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Chapter 844, this is depriving ordinary children of the right to education

Alimari in the Western Region.

With the establishment of the Western Region Chief Envoy, Liu Jin was temporarily appointed by Emperor Hongzhi as the Western Region Chief Envoy. At the same time, he oversaw the military and political power of the Western Region and was fully responsible for all major and minor affairs in the Western Region.

At this time, Liu Jin was looking at the map of the Western Regions and studying the affairs of the Western Regions.

"Yang Yun defeated the Kazakh Khanate army and captured the north of the Hezhong area. Lao Wang also captured Samarkand not long ago and is marching towards Yulong Jiechi. The army is also quickly clearing out the large and small tribes in the Hezhong area. Basically

We can start organizing an army of immigrants to enter the Hezhong area now."

"However, there is no danger in the Hezhong area. If immigrants enter the Hezhong area, I am afraid that a large army will be stationed here for a long time, and it must be cavalry. Otherwise, there will be no way to defend such a vast area."

"Well, the key is to build cities. Just like here on the grassland, use each town as the center point to form a network hub, and eventually cover the entire area, using points to form lines and lines to form areas to control the area in the river."

"The land here is fertile, has sufficient sunlight, and there are two rivers with abundant water resources. It is extremely suitable for the development of agriculture."

"Well, for the soldiers of this Western Expedition, their land rewards will basically come from the Hezhong area. After they retire, they can settle directly in the Hezhong area."

"Because after being discharged from the army, I have mastered enough skills. Even if I encounter an attack by foreigners, I will have enough ability to fight back."

"The Han people who migrated to the Hezhong area must also be organized into households and undergo some regular training, so that they can truly gain a foothold in the Hezhong area."

The area in the middle of the river has almost been conquered, and neither the Kazakh Khanate, the Shaybani Khanate, nor the Timur Khanate are any match for the Ming army.

Yang Yun and Lao Wangshuai's army swept across the Hezhong area and defeated the Kazakh Khanate and Shaibani Khanate. At the same time, they implemented the policy formulated by Liu Jin at the beginning and continued to clean up and drive out the large and small tribes in the Hezhong area to prepare for the arrival of the Ming Dynasty immigrants.


"Brother Jin, there is a letter from the capital!"

While Liu Jin was thinking, Hu Zi, who was close to Liu Jin, hurried in with a few letters and said.


Liu Jin nodded, picked it up and looked at it.

Some were written by the British Duke Zhang Mao to himself, some were written by his brother-in-law Xu Guangzuo, and some were written by his two lovely wives at home. He quickly opened them and read them carefully.

By the way, [app] is really good and worth installing. After all, there are many sources of books, complete books, and fast updates!


"This Wang Hao is really a rotten scholar. I ran a school with good intentions so that more people could read and write, but to him it turned out to be a disaster for the country and the people."

"The country will be destroyed, the country will be in turmoil, the country will be shaken, and the people will not be able to survive!"

Soon, Liu Jin couldn't help but become angry.

I saw the letters written by Zhang Mao and Xu Guangzuo to me. They all talked about Wang Mao's massive attacks on the schools he ran.

This made Liu Jin very angry.

I have known for a long time that there are some rotten scholars in the Ming Dynasty who have no ability and cannot do anything. They only hinder others from doing things and saying good things.

Things like running your own school and teaching and educating people can be attacked to such an extent.

It is unbearable!

After getting angry, Liu Jin quickly calmed down and thought about the whole thing carefully.

Things are not as simple as they appear.

Although he was just talking about school matters, but to raise it to such a high level, it was obvious that he was shooting at himself.

"It seems that I am famous because of my popularity."

Liu Jin smiled, then thought about it and quickly started writing.

Here in the capital, the imperial examination was originally a very grand event. The whole capital was enveloped in the excitement and celebration of the imperial examination. Every day, everyone was discussing how talented a certain talented person was, what he wrote, and what he wrote.

Such a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation.

Or maybe they are discussing that a young lady from a certain wealthy family is getting close to a certain talented man, secretly promising that they will wait for the wedding ceremony to be completed after they are named on the gold medal list.

In short, every day, young and old men in the capital have endless topics to talk about, and talented people and beautiful women are always the most attractive.

However, in the past few days, a big event has happened in the court.

Wang Hao, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, took the initiative to ask for his resignation from Emperor Hongzhi, saying that he was old and begging to go back to take care of himself. Emperor Hongzhi also agreed immediately.

Originally, it was a common thing for a minister to beg to return to his hometown to take care of himself. It happened every year. Some ministers who were old and in poor health would choose to go back to their hometown early to spend their remaining time.

Therefore, it seems that it is not a new thing for Wang Hao to beg to go home and take care of himself.

But the young and old men in the capital are all well-informed people. The whole capital would know about the emperor's sleeping with the concubine yesterday, the next day, let alone why Wang Hao resigned.

Wang Hao is only in his early fifties, and his health is very good. He is far from old. It is not normal to write a formal letter to resign. Moreover, if you study carefully, you will find that there may be something going on.


