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Chapter 869, Standardization

"It's okay to have frequent malfunctions. Everything is very crude at the beginning, and problems arise one after another. But as long as we keep exploring and moving forward, we can always make it more and more perfect."

"But this maintenance is troublesome. For steam spinning machines and steam looms, if the maintenance time is too long, it will seriously affect everyone's enthusiasm for steam machines, and then affect the promotion of steam machines."

Liu Jin frowned slightly when he heard this.

There are too many faults and poor stability. This must be related to technology. After all, steam engine machines have just come out and there are many imperfections. That is very normal. The key is how to solve these problems.

"I also know this. Some of the steam machines we sell now have encountered many problems, which have caused dissatisfaction among customers. Now we are also having a headache on how to solve these problems."

Ren Siheng nodded and said.

There are many problems reflected below, and customers' opinions are also relatively large, especially for steam cultivators. Once they break down, if they are not repaired in time, it will affect farming. It will also seriously affect the promotion and sales of steam cultivators.

"Let's go and have a look at your factory."

Liu Jin thought for a while and said.


Ren Siheng nodded quickly and quickly led Liu Jin and Zhu Houzhao towards the steam engine manufacturing factory.

Jingcheng Machinery Factory occupies a very large area. A large area belongs to Jingcheng Machinery Factory. Here there are not only huge factories, but also employee areas, and even schools affiliated to Jingcheng Machinery Factory. Jingcheng Machinery Factory

The number of employees employed is tens of thousands.

In one of the huge factories, accompanied by Ren Siheng, Liu Jin and Zhu Houzhao inspected the production and management of the Beijing Machinery Factory.

The huge factory building is very busy, and a large number of workers are working seriously and carefully.

Being able to enter the Beijing Machinery Factory is something that countless people dream of. This is the industry of Liu Jin and His Royal Highness, and the treatment is notoriously good.

Working here, even the most ordinary worker can earn about four taels of silver a month, and food and accommodation are also included. Coupled with the promotion system established by the factory, as long as you are willing to work hard and endure hardship, your future is very bright.


Everyone who works in the Jingcheng Machinery Factory knows this very well.

If you work hard here, your income will be stable, your job will be stable, and after a few years, you can save enough money to buy a house in the capital. If you can get promoted, your income will be even higher.

Therefore, everyone works very seriously and carefully, and the same is true when studying, and they do not dare to be careless.

We are all children from poor families, basically teenagers. It is when they have the strongest learning ability and the strongest practical ability. For them, entering the Beijing Machinery Factory is like a carp jumping over the dragon's gate, a salted fish.

There is hope for a turnaround.

Who dares to be careless about work? Everyone takes it seriously and works carefully.

Of course, in this era, learning crafts and doing work requires an extremely correct attitude. If you go to learn a craft from a master, you will have to work for your master for at least a few years before you can really learn something.


His attitude towards work is definitely incomparable to the young people of later generations.

Liu Jin watched carefully and nodded while watching.

The factory is very clean, and everything is placed very neatly. Everyone's working attitude is also very serious and careful, and the efficiency is also good. Parts are processed one by one, and then transported to the assembly workshop for assembly.

Liu Jin randomly picked up some identical parts and compared them carefully. Soon, Liu Jin discovered the problem.

They are all parts produced by the same group, but Liu Jin can see the differences between these parts with the naked eye.

"Don't you have unified and standardized production of these parts?"

Liu Jin asked Ren Siheng while holding two different parts.

"Yes, all our parts are produced to the same specifications."

Ren Siheng picked up the parts and looked at them carefully. He didn't think there was anything wrong because the two parts were similar. In his opinion, they were obviously qualified parts.

Of course, this cannot be blamed on Ren Siheng. In this era, before industrialization and standardized production, the production of anything depends on the mood and experience of the craftsman.

Only those who are in a good mood and have experience can produce things that meet the standards, but even so, the differences between the things they produce are very big.

Once you are in a bad mood, or have some inexperience, the difference in what you produce will be even greater.

The parts are so different. Is it any wonder that the performance of the assembled machine is stable?

