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Chapter 972, behind the officials

The Ming Dynasty was so coercive that no country dared to be so arrogant in front of the Ming Dynasty for a long time. Now when they heard that the Ottoman Empire envoy was so arrogant and arrogant, all the ministers were angry.

"Your Majesty, I believe that against such a country of tigers and wolves, Ming Dynasty must not take even a step back, otherwise the other party will make further progress. Today they are just asking for independent trade rights, but tomorrow they may ask for our river."

"My Ming Dynasty should actively prepare for war and station troops in the river. As long as they dare to mess with our Ming Dynasty, we will fight back hard to let them know how powerful our Ming Dynasty is."

Liu Jian, the chief assistant of the cabinet, stood up and said very domineeringly. At this moment, Liu Jian no longer had the submissive and timid appearance of the previous civil servants. Instead, he looked like a military general who liked to solve problems with his fists.

"Your Majesty, I think what Mr. Liu said is true!"

Zhang Mao also stood up and expressed his stance.

Anyway, the Ming Dynasty still has to fight to the west, and sooner or later it will have to fight the Ottoman Empire. In this case, it is better to prepare early.

"I agree with what Mr. Liu said~"

Xie Qian, Zhong Zhong and others also expressed their opinions that the Ming Dynasty should be fearless now and did not need to fear any enemies. Although the Ottoman Empire was powerful, it would be the stupidest decision to provoke the Ming Dynasty.

They are just Turks. The ancestors of the Turks were defeated by the Tang Dynasty and had to move westward. We were able to defeat their ancestors hundreds of years ago, but now we can beat them with bruises and bruises.


Emperor Hongzhi nodded slightly, thought for a while, and then said after thinking: "The Governor's Office of the Fifth Army is ready to send an additional 100,000 troops to the Hezhong area to prepare for war!"


When Zhang Mao heard this, he nodded quickly.

Now the Ming Dynasty has established a firm foothold in the Hezhong area. This year's Hezhong area has a bumper harvest, and the harvested food is enough to feed millions of people for several years.

Hezhong is like the bridgehead for the Ming Dynasty to attack West Asia, Central Asia, and Eastern Europe. It needs food, food, and bases. This is why Liu Jin occupied the Hezhong area, because with the Hezhong area, the Ming Dynasty has a way to continue.

It's time to attack the bridgehead.

Otherwise, starting from the Western Region, if we attack, it will be a big problem to make up for the food and fodder, not to mention, how to gain a firm foothold is still a problem.

"This Ottoman Empire has no choice but to offend the Ming Dynasty. It is probably going to have a good time now."

Liu Jin couldn't help but feel sad for the Ottoman Empire. This huge empire spanning three continents, although it was in the process of rapid expansion and development, was extremely powerful and full of desire and motivation for expansion.

But the Ming Dynasty should not be provoked. The current Ming Dynasty is also a Ming Dynasty full of desire for expansion. It is also in a period of extremely strong strength. Once a war breaks out, the Ottoman Empire will never take any advantage.

"Your Majesty, the nationwide anti-gang and evil work has initially achieved some results. Gangs in the city, road bullies, bandits, bandits, pirates, etc. on the traffic arteries have all been dealt a heavy blow and have basically been eliminated.

These evil forces in our Ming Dynasty."

"But in local areas, there are still many evil forces and hooligans. These people often rely on violent means to squeeze local people and monopolize local businesses, fish and meat towns."

"After investigation by Jin Yiwei and Dongchang, we found that these evil forces often have backers behind them. Many of the backers are officials of the imperial court. Because of these backers, they are unscrupulous, run rampant and lawless."

Soon, Zhang Mao also took out a thick memorial and handed it to Emperor Hongzhi, reporting to Emperor Hongzhi on the recent anti-gang and evil work.

He and Xiao Jing were responsible for this matter. Xiao Jing was an eunuch, so naturally he, Zhang Mao, was the main person in charge.

After hearing Zhang Mao's words, Emperor Hongzhi's expression turned ugly, and the expressions of all the ministers present changed.

All of them are extremely popular ministers, the pillars of the country, and the emperor's ministers. Who among them doesn't have a big family behind him?

More or less, there will be some family members, tribesmen, etc. who have used their names to do some bad things, such as Liu Jian, the chief minister of the cabinet, who is from Henan and has a very large field in his hometown in Henan.

Where did the field come from?

Some of these resources were transferred to Liu Jian's name, some were bought and sold by the family, and some were given to Xiao Jing by officials below.

Liu Jian had several sons. He had some sons who were successful, but also wanted sons who were not. To some extent, they were doing harm to the village.

The same is true for Li Dongyang. He had a son, an only son, and he loved him so much since he was a child that his son looked for flowers and willows every day, and eventually contracted the disease.

As for Xie Qian, his upbringing was very strict, and all his sons were very promising. However, his tribe was in Yuyao, Zhejiang, and they were local gangsters in Yuyao. It was common for them to bully people who went to the countryside.

