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Chapter 651, beat the roe deer, scoop the fish, the pheasant flew into the rice pot

Nanshan Village, Tieling, Liaodong.

Chaoyang is near Xinxueshan Village, and smoke is rising from the kitchen.

The joyful chatter of young children flew around the house, and the snow was cleared in front of every house.

On the second day after settling in Liaodong, Li Damao got up very early. Even if the peasants didn't have to do anything, they couldn't sleep in bed forever.

There was a light snowfall last night, so as soon as it dawned, he went out to sweep the snow away from his door.

"This cement is really a good thing. It is poured with cement in front of the house. Not only will it be clean, but it will also be very convenient for drying things."

The snow was not heavy, and the current cement floor was quickly swept clean. Looking to the left and right, the neighbors had also gotten up, and the smoke was rising, bringing a thick smoke and smoke to this wilderness.

"Fellow, where are you from?"

At this time, the neighbor next to Li Damao came forward with a smile and asked.

"I'm from Henan~"

Li Damao smiled and replied: "My name is Li Damao. Please take good care of me in the future."

"It's easy to tell. My name is Ding Dazhu, from Shaanxi."

Ding Dazhu, like Li Damao, is also a young man in his twenties. The two chatted for a while, but they soon got to know each other, and they had made new friends in this foreign land.

"Why do you think the imperial court mixed us together? Everyone who came to Liaodong with me was scattered."

Ding Dazhu and Li Damao were chatting, and soon other neighbors gathered around them. Everyone introduced each other, and soon they got to know each other.

Looking at it, it is clear that everyone is from different places. Even if they are from Henan, they are from different places in Henan.

"I don't know this either~"

Li Damao shook his head and said.

"It's really cold here in Liaodong. It's already February now, and it's almost March, but it's still snowing."

"It's snowing, it's snowing. You don't have to worry about water when it snows. There's water for you."

"The locusts in this field can also be frozen to death. There will definitely be a good harvest from wheat this year."

"I looked at the land here. The soil is very deep and thick. It is also very fertile black soil, which means it is covered with grass. It is easy to cultivate. And the harvest of this kind of land will definitely be good."

"It's just too cold here, and the court only gave us some rice and noodles, but nothing else."

"It's good to have rice and noodles. To be honest, when I first came here, I thought my family might starve to death in Liaodong. I didn't expect that now, at least, I don't have to worry about eating."

"That's true~"

Everyone was chatting non-stop, they were all very new and curious about everything here.

Li Damao and Ding Dazhu even made an appointment. After dinner, they would go look around together to see if they could get some game to spread. The forest here is huge, and the wilderness is also huge. They saw it when they came here.

Lots of wild animals.

Li Damao and Ding Dazhu were wearing thick clothes. Ding Dazhu had a bow and arrow on his back and a hatchet in his hand. Li Damao didn't have a bow and arrow, but he was holding a stick in his hand. They headed outside Nanshan Village.

Walk into the wilderness.

The wild grass in the wilderness is so lush that when people are in it, it is difficult to see each other even if they are very close. It snowed lightly last night, and it was completely white.


As I walked, I heard a cooing sound.

"It's a pheasant~"

When Ding Dazhu heard this, he immediately became energetic. There were so many wild animals here. There were so many pheasants so close to Nanshan Village. He quietly followed the sound and touched them.


Soon I saw a group of pheasants digging in the snow, looking for bugs and other things to eat under the snow.


Ding Dazhu bent his bow and shot an arrow. As soon as the arrow flew out, he got a pheasant. He was so excited that he rushed to pick up the pheasant.

"Haha, this pheasant is so easy to hunt. We just went out and got something."

Ding Dazhu was very happy. In the mountains near his hometown, there were very few prey species, and all of them had become sperm, making it difficult to hunt.

Unexpectedly, here in Liaodong, prey is everywhere, and the vigilance is so low, it is very easy to hunt pheasants.


At this time, Li Damao hissed at Ding Dazhu, because he saw a big prey, a roe deer that always looked like a deer.

The two of them immediately became energetic and quietly moved toward the roe deer.

Just when they were very close to the roe deer, suddenly there was a clear sound in the sky, and a large eagle spread its wings and soared, holding a big fat rabbit in its paws, as if celebrating its hunting success.

