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Chapter 575, Portuguese

"Kunlun slave~"

After hearing Behar's words, Du Mingen couldn't help but say.

After hearing Du Mingen's words, Bihar also paused slightly, and then looked at Master Huiming.

"Master Hou is saying how can there be dark people in this world."

Master Huiming smiled and quickly translated.

"I don't know about this, but merchants in the Arab region like to sell these black people. They are strong and seldom get sick, so they are the best slaves."

Behar smiled and shook his head and said.

"The best slave?"

After hearing Behar's words, Du Mingen silently remembered this.

Nowadays, the Beijing-Tianjin area is accompanied by the large-scale rise of factories and workshops, which requires a huge labor force. Many people will sell slaves from the grasslands, Korea, and the Japanese country to the Beijing-Tianjin area for sale, and the profits are considerable.

If the traders in the Ming Dynasty knew this information, there would definitely be a large number of slave traders selling slaves to the world outside the Ming Dynasty.

However, Africa is still too far away, and the Nanyang region and Tianzhu also have a very large population. Even if they are trading slaves, they should start from these places first.

"To the west of the Ottoman Empire is the vast Mediterranean Sea. To the north of the Mediterranean Sea, there is a group of people who believe in Christianity. They have been fighting against the Ottoman Empire for a long time, and they have been fighting against each other for countless years for their faith."

"Historically, these people who believed in Christianity also established a very powerful empire. They even destroyed Persia at one time and even tried to invade our Tianzhu."

Behar smiled and continued to speak slowly.

"Believe in Christ?"

Du Mingen frowned slightly, feeling that the people in these places seemed to be greatly influenced by sects. Buddhism in Tianzhu, Indian sect, and Yilan sect in the Arab area are now coming out again.

What kind of Christianity?

This is completely different from the Eastern world dominated by the Ming Dynasty.

In the East, including the Ming Dynasty, Korea, Japan, Siam, Annan, and Luzon in the Southeast Asia region, everyone does not believe in this aspect and does not care about it.

"This is a very noteworthy issue. If Ming Dynasty has long-term contacts with these areas in the future, it will definitely be greatly affected, but these miscellaneous things cannot be passed back."

Du Mingen thought quickly in his mind, and instinctively he had to be alert enough to these things.

"If they can compete with the Ottoman Empire, then the countries in these places must also be very powerful?"

Du Mingen thought for a while and asked Bihar.

"They are indeed very powerful. I heard that the year before last, a fleet called Portugal arrived in Calicut, our western Tianzhu."

Behar smiled and nodded slightly, and then said another shocking thing.


After listening to Bihar's words, Master Huiming didn't know how to translate the word Portugal, so he could only transliterate it.

"Are you sure they belong to a country north of the Mediterranean?"

Du Mingen frowned immediately. It seemed that it was not only the Ming people who were developing sea routes, but also these Europeans.

"It can definitely be a country north of the Mediterranean, because their clothes are very different from those of the Ottoman Empire, and they all wear crosses."

Behar said with great certainty.

"This incident happened two years ago. It caused a huge sensation in Calicut at that time. We in the Kingdom of Andhra also have contacts with Calicut."


Hearing this, Du Mingen couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Before coming out, Liu Jin had already told him some things about Europe. One of the most prominent features of the religion they believed in was the cross.

"They arrived in Tianzhu in the eleventh year of Hongzhi. Their fleet must have come around Africa."

At the same time, Du Mingen also had a world map in his mind. From Europe to Tianzhu, the most convenient route is to go around Africa and reach Tianzhu.

"It's a pity. It would be great if we could meet them here in Tianzhu."

Then Du Mingen felt a little regretful in his heart. The Portuguese arrived in Tianzhu from west to east, and he arrived in India from east to west. There was a difference of 2 years between them, and they did not meet each other.

"They will definitely come to Tianzhu in the future, and they will definitely not be limited to western Tianzhu. They will definitely come to eastern Tianzhu, and they will definitely go back to Nanyang and our Ming Dynasty in the future."

"Haha, our Ming Dynasty will have another opponent at sea in the future."

"Their ships were able to sail from Europe around Africa to Tianzhu, which shows that their ships and navigation technology are very advanced and are no different than ours."

Thinking of this, Du Mingen couldn't help but laugh.

He has been to Huangjinzhou and sailed all the way west from the Ming Dynasty. He has been to many places and has also seen too many countries.

