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chapter 760

As more and more Europeans arrive in Penglai City, the harbor outside Penglai City becomes increasingly larger and more prosperous. The ports and docks built with cement are very strong and spacious, and even large ships can berth directly on the shore.

, which greatly facilitates ships traveling to and from Penglai City.

In the huge harbor, there are many merchant ships moored, and each merchant ship is flying the flags of various countries, Spanish, French, Portuguese, British, Dutch... and suddenly there are many more flying the Ming Dragon flag.

's big ship.

Several large Spanish ships headed towards Penglai City from the distant sea.

Columbus, the governor of Spanish America, stood on the deck with Colste, looking at the bustling port in front of him.

"In just a few months, the people of Ming Dynasty built this port into such a huge and prosperous place. It's incredible."

Kolster looked at the huge port and couldn't help but sigh.

The people of the Ming Dynasty were really very fast. They had something called cement, which was very convenient for building houses, roads, and ports. In just a few months, Penglai City more than doubled in size, and

A huge port was built here.

“It’s really incredible~”

"I heard that Penglai City already has tens of thousands of Ming people?"

It didn't take long for Columbus to arrive in America again. This was his first visit to Penglai City, and this time he was invited by Tian Erniu, the general manager of the Americas of Tianjin Ocean Trading Company, to come to Penglai City as a guest.

"Yes, there are already tens of thousands of Ming people."

"And on the west coast of America, it is said that there are more than 100,000 Ming people. They have established hundreds of colonial strongholds of various sizes along the entire west coast."

Kolster nodded and said: "There are very many people in the Ming Dynasty. It is said that here in the Ming Dynasty, their population exceeds 10 million, and the city of Tianjin alone has millions of people."

"It's such a huge and incredible country."

Columbus couldn't help but sigh, and then sighed and said: "It may be extremely disadvantageous for us to compete with such a powerful empire for the Americas."

"It's really very detrimental."

"Not long ago, I received a letter from the Ming Dynasty. Gilt described his experience in the Ming Dynasty in detail. He said that the Ming Dynasty was very large, very rich, and powerful. They even conquered the Mongols of God's Whip.


"And the artillery of the Ming Dynasty is indeed extremely powerful. Not long ago, the Viking pirates wanted to sack Penglai City. As a result, all their ships were sunk before they even got close to Penglai City, and all the living people were hanged on the cliffs.


Kolster pointed to an exposed rock on a cliff outside Penglai City, where he saw many poles with many skeletons hanging on them.

Columbus looked at that place, his eyebrows twitching slightly.

Hanging pirates is a European tradition. Unexpectedly, the people of Ming Dynasty also followed this tradition.

"There are too many people coming to America now, which has seriously affected our interests in Spain. If we can exclusively enjoy the right to trade with the Ming people, then we can make a lot of money."

Columbus turned towards the direction of Penglai City, saw the many flags hanging in the port, and said helplessly.

We came into contact with the Ming people in America. After the news spread in Europe, everyone came over in droves.

In the past, the Spaniards, the Portuguese, the French, the British, and the Dutch were not very concerned about the New World America.

It's different now. They are also moving quickly towards the Americas. A large number of merchants and pirates are coming towards the Americas to do business with the Ming people.

It is not known whether there is gold and silver in America, but doing business with the Ming Dynasty people and selling Ming Dynasty porcelain, silk, spices, etc. to Europe is also real gold and silver.

What's more, they now know about Tian Erniu's attack on the Aztec Kingdom and the Inca Empire, and they know that there is a lot of gold in America.

The Ming Dynasty people built many colonies on the west coast of Golden Continent and discovered many gold and silver mines, which stimulated Europeans to flock here.

When there are more people, competition becomes fierce.

In addition, Europeans in this period had the heart to be pirates as long as it was a ship. If they thought they could defeat you, they would dare to rob it.

In a very short period of time, various Spanish colonial sites in the Americas were attacked by pirates, and several ships were plundered by pirates.

These seriously violated the interests of the Spanish.

In their view, they were the first to arrive in the Americas and the first to encounter the Ming people. They should enjoy the right to trade with the Ming Dynasty. If other countries want to obtain the Ming Dynasty's goods, they must let the Spanish

Just make a profit.

But who would love a Spaniard?

