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Chapter 684, Voyage Diary

Penglai City, in the room where Cortes lived.

Cortes took out a thick sailing diary and a quill and began to record what he saw today.

"God, it's unbelievable. Here in America, I actually met the Ming people. They named this newly built city Penglai City, which means the city of fairyland and the city of the far east."

"These Ming people have powerful artillery and sophisticated muskets. They are well-trained, have large numbers, and are very difficult to mess with. The Saint Mary just came close and they opened fire."

"Fortunately, they only warned me and had no real intention to start a war with me."

"They built a fort here in Penglai City and set up a lot of artillery. I wanted to visit it, but unfortunately I was ruthlessly rejected."

"The Ming people claimed that America was their Ming territory. They believed that we had violated their land and even threatened to send a powerful fleet to attack Spain."

"God, when I thought of this, I quickly expressed our Spanish goodwill to him. Our Kingdom of Spain has no intention of becoming an enemy of the powerful Ming Dynasty. We only want to do business with them, and want their silk, porcelain, and...

There are those magical leaves.”

"Speaking of magical leaves, I can guarantee to God that the tea I drank today is still lingering in my mind, and people can talk with the fragrance of tea."

"Their tea is really great. I want to buy a lot of it, a lot of tea, silk and porcelain to take back. There are also all kinds of magical glass products, especially this beautiful glass lamp, it is so beautiful."

"It is unimaginable that these Ming people were able to make colorless glass and incredible mirrors, which are so magical that they can illuminate everything clearly."

"Oh God~"

"I can already imagine that if such a mirror came to Europe, those ladies would definitely go crazy for it and be willing to empty all the silver coins in their pockets."

"Yes, you have to take some mirrors back with you."

"The people of the Ming Dynasty are just like what Marco Polo wrote. They are very rich and wear gorgeous clothes. Their food is very good. The food they served me is very delicious. It is said that here in the Ming Dynasty, it is only made of wheat flour.

There are hundreds or thousands of kinds of food.”

"God knows how they did it, but all we had was bread."

"Forgive me for writing in a messy way, because what I saw and heard today really shocked me."

"The Ming people said that the Indians here in America are their branches, and that the entire America belongs to their Ming people. Although I am skeptical about this, I have to say that they look very similar to the Indians. If

These Indians put on Ming Dynasty clothes, and I can't see any difference."

"The people of the Aztec Kingdom are very respectful to the Ming people. They seem to be helping the Ming people build cities. From this point of view, these Indians may really be branches of the Ming people."

"But we in Spain must not give up on the Americas. There are countless gold and silver here, as well as vast and fertile land."

"I guess these Ming people may not pay much attention to this place. This is our opportunity."

"But it is said that on the west coast of America, the Ming people have built many cities. At the same time, many, many people have immigrated here and have begun to intensify the development and utilization of the Americas."

"So we Spaniards must also speed up our pace and strive to have a strong force on the east coast, otherwise we will definitely not be able to compete with the Ming people."

"I haven't seen the ships of the Ming people yet, but judging from the docks they built, their ships should be very big, at least no worse than ours."

"Today, I tried to learn something from the people of the Ming Dynasty, and I wanted to find out how far this America is from the Ming Dynasty."

"But in the end they all failed."

"The person in charge here is named Tian Erniu. He is very wary and cautious about me. He is unwilling to reveal many things to me. Now I don't understand the Ming Dynasty's language, so it is difficult to truly understand their strength and situation."

"Of course, I didn't reveal too much about our situation in Spain and Europe to him. I have a hunch that these Ming people are very likely to become our Europeans' strongest opponents at sea."

"But now, it is a good thing to meet people from the Ming Dynasty."

"I have already negotiated the price with them and can buy silk, porcelain and some spices from them at very low prices. As long as these things are shipped back to Europe, I can become rich overnight."

"As for the rest, let the king have the headache."

Having written this, Carlster slowly closed his sailing diary.

Then he looked carefully in his room and saw that everything was so fresh. He felt conflicted and wanted everything here to be moved back to Europe.

On the other side, Tian Erniu is also writing his own voyage diary.

