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Chapter 593, Ministry of Agriculture

"Let's settle the matter like this first. Let's order the Ministry of Household Affairs to allocate money and food to Liaodong to build an immigration settlement in Liaodong. This is currently a pilot project."

In the Qianqing Palace, Emperor Hongzhi finally made the decision and decided on the population relocation plan to develop Liaodong.

After discussing the matters in Liaodong, today's business can be considered finished.

There are not many things that bother Emperor Hongzhi these days.

"Your Majesty, gentlemen~"

Seeing that everyone was about to disperse, Liu Jin suddenly thought of something.

The sweet potatoes are ripe and it's time to harvest.

This is a food crop introduced from Huanghuangzhou. It was something that Liu Jin boasted could produce tens of shi per mu. It was also called auspicious by Emperor Hongzhi. Naturally, he invited everyone to come and see it and feel the harvest. joy.

"Liu Jin, what's the matter?"

Emperor Hongzhi smiled slightly, looked at Liu Jin and asked.

"Your Majesty, the sweet potatoes brought back from Golden Continent have matured and it's time to harvest them. I would like to invite your Majesty and the princes to go and have a look."

Liu Jin said quickly.

“The sweet potatoes are finally ripe?”

When Emperor Hongzhi and others heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up.

Corn, peppers, and tomatoes are the most popular items in the capital these days. They are very expensive and everyone eats them almost every day.

The taste is pretty good too.

The yield of corn is also quite good. Although the yield of tens of shi per mu has not been reached, the yield of 70 or 80 shi per mu is still available. Moreover, this corn is relatively drought-resistant and does not need to occupy fertile land, which is extremely critical.

In addition, the peanuts brought back from Huanghuangzhou have now become a must-have dish for the rich and powerful in the capital. The more they eat, the more delicious they become. It is said that they can also replenish yang energy, and the price is also very expensive.

Therefore, everyone is also looking forward to sweet potatoes and potatoes, and they are looking forward to them bringing surprises to everyone.

"Haha, let's go, let's go, I have to go and see it."

Emperor Hongzhi laughed happily.

There are several more food crops, which is definitely a great thing. It means that the people of Ming Dynasty can have more food to eat. From now on, they will no longer be like before, starving at every turn, and unable to live at every turn.

"Yes, yes, you must go and see this. I heard that the yield of sweet potatoes is much higher than that of corn."

"I just don't know how Liu Jin will brag about this sweet potato this time."

Zhang Mao also nodded again and again, then smiled and said.


"He will definitely promote that these sweet potatoes have the effect of nourishing yin and replenishing yang, or else they can strengthen the body."

Zhu Fu also laughed immediately.


When everyone around them heard this, they couldn't help laughing happily.

The prices of the crops brought back from Golden Continent such as peppers, tomatoes, corn, and peanuts by Liu Jin were very high, and only the rich could afford them.

In fact, everyone knows that this is just Liu Jin promoting these things and letting more people plant these crops brought back from Golden Continent.

As for the propaganda in the newspapers, they are just booing.

If you really think that eating corn can nourish yin and yang, you are really stupid.

That is to say, this thing has just come out, and it was brought back from the Golden Continent. It is rare and expensive, and everyone wants to try it. By next year, this thing will be the same as other grains.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look. Liu Jin said back then that sweet potatoes can produce dozens of dan per mu. With these sweet potatoes, the people of Ming Dynasty will no longer have to go hungry."

Liu Jian also said with a smile.

"Take it away~"

Emperor Hongzhi was also in a good mood. If the food supply was stable, the country would be stable. As long as he could have enough to eat, who would rebel with nothing to do?

Everyone took the bus directly out of the palace, out of the capital, and arrived at the experimental field of Tianjin Agricultural Commercial Bank located on the outskirts of the capital.

After learning the news, Moltke immediately asked people to prepare manpower and tools, ready for command at any time.

Liu Jin led everyone to the experimental field and introduced it to everyone as he walked.

"Your Majesty, gentlemen~"

"These are corn fields. These are corn stalks, which can be used to feed livestock. The cobs grown on them are corn cobs."

Passing by a corn field, Liu Jin also said with a smile.

"So corn looks like this~"

Emperor Hongzhi got out of the field with great interest, looked at the corn stalks carefully, picked a corn, weighed it carefully, and then opened his clothes and looked at it.

Said: "These should be corn fields used as seeds. These corns are already very old."

"Yes, Your Majesty, these corns are all used as seeds. We select the corns with the thickest stalks, the largest cobs, and the plumpest corns."

Liu Jin nodded, thought for a while and then said: "If you want to have a high yield of food, in addition to fertile fields, seeds are also an extremely critical factor. When selecting seeds, you must choose the best seeds. Cultivate them from generation to generation. Slowly

Slowly we can breed the best varieties of grain."

