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Chapter 749, troubled Persians and Middle Easterners

"Would you like to do something? I need some people here~"

Liu Jin originally wanted to continue chatting with them and learn more information, but someone came over and started shouting.

"Do it, do it~"

When the leader heard this, he looked at Liu Jin and said, "Sir, do you want to recruit someone here?"

"If we don't recruit people, I will discuss it with this gentleman."

"Go, go, it's okay."

Liu Jin smiled and said easily.

"Thank you, sir~"

The two of them also breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked over with smiles on their faces.

"Fifty taels of silver a year?"

"Okay, okay, I'm in a hurry to hire people, so come here and sign the contract. After signing, go have a meal, and start working after dinner."

They quickly reached an agreement, and a group of people followed the man and left the slave market.

There is a great shortage of people here in Nanyang. No matter how many people there are, there are not enough people. These Koreans and Japanese are very obedient and hardworking. They have always been everyone's favorite hired workers.

After visiting the slave market, Liu Jin continued to wander around Crescent City. As the commercial center of Nanyang, Crescent City is very prosperous.

There are merchants traveling from north to south, a group of immigrants from Ming Dynasty to Nanyang, and the first Autumn Examination of Nanyang Province is about to be held, the whole Crescent City is very lively.

Soon, Liu Jin walked around and came to the Nanyang Province Government Office, thinking of going to Wu Yang to discuss the management of slaves and immigrants in Nanyang Province.

He is the parent official here, and he must have a very good understanding of this aspect. Through him, he can better understand the situation in Nanyang and formulate better policies for the continued expansion of the Ming Dynasty in the future.

Just when he arrived at the gate of the government office, Liu Jin found that the gate of the government office was very lively. A group of Persians and Middle Easterners were gathering at the gate of the government office. They seemed to be very angry and dissatisfied.

"We protest ~ we protest ~"

"You Ming people can't treat us like this~"

"We demand that we can settle and trade in Ming Dynasty as freely as Koreans and Japanese~"

"You Ming people must release all Persians and Middle Easterners~"

These Persians and Middle Easterners kept shouting at the gate of the government office with some lame Ming Dynasty officials. The government servants at the gate of the government office were on alert one by one, with the swords and guns in their hands already set up.

These Middle Eastern and Persian businessmen were so courageous that they dared to come to the gate of the government office to cause trouble.

"what happened?"

Liu Jin couldn't help but frown slightly when he saw the hundreds of Persians and Middle Easterners at the door. They actually made trouble here in the government office. Listening to their words, it seemed that they were expressing their dissatisfaction with the Ming Dynasty court.

Here at the government office, the door opened soon, and groups of government officials walked out in neat steps, fully armed. Some were holding bows and arrows, some were wearing armor and carrying swords, and groups were holding muskets.

Because there are still some dwarf black people making trouble here in Nanyang Province, Nanyang Province is a little different from the provinces in the Ming Dynasty. The yamen in every state capital in Nanyang Province are equipped with powerful force.

There are many government officials, equipped with armor, swords, muskets, and even cannons. Once there is a rebellion by the natives or a slave rebellion, these government officials will immediately go out to quell it after receiving the news.

As the capital of Nanyang Province, Crescent City has an even stronger guard force. There is also a Ming army of 2,000 people guarding the city, and there are hundreds of government officials on the Yamen side.

Seeing a large number of government officials coming out, fully armed, these Middle Easterners and Persians immediately became quiet. Many people had a look of fear on their faces.

Soon, Wu Yang, who was dressed in crimson robes, came out and looked at the Middle Eastern and Persian people in front of him with a stern expression. The Persian and Middle Eastern people were so good that they gathered hundreds of people and came to the government office.

"What do you want to do?"

"This is the Nanyang Province of the Ming Dynasty."

Wu Yang looked at these Persians and Middle Easterners and shouted sternly.

"Dear Sir~"

The Persian Tasma and the person next to him looked at each other and bravely came out. He said very respectfully.


Wu Yang looked at Tasma and nodded slightly.

"I am Tasma, a businessman from Persia? These people behind me are all like me, businessmen from Persia and the Middle East? We came to the Ming Dynasty with goodwill and wealth."

Tasma said in fairly fluent Ming Dynasty Mandarin.

"Then why do you come to make trouble at the gate of the government office? Do you know? In our Ming Dynasty, making trouble at the gate of the government office? This is punishable by beheading."

Wu Yang nodded slightly, and then said sternly.

"Dear Sir, we are not here to cause trouble, we are just here to make demands on you and hope to obtain your legitimate rights and interests."

Tasma's face changed slightly, she thought for a while and said.

"Legitimate rights?"

"What legal rights?"

Wu Yang asked.

"Sir, why does the Ming Dynasty not allow us to settle here? Why does the Ming Dynasty not allow us to do business freely in the Ming Dynasty?"

