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Chapter 770, Steam Harvester

In the study room of Qianqing Palace, Emperor Hongzhi was discussing next spring with several important ministers.

"Your Majesty, most of the scholars admitted here in Nanyang Province did not have any honors. There are also a few Nanyang natives who have not even finished reading the Four Books and Five Classics. They have all obtained honors. This is very important to the scholars from the local provinces. Say, isn’t it a little unfair?”

Wang Hao, the Minister of Civil Affairs, said to Emperor Hongzhi.

"I have also heard about this matter. Liu Jin is the invigilator in Nanyang Province. It is the intention of the imperial court that he takes care of the natives of Nanyang. In several provinces of Nanyang, new members of the Ming Dynasty will be given appropriate care. This is also to stabilize this country. Several new provinces have been added.”

Liu Jian, the chief assistant of the cabinet, stood up and said.

Regarding this matter, there were many censors in the court. Hanlin impeached Liu Jin, saying that as Liu Jin was the chief examiner, the selection of scholars in the imperial examination was unfair. For these people, Liu Jian really wanted to sweep them all away.

The likes of Yushi Yanguan Hanlin have always had little ability, but they are always able to create obstacles for those who are really doing things. Liu Jin's ability is obvious to all. He is here in Nanyang to supervise the examination. He has completely understood that the imperial court can use this imperial examination to The examination was meant to consolidate the rule of Nanyang.

How could these people understand this profound meaning? Even if they knew this profound meaning, they impeached them indiscriminately. Anyway, most of the important officials in the court were impeached by these people.

The same is true for Liu Jian, Li Dongyang, and Xie Qian. They called them the three paper elders. They said that the three of them did not dare to contradict Emperor Hongzhi and did not have the backbone to be ministers.

"Well, that's what I mean too."

"This is not only the case in Nanyang Province, Jiaozhi, Xianglin, Liaodong, and Grassland, but also in these provinces. The examinations in the Grassland Province are even worse, but they still give some grassland people the honor of being promoted. Next year I will nominate a few Jinshi. Come out and make them officials."

Emperor Hongzhi also nodded solemnly. He now looks a bit like Comrade Zhu Yuanzhang.

Now I am not only the emperor of the traditional Han people in the Ming Dynasty, but also the emperor of the grassland people, the emperor of the Nanyang people, the emperor of the Koreans, the Japanese people, and even now the sun god of the descendants of the Yin Shang people in the Golden Continent.

Therefore, you still need to have the magnanimity you should have. The imperial examination is not just a simple imperial examination on the surface, but it often also has the meaning of winning over people's hearts and stabilizing all directions.

These people from the grasslands, people with native origins from Nanyang, will win the Jinshi. When the time comes, the people from the grasslands will be transferred to Nanyang to serve as officials, and the people from Nanyang will be transferred to the grasslands to serve as officials. This will not affect the rule of the Ming Dynasty. On the contrary, it can greatly win over them. The people's hearts in these places allowed them to slowly and completely integrate into the Ming Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, Holy Ming!"

When other people heard this, they also quickly flattered him.

"Those who impeached people indiscriminately on this matter were sent to several provinces in Nanyang. They were fed every day and impeached randomly. They did not understand the deep meaning of the national policy. What qualifications did they have to stand in the imperial court? They should go to other places. Take a look and study hard."

Emperor Hongzhi thought for a while and said again.

I used to think that these officials, censors and the like were still useful, but now it seems that these people are just troublemakers, impeaching people randomly, and not doing human affairs.

Which thing did Liu Jin do that was not beautiful?

Regarding the imperial examination in Nanyang Province, Liu Jin knew the deep meaning of the imperial court. In a new place, the imperial examination was different from that in the local provinces. The imperial examination and the ceremony of ethics and talents were very important, but winning people's hearts was also very important. of.

When Comrade Zhu Yuanzhang established the Ming Dynasty, he held the imperial examination for the first time. Why were they divided into north and south?

Scholars from the north could not pass the exams for scholars from the south, and the admission list was basically all from the south. This made the northern scholars very dissatisfied and greatly affected the unification of the north and the south in the Ming Dynasty.

Later, the rankings were divided into northern and southern rankings. Although it is not necessarily true that talent was chosen to select scholars, at least the people in the northern provinces were quickly won over by Lao Zhu.