"The imperial court has always attached great importance to agriculture and is agriculture-oriented, but it has paid little attention to the cultivation of seeds. Most of the seeds planted by farmers are cultivated by themselves, and it is often difficult to cultivate improved seeds."

"In some places, improved varieties can only be limited to one place, and there is no way to promote them on a large scale."

"I heard that there are some rice varieties in the Nanyang region, and their yields are much higher than those of our Ming Dynasty rice varieties. So I thought, could the imperial court set up a special yamen specifically to produce rice around the world?

Collect good seeds, cultivate good seeds, and promote good seeds.”

"In the form of experimental fields, experimental fields will be established in various parts of our country in Ming Dynasty to experiment with various species and cultivate improved varieties, in order to achieve the purpose of improving improved varieties and increasing yields."

The purpose of bringing Emperor Hongzhi and the princes of the court to the farmland was naturally not just to see the sweet potato production, but also to popularize agricultural-related things.

All dynasties emphasized agriculture and suppressed commerce, but few people paid attention to the cultivation and promotion of grain seeds, the promotion of advanced farming methods and tools, etc.

Upon hearing Liu Jin's words, Emperor Hongzhi, Liu Jian and others' eyes immediately lit up.

Yes, why have I never thought of this?

All grain seeds need to be cultivated. The ancient Chinese were able to cultivate foxtail grass into millet. This is the result of continuous artificial selection and cultivation from generation to generation.

If we only rely on the common people to do this, it will definitely be very slow. Moreover, the knowledge possessed by the common people is limited, and it is difficult to cultivate excellent varieties.

Excellent varieties have been cultivated in some places, but they can often only be planted in a certain place, and there is no way to promote them to more places on a large scale.

"This boy is worthy of being a disciple of a master~"

Liu Jian, Li Dongyang and others couldn't help but look at each other, secretly admiring each other.

All dynasties have talked about emphasizing agriculture, but in fact it is nothing more than encouraging farming and reclaiming wasteland. However, no one has ever talked about setting up special yamen to cultivate and promote improved seeds.


Emperor Hongzhi also said with eyes shining.

This method is good. If there are good varieties, they should be promoted on a large scale so that more people can plant them, such as corn, sweet potatoes, and potatoes.

Improved seeds also need to be continuously cultivated. Spontaneous cultivation by ordinary people is obviously not enough. It is very appropriate for the court to send special personnel to do this.

"Your Majesty, this method is very good."

Liu Jian also quickly followed suit.

"I also think this method is good. I set up a special yamen to search for, cultivate and promote good seeds throughout the Ming Dynasty. I believe that in the future, there will be no famine in the Ming Dynasty."

Li Dongyang also said solemnly.

When it comes to issues involving agriculture and food, they, the civil servants, are the favorite, and of course the emperor is also the one who pays the most attention to them.

Food needs to be stable and people need to have enough to eat.

Only when the people have enough to eat can we talk about other things. If the people don't even have enough to eat, then the country will be unstable.

"Well, the matter is settled like this. Liu Jian, please go back and discuss with everyone and come up with a specific plan, even if you set up such a yamen."

"This yamen is called the Ministry of Agriculture. It does not belong to the Sixth Department. It is probably one level lower than the Sixth Department."

Emperor Hongzhi nodded slightly, then thought for a while and said.

Hearing Emperor Hongzhi's words, Liu Jian, Li Dongyang and others were slightly surprised. Logically speaking, this newly established yamen should be placed under the six departments, and it can be managed by any department.

But now Emperor Hongzhi actually separated the Ministry of Agriculture and no longer under the management of any of the six departments. Moreover, this level is too high.

The Sixth Department is the highest department in the imperial court. It is one level lower than the Sixth Department. This level is quite high, especially for a newly established department.

But think about it, everyone has nothing to say about the importance of agriculture.

Agriculture must be taken seriously.

"How to grow this corn?"

Emperor Hongzhi looked at the corn and asked Liu Jin.

"Planting corn is relatively simple. Just peel off the corn kernels and plant them into the ground one by one."

"The cultivation of sweet potatoes is even simpler, and it is very easy to survive."

"You only need to cut the canes of sweet potatoes and plant them in the ground, and they will survive. Therefore, sweet potatoes are very easy to promote on a large scale."

Liu Jin quickly replied.

"Well, next year, bring some of these seeds to my imperial garden, and I will plant some too."

When Emperor Hongzhi heard this, he immediately laughed.

Looking at the experimental field in front of me and looking up, I can't see the edges at a glance. There are acres and acres of corn fields, and there are also large areas of pepper fields, tomato fields, and peanut fields next to them.

"Your Majesty, that area is the sweet potato field. I have ordered people to prepare it. The sweet potato harvest will begin soon."

Liu Jin smiled and suddenly remembered that the emperors of the Ming Dynasty seemed to have to go to the fields to work and plant some land every year. It is said that this was a fine tradition left by Comrade Lao Zhu.

This chapter has been completed!
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