However, its chirping interrupted the leaders Li Damao and Ding Dazhu.

The roe deer heard the sound and started running around. However, what was even more unexpected was that the roe deer stupidly rushed to the side of Li Damao and Ding Dazhu, only a few steps away from the two people.

What made the two of them even more stunned was that the silly roe deer didn't even run away after seeing the two of them. Instead, he looked at the two of them very curiously, as if he was studying this new thing.

"Why doesn't it run away?"

Li Damao was also dumbfounded. He seemed to have never seen such a stupid roe deer before.

"Yeah, why doesn't it run away?"

Ding Dazhu was also dumbfounded, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

Something even more unexpected happened. This silly roe deer walked towards Li Damao slowly and stupidly, with eyes full of curiosity as if he wanted to study this strange creature in front of him.



Li Damao looked at the robe next to him and struck hard with the stick in his hand, killing the roe deer in one stroke.

"Is there such a silly roe deer?"

Ding Dazhu was dumbfounded and touched his head, feeling a little messy.

This roe deer came to me so stupidly, just like a curious baby, and didn't even know how to run away.

"Haha, never mind it~"

"Now there is meat to eat~"

"Dazhu, do you have any wine at home?"

"Now we have food and wine, enough for us to have a good drink."

Li Damao, with a smile on his face, gave the silly roe deer a few more sticks to make sure it was beaten to death and would not run away again. He picked up the silly roe deer and walked home.

"No, if you want to buy wine, you have to go to Tielingwei, which is ten miles away."

Ding Dazhu shook his head and said, one of them carried the roe deer and the other carried the pheasant and walked happily home.

I have only been here for a short time, and I have only taken a few steps away from home, but I have gained a lot in no time.

"Fellow, have you caught a prey?"

When they arrived at Nanshan Village, someone saw the prey they were carrying and couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah, yeah~"

Li Damao and Ding Dazhu smiled and nodded, and soon returned to their homes and began to get busy.


"So many fish~There are so many fish~"

While the two of them were busy here, the children at home ran out to play very naughtily. They didn't play for long, and soon came back in a hurry.

"many fish?"

Li Damao was very confused, but still asked: "Where are the fish?"

"There are a lot of fish in the puddle over there."

Li Damao's eldest son pointed to the wilderness outside the village and said.

"Come on, there's meat here. It would be better if we had some fish."

Li Damao searched around the house but found no net, only a ladle and a wooden bucket for scooping water. He asked his son to lead the way while carrying them.

Soon we arrived in the wilderness outside the village. At this time, the entire Nanshan Village was already lively. Villagers were going out in groups. Some were so excited that they hurried home with big fish in their hands.

Run inside.

There are also people who are carrying pheasants, hares and other things that they have just caught in their hands, and they are very happy. There are so many prey here, and you can harvest anything casually.

"Dad, here it is~"

Soon we arrived at the place our son had mentioned.

Li Damao took a closer look and saw that it was a small puddle with a thick layer of ice. Through the ice, he could see the fish gathering at the bottom in the middle.

“And there are real fish~”

Li Damao couldn't help but smile with surprise and said quickly: "Hurry home and get that shovel. Now you will be blessed with meat and fish. Your life is like a god."

Li Damao tried to step on the ice, and it was very strong. Looking at the surrounding wilderness, there seemed to be many places like this. This endless wilderness was like a huge treasure, with countless game in it.

, and there are endless fish to eat.

Soon, his son came back with a shovel.

He dug a hole in the ice, scooped up the fish from under the ice one by one, and soon filled a bucket full.

"Go home, go home~"

"Eat roe deer meat, and then ask your mother to make fish soup~"

Li Damao carried the barrel and walked home happily.

When I came here, I thought this place was a barren and bitter cold land, but on the first day here, it was cold, but it didn't seem bitter, and it was definitely not a barren land.

The stick beats the roe deer, the gourd scoops out the fish, and the pheasant flies into the rice pot.

It's much better here than my hometown in Henan. Look at the endless wilderness under your feet. This is the most fertile black land.

Suddenly, Li Damao fell in love with this place. There was food and drink, and there were a lot of fields waiting for you to cultivate and plant, and it was your own. Life like this was much better than before.

This chapter has been completed!
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