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Chapter 1836 Internal and external attacks

Following the shouts of the company commander, a wounded soldier crawled to the side of his fallen comrade on hands and knees, took the rocket launcher next to him. After quickly loading, he put the rocket launcher on his shoulder, stood up suddenly, and was about to buckle the rocket launcher.

Move the trigger.

But his actions were discovered by the German machine gunners behind the fortifications, and a hail of bullets immediately hit him, instantly beating him to a pulp. But when the soldier fell, he still instinctively pulled the trigger. Trailing white smoke,

The rocket drew an arc in the air and hit the outer wall of the church. The scattered masonry fragments made the German soldiers below howl like ghosts.

Without the bazooka, the surviving soldiers could only engage in exchanges of fire with the enemy. Although their number was small, they were all the backbone of the battle and many of them were equipped with newly upgraded assault rifles.

.In the exchange of shots between the two sides, they will not be at an absolute disadvantage.

"Company commander, company commander!" A soldier lying near the first company commander shouted loudly at him: "The enemy's firepower is too strong and the casualties among our brothers are too great. How about we withdraw first?"

"No." The first company commander rejected the soldier's proposal without hesitation and said plausibly: "We are the leading company of the assault battalion. We have not completed the tasks assigned to us by our superiors. How can we retreat easily?"

He pointed with his hand at the bodies of the soldiers lying on the street, and continued: "So many of our brothers have died here, do you have the heart to leave their bodies and run away?"

Several soldiers around him had already begun to retreat in the face of such fierce firepower from the German army. But when they heard these words from the company commander, their eyes were red. They raised their weapons and continued to fight with the soldiers behind the fortifications.

The Germans launched a counterattack.

The Germans in the town were initially confused for a while after being suddenly attacked. But after all, they were well-trained and quickly stabilized their position. Under the command of the officers, the soldiers moved in the direction of the church, preparing to attack.

Retreat or even destroy the Soviet troops attacking there.

Besides, after being reprimanded by Sokov, Victor immediately ordered the Second Company and the Third Company to enter the town and rush towards the place where the gunfire was the densest. He prayed secretly on the road, hoping that when he arrived with his men,

There are still survivors in the company.

When they were still four or five hundred meters away from the church, Victor saw dense muzzle flashes ahead. From the gunshots, he heard the sounds of Bobosha submachine guns, Mosin Nagant rifles, and assault rifles.

Knowing that the company was still fighting the enemy, I felt relieved.

The two company commanders came to him, waiting for him to issue new orders. Victor thought for a while, and then said to the second company commander: "Second company commander, you lead people to seize the buildings on both sides, arrange firepower points, and prepare

Block the Germans who are rushing to support us."

The second company commander agreed, turned around and left with his men to seize the buildings on both sides of the street, prepare to establish firepower points, and block the street condescendingly to prevent the Germans from rushing over for support.

"Third company commander," Victor ordered the third company commander again: "Immediately order people to set up a launching position here and use rockets to destroy the German defensive positions outside the church."

Soon, two new rockets soared into the sky, trailing long flame tails, and flew towards the German position in front of the church. After two loud bangs, the front of the church was blown into a sea of ​​flames.

Weapons parts, mixed with German limbs and broken arms, were scattered everywhere.

The German soldiers who were lucky enough to be alive dared to stay outside the church and die. They hurriedly turned around and ran into the church. They closed the heavy wooden door and tried to continue to resist in the church.

Seeing that the German position in front of the church was destroyed, the commanders and soldiers of the company who were suppressed by the fire and unable to move, got up from the ground one after another, rushed forward with their weapons in hand. When they saw the German soldiers who were not dead, they casually added a

Gun, relieve the other party's pain.

But when they rushed to the door of the church, they could not push the wooden door open. The captured German soldiers blocked the door with objects, and it was impossible to push the wooden door open with just the strength of a few soldiers.

Fortunately, Victor arrived at this moment with the commanders and fighters of the third company. Seeing that the soldiers were blocked by a wooden door, he asked the soldiers to disperse first, and then asked a soldier carrying a rocket launcher to fire a round at the wooden door.

Rockets. With a "boom", the wooden door was blown to pieces, revealing a hole large enough for people to pass through.