The situation is also the same now. Liu Jin's operations in Nanyang Province are completely without problems. Among the natives of Nanyang Province, there are several civil servants and Jinshi, and their influence on the Ming Dynasty can be said to be minimal.

But for the indigenous people of Nanyang Province, they can feel the rain and dew of the Ming Dynasty, generate a centripetal force towards the Ming Dynasty, and gradually integrate into the Ming Dynasty, stabilizing the rule of the Ming Dynasty.


After hearing this, Wang Hao, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, quickly nodded in agreement. Such unsightly censors and officials, after thinking about it, it is better to put them in their own places.

"We will do what we just discussed next spring."

Emperor Hongzhi nodded slightly. This Wang Hao is also old. If he brought such nonsense here, he, the Minister of Personnel, should have dealt with those people early. Several provinces in Nanyang are in short supply of officials now.


At this time, Zhu Houzhao walked over in a hurry. Before the person arrived, his voice was heard, with excitement in his voice.

"How can you still look like a prince when you are talking like this?"

Seeing Zhu Houzhao, Emperor Hongzhi scolded him with a straight face, but the ministers present could clearly feel Emperor Hongzhi's doting on Zhu Houzhao.


"Come on, come on, I'll show you something good."

Zhu Houzhao was not afraid of Emperor Hongzhi at all. He directly took Emperor Hongzhi's hand and prepared to walk out.

"nice one?"

"You are not doing your job properly all day long, and you are not studying with the teacher. Are you delving into those heresy again?"

Emperor Hongzhi said with a straight face, "Why are there so many ministers here? Can you give me some dignity?"

"Father, this time it's really not a heresy. This thing is very helpful to agriculture. With it, a farmer can cultivate hundreds of acres or even thousands of acres of land by himself."

"Everyone happens to be here, so why don't you all go take a look together? After reading it, if you feel that I am not doing my job properly, I will never mess with these things again."

Zhu Houzhao raised his head and said very confidently.

What does not do your job properly mean?

Studying with Yang Tinghe is not doing your job properly. Listening to him study every day will make your ears grow calluses. It is not as good as the machine I developed myself, so that I can truly see its role and its importance to this country.

"Can one person cultivate hundreds or thousands of acres of land?"

When Liu Jian, Li Dongyang, Xie Qian and others heard this, they immediately became interested. They looked at each other. Liu Jian smiled and said, "I am very curious now. What kind of machine has His Highness developed that can actually make a person

There are hundreds of people and thousands of acres of land."

"I am also very curious and want to go and have a look."

Li Dongyang smiled and said.

"Since everyone is very curious, why don't we go and have a look together?"

Emperor Hongzhi thought for a while and said, he was actually very curious, what kind of research did Zhu Houzhao develop that could cultivate hundreds or thousands of acres of land by himself?

And as a father, if his son can really research such a thing, the father will naturally be quite proud.

Everyone nodded and was very curious. They followed Zhu Houzhao in a four-wheeled carriage and soon left the palace and walked toward the suburbs.

In the experimental field where Liu Jin's agricultural business is located, many mechanics from the Jingcheng Machinery Factory are busy, constantly debugging the Ming Dynasty's first steam harvester.

Liu Jin next to him also looked at the harvester with great interest. It was early in the morning, before the sun reached the center, and he was pulled out of the bed by Zhu Houzhao, saying that he wanted to come and see him.

The researched steam harvester.

One of my own came, but others disappeared.

"The design is very ingenious, and it can actually separate wheat and wheat straw."

Having seen various harvesters in later generations, the simple steam harvester in front of me seems very simple, but it can still be seen that this machine is still quite advanced.

It is not only as simple as cutting the wheat, but also separating the wheat and the wheat straw, eliminating the need for threshing, which can greatly save manpower.

"Father, hurry up~ hurry up~"

At this time, Zhu Houzhao's voice came. Liu Jin saw it and hurriedly walked towards Emperor Hongzhi.

During his own expedition to Southeast Asia, Emperor Hongzhi specially gave Liu Jin a month's leave, so he did not have to go to court during the holiday.

"Your Majesty~"

"No need~ no need~"

When Emperor Hongzhi saw Liu Jin, he was not surprised at all. He came to the steam harvester curiously, looked at it carefully and said, "This is what you said can allow one person to cultivate hundreds of acres of fields."

s things?"