"Today in Penglai City on the east coast of Golden Continent, I met Europeans. They are from Spain. Their ships are relatively large, and they have artillery and muskets. Each one of them does not look like a regular army, but more like a group of ruffians."

"The leader is called Corste, who is said to be a Spanish nobleman. He smells extremely bad, as if he hasn't showered in many days."

"I learned a lot of information from him. They are currently on an island called Hispaniola. They have established a colonial base on it and there are already many people there."

"These Spaniards are very ambitious. As soon as they arrived, they began to constantly inquire about the situation of our Ming Dynasty and the Golden Continent."

"I solemnly tell them that this Golden Continent belongs to our Ming Dynasty, and the descendants of the Yin Shang here are branches of our Ming Dynasty people. I warn them and let them be more sensible."

"But obviously, this kind of verbal warning has no effect, and the other party may not believe what I say."

"I learned from Kolster that starting from the east coast of Golden Continent, it only takes about two months to reach Europe."

"The world we live in is really a big ball. Europe is in the west, but you can reach Europe if you go all the way east. This is enough to illustrate this point."

"They like our silk and porcelain very much, but this time we brought very little. Cortes is willing to buy a batch from me at a very high price."

"Maybe in the future, the development of Penglai City may be driven by this, and it can develop rapidly by doing business with the Spanish."

"But this financial path must still be in the hands of our Tianjin Ocean Trading Company."

"Golden Continent is really too big, and we still have too few manpower here."

"Now that I have successfully conquered the Aztecs, I asked them to use gold and silver to atone for their sins. They believe in the sun god and Quetzalcoatl, so I took advantage of this."

"It is estimated that this time, we will be able to obtain at least more than 50 million taels of gold and silver, and every year from now on, these Aztecs will use a large amount of gold and silver to atone for their sins. They are working hard to mine gold.

and silver.”

"After the things here in Penglai City are completed, I am ready to continue conquering the Inca Empire."

"After the conquest of the Inca Empire, I opened up the north and south of the Golden Continent. I was able to establish a large number of colonial settlements on the west coast of the Golden Continent and radiate to the entire west coast."

"Well, recently I plan to send a dozen ships back to the Ming Dynasty to report back on the situation here in Golden Continent. By the way, I will also transport the gold and silver we have obtained back to the Ming Dynasty."

"The appearance of the Spaniards means that we must speed up our actions on the east coast of the Golden Continent. We must set up a layout in the East China Sea as soon as possible, so that we can quickly monopolize the entire Golden Continent."

Tian Erniu slowly closed his sailing diary, then after thinking for a while, he took out a pen and paper and started writing a letter to Liu Jin, explaining the situation of Huangjin Continent in detail to Liu Jin.

The current Golden Continent is no longer just the Golden Continent. It is very likely to become a transit point between the Ming Dynasty and Europe, once the news here spreads.

Even Tian Erniu could imagine that there would be a steady stream of European merchants coming to Golden Continent. Things like silk, porcelain, and spices would have a fatal temptation on Europeans.

With the arrival of a large number of European businessmen, if the Ming Dynasty does not have enough strength on the Golden Continent, these Europeans will inevitably rob the Golden Continent, which will have a huge impact on Liu Jin's plan to monopolize the Golden Continent.

And if the news spreads in the Ming Dynasty, the major merchant houses of the Ming Dynasty will definitely flock here. Everyone knows that silk and porcelain are equivalent to gold in Europe, and they only need to transport these things to the Golden Continent.

Come and sell it to European businessmen. Not to mention that it is equivalent to gold, it is enough to easily make a lot of money.

If Tianjin Ocean Trading Company wants to get the bulk of the profits in the future, it must be well prepared. On the one hand, it must dispatch more powerful forces to the Golden Continent to deter these Europeans who are like bandits.

Another aspect is to mobilize enough goods to the Golden Continent to satisfy the appetites of these European merchants and obtain maximum benefits.

Tian Erniu was clearly aware of this, so he planned to regularly send some ships back to the Ming Dynasty to transport gold and silver back, and at the same time, report everything that happened here in Golden Continent.

In the first collision between the two major civilizations of the East and the West, there was no spark between them, but they had already found each other's existence.

This chapter has been completed!
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