"You all take a look~"

Emperor Hongzhi read some of it very quickly. After reading it, he gave the memorial to Xiao Jing and motioned for him to pass it to the ministers to read.

Starting from Liu Jian, all the ministers took turns to look at each other, and the more they looked at each other, the uglier their expressions became.

Because the above records are very detailed, what are the evil forces in various places, who are their main backers, and what are they doing that violate laws and regulations, and are tyrannical in the fish and meat village.

Some ministers even went to their hometown and immediately saw that people in their own family used their names to bully men and bully women.

"Your Majesty, I am guilty and have failed to teach my son the right way!"

Liu Jian was the first to stand up and take the initiative to apologize to Emperor Hongzhi, because the memorial was clearly concerned about Liu Jian's son's tyranny in his hometown in Henan. Even the chief envoy and governor of Henan did not dare to intervene. After all, Liu Jian was the head of the cabinet.

Auxiliary, naturally it is even more unscrupulous.

"Your Majesty, I am also guilty. I failed to restrain my clansmen, so that they became tyrannical in the fish and meat village."

Xie Qian also quickly stood up and expressed his stance.

As for Li Dongyang, he didn't say anything. He was just a son. Although he was ineffective and looked for flowers, he did not rape women, nor did he do anything to bully men and women. Of course, this may also be because he was brought to the capital.

, I don’t dare to do these things even if I take it with me.


"Your son is your son, and you are you~"

Emperor Hongzhi looked at Liu Jian and said that he still respected his teacher very much, and Liu Jian had always been loyal to the country, so he could not blame Liu Jian for his son's affairs.

"You don't know if you don't check. All the officials in our imperial court are working hard for the country, but behind the scenes of these officials, their children, brothers, clansmen, and relatives are all causing trouble.


"Even the servants of some officials dare to run rampant in the countryside and commit all kinds of evil. Everyone can see and see~"

"Bullying men and dominating women, living in a fish and meat village, buying and selling by force, robbing women, extorting money, loan sharking, opening casinos, smuggling goods... Take a look at them all, take a good look at them. Are these officials from our Ming Dynasty?


"Forget it if you don't know. Many officials know that their children, brothers, and tribesmen are doing things that are harmful to nature, but not only are they not punished, but they actually help them do evil."

"Officials protect each other, and the common people have nowhere to redress their grievances!"

Then Emperor Hongzhi stood up again and said angrily.

After hearing Emperor Hongzhi's words, everyone's faces turned very ugly.

Although Emperor Hongzhi did not directly say it was them, when it comes to officials of the Ming Dynasty, everyone is an official of the Ming Dynasty, so this is naturally included in them. Moreover, everyone is somewhat unclean behind their backs, and their family members have also committed some violations of laws and disciplines.


"Let's talk about this, what should we do?"

Even if you are angry, things still need to be solved. Just being angry will not solve the problem.

After getting angry, Emperor Hongzhi quickly regained his composure, thought about it and said.

"Your Majesty, I believe that adultery must never be tolerated and must be severely punished. No matter who is the backer behind these evil forces, they should be severely punished."

Zhang Mao thought for a while and stood up to express his position.

He understood Emperor Hongzhi very well and knew what Emperor Hongzhi was thinking in his heart. He loved his people as his own son and could not bear to see such things.

"Punishment must be punished. If we don't get rid of these evil forces, how can we give the people a peaceful world?"

"But this only treats the symptoms and not the root cause. In addition to these, new evil forces will appear in Ming Dynasty today. How to cure them is the difficult problem."

Emperor Hongzhi nodded slightly. As an emperor, he naturally had to consider long-term matters.

"Liu Jin, tell me~"

Emperor Hongzhi glanced at the ministers and asked Liu Jin.

When Liu Jin heard this, he immediately felt helpless. Can you please stop asking me to do such offending things?

But the emperor has named them, and if they don't take the blame, they have to take the blame. Moreover, Liu Jin who came through time also deeply hates these evil forces, especially the protective umbrella.

After pondering for a while, he thought carefully and said: "Your Majesty, I think that in order to maintain public order in the Ming Dynasty, we must normalize the work of cracking down on gangs and eliminating evil. We cannot catch people today and let them go tomorrow."

"It's just that the number of yamen, government officials, officials and police officers in various parts of the Ming Dynasty is not only insufficient, but also the professional quality is very poor. Therefore, I believe that a special police academy should be established to train highly capable professional police officers to fight crime.

, and at the same time, we also expanded the number of official missions and police officers in local yamen and government offices to crack down on criminals and protect the peace of the country."

"The second is the need to establish channels for ordinary people to petition and give ordinary people a channel to redress their grievances. In this regard, all state government offices and the capital must establish special places to accept reports, specifically to accept such cases."

“Third, officials must be restrained. If an official’s children, brothers, or clan members cause harm, the relevant official must be punished accordingly. If an official deliberately shields or even aids the evildoer, the official should be severely punished.


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