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Chapter 724 , the confident Ming people

In the Bohai Sea, more than fifty large ships formed a mighty fleet and were rushing towards Tianjin Port, as if they were eager to arrive home after being away from home for many years.

On the decks of large ships, the crews were looking in the direction of Tianjin Port, looking forward to seeing the tall lighthouse in Tianjin Port again.

Aboard the "Peace", Gilt stood on the deck, feeling the sea breeze and looking forward to the upcoming arrival at Tianjin Port.

Gilt is a Spanish nobleman, and he is a descendant of the royal family of the Kingdom of Castile in Spain. With the great discovery of American geography, the Spanish royal family is the biggest supporter and beneficiary. He is also a saint who was sent to the Americas.

El Salvador.

As Calster and Tian Erniu met on the east coast of America, these Spaniards were extremely excited. They learned that there was a fleet from America that would return to the Ming Dynasty.

oriental country.

So he took a dozen followers and followed this fleet to Daming.

"We are going to the legendary Tianjin soon. It's really exciting."

Someone walked over to Geert's side. This was his deputy Pablo.

"Yes, it's really exciting. Songhu in the south is already so prosperous and huge. I think Tianjin will definitely be even more prosperous and lively."

Gilt nodded slightly. They had been in contact with the Ming people for a long time, and they had heard various rumors about Tianjin more than once. According to the descriptions of the Ming people, Tianjin was the largest and most prosperous city in the world, with tall buildings and busy traffic everywhere.

, where there are feasting and feasting, where the night is bright.

"Pablo, what do you think during this journey?"

Geert thought for a while and asked Pablo again.

“I have a lot of feelings~”

"The Ming Dynasty's navigation technology is very advanced, and their shipbuilding technology is no worse than our Europeans, or even more advanced."

"They can sail to every place accurately and accurately calculate their position, time and place of arrival. Is this very scary? It is much more advanced than our navigation technology."

"And they use bean sprouts, dehydrated vegetables and canned vegetables to get fresh fruits and vegetables at sea? This makes their crews less likely to get sick."

"It took us more than two months to arrive in Daming from the Americas. None of their crew members got sick. This is unbelievable. If we return to Europe from the Americas, the crew members often suffer from the lack of fresh water.

With vegetables and fruits, it’s easy to get sick.”

Pablo is a navigator? He is also a captain. This time he came to the Ming Dynasty, and he was studying hard along the way to learn the navigation skills of the Ming people.

He observed very carefully and discovered this very carefully. Ming people like to bring a lot of soybeans, tea, dehydrated vegetables and canned food when they go to sea. These things can fully ensure the daily dietary needs of the crew, so that the crew will not be defeated.

blood disease.

"And they also invented a device that can desalinate seawater into drinkable fresh water. Although this device is simple, it is very practical and plays a great role at critical times."

"In addition, their ships also have trawling equipment, which allows the crew to get fresh meat, which also greatly ensures their navigation in the ocean."

"What a magical and powerful country? It has mastered many navigation technologies that we have not mastered."

Pablo couldn't help but sigh, if he were to take his Spanish ship back to Europe? It would definitely not be so comfortable. But the Ming people's ship was different? It was very comfortable. There were almost no waves along the way. The vast

The Pacific Ocean has always been calm, unlike the Atlantic Ocean, which has many storms.

Gilt nodded slightly. He also knew all this, and he had written it all in his diary. Like Marco Polo, he was going to write a travel diary about the Ming Dynasty, detailing what he saw and heard in the Ming Dynasty.


"Mr. Gilt, Mr. Pablo~"

While the two were chatting, Wang Dashan, the captain of the Ping An, came over. There were more than a dozen Spaniards on the boat. Wang Dashan also chatted with them a lot along the way. They learned each other's language and understood each other's emotions.

The lifestyle, customs, etc. were all developed on the ocean, and they also share many common languages.

"Mr. Wang~"

Seeing Wang Dashan, the two of them smiled and nodded.

"We will arrive in Tianjin in half a day. It will be almost evening when we arrive in Tianjin. Then I will invite you to Wanghai Tower in Tianjin for a good meal."

Wang Dashan looked at the sea in the distance, and he was also very anxious. After being away for more than a year, he finally came back again.

"Mr. Wang is really too polite."

Gilt quickly said with a smile.

After getting along with the people of Daming for a long time, he gradually got to know some of their personalities and tempers. The people of Daming were relatively gentle and gentle. Even the crew members who were wandering outside, most of them were very gentle, and everyone looked like

Nobles are equally well-educated.

