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Chapter 703, Xianglin Chief Minister

In the simple palace of Xinzhou Port, King Shagubulo of Champa stood respectfully beside Wang Shouren and Yang Yun, his whole body shorter.

He originally thought that the Ming Dynasty was sending troops to help the Champa Kingdom to clean up Annan. Who knew that the Ming Dynasty was not going to help Champa City, but to occupy Annan, and by the way, Champa City would also be occupied.

This was something he never expected.

Compared with Annan, the Ming Dynasty was more powerful. If the Ming Dynasty wanted to occupy Champa City, how could they resist Champa City?

Just because the entire Champa Kingdom has less than 10,000 people in total?

They couldn't even defeat the Annan Kingdom, and they even had to pay tribute to the Annan Kingdom every year, let alone the king of the Ming Dynasty.

What's more, now the Ming army has fully taken over the inside and outside of Xinzhou Port, and has begun to build large docks and ports in Xinzhou Port. It is obvious that it will be built as an important port city.

There will definitely be a Ming Navy stationed here in the future to deter the entire Southeast Peninsula and Southeast Asia.

Even if you want to resist now, it's already too late.

"Master Wang, Master Yang~"

"We, the Champa Kingdom, have been on good terms with the Ming Dynasty for generations and have always paid tribute to the Ming Dynasty. Why did the Ming Dynasty also annex our Champa City?"

Shagubulo said to Wang Shouren and Yang Yun with a look of reluctance.

"Since you, Champa City, have been friendly with our Ming Dynasty for generations, last winter, our Ming Dynasty issued a vassal state agreement of the Ming Dynasty. Why are you, Champa City, unwilling to sign it? Are you unwilling to become a vassal state of our Ming Dynasty?"

Wang Shouren sighed slightly in his heart, feeling that it was now difficult to deal with it.

If Champa resisted, he would simply kill them all, but it was easy. Now they did not resist, but instead asked why the Ming Dynasty wanted to annex Champa, and told you about the friendly exchanges, which gave you a headache.

After thinking about it, Wang Shouren also asked sharply.

After hearing Wang Shouren's words, Shagubulo suddenly fell silent. He also knew about the Ming Dynasty vassal state agreement, but who was willing to sign such an agreement.

Once such an agreement is signed, it will really become a vassal of Ming Dynasty. In the future, everything will be done only by Ming Dynasty.

More importantly, the Ming Dynasty required that the vassal states should learn everything from the Ming Dynasty, respect Confucianism and Taoism, change Chinese surnames, and learn Chinese language. This was unacceptable to the Champa Kingdom.

The Champa Kingdom used to be a country that believed in Buddhism, but in the past one or two hundred years, the Champa Kingdom has also been influenced by YSL religion from the Middle East and Persia, and many people have begun to convert to this religion.

It can be seen from the names of the kings of Champa that their culture and religion have changed.

If we change it back at this time, there will inevitably be huge turmoil, and problems will arise throughout the country, which will make the already weak Champa country very likely to perish.

In addition, the Annan Kingdom exerted pressure on Champa. For Champa, the Ming Dynasty is still very far away, but the Annan Kingdom is in the north and is a vassal state of Champa. The Annan Kingdom is unwilling to sign the vassal state agreement.

Champa will not be allowed to sign, so Champa will naturally consider this seriously.


"Nothing to say?"

Wang Shouren looked at Shagubulo and asked with a cold face.

"Xiao Wang has nothing to say, but I have never offended the Ming Dynasty by occupying the city. Now the Ming Dynasty wants to annex the city I occupy. This seriously damages the prestige of the Ming Dynasty."

Shagubulo thought for a while and replied, at this time, we can only show the prestige of the Ming Dynasty to see if it is of any use.

After all, everyone has always known that the people of Ming Dynasty are extremely good-looking, from the emperor to the ordinary people of Ming Dynasty.

"No offense to my great Ming Dynasty?"

Wang Shouren smiled coldly, and then asked: "My merchant ship from the Ming Dynasty comes to Zhancheng to do business. Why do you here in Zhancheng arbitrarily impose heavy taxes on my merchant ship from the Ming Dynasty?"


"Whether you are occupying the city, Annan, Siam, Malacca, Java, etc., you are all afraid of power but not moral."

"In the past, I was said to be a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty. Every time I paid tribute, the Ming Dynasty paid back several times. When I asked you to sign the vassal state agreement last year, none of them agreed."

"I went to pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty, but because I didn't get anything in return, everyone held a grudge. They actually deliberately targeted my Ming Dynasty merchants and levied heavy taxes arbitrarily. They also deliberately colluded with bandits, looted my Ming Dynasty merchant ships, and killed my Ming Dynasty merchants."

"Don't think that I, the Ming Dynasty, don't know anything. This time, my Ming Dynasty's army is coming to seek justice for my Ming Dynasty merchants."

Seeing that Shagubulo had nothing to say, Wang Shouren immediately snorted again and said.

"Xiao Wang doesn't dare, Xiao Wang doesn't dare~"

"All of this is forced by Annan. They want us to pay an additional 30% in tribute this year. Since our country is small and the people in Zhancheng are small, we can only find ways to collect taxes from Ming merchants."

