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Chapter 631, End-of-Year Summary of Various Industries (Part 2)

Shipbuilding is actually a hugely profitable industry.

Of course, it is mainly driven by the rise of ocean-going trade and the craze for gold exploration in the Golden Continent.

The shipyard is very profitable. The reason why the total profit is not as high as that of Ryukyu Sugar is mainly because the shipyard is constantly expanding and has opened several new factories one after another, each one larger than the last.

In addition, the employees in the shipyard are all really well-paid, from apprentices to masters, and their salaries are quite high. In addition, Liu Jin pays attention to the training and inheritance of technology and skills, and has established corresponding shipbuilding schools.

As we all know, things like schools are basically a loss-making business, with large investments and small returns. This is why boats are sold so expensive.

Various investments are huge, and if R&D expenses are included in the calculation, the investment will be even greater.

Let’s talk about another super profitable glass.

Nowadays, various glass products are not only popular in the Ming Dynasty, but also exported to Japan, Ryukyu, Nanyang and other regions. The glass manufacturing technology has always been firmly controlled by the glass factory under Liu Jin.

Glass itself is not valuable, but Liu Jin forced it to become something that only rich people can afford, and the profits are really astonishing.

The profits of glass factories have always been very high, and they continue to increase sharply with the hot sales of glass.

In the thirteenth year of Hongzhi, the total profit of the glass factory exceeded 30 million taels of silver. The reason why it was not as good as Ryukyu Sugar was mainly because the growth was not as fast as Ryukyu Sugar. However, the total profit ranked first among all industries.

It can be said that he is a hen that lays golden eggs.

However, the glass factory is gradually falling into weakness. Everyone is not a fool. Now they gradually understand that glass is actually a very common thing, so they are not willing to spend too high a price to consume it, so that in Daming,

, the price of glass products has also had to drop again and again, which has faced a huge test in terms of its receivables and profits.

This is why Liu Jin continues to explore overseas markets.

After you have deceived the people of Ming Dynasty, you can then go on to deceive fools outside Ming Dynasty. The world is a big place anyway, so let’s deceive one round first and then talk about it. As for not making much money in the future, let’s talk about it later.

All of the above mentioned are very profitable businesses.

In addition, there are industries such as Miyun Iron Works, Cement Factory, Textile Factory, Machinery Factory, Changlu Salt Plant, etc. Although the receivables and profits are far less than those mentioned above, they can easily earn tens of millions of taels of silver.

However, the receivables and profits of these industries are actually quite considerable. The key is that they have great potential for development.

As for Miyun Iron Works, Miyun Iron Works has successively built more than ten blast furnaces, employing more than 100,000 employees, and its steel output has almost reached the point of monopolizing the entire Daming Steel output.

Iron is closely related to people's production and life, and the price is not cheap. Moreover, Miyun Iron Factory does not sell pig iron and steel, but processes steel into various products for sale.

Processed into a variety of farm tools and steel bars for construction, these are all products that are not very profitable. The real money is made from arms and weapons.

Miyun Iron Factory is not only an iron factory, it is now the largest arms dealer in Ming Dynasty. It produces a lot of arms and weapons, whether it is traditional swords and armors or new muskets and artillery, Miyun Iron Factory produces them, and

The quality is good and the price is low. Now all the weapons and equipment of the Ming Dynasty army are purchased from Miyun Iron Factory.

Everyone knows that arms and weapons are the most profitable business.

However, because the current main customer is only the Ming Dynasty military, the price will not be too high, so the profit is low. Without the overseas arms market, it is difficult to make profits.

The development speed of Miyun Iron Works is also very fast.

Things like steel have been in extremely short supply since ancient times. Unless we can reach the production of hundreds of millions of tons of steel in later generations, it will never be enough.

Therefore, the Miyun Iron Works also started building the Songhu Iron Works here in Songhu. The iron ore of the Songhu Iron Works mainly comes from two places, one is the Maanshan Iron Mine in later generations, and the other is the famous Daye in Hubei in later generations.

iron ore.

The quality of the iron ore in these two places is very good. It is considered to be one of the very few high-quality iron ores in the Ming Dynasty. The key is that they can be transported to Songhu by relying on the waterway of the Yangtze River.

The future development direction of Miyun Iron Works is mainly in these three directions. Conventional steel smelting, arms and weapons manufacturing, and machinery manufacturing are all very promising areas.

More importantly, steel is an important indicator to measure a country's strength, and high-quality weapons are all made of steel.

The profit margin of cement plants is very low, and the competition is also very fierce. There are countless cement plants, large and small, in the Beijing-Tianjin area. It can be said that the competition is like a red sea.

Fortunately, cement has just come out, and its role is very important. It is indispensable for building bridges, paving roads, and building houses and walls, so its demand is also very strong.