If it weren't for seeing the cannons on these big ships, they would have felt that these Ming people were as easy to bully as sheep.

"Haha, I am a guest from afar. If I have the opportunity to come to Spain in the future, you must invite me back."

Wang Dashan smiled and said.

"Of course. If Mr. Wang has the opportunity to go to Spain, we will treat you with the best ham and wine."

Gilt smiled and nodded, another kind of humor that belongs to the Ming Dynasty.

"The people of Ming Dynasty are hospitable and very confident. They are different from any other country I have visited before."

In his heart, Gilt couldn't help but comment again.

"Mr. Wang, what kind of ships are those?"

Pablo looked at the wide sea and soon noticed that beside the huge fleet, some ships were saying hello to the fleet, and the people on the ships were cheering continuously.

"Those are fishing boats, fishing boats that use trawl nets to catch fish."

"And that ship should be a whaling ship, specially used for hunting whales."

Wang Dashan looked at it and immediately said, the fishing and whaling industries here in the Bohai Sea are very developed. Now there are many ships of this type. You can often see these ships in the Bohai Sea.

"Fishing ship, whale ship?"

When Pablo and Gilt heard this, they immediately became interested and looked at it carefully.

"This whaling ship is somewhat similar to our European whaling ships, but it seems to be much more advanced than ours."

Pablo immediately saw the special feature of this whaler, and his eyes immediately lit up. He was a navigator and was familiar with all kinds of ships.

"It is indeed more advanced. It should be equipped with a crossbow gun on the bow of the ship. Through this, it can launch a harpoon to shoot at whales, thereby killing whales."

Gilt nodded and said.

"Mr. Wang, what do you Ming people mainly use to hunt whales?"

Gilt thought for a while and asked Wang Dashan.

"Whales are full of treasures. The whale meat can be used to eat, the whale skin can be used to make shoes, and the whale oil can be used to light lamps. It has many uses."

Wang Dashan smiled and said that he had been a whaling ship captain for a period of time and was very familiar with it.

"Similar to us in Europe, our whaling is mainly used for this purpose."

Gilt nodded slightly and finally found some places similar to those in Ming Dynasty and Europe.

Well, when it comes to whaling, there doesn't seem to be much of a difference.

"Mr. Wang, your Ming Dynasty is really big. From Songhu, where we stopped, all the way north, such a huge land belongs to your Ming Dynasty."

Gilt thought for a while and said to Wang Dashan.

"Haha, of course, our Ming Dynasty is the largest, most powerful, and richest empire in the world."

"This is nothing. Songhu is only located in the middle area of ​​our country, Ming Dynasty. From Songhu to the south, our country, Ming Dynasty, still has a very vast territory."

"I estimate that all of Europe combined is about the same size as our Ming Dynasty."

Speaking of this, Wang Dashan raised his head and said very proudly and confidently, in his eyes, Spain is only as big as my Ming Dynasty province, and only the whole of Europe can be comparable to my Ming Dynasty.

"As big as the whole of Europe?"

Gilt and Pablo looked at each other, and there was no doubt in each other's eyes. Along the way, every Ming Dynasty person was very confident and very proud of this.

Their Ming Dynasty was the largest and most powerful empire.

This is a very confident country!

This is the most intuitive feeling that Gilt and Pablo have about the Daming people. They can clearly feel the confidence of the Daming people. Although they are very enthusiastic and polite to them, the aloofness and self-confidence in their bones will always come from time to time.


This feeling is like their attitude and confidence when facing the natives of America and Africa.

In the eyes of the Spaniards, they are civilized people from the civilized world, while the natives of America and Africa are ignorant savages.

But when they get along with people from the Ming Dynasty, they feel that their status seems to have changed.

In the eyes of Ming people, Ming people are civilized people, and the Spaniards are barbarians. Although they are polite and enthusiastic to you, the arrogance in their bones always makes them feel very uncomfortable.

The people of Ming Dynasty are more confident and proud than them.

The mighty fleet was sailing rapidly on the sea, heading towards the Tianjin port. At this moment, on another ship, Sirone, the envoy from the Aztec Kingdom, and Al, the envoy from the Inca Empire.

Haya was also standing on the deck, looking at the sea, imagining in her mind the prosperity and wealth of the country of the descendants of the Sun God.

This chapter has been completed!
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