Seeing that the wooden door had been blown open, two soldiers immediately rushed in with weapons. Unexpectedly, they were knocked down by bullets fired from inside as soon as they approached the gap. At the same time, the German soldiers on the church bell tower also shot

The stringed grenades were thrown down one after another, knocking down the commanders and soldiers who were caught off guard.

"Withdraw, withdraw quickly!" If a soldier had not blocked Victor in front of him in time, he would have been cut down by shrapnel at this moment. He quickly issued an order loudly, "Don't be reluctant to fight, withdraw first!"

In fact, even if Victor did not give the order to retreat, the soldiers were ready to retreat. Now that they could not rush into the church, and grenades continued to be thrown down from the bell tower on the top, if they continued to stay here, they would have no choice but to wait for death.

When the commanders and soldiers retreated, Victor shouted loudly: "Shoot, shoot, shoot towards the bell tower on the top of the church."

After retreating to a safe place, Victor immediately asked the people around him: "Where is the first company commander?"

Soon a soldier from the first company replied: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, the company commander died."


"Yes, he was sacrificed." The soldier said in a positive tone: "He was killed by a grenade thrown by the Germans."

Victor had no doubts about the soldier's statement. If a soldier hadn't stood in front of him desperately just now, I'm afraid he would have been dead or injured by now.

"Third Company Commander, is the Third Company Commander here?"

Following Victor's shout, the third company commander appeared in front of him: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, what are your instructions?"

"Use a rocket launcher to kill the enemies on the bell tower." Victor ordered briefly: "After the enemies are killed, charge again. This time, you must take down the church."

After the third company commander loudly agreed, he ran to the side to assign tasks to the soldiers.

The soldier who received the order carried a rocket grenade, bent down and ran to the blind spot of the bell tower, then aimed at the bell tower at the top, and decisively pulled the trigger. With a loud bang, the rocket accurately hit the bell tower, and a soldier

The officers and soldiers were thrown out by the blast wave, screamed and fell from the air to the ground, dying on the spot.

Seeing that the bell tower was destroyed by rockets, the soldiers launched another attack. When they rushed to the church door, they found that the gap in the wooden door had been blocked by something. So Victor once again ordered the soldiers to blast open the wooden door.

Based on the experience last time, the soldier carrying the rocket launcher adjusted the shooting angle and pulled the trigger again. After a loud noise, the entire wooden door collapsed.

Seeing that the wooden door was blown open, the commanders and soldiers near the door immediately shouted and rushed in. But for some reason, the soldiers rushing in front suddenly stopped. The soldiers behind could not stop their feet and directly bumped into the soldiers in front.

The third company commander who led the team was about to get angry, but after seeing the situation clearly in front of him, his whole heart suddenly became cold and cold. He saw more than thirty German soldiers standing in the hall. They were distributed in a fan shape, just facing each other.

The soldiers of the church formed a semi-surrounding posture.

Judging from the terrain occupied by the enemy, as soon as they opened fire, all the commanders and soldiers who entered the church would be killed. Seeing that the situation was not good, the third company commander quickly shouted: "Quickly retreat!"

However, it was too late, the Germans opened fire. Although the soldiers fought back in time, the firepower from several directions still knocked down these soldiers in pieces.

In less than a minute, the commanders and fighters who rushed into the church, except for the third company commander who was injured and fell by the door, all the other soldiers were killed by the enemy's gunfire. Fortunately, the German soldiers were afraid of the commanders and fighters outside the door and did not come over.

After checking and replenishing his gun, the third company commander was lucky enough to save his life.

After Victor heard a burst of intensive gunfire inside, he fell into silence, and no soldier came out, so he realized the seriousness of the problem. According to his intuition, something happened to the commanders and soldiers who entered the church.


A second lieutenant approached him and asked loudly: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, what should we do next?"

Victor thought that if he threw a grenade into the church, it was hard to say whether it would hit the enemy, but the commanders near the door would definitely suffer. He thought for a while and decisively ordered: "Shoot inside with a rocket launcher."

In this way, after firing two rockets inside, the commanders and soldiers outside the church launched another charge. This time they successfully rushed to the hall, but they only saw corpses on the ground, both their own and German ones.

However, no living Germans were seen, not even a single wounded person.

Victor entered the ruined church and was very puzzled when he saw this situation: lying on the ground were basically the corpses of German soldiers. Occasionally there were one or two officers, both of whom were only lieutenants or second lieutenants. They were obviously not the highest ranking people in this command.


