.

When we went to Huanghuangzhou, they gave names to many places, such as Yuxi, Qianhekou, Sanjiangkou, etc. When it came to naming, everyone got excited. This is a name left in history. From now on, Crescent City will be built.

, everyone will remember that it was Lin Shuhong and Du Mingen who named this place.

As for the original name of Manila, it is no longer important. This place now belongs to the Ming Dynasty.

Soon, Du Mingen officially announced a series of news to everyone.

The first one is that Manila Bay was renamed Crescent Bay, where Tianjin Ocean Trading Company will build a Crescent City modeled on Ryukyu City.

Crescent City welcomes major commercial banks and individual investments in the Ming Dynasty, and welcomes immigrants from the Ming Dynasty to Crescent City. All Ming people who are willing to immigrate to Crescent City will permanently receive fifty acres of land.

The second article is to declare that Crescent City will belong to the Ming Dynasty from now on, and the land within 100 kilometers around Crescent City will belong to the Ming Dynasty, as a punishment for the Luzon Kingdom.

The third article declares that the natives of Luzon within 100 kilometers of Crescent City have become reserve citizens of the Ming Dynasty and can enjoy the protection of the Ming Dynasty, but they must pay taxes to the Ming Dynasty and perform corvee duties on the Ming Dynasty.

If you do not want to become a second-class citizen of the Ming Dynasty, you must leave the 100 kilometers around Crescent City within seven days, otherwise it will be regarded as an infringement of the Ming Dynasty and will be punished by the Ming Dynasty.

The fourth article declares that the local indigenous people must leave the area of ​​20 miles of Crescent Castle. They are not allowed to enter this area without permission, and they must move within seven days.

Article 5 declares that the Ming Dynasty enjoys mining rights in all areas on Luzon Island, and all Ming people can freely explore and mine in Luzon.

Of all the minerals discovered, the Ming Emperor owned 30%, the Ming Court owned 30%, and the remaining 40% belonged to the discoverers and exploiters.

The news released by Du Mingen spread instantly in Crescent Bay, causing a huge sensation.

The people of the Ming Dynasty who came here were naturally very happy and excited. This was simply the sound of nature, especially the fifth article, which allowed the people of the Ming Dynasty to freely prospect and mine in the entire Luzon. This is absolutely great news.

You must know that Luzon is rich in gold and silver. A box of gold looted from the castle will tell you how high the gold production here is.

There are many large and small gold mines on Luzon Island. Now that they are allowed to explore and mine freely, this is tantamount to encouraging everyone to flock to Luzon.

In the Ming Dynasty, almost all minerals were owned by the Ming Dynasty, especially gold and silver mines. They were royal property and no individual dared to mine them privately. If found out, they would be exterminated.

Of course, there are no gold mines left in the Ming Dynasty. The gold mines with gold have been mined out long ago. There are still some silver mines, but the output is already very low.

Now the largest mining industry in the Ming Dynasty is coal. If you have a mine containing coal in the Beijing-Tianjin area, you will definitely make a fortune.

Now, Du Mingen directly announced that everyone is allowed to freely prospect and mine in Luzon. This is absolutely crazy, even though the prospectors and miners only account for 40%, and most of them were taken away by the emperor and the court.

But everyone thinks this is natural. Without the protection of the emperor and the court, they dare to come here to prospect and mine?

Paying a large sum of money means you have protection. Even if others are jealous, they will not dare to come and snatch you away. What's more, this is the country of Luzon and there are many indigenous people.

In addition to allowing prospecting and the excitement that mining brings, everyone also feels very proud.

The things Du Mingen released were very domineering. Although King Lagan and many princes and ministers of the Luzon Kingdom were killed, the Luzon Kingdom was not destroyed after all.

Du Mingen directly and very domineeringly declared that this place belonged to the Ming Dynasty, and declared that everything within a hundred kilometers of the surrounding area belonged to the Ming Dynasty. This did not take the Luzon Kingdom seriously at all, and he had no intention of asking about the Luzon Kingdom.

Everyone also believes that the Luzon Kingdom must not dare to have any objections. After all, even the king was destroyed. The entire Luzon Kingdom is actually very small. There are several other cities, but they still dare to say no?


"According to this, my Ming Dynasty is domineering and mighty~"

"Teach them a lesson from the Luzon Kingdom. We should also let them know how powerful our Ming Dynasty is. If a small country with a big fart dares to bully our Ming Dynasty, it is simply asking for death."

"If we don't destroy their Luzon Kingdom, it will still be done for the sake of the suzerain and vassal states."

"Do you want to go prospecting together~"

"If you can find a gold mine, you will really make a fortune~"

"It can't be that easy. There is very little development on Luzon Island. There are primitive dense rainforests everywhere, and there are also these indigenous people in them. It's very dangerous."

"Isn't it dangerous? Is there a place where you can eat meat?"

"I don't think these natives are anything to be afraid of. Our Ming army defeated them easily. If we recruit some people and are fully armed, they will be fine."

"Yes, yes, Luzon is rich in gold. Did you see that box? Do you have a box of gold? It's just the beginning. If you want to get rich, you have to hurry up. I will go back now to repair the book and ask the trading company to send more people.

come over."


People in the Ming Dynasty were wildly excited. Gold is always the most fascinating and the most motivating thing.

As for the local natives, their faces were ashen. The Ming Dynasty was really too domineering.

Directly announcing that this place has become the place of the Ming Dynasty, the key is that they must leave Crescent Bay. They cannot stay here any longer. They must leave Crescent Moon for twenty miles, and they will not be able to approach this place without permission in the future.

Many people are unwilling to accept this. After all, this is their home. Even though most of it has been razed to the ground, it is still home after all. Most of them are built with wooden sheds anyway, so it doesn't take much effort.

As long as you give them some time, they can easily build it again. Now, the people of Ming Dynasty do not allow them to live within twenty miles of Crescent Bay, so they must leave here.

Crescent Bay is the earliest and most developed place. It will be developed again after twenty miles, and many places are still virgin rainforests.

But even though they were unwilling to do so, they did not dare to resist at all. The Ming Dynasty's artillery was still shaking in their minds. Lagan and other princes and nobles were killed, and Lapu and others were burned alive, which also shocked the Ming people.

Very powerful.

If you want to live, you can only obey and move to a place twenty miles away.

Now you can be regarded as a prepared citizen of the Ming Dynasty and can enjoy the protection of the Ming Dynasty. Perhaps following the Ming Dynasty in the future will not be worse than before.

After all, the Ming Dynasty is the suzerain state. The Ming Dynasty has always been synonymous with prosperity in their impressions, and becoming a reserve citizen seems to be very good.

This chapter has been completed!
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