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Chapter 925, Cultural Identity is the Strongest

"Mr. Chen, I have official duties to attend to, so I'll take my leave now!"

After informing Ruan Da, Ruan Hao also bowed his hands to Chen Mazi.

"Mr. Ruan, you are busy with your business."

Chen Mazi also smiled and returned the greeting. If the other party respected him a foot, he should also respect the other party a foot. The status of Han immigrants in Jiaozhi was quite high.

I am just an ordinary citizen, and the other party is an official, but he is so respectful to me. This is mainly because I am a Han immigrant.

After Ruan Hao left on horseback, Chen Mazi also drove the carriage back home.

This is the first year that immigrants have come to Cochin. At first, I was not used to it, but gradually I started to like the life here. Not only do I have my own farm, the food is high in yield, but I am also exempt from taxes for several years. My life is booming all of a sudden.


He has already planned. After selling the ripe rice, he will build a reinforced concrete house. It is rainy and humid here in Cochin. Ordinary houses, whether they are wooden houses or brick houses, are very comfortable to live in.

It’s uncomfortable, but those houses made of reinforced concrete in cities and towns are comfortable to live in, and they are also the most popular houses now.

"The price of rice has dropped again. It is more cost-effective to plant sugar cane. I will plant another 30 acres of sugar cane next time."

Building a house is naturally a big event and something to be happy about, but Chen DaZi is worried about the drop in rice prices.

This Jiaozhi rice is the best rice, but the price is getting lower every time. It can't be sold for much money now. For Chen Hezi who is in urgent need of money, it is obviously more cost-effective to grow sugar cane.


Chen Mazi was calculating the next planting, while Ruan Da, who was lying under the shade of the tree, was still lying comfortably. He felt that his life was really comfortable now.

The taxes in Ming Dynasty are low, only 30% tax. The family has more food than they can eat, and the women work hard, so he can be responsible for the carefree and happy life.

"Studying, what's the use of studying? I really don't know what the emperor thinks. If I can't spend all the money, I might as well give it to us directly. We must let our children go to school."

He thought of what Ruan Hao had just said, and suddenly he became a little hesitant.

In his opinion, studying was of no use at all. It was better to let his children help with work at home, but this was an order from the Ming Dynasty court, and he had to obey it.

The authority of the Ming Dynasty has long been established here. The nobles and nobles were killed and blood flowed like rivers. Too many people died. They were in awe of the people of the Ming Dynasty, and even more so for the Ming Dynasty court.

On the one hand, the Ming court brutally suppressed and killed those natives who resisted the Ming rule. On the other hand, it also gave many benefits to those who obeyed the Ming rule. The fastest updated PC version::/

For example, in terms of taxes, the taxes collected by the Ming Dynasty in Jiaozhi were much less than those collected by the Li Dynasty before and after. The land tax alone was reduced by more than half.

With such a combination of kindness and power, coupled with the appointment of officials to manage, the entire rule of Jiaozhi quickly stabilized.

This point is different from the three provinces of Nanyang, Xianglin and Zhenghe.

There are very few indigenous people in Nanyang Province. After the initial killings, immigrants from the Ming Dynasty accounted for the vast majority of the population in Nanyang Province, and the few indigenous people have become insignificant.

Therefore, here in Nanyang Province, the model is mainly based on plantations. There are a large number of plantations occupied by commercial companies, as well as individual plantations owned by Ming immigrants.

The situation in Xianglin Province is similar. Xianglin Province was originally handed over to Champaign, and the local aborigines in Champaign were killed by the Houli Dynasty of Annan. After they surrendered to the Ming Dynasty, their population was also very small, and they were actively integrated.

The rule of Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, Xianglin Province is also dominated by the plantation economy. A large number of plantations are spread throughout Xianglin Province, and a large number of slaves are used for farming.

As for Zhenghe Province, the situation is different. Zhenghe Province has a special geographical location. It is located in the Strait of Malacca and has a sparse population. On the one hand, the Ming Dynasty built strait cities, controlled the Strait of Malacca, and developed the port economy. On the other hand, it also

In the promotion of plantation economy.

The most special thing is Jiaozhi. Jiaozhi has a very large population. When it was still Annan Kingdom, Annan was one of the most powerful countries in the entire Nanyang region. One of the important reasons is because of the large population here.