When Shagubulo heard this, he immediately knelt down and said with runny nose and tears.


"It seems that you are more afraid of Annan than of our Ming Dynasty."

Wang Shouren laughed immediately. In fact, it was just an excuse. Anyway, the annexation of Champa was already a certainty.

Champa must be occupied, and Liu Jin also plans to continuously expand the land in Champa, approaching Siam, Chenla, Cambodia, and Ailao, forming a huge deterrent to them.

"Xiao Wang doesn't dare~"

"Xiao Wang doesn't dare~"

"Champa is willing to sign the Ming Dynasty vassal state agreement and become a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty."

Shagubulo shook his head repeatedly, and then kept talking.

"It's already too late. Our Ming army went south. Do you think it's just to get you to sign the vassal state agreement?"

"This Champa City will be directly integrated into our Ming Dynasty and become the Xianglin Province of our Ming Dynasty. As for you, based on the past friendly relationship between your Champa city and our Ming Dynasty, our Ming Dynasty will treat you kindly and will inevitably give you a prince."

Something like that."

Wang Shouren looked at it and shook his head.

"Can you be a prince?"

"Being the prince of Ming Dynasty?"

When Shagubulo heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then an ecstatic smile appeared on his face.

"I am willing, I am willing, Xiao Wang is willing to be the prince of the Ming Dynasty, Xiao Wang is willing to dedicate my occupation of the city to the Ming Dynasty."

Shagubulo was really overjoyed. He thought that if the Ming Dynasty wanted to annex Champa, he, the king of Champa, would definitely die. After all, this had been the case since ancient times.

But he didn't expect that it seemed that Daming would not only not kill him, but would also let him go to Daming and become an idle prince, he said immediately.

He has a thousand wishes and ten thousand wishes.

Whether it was the envoys who went to the Ming Dynasty or the Ming Dynasty merchants who came to Champa to do business, they all described the prosperity and beauty of the Ming Dynasty to him.

He had wanted to visit Daming for a long time, but he never had the chance.

It's okay now. Just don't be the king of Champa. Anyway, life in Champa is very sad now, and he, the king, has never had a good life.

It would be better to merge with the Ming Dynasty. As the king, he can go to the Ming Dynasty and enjoy the good life in peace. The subjects of the Champa Kingdom will also be the subjects of the Ming Dynasty.

This identity and status are completely different. They will be Ming people from now on. Who around them would dare to bully them again?

Seeing Shagubulo's appearance, Wang Shouren and Yang Yun were slightly dumbfounded again. There was such a monarch?

But if you think about it carefully, it seems like a good choice.

Because the king of the Champa Kingdom took the initiative to donate his country and led the entire Annan Kingdom to surrender to the Ming Dynasty and was willing to merge with the Ming Dynasty, Wang Shouren and Yang Yun did not waste a single soldier in the Champa Kingdom, and they easily

He took over the entire Champa state.

There was no resistance from the top and bottom of the Champa Kingdom. Many people continued to celebrate after learning that they were from the Ming Dynasty.

In this era, the Ming Dynasty was synonymous with being powerful and wealthy, while the Champa Kingdom was synonymous with being weak and poor. They were merged into the Ming Dynasty at once, and they became the Ming people from now on, which made everyone in the Champa Kingdom extremely happy.

Liu Jin and Zhang Mao on the Thang Long City side couldn't help but be slightly shocked after receiving the news. They didn't expect that they could annex Champa so smoothly without encountering any resistance.

Moreover, Champa City is different from Annan. Because Champa City has been invaded and massacred by the Annan Kingdom many times, Champa City does not even have any decent local tycoons or chieftains.

In addition, Champa and Annan had a feud, and the Ming Dynasty destroyed Annan to avenge them, so Champa did not have any resistance to the rule of the Ming Dynasty.

This is extremely important.

Soon, Zhang Mao and Liu Jin began to send a large number of officials to Champa City. They rushed to various places in Champa City to take up their posts. They promoted the Ming Dynasty's Confucianism and Taoism, promoted the Ming Dynasty's writing and culture, and required everyone in Champa City to change their surnames to Chinese.

and Chinese names.

At the same time, adjustments were also made to the Champa side, and the Xianglin Chief Envoy was established. The capital was also set up in the port city of Xinzhou Port. Some of the state capitals that had been annexed by Annan were also reclassified to Xianglin Province, and were placed in Xinzhou Port.

Large-scale construction of ports and docks began here in Zhougang, laying the foundation and preparation for the next sweep of Southeast Asian countries.

As for the king of Champa State, he took a boat to Tianjin, and then from Tianjin to Beijing, letting Emperor Hongzhi decide how to arrange it.

He will definitely not kill him. As Wang Shouren said, since he knows things like this, the Ming Dynasty will not treat him badly, and a prince will definitely be conferred on him.

But in the future, he will definitely stay here in the capital, just like the tribal leaders on the grassland, and be an idle foreign prince here in the capital, enjoying life and dreaming of life and death.

After all, he is the king of Champa. If the Ming Dynasty wants to rule Xianglin Province in the future, his presence will definitely be very helpful. He can save a lot of troubles with just one sentence and reduce the number of Cham people in Xianglin Province.

feelings of resistance.

This chapter has been completed!
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