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Chapter 849, the storm subsided

With the general strike in Beijing and Tianjin, Emperor Hongzhi and the imperial court responded quickly.

First of all, he affirmed the new schools and stated that they would not close or prohibit the opening of new schools. He believed that new schools are important places and channels for ordinary children to seek knowledge and truth, acquire knowledge, realize leaps in life, and establish correct thoughts and concepts.

The emperor loves the people so much that the imperial court also cares about the poor people's education, and gives affirmation and support to the new schools that provide children with free education, teaching and educating people.

From now on, the emperor of Ming Dynasty will also spend many millions of taels of silver every year to open new schools to promote the development of education in Ming Dynasty, so that more poor children can have the opportunity to go to school, have the opportunity to read and read, and strive for the future.

One day, there will be no illiterate people in the entire Ming Dynasty.

The emperor and the imperial court's affirmation and support for the new school instantly won the recognition of the people in the Beijing and Tianjin areas. As soon as the news spread, countless people knelt down towards the palace and shouted long live.

At the same time, everyone quickly returned to their posts. Factories, workshops, trading houses, ships, etc. also quickly started operating again. Everyone was full of energy, praised the present day, and was full of affirmation of the princes of the court.

However, this caused great dissatisfaction among the Confucian sect. The scholars of the Imperial College and the candidates who came to take the exam were very dissatisfied with this. The emperor and the imperial court not only failed to close down these new schools as required by them, but actually gave them approval.

and support, and even vigorously promote new schools.

Doesn't this completely ignore their voices?

But soon, Emperor Hongzhi and the court gave them another date to eat.

The first is to affirm the importance of Confucianism and believe that all dynasties have been governed by Confucianism. The Ming Dynasty will not change its course because of this, and will always and continue to strengthen the concept of governing the country with Confucianism.

Therefore, the selection and recruitment of officials after the Ming Dynasty will continue to use the traditional imperial examination system without any wavering. All students who graduated from new schools will not be able to participate in the imperial examination.

This is official affirmation and support, and the meaning is very simple.

That is to tell these Confucian people that the emperor and the imperial court need you and know your importance. From now on, the selection and appointment of officials will still follow the previous system. Students from new schools will not participate in the imperial examination.

To put it simply, new schools are to be promoted, but they are for the children of ordinary people to read and write. The requirements should not be too high, as long as they can read, read and master some skills.

To really govern the country and assist the king, you still need Confucian people, because you read the Four Books and Five Classics, you learn the true meaning of the philosophers, you understand etiquette, justice, integrity, and the way of kings and ministers, and you are more awesome than the students from the new school.

, the emperor needs you, and we need you to govern the Ming Dynasty.

Such affirmations and regulations finally made the Confucian people calm down.

Well, well, that's right, we Confucian scholars are taller than ordinary people. We are indispensable for the emperor and the court, and we are indispensable for governing the Ming Dynasty.

How could the Ming Dynasty be governed without us?

How should the emperor govern the country?

We read the Four Books and Five Classics and the true meanings of the philosophers, we understand the way of kings and ministers, and we are knowledgeable about the past and the present. How can we compare with those who study in new schools?

That's how it should be. Students from these new schools cannot be allowed to take the imperial examination. As officials and assistants to the king, we Confucian students are more suitable.

The purpose of opening a new type of school is to enable ordinary children to be more or less literate and hyphenate, to master some explanations of skills, and to allow them to accept it.

No matter what, everyone has the right to receive education. It is also good for poor children to read some books and know some words. They can understand some thoughts of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, and know some loyalty, filial piety and justice. This will also be helpful for them to manage the Ming Dynasty.


It calmed down the Confucian sect's anger, gave the Confucian sect its affirmation, and guaranteed the Confucian sect's status.

In addition, finally, the imperial court also said that it will allocate one million taels of silver every year to build and maintain the opening and operation of traditional private schools and academies, so that more children can learn the true meaning of Confucianism.

In this way, the Confucian people were completely calmed down.

Having received affirmation and guarantee, as well as support and development, there was nothing left to be dissatisfied about. Only a handful of sour and rotten scholars still persisted in writing to Emperor Hongzhi.

It is hoped that the new-style schools will be closed down, or simply turned into traditional private schools and academies to teach the Four Books and Five Classics and the true meaning of the philosophers.

But this was quickly met with strong opposition from others.

The imperial examination is already very difficult. Thirty Young Scholars and fifty old Ming Sutras are enough to show how difficult the imperial examination is, just like thousands of troops crossing a single-plank bridge.

Fortunately for you, you can actually convert these new schools into traditional private schools and academies. Then the number of people taking the imperial examinations will increase tenfold, a hundredfold, or a thousandfold.

I'm afraid that by that time, they will no longer be thirty-year-old Jinshi or fifty-year-old Ming Jing. Some people may not even be able to pass the exam as a child student.

You must know that a new primary school has thousands of students, and some large primary schools even have two to three thousand students. There are dozens of new schools in the Beijing-Tianjin area, with hundreds of thousands of students studying in them.

