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Chapter 526, they are here again

In Sulu Bay, a vast fleet of ships slowly sailed towards the port area.

On the 'Ping An', five people, Wang Gensheng, Tang Mazi, Yao Ding, Zhao Li, and Shi Wenlong, stood on the deck, looking expectantly at the port in front of them.

The five people worked hard to buy a shipment of goods and followed the fleet south to Nanyang. Naturally, what they expected was to be able to sell the goods in their hands at a good price and make a lot of money.

Luzon was originally the first stop in Nanyang, but now it has become the territory of Tianjin Ocean Trading Company, so Sulu has naturally become the first stop.

“I don’t know if the goods we brought here can be sold at a good price~”

Tang Mazi licked his tongue and said.

The five of them all came from poor backgrounds. Due to luck, they entered the Tianjin Maritime Academy. After graduating, they became sailors and captains, and saved their first fortune. Then they partnered to buy a ship and went to North Korea to do business with the Japanese country, and then they became what they are today.

Although to ordinary people, they are already very successful.

But compared to the people in the large and small business houses around them, they are still poor and cannot stand the hardships. This time they came to Nanyang, they spent all their money and owed a lot of debt, just hoping to come to Nanyang.

Make a fortune in Nanyang.

"Don't worry, our Ming Dynasty things are very valuable here in Nanyang. If they can be transported to Europe, this batch of silk can be worth the same weight in gold."

"There are also porcelain, spices, tea, etc. If these things are shipped to Europe, our cargo can be exchanged for a cargo of gold and silver."

Wang Gensheng's eyes turned slightly red, he thought about it and said with certainty.

"But after all, this is not Europe, this is Nanyang, and there are too many ships coming this time. It is estimated that the competition will be fierce after all."

Yao Ding thought for a while and said.

"I asked the people here in Crescent Bay. There are hundreds of countries, big and small, in the entire Southeast Asia. After we pass Sulu, everyone will disperse. Then we will find a small country or place.

Just sell our cargo."

"Competition between big countries and big localities is fierce. We are weak and cannot squeeze in."

Wang Gensheng is a thoughtful person, and many things have been clearly planned.

"Then our things are no longer for sale here in Sulu?"

Shi Wenlong immediately said doubtfully.

"Sell, as long as the price is right, we can sell some appropriately. If the price is too low, we won't sell. The most important thing this time is to find out the prices of various things and prepare for the future."

Wang Gensheng shook his head slightly and said.

"No matter what, we can't put our eggs in one basket~"


In the entire huge fleet, people on each large and small ship were constantly discussing, hoping that the goods they brought here in Sulu Country could be sold at a good price.

More than ten small boats sent by Godala, the eastern king of Sulu Kingdom, also rowed towards the fleet very quickly, getting closer and closer. Gradually, they finally saw the true identity of these ships clearly.

"This is Daming's ship~"

After seeing the structure of the ship, looking at the flags hanging on the ship and the Ming people on the ship, they soon understood, and then they felt relieved.

The Ming Dynasty is the suzerain state of the Sulu Kingdom. The relationship between the Sulu Kingdom and the Ming Dynasty has always been good. The Sulu Kingdom has paid tribute to the Ming Dynasty many times in its history. The ancestor of the Eastern King Godala, Badu Ge Badala, once led a large tribute group to the Ming Dynasty to meet Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty.


Finally, when he came back, he died of illness and was buried in Dezhou, Shandong. To this day, members of his Dongwang tribe are still spreading their branches in Shandong.

Soon, the two sides were very close, so close that they could both see each other.

"Is this a merchant ship from the Ming Dynasty?"

Gedu came to the side of the 'Taishan' and looked up at the huge ship. Compared with this huge ship, the ship he was on was like a toy.

"Yes, we are a merchant ship from the Ming Dynasty, requesting to do business in your country~"

Du Mingen made people reply.

"Welcome~Welcome, our country of Sulu and the Ming Dynasty have been friendly for generations, and we welcome the merchants of the Ming Dynasty~"

After receiving an affirmative answer, Gedu immediately expressed his welcome, and then rowed excitedly to the Sulu Port. He wanted to tell the East King Godala the news and ask him to prepare a grand welcome ceremony to welcome the merchants of the Ming Dynasty.


In the port, Godala stood very anxiously from a high place and kept looking into the distance. He wanted to see clearly the true appearance of these large ships. Without a telescope, it was still very difficult to see clearly what was on the sea with the naked eye.

But we didn't wait too long, Gedu came back with excitement.

"It's a merchant ship from the Ming Dynasty~ It's a merchant ship from the Ming Dynasty~"

The brothers shouted excitedly.