"It's difficult. First of all, the people of Ming Dynasty will not do business with us alone. As sellers, of course they hope to have more buyers. Only when the competition becomes fierce can their products be sold at higher prices."

"Secondly, we have no way to prevent people from other countries from coming to Golden Continent unless we can blockade the entire Golden Bay. But I heard that Portugal's Cabral is heading south along the East Bay, trying to bypass here and reach the west coast.

Or even go directly to the Ming Dynasty and then trade with the Ming Dynasty people."

"So even if we block Golden Bay, there is no way to prevent other countries from trading with the Ming Dynasty. If we want to monopolize trade with the Ming Dynasty, unless we can defeat the Ming Dynasty."

"But I think it's better not to have such an idea. The Ming people are not easy to mess with. They have a lot of people on the Golden Continent and have powerful artillery. It is said that they also have a huge number of ships on the west coast.

We are mobilizing ships to come to the east coast, and by then we may have to worry about whether they will use force against us."

Kolster knew this very clearly. He learned the Ming Dynasty dialect and calligraphy. He read the Ming Dynasty's books and knew how powerful and terrifying the Ming Dynasty was.

"I know, so I have always asked us Spaniards to maintain friendly relations with the Ming Dynasty and not to anger the Ming Dynasty people."

Columbus nodded and said.

The ship is getting closer and closer to the port. The huge port is very busy. At the dock, a large number of Native Americans are loading and unloading goods.

A large number of forts were built near the port, and each cannon showed its ferocious face, warning all robbers with ill intentions.

A bright yellow dragon flag flutters above the tall lighthouse, declaring the ownership of this land.

“What a beautiful and beautiful city!”

Columbus couldn't help but admire him.

The use of a large amount of cement makes everything here in Penglai City very beautiful.

The docks of the port are neatly built, the wide open space is very clean, the cement-built roads wind into Penglai City, and even the city walls are whitewashed with lime.

The buildings in Penglai City are all very tall, and the glass windows on each building reflect the dazzling sunlight.

Compared with Penglai City, not to mention the colonies they built here in America, even the big cities in Europe look very ugly in comparison.

“It is truly a beautiful city.”

Kolster also nodded in deep agreement.

The ship slowly anchored at a pier in the port. Soon people from the Ming Dynasty came to collect berthing fees and duties. According to the laws and regulations formulated by Penglai City, all ships coming to Penglai City must pay a fee.

Mooring fees and duties.

In the past few months, the collection of these two fees alone has amounted to hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, and there are too many ships coming here.

Europeans are running like crazy towards America and Penglai City.

Because so many people came, the goods here were almost bought up by these European merchants.

Columbus and Kolster got off the boat and walked on the hard, clean cement road. They couldn't help but stamp their feet. Cement is really amazing.

They bought some cement from the Ming people. This magical thing, as long as it is mixed with water, sand and gravel, it will become extremely hard in a day or two. It is very convenient and practical to build roads, houses, docks, etc.


A large number of Europeans gathered at the port. The Ming Dynasty did not allow all Europeans to enter Penglai City. The only people who could enter Penglai City were their captains, first mates, or nobles.

Therefore, a large number of Europeans gathered in the open space of the port. These Europeans were like refugees, gathering together and making a lot of noise.

For people who have been walking on the sea for a long time, after arriving at the shore, they all want to have a good drink in a tavern, and it is best to go find those cheap women.

But when they arrived at Penglai City, the Ming Dynasty people did not allow them to enter Penglai City. This made many people very dissatisfied, and some even started to cause trouble.

It’s just that the Ming people seemed to be well prepared. Groups of Ming troops wearing armor, holding muskets, and swords on their waists were always on guard against them. If someone went too far, they would shoot without hesitation. This made

These crew members had to stay outside.

There are people who have experienced the power of the Ming Dynasty's guns, bows and arrows, and swords. Compared with these well-trained and well-equipped Ming people, these people are just rookies and no match at all. What's more, there are tens of thousands of people in Penglai City.

People of Ming Dynasty, how dare you make trouble?

Believe it or not, the Ming people killed all of you?

If you can't enter the city, you can't enter the city. But they still haven't figured out why the Ming people don't allow them to enter the city?

Even though they promised to be honest and not cause trouble, the people of Ming Dynasty just don't allow them to enter the city. Even if you hold a lot of gold and silver coins in your hands, they seem to dislike you and think these people are dirty.


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