Just when Victor wanted to order someone to conduct a careful search, a soldier came over and reported: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, we have found the company commander, and he is still alive."

Knowing that the third company commander was still alive, Victor kept saying: "Where is he? Bring him here quickly!"

Soon, two soldiers came over to support the injured third company commander.

Victor stepped forward and held the third company commander's hand, and asked with concern: "Comrade Captain, are you okay?"

"I have nothing to do, Comrade Lieutenant Colonel." The third company commander said angrily: "I really didn't expect that the Germans were so cunning. They set up a formation in the hall. As soon as we rushed in, we fell into their fan-shaped surround.

Although I issued a retreat order in time, no one could outrun the bullets. As soon as the enemy started shooting, the brothers who rushed in with me all fell to the gunfire of the Germans."

"Comrade Captain, don't worry." Victor comforted the other party and said: "We will repay this blood debt from the Germans." After a pause, he continued to ask, "Do you know where the remaining Germans have gone?


"I know." The third company commander pointed towards the location of the shrine and said, "I saw that the Germans disappeared from there. There should be a hidden passage."

"You're right." Victor was more experienced in this matter. "Usually churches have basements, and the entrance is in the dean's room or behind the shrine." Then he called a few soldiers and told them to go behind the shrine.

Go search and see if you can find the entrance to the basement.

After a short effort, a soldier shouted excitedly: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, I found the entrance to the basement." After saying that, he bent down to lift the wooden cover.

When Victor saw that the soldier was about to lift the lid, he quickly shouted: "No..." However, his shout was still a step too late. As soon as the soldier opened the lid, before he could look in, he was hit by a bullet from below.

, fell directly on his back, and the lid also fell heavily.

"The Germans are on high alert below. If you lift the lid at this time, aren't you seeking death?" Victor ordered the soldiers surrounding the shrine: "Watch this exit and don't allow any enemy to come out."

There were intensive gunshots and explosions outside. When Victor first heard the sound, he was still thinking in his mind that the friendly forces moved so fast. They hit the outside of the church in such a short period of time. But then he thought,

Something was wrong. He ordered the Second Company to occupy a nearby building. If friendly forces really arrived, they should have been quiet. How could there be a heated fight?

"Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, Comrade Lieutenant Colonel." A soldier ran in from outside and reported to Victor: "It's not good, German reinforcements are coming, and the comrades of the second company are blocking it."

"Except for leaving one squad to monitor the entrance behind the shrine, the rest went outside to build defenses." Victor immediately began to give orders: "We must not let the enemy rush into the church and let them rescue the command organ."

While the troops were setting up defense outside the church, Victor called the telegraph operator and ordered him: "Contact the comrade commander immediately and say that we have successfully captured the church in the middle of the town, but the enemies are pressing in from all directions.

Request support."

Sokov was a little angry when he learned that Victor was surrounded in the church in the middle of the town. He immediately answered Chumakov's call and asked angrily: "Comrade Commander, the assault battalion I sent has been

They occupied the German command post in the town, but they were also surrounded by the Germans. I would like to ask, when can your troops launch an attack?"

Chumakov heard that Sokov was angry and quickly explained: "Comrade Commander, please don't be anxious. Colonel Yesenin reported to me not long ago that one of his regiments was approaching the edge of the town and was waiting to attack.


"What time do you still need to wait for?" After hearing Chumakov's reply, Sokov was on the verge of going berserk. He raised his voice and said: "You immediately notify Colonel Yesenin and use mortars to bombard the enemy's positions. Finally,

So that we can blast out several passages from the obstacles in front of the position so that our soldiers can rush into the city through these passages."

Faced with Sokov's strict order, Chumakov did not dare to neglect and quickly contacted Yesenin: "Comrade Colonel, the friendly forces cooperating with you have now occupied the German headquarters in the town. Why haven't you launched an attack yet?

What are you dawdling about? Aren't you afraid of wasting your chance to fight?"

"Comrade Commander, I see that the German troops outside the town are already prepared. If we attack at this moment, I'm afraid..."

"What are you afraid of?" Chumakov said sternly before the other party finished speaking: "A considerable number of the enemies in the town have been attracted to the vicinity of the church. The enemy's defense force in front of you has become weak. Immediately bombard it with artillery fire.

The German positions must be opened several times so that our troops can quickly rush into the town."

This chapter has been completed!
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