When repairing, it will be very troublesome to repair the parts because they are too different. Especially the machine is assembled from many parts. The difference of one part is not fatal. These ten parts

, once the differences of a hundred parts are combined, it will be very fatal.

"Look at these two parts. They are obviously the same parts. Why are there such big differences that even I can see with my naked eyes?"

Liu Jin took two parts and said to Ren Siheng.

"It is inevitable that there will be differences. It is impossible for us to say that we can produce exactly the same parts."

Ren Siheng said nonchalantly that people who don't have the concept of standardized production don't care about this matter at all.

"Differences are inevitable, but our machine is a huge complex."

"Just taking this steam engine as an example, how many parts does a steam engine need?"

Liu Jin thought for a while and asked.

"If you add up the large and small parts, I'm afraid there may be more than 300 parts."

Ren Siheng thought for a while and said.

"That's it. This steam engine is composed of more than 300 parts. The difference in this one part may not be fatal, but the total difference of these 300 parts may make our steam engine completely useless."

"It is normal to have differences, but we must try to control the differences between parts within a reasonable range. Take this screw and nut as an example, if the difference is too big, what could have been tightened will become loose.

, or there is no way to screw it on quickly."

"This has brought huge problems to the assembly, and it has also brought a huge test to our maintenance, because we are always looking for suitable parts."

"As for the differences in the entire steam engine, because of the differences in each component, the stability of the steam engine will become very poor, which will greatly affect the service life, etc."

"If all our parts are produced in a unified and standardized manner, the quality of the produced parts will be controlled, and the differences must be controlled within a very small range."

"In this way, after our steam engine is assembled as a whole, the stability will be better, and if a problem occurs, it will be easier and more convenient to repair."

Liu Jin talked a lot in one breath, popularizing quality management and some principles and importance of standardized production to Ren Siheng. Such a careless attitude was unacceptable.

If it were in the past, this careless attitude would still be barely acceptable if we were producing one or two pieces of things and assembling them without many parts.

However, once industrialized production occurs and large-scale production of machines such as steam engines, which are assembled with many parts, this careless attitude will definitely not work. It will seriously affect the quality, performance, stability, lifespan and after-sales maintenance of the output, etc.

The sales of steam cultivators, steam spinning machines, and steam looms have increased significantly. This is no longer one or two things, but has initially reached the scale of industrial production, so industrialization must be carried out.

Standardized production and quality control at the same time.

Only in this way can products of qualified quality be produced.

Ren Siheng and Zhu Houzhao listened carefully. At the same time, many managers from the Beijing Machinery Factory also came together. They listened to Liu Jin's detailed introduction to the importance and requirements of standardization and industrialized production. At the same time, they realized the importance of quality management for the first time.


"I see!"

"I asked why the quality of our products is always not good. There are always problems with the steam engines we produce. It turns out that it is because we have not done a good job in each of these small parts. There are slight differences in each of these small parts.

, the difference in the entire steam engine is very big."

After listening to Liu Jin's words, Ren Siheng suddenly said as if he had a sudden realization.

They searched and searched for the root of the problem. They always thought that there was something wrong with the design or structure of their steam engine, but they never thought about it. That was because of the quality and quality problems brought about by mass production.

Issues with standardized production.

Maybe during the experiment, there was no problem with the quality of the machine produced, and it was of excellent quality.

However, once mass production occurs, problems arise, including poor stability, short lifespan, frequent problems, difficult maintenance, etc.

Now I suddenly understand that it is not a technical problem, but because the production management of this part has not achieved unified standards and standardized production, nor has it carried out quality management, and treated it with a careless attitude.


"I didn't expect there to be such profound knowledge here."

After Zhu Houzhao listened, his eyes suddenly shone and he said that he had been focusing on researching various new machines, but he was not interested in how to manage and produce them.

Now when he heard what Liu Jin said, he immediately felt that there was a lot of knowledge in it and it was worth studying.

"Haha, of course, when the error of our parts can be much smaller than a hair, a lot, then it will basically be considered qualified."

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