Although there are many cement factories, the demand for cement throughout Daming is also very strong, so that the supply of cement has always been in short supply.

In addition, the imperial court implemented the grassland town plan on the grassland and built towns everywhere on the grassland, which created a huge demand for cement.

In addition, the south is beginning to develop, and the demand for cement is also very strong. Many cement plants in the north are setting up factories in the south, and they are constantly opening branch plants.

Therefore, the entire cement industry in Daming is still having a pretty good time.

As the ancestor and leader of the cement industry, Tianjin Cement Factory has also developed extremely rapidly. It is not only the leader of the cement industry in the Beijing-Tianjin region, but also ranks first in output and sales.

It also quickly opened new plants in Nanjing, Songhu, Guangzhou, Ryukyu, Quanzhou, Wuhan, Nanchang and other places in the south, constantly increasing its output, seizing market share, and always firmly maintaining its leading position in the cement industry.

However, things like cement required a lot of manpower because there were no large-scale machinery in this era. In addition, Liu Jin's positioning of cement from the beginning was for the construction of the Ming Dynasty, so its price was very cheap.

Compared with other industries, the profits of Tianjin Cement Factory are much lower. The total profit in the thirteen years of Hongzhi was only a few million taels of silver.

Let’s talk about Changlu Saltworks.

With the rise of Changlu Salt Field, this year it completely defeated Huizhou merchants and dominated the entire Ming Dynasty's salt market. Whether in the north or the south, salt from Changlu Salt Field was used in almost all places.

In order to seize the market, Changlu Saltworks not only built saltworks in the Bohai Bay in the north, but also built saltworks in Ryukyu and Guangxi in the south.

The salt fields in Ryukyu were exclusively supplied to the provinces south of the Yangtze River, and the salt fields in Guangxi were exclusively supplied to the southwestern provinces, completely driving out the salt merchants among Anhui merchants from the salt industry.

Relying on the sun-salting method, the salt produced not only has a high yield, but also is of very high quality, and the price is also cheap. There is still a large surplus to supply the entire Ming Dynasty.

So much so that Liu Jin had to find more ways to pickle salted fish. Well, ocean fishing increased so much that he couldn't eat all the fish, and there were more and more salted fish. In addition, the salt was exported to Japan.

, Ryukyu, and various places in Southeast Asia.

Liu Jin did not intend to make money on salt, so the price of salt was much lower than before, only more than ten yuan per catty, but the profit was still very considerable.

In the 13th year of Hongzhi's reign, Changlu Saltworks still contributed more than 10 million taels of silver profit to the major owners behind it.

There is no way, the output is too large and the price is low, market consumption is also stimulated, and it is still a monopoly business.

Many salt farms run by the imperial court had no business. After Liu Jin advised Emperor Hongzhi, he also directly closed these salt farms and changed all Zao households' household registrations to agricultural registrations. This made countless Zao households couldn't help but cheer.


Finally, we no longer have to boil salt for generations, and finally we no longer have to endure the oppression of the salt farm officials.

Just like the military households after the military restructuring, they cheered and shouted long live, as if they had been given a new life.

This is also an important reason why the Ming Dynasty is becoming increasingly prosperous. Military households and kitchen households are related to the fate of millions. In the thirteenth year of Hongzhi, they were gradually liberated.

Many kitchen households have no skills in making salt because of the times, and they don't have any land or anything like that.

After they could no longer boil salt, people flocked to work in factories and go fishing at sea. A large number of people responded to the call from Ryukyu and Nanyang and chose to immigrate to Ryukyu and Nanyang.

This also greatly promoted the emergence of Ming capitalism and the development of overseas colonial industries.

All of the previous industries are profitable, but the only loss-making industry under Liu Jin's command is the machinery factory.

Liu Jin has trained many craftsmen here in the machinery factory, and has also opened many schools to provide systematic and professional training.

In the short term, these are all loss-making transactions and require continuous investment of money.

Raising craftsmen is not that easy. Today’s craftsmen’s monthly salary is very high, and their remuneration in all aspects cannot be bad. In addition, the construction and training of schools cannot be completed overnight.

In addition, the machinery factory is also responsible for a lot of research and development tasks, such as the steam engine and electromagnetic research that Liu Jin explained here, which require continuous investment of funds and money.

Therefore, the machinery factory is losing money now, and it is not a small loss. Calculated, it loses Liu Jin almost one million taels of silver a year. Its only income now is the sale of textile machines, looms and four-wheeled carriage bearings.


However, these things are developing extremely rapidly, and the profits are still considerable. It is expected that by next year, the machinery factory will basically be able to maintain profits and losses.

Of course, it doesn't matter to Liu Jin whether he makes money or not. The main thing is that he wants to rely on this machinery factory to produce some important technological things for future generations. This is the most important thing.

This chapter has been completed!
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