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Chapter 679, Thought Control

On the empty land, the sound of cannons rumbled, and the cannonballs pierced the sky one after another, and then fell heavily into the army of the Aztec Kingdom.

Hundreds of cavalrymen rushed in like sharp knives, running rampant and leaving bloody paths wherever they passed.

The musketeers who pressed forward in neat lines, and with the sound of frying beans, lead pellets shot out, and the Aztec Kingdom's army was like waves of wheat, falling in the wind.

The army of 40,000 people completely collapsed. Everyone was terrified, running around like headless flies. No one knew how many people were trampled to death.


Wave after wave of intense strength continued to harvest these frightened Aztec warriors.

"Send the order and capture their leader alive!"

Seeing this scene in front of him, Tian Erniu breathed a heavy sigh of relief, and then used his telescope to see Montezuma II who was running away, and he immediately laughed.

These people don't even have horses. Even the leader has to walk. If he wants to leave, there is no door.

Soon, the cavalry who were rushing to kill the Aztec army quickly rushed towards Montezuma II in the rear. The speed of the war horses was naturally beyond the comparison of humans.

Soon he caught up with Montezuma II who was escaping and captured him alive with almost no effort.

"Follow the plan and start shouting to ask them to surrender~"

After capturing Montezuma II, the Aztec army collapsed again, and Tian Erniu gave the order again.

"Surrender without killing~"

"Surrender without killing~"

“We are God’s messengers~”

"You have offended the gods, so the gods sent us here to punish you~"

"Continuing to resist is disrespectful to the gods~"

On the battlefield, Akira people began to shout in unison, speaking the language of the Aztec Kingdom, which they had learned temporarily.

"We know our guilt~We know our guilt~"

Upon hearing the shouting, the Aztecs, who were like headless flies, suddenly seemed to have seen the light of day. They dropped their weapons one after another and fell to their knees in groups.

A few people who were confused soon knelt down one after another, and a chain reaction soon formed. In just a moment, the army that was originally like headless flies all knelt on the ground, forming a large black mass, one by one.

They are all very pious.

"Surrender without killing~"

“We are God’s messengers~”

"You have offended the gods, so the gods sent us here to punish you~"

The Ming people shouted in unison, their voices uniform and loud.

"Haha, I won!"

When he saw the Aztec army kneeling on the ground, Tian Er Newton laughed happily.

It was simpler and easier than I imagined. I originally thought that even if I could win, there might be some casualties. But now, I just relied on artillery bombardment, cavalry charge, and the pressure of the musketeers from behind, and finally came.

With just one shout, the 40,000-strong army was defeated so easily.

Tian Erniu began to clean the battlefield. The prisoners were gathered together. All the weapons and other weapons left by them on the battlefield were also collected. As for the Aztecs who were injured but not dead, they were given another blow and sent to see them.

Their gods spared food and medicine from wasting.

"May I have your name?"

Tian Erniu came to Montezuma II, and after looking at his attire, he knew that his status was very high.

The body is decorated with bright feathers and holds a gemstone scepter in his hand.

"My name is Montezuma II!"

"Are you really the messengers of God?"

Montezuma II looked at Tian Erniu in front of him, and then looked at the captured Aztec warriors around him. His head was still buzzing. They were defeated like this?

There were obviously many more people than them, but they were defeated so completely.

"Of course, the sun god you believe in, Quetzalcoatl, is the same as our Ming Dynasty. Did you see that we Ming people are the descendants of the dragon?"

"You believe in Quetzalcoatl, you are the incarnation of Quetzalcoatl, but your Sun God and Quetzalcoatl are both consecrated by our Emperor of Heaven."

Tian Erniu didn't blush at all when he said this. He had already understood in advance that the Aztecs believed in God very much, from top to bottom.

So I also thought of a set of excuses, that is, these Aztecs were disrespectful to God, and they were punishing them on behalf of God, and at the same time, they were also laying the foundation for what would follow.

"We have told you a long time ago that you are descendants of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, and you are of the same origin as us Ming people. A long, long time ago, we were actually one family."

"That's why we have the same belief. The Quetzalcoatl you believe in is actually the same as our dragon. Do you understand now?"

Montezuma II's head was still a little buzzing. He looked carefully at their dragon flags, and then at his Quetzalcoatl pattern. They were really similar, but the only difference was whether they had wings or not.

Look at the Ming people in front of us. They look similar to them, but even smaller. Apart from being a little shorter than them, there is no difference at all. They also have dark eyes, black hair, and yellow skin.