You must know that generally speaking, when a minister begs to return to his hometown to take care of himself, the emperor will first refuse to allow it, to show that he can't bear to leave you. You are my humerus minister, and the emperor cannot do without you, which can be regarded as giving the minister face.

Then, if the minister really wants to return to his hometown, you have to write to the emperor again. If the emperor doesn't allow it, you write again. After three times, the emperor sees that you really want to return to your hometown to retire, and he will grant permission for you to return to your hometown to retire.


Usually at this time, the emperor will also upgrade you to a higher level, such as from the third grade to the full third grade, and then give you some rewards. With this grace, you can return to your hometown to retire in glory.

But this time, when Wang Hao, one of the six ministers, asked to resign, Emperor Hongzhi not only agreed directly without repeated objections, but also did not give any reward to Wang Hao, showing extremely indifference. There was a lot of knowledge in this.

Careful people studied it carefully, and the news in the capital was very well-informed. Soon everyone knew about it.

This Wang Hao did not want to go home to retire, but was ordered by Emperor Hongzhi to go home to retire.

And the thing is very simple, it is because of the new school run by Liu Jin, Wang Hao made Emperor Hongzhi Long Yan so angry that he even lost his last dignity.

Then the incident was quickly spread.

It turned out that Wang Hao attacked the new schools run by Liu Jin, saying that these new schools did not respect Confucianism and Taoism because the Four Books and Five Classics contained very little content, so he attacked these schools and asked Emperor Hongzhi to order a ban on the opening of these schools.

They even said that the opening of these schools would bring disaster to the country and the people. If things go on like this, the people of the Ming Dynasty would be in dire straits, and the generals of the country would not be able to survive.

As soon as the news spread, the entire capital exploded.

The affairs of literary talents suddenly became unpopular. Everyone no longer cared about the imperial examinations and the number one scholar, and suddenly turned their attention to this matter.

Some Confucian scholars began to speak out for Wang Hao and supported Wang Hao's remarks. They believed that these new schools did not pay attention to the teaching of the Four Books and Five Classics, but instead paid attention to heresy. This was putting the cart before the horse and would inevitably lead to turmoil in the Ming Dynasty and the instability of the country.

Therefore, they also wrote petitions one after another to complain about Wang Hao's injustice.

Since ancient times, all dynasties have governed the country with Confucianism, which is why the Han and Tang Dynasties were prosperous. The Ming Dynasty is what it is today, because it respects Confucianism and Taoism, and governs the country with benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom, and trust. That is why the world is peaceful and the country is prosperous and the people are strong.

The new-style schools run by Liu Jin did not pay attention to Confucian education, but instead paid attention to heresy. If this continues, it will indeed put the cart before the horse, lead to turmoil in the country, and shake the foundation of China for thousands of years.

There were censors and officials in the court, Hanlin, who wrote to Emperor Hongzhi one after another, supporting Wang Haozhi's remarks and requesting Emperor Hongzhi to order a ban on the opening of new schools.

Some people are rotten, but some people see it clearly and clearly.

Some people also began to talk about the benefits of new-style schools. Teaching and educating people is a good thing, but it was ignored by these sour and rotten scholars. It was also said that it would cause social unrest.

This is really too much, so much so that many Confucians can’t stand it anymore.

The new schools don't compete with you for the imperial examinations. They just want more people to be able to read and write and learn some knowledge. You have to force people to death.

This is really too much.

It was possible to monopolize education, monopolize official career, engage in policies that stupefy the people, and continue to consolidate the dominance of Confucianism in the past, but it is no longer feasible now.

Because with the launch of the Ming Dynasty Morning News, it has actually had the effect of enlightening people's wisdom.

One issue, one issue of the Ming Dynasty Morning Post, not only publishes various national events, but also some comments from everyone. Reading the newspaper for a long time will naturally open up people's wisdom.

Do you still want to fool the people?

Still want to monopolize education and knowledge?

There's no way.

The news spread in the capital and continued to brew.

Soon there was news that because Liu Jin was so groundlessly attacked and accused by Wang Hao, he felt that he was so criticized for doing good things despite his good intentions in running the school.

Liu Jin felt very unjust and took the initiative to write to Emperor Hongzhi, hoping that the new school could be stopped, so that he would not harm the country and the people, and would not destabilize the country and the country.

As soon as Liu Jin's memorial arrived in the capital, the news quickly became known to everyone. At the same time, the Ming Morning Post also officially published the matter.

Suddenly, all the old and young men in the capital quit working.

Those of you who are rich and powerful can send your children to private schools and invite your husbands to study at home. It is not easy for us children from ordinary families to have the skills to read, to be able to read and write, and to learn some knowledge.


We neither compete with you to be an official nor have any conflict with you, so why should we deprive you of even this last bit of the right to education?

In the words of the Ming Dynasty Morning Post, this is depriving children from ordinary families of their right to education.

Countless people are angry!

This chapter has been completed!
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