"As far as we know, both Koreans and Japanese people can freely settle and do business in Ming Dynasty."

"We have money, and we also want to settle and do business in Ming Dynasty. We don't have any ill intentions. We hope to get the same rights as Koreans and Japanese people."

Tasma said quickly.

These Middle Eastern and Persian merchants came to Ming Dynasty to do business, but recently they discovered that they could not go back to Persia and the Middle East.

Ceylon Island was occupied by the Western United Trading House of the Ming Dynasty. Of course, this is not the key. The key is that they received the news that the Portuguese occupied Guri. They blocked the Persian Gulf and sank merchant ships from Persia and the Middle East.

If they risked going back, there might be many dangers, so they thought about settling down in Ming Dynasty. Anyway, the business atmosphere in Ming Dynasty was very good, and Ming Dynasty had a vast territory. They traveled to various places to do business, and their wealth grew rapidly like a snowball.

. Chinese website updates the fastest computer version:" target="_blank">w

But when they wanted to buy land and houses in Daming, they were restricted because they were not from Daming, so they had no way to buy land and houses in Daming.

This made them very dissatisfied. They were doing business in various places. This was the first time they encountered this situation. In the past, as long as they had money, they could buy land and houses to settle down anywhere.

In addition, a large number of slaves were sold here on the Island of Ceylon, including many of their tribesmen, and many of them were inextricably related to the Persians and Middle Easterners on the Island of Ceylon.

This made them feel extremely angry. The Ming people actually occupied the island of Ceylon and sold their relatives, friends, etc. as slaves.

In addition, when they came to Nanyang, they also discovered that the Ming Dynasty vigorously promoted Confucian education and thought in various places, and strictly prohibited the spread of various foreign religions. Several countries on Java Island that shared their beliefs were banned by Liu Jin

It was destroyed.

The temples here in Crescent City were also completely destroyed by the Ming Dynasty. They had no place to worship, which made them even more angry. So after discussion, everyone came to the government office to express their dissatisfaction.

"North Korea and Japan are vassal states of our Ming Dynasty. They signed the Ming Dynasty vassal state agreement, so they can trade and settle freely in our Ming Dynasty."

"You Persians and Middle Easterners are not vassal states of our Ming Dynasty, so naturally you have no way to enjoy the same rights as them."

Wu Yang said coldly, "If you are so capable of making trouble, I will never allow you to come over."

"But we have money, we are businessmen, we pay taxes with you, and we don't have any hostility. Why do you Ming Dynasty treat us so differently?"

"In addition, why did you Ming people attack the island of Ceylon and treat us Middle Easterners and Persians as slaves? We demand that you must release all our people immediately."

Tasma naturally didn't care about this. Of course, he had already inquired about it in advance, and he said it very confidently.


"Who do you think you are?"

"You are not ashamed to speak loudly in front of me~"

When Wu Yang heard this, he couldn't help but laugh.

These Middle Easterners and Persians are really confident, asking for their release just as quickly as they open their mouths?

I'm afraid you don't know how powerful they are. They are just businessmen and have the least status in the Ming Dynasty. However, in these overseas countries, these businessmen are all very arrogant. First published on the Chinese website (www).

"Allowing you to come to Crescent City to do business is already a kindness given to you by our Ming Dynasty. Don't be ignorant and push your limits."

Hearing Wu Yang's tough words, Tasma immediately started translating with the people around him. Immediately, the group of people became agitated, and everyone looked very angry.

They feel that their request is not too much. They just want to settle here. They abide by the law. They pay taxes and pay taxes. They want to do business and settle freely in Ming Dynasty. This request is not too much.

They are noble Middle Easterners and Persians, not lowly Indian low-caste people. How can they be slaves? This Ming people are really unreasonable and treat them like this.

"Dear Sir~"

"We think our request is very reasonable and legal. We have paid taxes and we are willing to abide by Ming Dynasty's laws. Why does Ming Dynasty shut us out?"

Tasma said very dissatisfied.

"Because this is the law of our Ming Dynasty!"

"If you want to freely settle and do business in our Ming Dynasty, your country must first become a vassal state of our Ming Dynasty."

Wu Yang was a little impatient. These people were simply messing around.

Do you want to get the same status as Koreans and Japanese by paying some money?

You are dreaming!

"You should leave here immediately. You are new here and do not understand the laws of the Ming Dynasty. Forget it this time. If you dare to gather a crowd to cause trouble next time, I will severely punish you!"

Wu Yang left behind a word and walked away directly.

PS: I recommend Qingfeng Qianli’s new book "Bringing the Warehouse to the Late Ming Dynasty". I recommend everyone to read the work~

Recommended: The Witch Doctor’s Awakening to read on your mobile phone.

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