He was slightly disappointed. He thought Zhu Houzhao could research something special. Could this ugly thing in front of him help farmers cultivate their land?

The ministers who followed also looked at the steam harvester one after another, and they really couldn't figure out what it was used for.

"Father, you will know after you wait and see~"

Zhu Houzhao was full of confidence. He came to the machine excitedly, sat on the machine and said: "Increase the fire!"

The boiler has already been ignited, and then the water in the boiler is heated.

Following Zhu Houzhao's order, someone began to add firewood to the boiler. Soon, a raging fire began to burn inside the boiler, and billowing black smoke began to emit from the smoke pipe of the steam engine.

Zhu Houzhao kept looking at a meter. There was a pointer here. The more the fire burned in the boiler, the water inside began to generate increasing pressure.

As the boiler burns, the piston begins to start slowly, and the speed becomes faster and faster, generating powerful power.

The piston works to drive the connecting shaft, and the steam harvester that was originally sitting quietly on the ground begins to move.

It didn't matter that this move made Emperor Hongzhi, Liu Jian, Li Dongyang and others jump in fright.

"It actually moved?"

Everyone widened their eyes and looked at the slowly moving steam harvester.

"A wooden cow sheds a horse?"

Li Dongyang looked at the machine in front of him and could clearly see that there was no one pulling it, and there were no cattle or horses to pull it. Even Zhu Houzhao and a man were sitting on it, but it actually started to move.

The tall wheels pressed against the field. Although it was relatively slow, it really moved.

"It doesn't matter if it moves. The real power is yet to come."

Zhu Houzhao, who was controlling the steam harvester, smiled very proudly. As the water in the boiler boiled, more and more steam was generated, the piston moved more and more frequently, and the power generated became stronger and stronger.


As a whistle sounded, billowing black smoke came out, and white gas spurted out from the valve.

The speed of the steam harvester became faster. At the same time, Zhu Houzhao controlled a pole. When the pole was pushed, driven by gears and rubber belts, the harvesting part in front of the steam harvester began to work. :(/

With the roar of the machine, I saw the steam harvester coming to the wheat field. The front part was pressed on the wheat, and the blade was cut. The wheat ears were cut off, and the wheat stalks were also cut. The harvest was quickly completed.

The harvested wheat ears are transported to the bag next to it on the conveyor belt, and the filling starts automatically. As for the wheat straw, it is arranged very neatly to the side.


Emperor Hongzhi, Li Dongyang, Liu Jian and others widened their eyes and were dumbfounded. This machine can not only move, but can also harvest wheat. Is it really incredible?

And looking at the speed, it seems to be quite fast.

I saw the steam harvester constantly moving forward in the wheat field. Wherever it passed, the wheat in the wheat field had been harvested, and bags filled with wheat were placed neatly on the ground from generation to generation.

“The waste is quite serious~”

"Still needs improvement, improvement~"

As for Liu Jin, looking at the steam harvester in front of him, to be honest, it is a bit surprising that it can be built now. Although this machine cannot be compared with those of later generations, it is already quite good.

Zhu Houzhao was very excited. He drove the machine and walked around the wheat field. It didn't take much time to finish harvesting about one acre of wheat field.

The wheat was packed neatly into the bags, and the wheat straws were arranged in rows in the field, which was very efficient.

"Haha, Father, how are you?"

"I'm not bragging. With such a machine, it is very easy for one person to harvest hundreds or thousands of acres of wheat fields. Moreover, it can not only harvest wheat, it can also cultivate land."

"Here, put on the plow~"

Zhu Houzhao drove the steam engine back, looked at the dumbfounded Emperor Hongzhi, Liu Jian and others, smiled very happily, and then started to show off again.

Soon, engineers from the Jingcheng Machinery Factory began to disassemble parts of the harvester and then attached a plow to the steam engine for plowing the fields.

Soon, Zhu Houzhao once again drove the steam engine around the field. With the steam engine walking in the field, behind it, he dragged a spacious plow deeply into the soil. As the machine moved, he easily moved the thick plow.

The soil was turned out.

It is very simple and easy to complete the plowing work. Compared with using oxen and horses, the soil turned out is deeper and more tidy.

Emperor Hongzhi, Liu Jian, Li Dongyang and others once again widened their eyes and looked at it in disbelief. Emperor Hongzhi even went to the field himself to see the soil dug out.

This chapter has been completed!
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