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Chapter 956, the population data of Daming

In the study room of Qianqing Palace in the capital, Liu Jin was once again summoned to the palace by Emperor Hongzhi.

"Your Majesty, the rebellion of the southwestern chieftains has been completely suppressed, and all the chieftains who participated in the rebellion have been beheaded in public."

Liu Jian reported to Emperor Hongzhi about the rebellion of the southwestern chieftains in a loud voice.

Emperor Hongzhi began to have trouble sleeping these days. The southwestern chieftains rebelled, more than ten tribes in the western regions rebelled against the Ming Dynasty, and the Uzang chieftains and Xiaoxiao also joined forces to rebel against the Ming Dynasty.

This made Emperor Hongzhi very anxious, but fortunately, the bad news did not reach the capital for only a few days, and good news came soon.

The rebellion of the Southwest Chieftains was put down in the shortest time. The Southwest Chieftains, who had lost the basis of their rule, could not make any waves at all. They were easily put down by the exiled officials and garrison troops in the Southwest.

In the Western Region, more than a dozen tribes that rebelled against the Ming Dynasty were also suppressed by Yang Yun, the Duke of Australia, at the first opportunity. They were slaughtered cleanly with ease. By the way, the leaders of the large and small tribes in the Western Region were also summoned. , requiring these leaders and nobles to go to the capital, otherwise they will be regarded as rebelling against the Ming Dynasty.

The only headache now is on the Uzang side. A large number of officials assigned to Uzang were killed. Chieftains and lamas united to resist the Ming Dynasty. They even dared to attack Qinghai and Gansu. It was extremely audacious.

The imperial court did not have any troops stationed in Uzang, and there were no immigrants. It only had 20,000 cavalry stationed in Qinghai. However, Uzang was a vast area, and it would not take one or two days to suppress these chieftains and lamas. .


Emperor Hongzhi said happily upon hearing this.

In the southwest, due to the reform of native land and returning to local rule, the problem of toast itself has almost been solved. Now it is just jumping around and cannot make any waves at all.

As for the large and small tribes in the Western Region, they took this opportunity to kill chickens to scare monkeys, and also asked their tribal leaders to come to the capital. From now on, they will be almost like the tribal leaders on the grassland. They will enjoy the blessings here in the capital. As for the tribes, they will slowly It has nothing to do with them.

Next, we can begin to carry out in-depth changes and interventions on these tribes in the Western Regions, completely abolish these previous tribal systems, and incorporate these nomadic tribes into the solid rule of the Ming Dynasty.

The only thing I have to worry about now is Uzang.

But there is really nothing to worry about in Uszang. During this period, Uszang itself was fragmented and weak. Furthermore, Uszang was vast and sparsely populated and lacked resources, so it could not afford to make waves.

As long as the imperial army stationed in Uzang, they could immediately wipe out these chieftains and lamas, liberate the serfs, abolish the serf system, and distribute land, cattle and sheep to these serfs. The chieftains and lamas would completely lose the basis of their rule.

Of course, if the Ming Dynasty wanted to rule this place for a long time, it still had to adhere to the comprehensive implementation of the Ming Dynasty policy. After all, there is really no way to attract Han people to immigrate here.

"Your Majesty, except for Uzang, the Western Regions and the Southwest, the implementation of the civil hierarchy system of our Ming Dynasty has been very smooth in all places. At present, the first census of our Ming Dynasty has basically been completed."

Ji Zhong, the Minister of Household Affairs, handed over a memorandum in his hand and said.

"Well, tell me, how many people are there in my Ming Dynasty?"

When Emperor Hongzhi heard this, he immediately smiled happily, took the memorial passed by Xiao Jing and asked.

"Your Majesty, after two months of census, we have determined that there are thirteen provinces in the Ming Dynasty, plus the four provinces of Liaodong, Grassland, Western Regions, Hezhong, Nanyang, overseas Australia, Golden Continent, and many overseas colonies and overseas vassal states."

"The total population of our Ming Dynasty is 100 million and 57 million, or 930,000, of which the total population of the two capitals and thirteen provinces is 100 million and 35 million, and the total population outside the customs and overseas is 2,000

About three million."

Zhong Zhong read out these numbers very skillfully.

"Ten and fifty-seven million people!"

When Emperor Hongzhi heard this, he couldn't help but smile and said: "It seems that the population of our Ming Dynasty is still very large. The total population recorded in the previous yellow books was less than one-third, but the concealed population turned out to be more than one-third."


"Your Majesty, the reason why we can count so many numbers in this census is mainly because Your Majesty has freed the population tax and taxes. Even without paying the population tax and taxes, the people are still very willing to register.

, because if you are not registered and do not obtain an identity card, you will be unable to move forward in the future, and you will also be unable to participate in military conscription, etc."

Zhong Zhong also nodded solemnly and explained the reason.

"It's great to have so many people. Our Ming Dynasty's territory is constantly expanding and there is more and more land. Naturally, the more people, the better."

