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Chapter 912, another Liu Jin

In the Western Capital City of the Western Regions, Yang Yun, the Duke of Australia, was carefully watching the military information reported from various places.

"Well, not bad, not bad!"

"The implementation is very good. When dealing with these unruly nomadic peoples in Central Asia, we should let them know how powerful our Ming Dynasty is. Otherwise, there will never be peace in the Hezhong area."

"Huo Yun, Liao Yuan has done a good job on the side of the Timur Khanate. After this battle, the Timur Khanate may really be destroyed."

Yang Yun looked at the map of Central Asia while reading the news. He thought for a while and said: "It is still necessary to occupy some places on the plateau south of the Hezhong area to form a line of defense. The Hezhong area is low-lying and is a vast plain area.

There is no danger to defend, but once the enemy advances straight in, it will be quite dangerous."

Thinking of this, he immediately picked up his pen and ink and began to issue new orders to Huo Yun and Liao Yuan.

"Shaibani is very wise. He didn't dare to fight against our Ming Dynasty and ran away directly. It is probably because he was shadowed by Wang Shouren last winter."

Yang Yun quickly picked up another piece of intelligence information and couldn't help laughing after reading it.

Last winter, he and Wang Shouren each led a part of their army into Central Asia, swept across all sides, and occupied the area in the middle of the river. The killings also made countless tribes change their minds after hearing about it. Shaibani, a strongman in Central Asia, was also killed by Wang Shouren.

The shadow has been cast, and now I don't dare to fight the Ming army at all.

"Now we just need news from Han Yi and Huo Ying."

"The Kazakh Khanate is the most powerful country in Central Asia. Even though it was beaten once last winter, it still has strength. It is still a bit dangerous for these 30,000 cavalry to enter the Kazakh Khanate."

After reading the news from all sides, Yang Yun turned his attention to the direction of the Kazakh Khanate. The war in this direction was what he was most worried about. The Kazakh Khanate was now considered the most powerful, and Mulundek Khan was also a generation.

Hero, facing such a strong opponent with only 30,000 cavalry is still a bit risky.


"Eight hundred miles of hurry, the Korean army defeated the Kazakh Khanate!"

At this moment, someone walked over in a hurry, shouting as he walked.


When Yang Yun heard this, he immediately shouted excitedly.

Soon, a messenger soldier carrying a red flag hurriedly delivered a box to Yang Yun respectfully.

As the top military officer in the Western Region and Hezhong region, he naturally had to report on the Korean wing's victory over the Kazakh Khanate.

Yang Yun received the good news and read it very quickly.

"Mo Dan, it's Liu Jin again!"

After watching carefully from beginning to end, Yang Yun couldn't help but cursed happily.

"I must have learned this from Liu Jin. He ceded Dayuzi grassland, compensated fifty million taels of silver, paid in installments, paid tribute of fifty thousand good horses every year, and protected merchants..."

"It was definitely taught by Liu Jin!"

Yang Yun said with great certainty, but the smile on his face could not be concealed.

"Mulundekh Khan was able to agree to such a request. It seems that the feeling of having the knife on his neck was very uncomfortable. In order to survive, he agreed to any conditions."

"This Han Yi is too soft-hearted. Since it is meat on the chopping board, it is too lightly slaughtered. If nothing else, just this war horse. Fifty thousand good horses a year are not enough for the Kazakh Khanate."

No matter what, it must be at least 100,000 horses."

"Anyway, if you go west, you'll see endless grassland. They can grab it too."

Yang Yun said to himself, and when the people next to him heard this, they all couldn't help being slightly dumbfounded.

Didn’t you just say that Han Yi was Liu Jin’s student?

Isn’t this what you, Yang Yun, are like?

"Hurry up immediately and rush to the capital with eight hundred taels!"


A few days later, in the study room of Emperor Hongzhi in the capital, Zhu Houzhao sat on Emperor Hongzhi's seat, discussing state affairs with important ministers in a dignified manner.

"Your Highness, news recently came from Golden Continent that France, Portugal, and England in Europe jointly sent troops to attack Spain. The Spanish kings requested support from our Ming Dynasty."

Zhang Mao, who was in charge of military affairs, reported to Zhu Houzhao with a memorial.

"They Europeans are fighting each other. This doesn't seem to have much to do with our Ming Dynasty, right?"

"Why did Spain ask for help from our Ming Dynasty?"

When Zhu Houzhao heard this, he immediately became energetic. He was drowsy when it came to ordinary state affairs, but when it came to military affairs, he was very energetic.

"Your Highness, last year, Ming and Spain signed the Penglai Agreement in Penglai City, Golden Continent. According to the agreement, Spain recognized all sovereignty of Ming Dynasty over Golden Continent and stopped any colonial activities in Golden Continent. At the same time, it also

Jointly attack with our Ming fleet on the Golden Continent to attack the colonial strongholds of European countries on the Golden Continent."