But all these countries are very small, very weak, and more importantly, they are relatively backward, especially in navigation technology.

There are hundreds of countries, large and small, in the Nanyang region, but the navigation technology of these hundreds of countries is very backward, and the ships they build are very small. This is also the reason why there are so many countries in the Nanyang region.

Because the shipbuilding technology was not good and the navigation technology was not good, there were relatively few exchanges between the various islands, and they were relatively independent. Naturally, countries of various sizes were formed.

Now Du Mingen finally knew that there were countries in this world whose shipbuilding and navigation technology could compare with those of the Ming Dynasty.

They also continued to open up routes at sea.

This gives you the feeling of meeting your opponent in chess.

"I really want to go to Europe to see who is more powerful compared to our Ming Dynasty."

This time, Du Mingen was even more eager to go to Europe.

It's just that this time, Du Min'en has no way to go to Europe. According to the fleet's plan, the most they can do is go to Persia and the Middle East, or go to Africa.

If you want to go to Europe, you have to go around Africa, which is a very long journey. It will be a matter of time before you want to return to the Ming Dynasty.

"Are those European ships big?"

Du Mingen thought for a while and asked Bihar again.

"We have merchant ships going between Visakha Port and Calicut. I heard people say that these European ships are very big, and they should be similar to your ships."

"But their number is not large, there are only four ships."

Behar thought for a while and replied.

Both from India, there were very frequent exchanges between Calicut and Visakha, and the news spread quickly.

"These Europeans are very overbearing and barbaric. Unlike you Ming people, they are full of friendship and kindness. After they arrived in Calicut, they preached in Calicut without permission, and they also erected stone monuments in Calicut, thinking

To declare Calicut their place.”

Then Behar said slightly angrily.

Speaking of these Portuguese people, the people in Tianzhu are quite angry. These Portuguese and Ming people are completely opposite.

The people of the Ming Dynasty were friendly and peaceful. When they came to Tianzhu, they brought silk and porcelain from the Ming Dynasty. But these Portuguese people were different. They brought nothing, and instead wanted to occupy the magpie's nest.

"Oh, there is such a thing?"

"Can you tell me in detail?"

When Du Mingen heard this, he immediately became energetic. It seemed that these Portuguese people were not economical. Only four ships dared to occupy the magpie's nest here in Tianzhu. They must have a few brushes.

This is very similar to Liu Jin. Before coming, Liu Jin also told Du Mingen that along the route, if possible, he would try to occupy some strongholds and establish colonial strongholds to facilitate the later exchanges of merchant ships and colonization.


However, Du Mingen still acted more tactfully.

There is no way, whether it is in the Nanyang region or Myanmar, because the Sanbao eunuch made seven voyages to the West, many countries have good relations with the Ming Dynasty and have paid tribute to the Ming Dynasty.

Moreover, everyone has a very good impression of Ming Dynasty, so there is no need to forcefully occupy Du Mingen's side.

Along the way, Du Mingen proposed to these countries to establish a piece of land to establish a communication point to facilitate the future exchanges of merchant ships from the Ming Dynasty. The people from these countries hardly frowned, and they were very happy to clear out the land, and even took the initiative to send people to help.

put up.

Starting from the Sulu Kingdom and heading west, Du Mingen has established more than ten strongholds along the way, without wasting a single soldier. Everyone is very welcoming and eager to help.

Especially when I thought about being able to communicate with Daming frequently in the future, I was even more excited.

In the Nanyang region, these countries are very welcoming to the arrival of the merchant ships of the Ming Dynasty, and they hope that the merchant ships of the Ming Dynasty will often come here in the future.

Daming's reputation is so good that everyone likes to associate with Daming.

Of course, this is also related to Du Mingen's strategy of giving gifts first wherever he goes, and a set of glass products has bribed people in these places.

Isn't it just to get a piece of land to build a communication base? What a big deal.

What's more, the Ming Dynasty is a huge country, powerful and rich, and will not care about its own territory at all. Everyone believes this, so they are very happy.

So much so that Du Mingen brought cannons and strong soldiers along the way, but he had no use for them. He originally thought that if they disagreed, he would use force to make them obedient.

Unexpectedly, these Portuguese people also mastered advanced navigation technology and continued to establish colonial strongholds on the routes. This is interesting.

"Of course~"

"Although they only have four ships, their artillery is very powerful..."

This chapter has been completed!
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