Despite the massacre by the army last year, there are still a lot of indigenous people here. Even though there are a large number of immigrants, in terms of population structure, the local indigenous people still make up the majority.

This also led to the fact that the plantation economy was not popular here in Jiaozhi. It was mainly a small farmer economy and the plantation economy could not become popular.

Ruan Ziran didn't understand why the imperial court forced local aboriginal children like them to go to school. In the final analysis, it was to consolidate the Ming Dynasty's rule here.

During the Yongle Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty once ruled here, but soon lost its control here.

There are several very important reasons. One is that the Ming Dynasty's rule here mainly relied on the local nobles. They were loyal to the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty's rule was stable. Once they became ambitious, the Ming Dynasty's rule here would collapse.


This is like the problem of the chieftains in the southwest in the past. The chieftains were the local emperors of one area. Did they make a fuss in order to gain benefits from the Ming court?

At that time, the Ming Dynasty's rule in Jiaozhi was even more serious than that of the southwestern chieftains, because the noble families here were more powerful than the chieftains.

Another main reason is that there are too few Han people. There are still a lot of Han people in the southwest, so although the chieftains are capricious, the Ming Dynasty is still able to suppress them effectively.

There were few Han people in Jiaozhi. Unless the Ming Dynasty had a long-term garrison, it would not be able to suppress these local rebellions. Over time, it lost interest in ruling here.

As the saying goes, the land is not enough to support the people, and the people are not enough to command. This is what we are talking about.

In addition, cultural differences are also an extremely important factor. Although the Ming Dynasty had a great influence here, and the characters used here are also Chinese characters, there are too few literate people to form a cultural identity like the Central Plains.


Having learned these lessons, Liu Jin naturally took targeted measures when he raided Jiaozhi.

The first is to deal a heavy blow to the local noble families in Jiaozhi. Not only did the Ming Dynasty troops be dispatched to clean up these noble families, but they also dispatched Korean and Japanese warrior groups to sweep up, severely attacking the local noble families.

Without these noble clans, there is no leader. The remaining ordinary people cannot afford to make any trouble at all. Just giving them some sweetness in taxes and food and drink is enough for them to accept the rule of the Ming Dynasty.

The second step is to appoint floating officials. In the entire Nanyang provinces, all officials are floating officials appointed from the Ming Dynasty. Even the government's government officials, servants, etc. are filled with a large number of retired Ming Dynasty soldiers.

Although many problems and difficulties were encountered at the beginning, because they were appointed floating officials, the opportunities and possibilities for local people to gain power were cut off, and the rule became more stable.

Then the most important thing is cultural assimilation and integration. Like the Western Regions and Hezhong areas, the Ming Dynasty fully implemented Han culture and the policy of Ming Dynasty here.

Everyone is required to change their surnames to Chinese names, learn Ming Dynasty Mandarin, learn Ming Dynasty characters, practice Ming Dynasty etiquette, celebrate Ming Dynasty festivals, and respect the teachings of Confucius and Mencius.

In this regard, the most important thing is to start with the education of children, establish schools, recruit local students, pay attention to Confucian culture, the ways of Confucius and Mencius, the way of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, and promote the superiority of being a Ming Dynasty person, etc.

It is for this reason that the children of these locals are forced to go to school. The purpose is to promote Han culture, promote national integration, and consolidate the Ming Dynasty's rule here.

No matter how strong the military and institutional rule is, it is not as good as cultural and ethnic integration. As long as we have a common culture, language and writing, even if the Ming Dynasty weakens in the future, this place will still become an inseparable part of China.

By then, even if the Ming people say nothing, these local people who have received advanced and excellent Han cultural education will be proud of the Ming people and the inheritors of Han culture, and will become an inseparable part of the society.

Regarding this point, it has been proven more than once in later generations that cultural identity and integration are the strongest means of integration and assimilation.

Ruan Da didn't understand the deeper meaning of this. He was just a commoner at the lowest level. He only knew that their lives had indeed become much easier since the Ming Emperor ruled them.

Taxes are low and food is plentiful. If you are more diligent, you can still work in workshops, factories, and plantations run by Han people, and your income will be quite good, and your life will be much more comfortable than before.

For such low-level people, it doesn't matter who becomes the emperor. Whether it's a Ming Dynasty person or a local person, the most important thing is who can make them live a good life.

PS: My head is dizzy, there are some glitches, the writing is very messy, and there is no theme.

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