Here’s an ad, I’m using the Zhuishu app recently. [app] caches books for reading and reads aloud offline!

If all of them were to be converted into private schools and academies, even if the imperial government allocated ten times more places to Beizhili, I'm afraid this place would turn into a hell mode.

The emperor and the court's handling of the matter was very appropriate.

Students in new-style schools are trained to master skills and work in the future, while students in private schools and academies are trained to take the imperial examinations and serve as officials to assist the king in governing the country.

Two routes, in different directions, coexist with each other, which is good.

Naturally, it is not necessary to have too many officials to assist the emperor. It is enough for them to be the traditional big landowners, big gentry, and descendants of big bureaucratic families.

As for the general public, it is good to know Braille, read some books, and understand some principles, so that they can do things better. As for assisting the king and governing the world, forget it.

Things and turmoil gradually subsided, and the Beijing-Tianjin area once again returned to its former hustle and bustle. At the same time, the imperial examinations in the Renxu year began soon.

Everyone's attention was quickly attracted by the imperial examination. The Triennial Ceremony of Ethics and Talents, a grand gathering of talented men and beauties, always had endless allusions to talk about.

What's more, this time, the imperial court also set up a new Dongbang, which brought together candidates from Nanyang provinces, Liaodong, the grasslands, the Western Regions and the Ming vassal states.

This is the first three-rank imperial examination in the history of the Ming Dynasty, so the whole Ming Dynasty, and even at home and abroad, are paying attention to the situation of this imperial examination.

The appointment of Liu Jian, the chief assistant of the cabinet, as the examiner is enough to show that the court attaches great importance to this time and directly allows the chief assistant of the cabinet to take the exam. You must know that generally the chief assistant of the cabinet is the prince's tutor or the prince's grand master. This is to serve as a teacher for the emperor.

In the past, there were very few people who came directly to be the examiner.

This time, Emperor Hongzhi asked Liu Jian to be the examiner, which showed how much the emperor and the court attached great importance to this imperial examination.

The imperial examination was held as scheduled, and the whole capital was discussing who would be the top scholar this time.

Is it Kang Hai, a talented man from Shaanxi?

Or is it Sun Qing from Yuyao, Zhejiang, or Li Tingxiang from Henan?

For this reason, the gambling house here in the capital has also opened again. A total of ninety-nine people have been listed for everyone to come and bet. Among them are famous talents all over the world, and some famous talents from overseas vassal countries. Of course, there are even some from

Talented man from Southeast Asia.

In short, with the beginning of the imperial examination, the capital became lively again.

However, there was only one place that suddenly became extremely cold and deserted.

Wang Hao, the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, lived in the house of Wang Hao. Wang Hao had not yet left and had not returned to his hometown in the south of the Yangtze River to retire.

He is unwilling to do so.

He is only in his fifties, and he is so strong that he can eat a whale no matter how old he is. He is so strong that he can eat a whale. There is no age where he needs to be taken care of.

He was waiting, waiting for Emperor Hongzhi to summon him again, waiting for Emperor Hongzhi to use him again. For this reason, he often visited the houses of Liu Jian, Li Dongyang, Xie Qian and even Zhang Mao.

The purpose is very simple, it is nothing more than to let them help intercede with Emperor Hongzhi. Emperor Hongzhi is a soft-hearted person with a good heart. As long as he talks, he still hopes to be reinstated.

Moreover, after the position of Minister of the Ministry of Personnel became vacant, the cabinet made several recommendations to Emperor Hongzhi, but Emperor Hongzhi rejected them all.

In Wang Hao's opinion, Emperor Hongzhi was keeping this position for himself and waiting for a suitable opportunity to use him again. Otherwise, what else would he do with this position?

For this reason, Wang Hao is still waiting happily.

Just waiting, waiting, suddenly I began to feel that the tea was getting cold. I used to have many people visiting me every day, but these days, there was no one there, and there was no one at all.

This made Wang Hao feel very strange.

However, the ministers above the court quickly understood one thing.

Wang Hao will never be used again. This time the turmoil was caused by Wang Hao. The trouble got bigger and bigger, and it was almost impossible to deal with it.

And as the first person to cause trouble, Wang Hao has now become the public enemy of the old and young men in the capital. Didn’t you see that Wang Hao’s family can’t even recruit servants?

If Wang Hao is used again, the old and young men in the capital will most likely be very dissatisfied.

Of course, the most important thing is that Emperor Hongzhi was dissatisfied with Wang Hao. He felt that Wang Hao, a sour and rotten scholar, was not useful. Apart from his good writing skills, he was actually very poor at governing the country.

The reason why the position of Minister of the Ministry of Personnel is vacant is to reserve it for Liu Jin. Liu Jin was already the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs. This western expedition opened up territory for the Ming Dynasty. In addition, last year's southern expedition to Nanyang,

It's time for Liu Jin to be promoted to a higher rank.

This chapter has been completed!
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