Emperor Hongzhi nodded slightly. In the past, he always felt that the population of the Ming Dynasty was too small. Now it seems that it is not the population of the Ming Dynasty that is small, but the population registered in the Yellow Register. This hidden population is too huge.

"Your Majesty, gentlemen~"

"I have several data analysis reports on the population of my Ming Dynasty."

At this time, Liu Jin also stood up and took out a stack of papers. These papers were different from traditional memorials, but rather similar to the A4 papers of later generations.

The paper also uses tables, numbers and pictures to vividly display some contents. After Liu Jin received the census data of the Ming Dynasty, he had people make it overnight.

In fact, it is to analyze the population data of the Ming Dynasty in the form of tables, patterns and numbers from later generations.


When everyone heard this, they immediately became interested. Liu Jin could always bring something different. This census was also proposed by Liu Jin. Everyone wanted to see what new tricks Liu Jin could come up with.

Xiao Jing also quickly handed out the papers brought by Liu Jin to Emperor Hongzhi, Liu Jian, Li Dongyang, Xie Qian, Zhang Mao, Zhong Zhong and others, each one had a copy, and each copy contained many pieces of paper.


"Everyone, please look at the first piece of paper!"

Liu Jin picked up a piece of paper and pointed at the content on it and said: "The content on this paper is the comparison between men and women in my Ming Dynasty population data."

"The Ming Dynasty has nearly 158 million people, of which the total number of men is about 77 million, and the total number of women is about 81 million. There are nearly 4 million more women than men.

, the ratio between men and women is basically one to one!”

When everyone heard Liu Jin's words, they also picked up the first piece of paper and read it.

There are tables and numbers on it. The numbers are Arabic numerals. Everyone has learned this and can understand it. It is also very clear. There is also a comparison like a round cake. The round cake is divided into two halves.

Shown in red and half in black.

"I didn't expect that in Ming Dynasty, there are more women than men, and there are four million more people. Doesn't this mean that four million women will become widows?"

Seeing this picture, Zhang Mao couldn't help but smile and said.

"Haha, that shouldn't be the case. With three wives and four concubines, the extra four million people are not that many. There are even many people who can't marry wives."

Liu Jin smiled and shook his head. With three wives and four concubines, there were four million more women, which was not a lot at all. Many of them were destined to be singles.


Emperor Hongzhi and others watched and listened carefully, and couldn't help but nod.

"Let's take a look at the second picture. This is a comparison of the data between Han people and non-Han people in the Ming Dynasty. The total number of Han people in the Ming Dynasty was about 145 million, and the number of non-Han people was about 13 million. We Han people

The proportion of Chinese people is about 92%, and the proportion of non-Han people is about 8%.”

"What needs special attention is that in the Western Regions, we Han people account for less than 80%, in the northern grasslands we account for less than 50%, and in Jiaozhi Province in Southeast Asia, we account for only about 30%."

Liu Jin picked up the second chart and continued, and everyone also picked it up and looked at it. It listed the population proportions of each province, and the provinces with smaller proportions were listed in red.

"It seems we still need to move more people to the grasslands and Nanyang."

Emperor Hongzhi looked at it, thought about it and said.

"Well, it is true that we should insist on immigration. There are still a large number of people in the two capitals and thirteen provinces in the pass, and they can migrate out in large numbers. Australia, Huangjinzhou, Liaodong, Nanyang, and the Western Regions are vast places with very few people.

, and there are too many people in the two capitals and thirteen provinces within the pass."

Others also nodded. Originally, it was just a numerical concept, but there was no visual concept. Now Liu Jin gave them an intuitive impression in the form of numbers, charts, and patterns.

The ratio of men to women in the population, which province has a larger population, which province has a smaller population, etc.

"Please take a look at the third table. This table is the per capita cultivated land area data that I calculated based on the cultivated land area reported by each province."

"Among them, Hezhong Province has the most cultivated land per capita, with a per capita cultivated land area of ​​more than 200 acres, and Liaodong's per capita cultivated land area also exceeds 200 acres."

“The provinces with the least cultivated land per capita are Fujian and Zhejiang provinces, with the per capita cultivated land area being less than three acres.”

Liu Jin looked at everyone's expressions, smiled and continued.

“I didn’t expect that the per capita cultivated land in Zhejiang is not even three acres.”

Hearing Liu Jin's words, Xie Qian couldn't help but sigh. Zhejiang and Fujian are both mountainous and have scarce cultivated land, but no one would have thought that the cultivated land was so scarce that the per capita cultivated land was not even three acres.

"Let's look at the fourth table again. This table reflects the population density of our Ming Dynasty. The highest population density is naturally the two capitals and thirteen provinces of our Ming Dynasty. Among them, the Beijing-Tianjin region and the Jiangnan region have the highest population density.

The least dense one is Australia, which has a population of less than half a million!"

Liu Jin continued to talk about the tables one by one, and everyone listened carefully and looked at them carefully. They immediately understood why Liu Jin said that a census should be conducted instead of a census.

This chapter has been completed!
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