"Do you really believe in the Sun God and Quetzalcoatl?"

Montezuma II looked at these Ming people and found it hard to believe that they, like himself, believed in the Sun God and Quetzalcoatl?

"I told you, it's a dragon, not Quetzalcoatl!"

Tian Erniu corrected again.

"Are you really the messengers sent by God to punish us?"

Montezuma II continued to ask.

"That's right, because you are disrespectful to God, because you are disrespectful to God's messengers, that is, we Ming people, that's why God will send down His anger, and God will let us punish you."

Tian Erniu nodded very decisively and said.

Since you believe in God, we will let you fall deeply into it.

It's not that we Ming people want to beat you, but because you have offended the gods, and it is the gods who want to punish you.

The power of faith is extremely terrifying.

If this idea could be instilled into their minds, then these people of the Aztec Kingdom would be at their mercy.

When the time comes, no matter how much gold and silver you ask them for in the name of God, they will have to give it to you. Even if you don't have any, they will try their best to mine and rob it.

This is Tian Erniu's real plan, raising the banner of God.

Of course, this was actually explained to him by Liu Jin who was far away in the Ming Dynasty, because Liu Jin knew that the Spanish in history had made good use of this and their worship of gods to easily destroy this huge country.

The Aztec Kingdom.

But later on, the Spanish began to force these Aztecs to convert to their Catholicism, which met with strong resistance from them.

But as diseases from the Old World spread to the New World, the Aztecs, who did not have a corresponding immune system, were like the descendants of the Yin and Shang people in other places. Their population declined rapidly, and deaths continued to spread. Until finally, this land

The owner became Spanish.

Liu Jin knew very well that if he could make good use of this, he could use his spirit to enslave these people, let them provide gold and silver for him, and continuously transport wealth to the Ming Dynasty.

That's why we say that they believe in the Sun God and Quetzalcoatl like them. Of course, the people of Ming Dynasty have been descended from dragons since ancient times. From some aspects.

These descendants of the Yin Shang in the Huangjinzhou area may indeed have common ancestors with the Ming people in ancient times, and this is not a lie to them.

Of course, from the first time they set foot on the land of Golden Continent, Liu Jin was claiming to be of the same origin and species as them. There was no way around it, it was so similar.

Liu Jin did not intend to let them change their faith or anything. Anyway, the people of Ming Dynasty did not value this aspect. People of Ming Dynasty were not Europeans or Middle Easterners. For the people of Ming Dynasty, God was only useful if he needed time, not if he needed it.

I didn't bother to pay attention at all.

Since they believe in the Sun God and Quetzalcoatl, let them continue to believe in it. They just need to add some new content to them.

For example, they blasphemed the gods, so the gods sent their messengers, the Ming people, to punish them.

The Daming people are the same as them, they have the same ancestors and the same beliefs. The Daming people are more advanced than them, because the Daming people are the messengers of God and come here on behalf of the God.

The words of Ming people are the words of God.

In short, it is just to add some more content. The core is that the people of Ming Dynasty are superior to them, the people of Ming Dynasty represent gods, and they are of the same species as the people of Ming Dynasty.

Anyway, to make it more complicated, the ultimate goal is to convince them that they are guilty, so they need to atone their sins from God. As for how to atone their sins, it is naturally up to the people of Ming Dynasty to decide.

"No, no, we are not disrespecting the gods!"

"We use thousands of people to sacrifice to the gods every year. We respect the gods very much and never dare to slack off. How can the gods punish us?"

Hearing Tian Erniu's words, Montezuma II quickly shouted in panic.

"It is because you use human sacrifices that God's wrath comes down."

"God loves the world, God loves his people, but you use living people to sacrifice. This is blasphemy to the gods and the greatest disrespect to the gods. That's why God sent us to punish you."

Tian Erniu looked at Montezuma II in front of him, and couldn't help feeling cold in his heart. These people actually used thousands of living people to sacrifice every year. This was really terrifying.

However, Tian Erniu responded righteously.

"How could this happen?"

After hearing Tian Erniu's words, Montezuma II's head was buzzing.

They had always thought that the more people they killed during sacrifices, the more hearts and blood they would give to satisfy the gods, but the Ming people in front of them told them.

It is precisely because you sacrificed with vitality that God sent down his anger, and God sent the Ming Dynasty people to punish them.

This chapter has been completed!
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