"In return, our Ming Dynasty will recognize Spain as the most powerful country in Europe. At the same time, on the Golden Continent, our Ming Dynasty will only authorize European trade rights to Spain."

"This agreement was also strongly opposed by various European countries. Portugal, France and England were the biggest victims. All their strongholds on the east coast of Golden Continent were uprooted by us. At the same time, they lost the opportunity to trade with our Ming Dynasty.

qualifications, so they united and declared war on Spain at the same time."

Zhang Mao told the cause of the incident in detail.

"In addition, King Ning also cleaned up the Portuguese colonies and colonial fleet in Tianzhu in the Indian Ocean this year. This may also have led to the enmity between our Ming Dynasty and Portugal."

Hearing Zhang Mao's words, Zhu Houzhao, Liu Jian, Li Dongyang, Xie Qian and others also nodded slightly, and immediately understood what happened thousands of miles away.

In the final analysis, this matter originated from the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty wanted to monopolize the Golden Continent, but at that time there was insufficient power on the Golden Continent. Therefore, it united with Spain to give Spain the benefits of trade rights, thereby attacking European countries in the Golden Continent.

colony, and then monopolize the Golden Continent.

"What do you think?"

Zhu Houzhao pondered for a while, then thought about it and asked the ministers.

"Your Highness, I think this matter started because of our Ming Dynasty. Naturally, our Ming Dynasty cannot just sit idly by and ignore it."

"Because Spain resisted the pressure of European countries on behalf of our Ming Dynasty, our Ming Dynasty was able to develop steadily in Golden Continent."

"If Spain is defeated, we will lose an ally in Europe. European countries are said to officially support pirates and bandits. I am afraid that our Ming Dynasty's stronghold in the coastal area of ​​​​Golden Continent will not be peaceful."

Liu Jian thought for a while and was the first to stand up and express his position.

Counting it now, Ming and Spain are allies. Naturally, this ally must be supported when it is in trouble. Otherwise, no one will dare to form an alliance with our Ming in the future.

"What Liu Gong said is reasonable, but since Europe is far away from our Ming Dynasty, how can we support Spain?"

Li Dongyang thought for a while and said.

"Our Ming Dynasty has a fleet on the east coast of Golden Continent, with about fifty warships, which can support the past."

"In addition, our Ming Dynasty has many colonial points on the east coast of Africa and the Indian Ocean. Each colonial point and major trading houses can dedicate some of their ships to form a fleet and go to Europe for support."

"Of course this is the most direct military support. In fact, we can still sell more weapons and ammunition to Spain. Many of our muskets, artillery and old-fashioned ones have been sealed in warehouses. We can also take this opportunity to sell them all to Spain.


Zhang Mao thought about it and immediately replied, saying that when he talked about arms trading, he looked like a profiteer.

"Damn~ It's Liu Jin again!"

Hearing Zhang Mao's words, Li Dongyang, Liu Jian, Xie Qian and others couldn't help but cursed in their hearts. This Zhang Mao was led astray by Liu Jin.

"Then do what the British Lord wants. The fleet will go over first. Don't rush to get involved. Sell our old weapons first. Spain has made an unknown amount of money by monopolizing trade with our Ming Dynasty.

, this time I want them to spit it out all."

"If they really can't support it anymore, our fleet will directly support Spain with force."

Zhu Houzhao thought for a while, then gave the order after thinking about it.

Support must be provided, and allies must be taken care of. Spain is here in Europe to be a troublemaker. Pirates, thieves and bandits in Europe will stare at Spain desperately. The Ming Dynasty's colonization in Golden Continent

The base will be safer.


"Eight hundred miles urgent!"

"Great victory! Great victory in Central Asia!"

At this moment, a messenger quickly ran toward the Chancellor's study room and shouted loudly.

Well, this is the only time I can yell in this strict palace.

As soon as Liu Jin heard this, he hurried out and soon came to Zhu Houchhong with the news of 800 taels sent back from Central Asia.

Zhu Houzhao picked up the memorial and quickly browsed it. After reading it, his eyes could not help but widen slightly, and then he blurted out: "I must have learned this from Liu Jin."

When everyone around them heard this, they were slightly shocked. They didn't know what the content was, and they actually said that they learned it from Liu Jin.

Soon, Zhu Houzhao also asked Liu Jin to show the report to the ministers present. Liu Jian, Li Dongyang, Xie Qian, Zhang Mao and others quickly read it, each one was slightly dumbfounded, and then sighed in their hearts almost at the same time.

Another Liu Jin!

"This is an agreement that cedes land, pays compensation, and pays in installments. This kind of agreement is so familiar. Isn't this what Liu Jin pioneered?"

"Only a brat like Liu Jin can do such a thing. I didn't expect Han Yi to learn it all at once."

Zhang Mao couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the simple and kind-hearted people of Ming Dynasty were led astray by Liu Jin.

This chapter has been completed!
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