"Ming Dynasty's Merchant Ship~"

When Godala heard this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly ordered: "Go and make arrangements immediately to prepare the welcome ceremony and banquet. I want to entertain the distinguished guests from the Ming Dynasty grandly."


When the people under his command heard this, they nodded quickly and immediately started working.

Godala brought his people to the port terminal and looked at the approaching fleet, his eyes shining with light.

"Such a large fleet must have been sent by the Ming Dynasty~"

"After decades, the Ming Dynasty finally sent angels to my country of Sulu again~"

Godala looked at the big ships getting closer and closer, and could already clearly see the styles of these ships, which were completely different from the ships in the Nanyang region. At the same time, he could also see the Ming Dynasty dragon flag hanging on the ships.

There is a tall Ming man on the deck.

The last time the Sanbao eunuchs sailed to the West was in the fifth year of Xuande, that is, in 1431, seven times when they sailed to the West and passed through the Sulu Kingdom. Since then, no large-scale fleets from the Ming Dynasty have arrived in the Nanyang region or the Sulu Kingdom.

It is now the thirteenth year of Hongzhi, that is, 1500, which means it has been almost 70 years. The Ming Dynasty has not even had such a large fleet arrive in Sulu.

In the past, some merchant ships from the Ming Dynasty arrived in Sulu, but they were very small, just a few ships, and these ships were not as big as the ships in front of us, and the scale was even more incomparable.

Therefore, Godala was very sure that the huge fleet in front of him must be the fleet sent by the Ming Dynasty to the Nanyang region to visit their Sulu country. It was as large a fleet as the Sanbao eunuch's voyage to the West.

Soon, the Taishan slowly anchored on the pier of the port. Like Crescent Bay, the piers of Sulu Bay are too small and the number is not enough. There is no way to berth so many ships, so some ships

They had to anchor in the harbor and use small boats to transfer.

Du Mingen, who was dressed in crimson robes, slowly stepped off the Taishan. Godala also quickly led the crowd to come forward and greeted him respectfully: "Little King Godala, the East King of Sulu Kingdom, welcome the great angel of tomorrow to come from afar."

After saying that, he led everyone to bow slowly and salute to Du Mingen, with the etiquette of a minister, and his status was still very low.

"I am Du Min'en, the Marquis of Taiming and Taiping. I have taken the liberty to come to your country this time. I will cause you a lot of disturbance~"

Du Mingen also raised his hands in salute and said very politely.

"You're welcome, Lord Marquis. Please come inside. I've prepared a banquet for Lord Marquis~"

Glinda looked at Du Min'en, then at the large ships around her, and said with a smile on her face.


Du Min'en followed Godala to the East King's Palace for negotiations, and many people from the trading firms who followed Du Min'en here began to get busy.

I saw people from these trading houses carrying their goods out from the big ships, and then setting up stalls directly at the dock. It was obvious that we were here to do business.

Everyone does not have much experience and can only do business in this way. Even the language is not fluent. Many people in the business are so anxious that sweat breaks out on their foreheads and they do not know how to operate.

Seeing people from other trading houses setting up stalls at the pier and displaying their own things, everyone began to follow suit and took out some samples from the ship and put them on the table. Then they quickly attracted people from the Sulu country here at the port.

People came to watch.

As early as when the fleet entered the harbor, everyone on Sulu Island was already alerted. Everyone was curious and recognized the large-scale fleet arriving at Sulu Port.

There was no need for publicity at all, and many businessmen themselves flocked here like sharks smelling blood.

Soon, when they learned that these ships were from the Ming Dynasty and were merchant ships from the Ming Dynasty, the people in Sulu went crazy and flocked to the port and the dock to see the excitement.

, whether you want to do business, in short, it is the same at all times and in all countries. Everyone likes to join in the fun and is very curious about new things.

Everyone in the Sulu Kingdom knows about the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty still has a great influence in the Nanyang region. Silk, porcelain, tea, etc. from the Ming Dynasty are the most sought-after goods.

Rich people in Nanyang are proud to wear silk clothes and use Ming Dynasty porcelain. The rich and powerful people also like to drink Ming Dynasty tea.

Moreover, the Ming Dynasty has always been synonymous with power and prosperity in their minds. Many people heard the old man tell the story when the Sanbao eunuchs arrived in Sulu when they were young.

There were even some very old people at the scene, constantly reminiscing about when they were young, and the scenes they saw then were exactly the same as they are now.

There were large ships on the sea, vast and vast, stretching across the entire sea. The people of the Ming Dynasty brought exquisite silk, white porcelain, intoxicating tea, and peace and friendship to the Sulu Kingdom, allowing them to see the power of the Ming Dynasty.

and prosperity, and constantly longed for that great country in my mind.

Now they are here again~

This chapter has been completed!
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