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Chapter 852 I have eaten Iron Man cake, so it makes sense to know some nano-repair technology, right?

"I thought I would die here, after all we should have died long ago."

Caliban, who was locked in the car, looked at Wolverine who opened the door, and was a little surprised, and then started chattering.

Caliban is not a good person, and both Logan and Charles know this. After all, during the period when mutants were prosperous, the Taliban was an organization independent of the X-Men and Hellfire, and could provide false information to mutants.

Black industries such as certificates and smuggling.

It sounds pretty good. It can find a new way out for mutants, but the premise of all this is that you have money. If you don't have money, you can only get out. Caliban doesn't care whether your life is miserable or not, no matter how miserable it is.

It's none of his business.

But with the disappearance of mutants, past grudges are meaningless, and the three remaining mutants can only depend on each other. Wolverine Logan is responsible for driving to make money to support his family, while Caliban, who suffers from porphyria,

He is responsible for taking care of Professor X and struggling to survive in the abandoned water tower.

In the original plot, in order to free himself and help Logan, not only did he rather die than help Alkali Company track Logan, he even found an opportunity to launch two grenades and kill the enemy together. Obviously, in these ten years, he

Although he still likes to complain, he really regards Logan and Charles as family members and is willing to sacrifice for them.

"Don't worry, we won't die, they will pay the price."

Logan, who had regained his youth, seemed to have returned to the high-spirited Wolverine he had been before. Without looking for the key, three steel claws protruded from the gap between his fists, and he casually pulled on the iron rod, causing the iron door to break.

"Your body..."

Caliban, who was tortured to the point of being a little depressed, discovered that Logan's appearance had undergone earth-shaking changes, and he turned back into the Wolverine again.

"Mr. Chen Yi."

Logan looked at Chen Yi. Chen Yi's holy healing technique shocked him greatly, so he also wanted Chen Yi to help Caliban.

"no problem!"

Saving Caliban means that Logan has agreed to join the Deadpool Legion. At least he is embarrassed to refuse. Then kill that doctor. Then Chen Yi can follow Deadpool to fight at the end of time and use his two weapons.

Stick a knife in the Fox logo, and then he can call it a day and leave.

After throwing a holy healing spell at Caliban, Chen Yi said to Deadpool: "How about I open a portal and go directly to Alkali's laboratory, and then you go in and show off your skills and kill all the people?"

This is a good idea!

When he heard that there was an opportunity to show his face, Deadpool would certainly not miss it, but he felt that it was necessary to show the majesty of his captain, and immediately snorted: "No need, I can open the portal myself, wait for me for 10 minutes

,No, wait for me two minutes!"

After that, he pressed the watch in his hand and opened a portal. On the opposite side of the door, there was a group of researchers.

"Quack, quack, Uncle Deadpool is here!"

Deadpool laughed strangely, pulled out the two double knives behind him and rushed in. Before Logan and the others could react, the door was closed again.

"He is..."

Logan was a little confused. Does this guy still have such ability?

Compared to the amazing Chen Yi, although Deadpool looked like a fool, Logan found that his superpowers were similar to his own. They both had strong self-healing abilities, but he didn't expect that this guy could actually open a flash-like...

's portal.

"That's that guy's teleportation device. That's how that guy came to your world."

Chen Yi explained, and casually said to Caliban, who was putting on clothes: "I have cured your porphyria easily, so you don't need to wrap yourself up tightly anymore."


Caliban couldn't believe it. Although Chen Yi's holy healing technique just now was careless, it still gave him a feeling of rebirth, as if the cells in his body were jumping for joy and his whole body was full of strength, but he was not lacking in strength.

, suffering from porphyria, he cannot have direct contact with sunlight, otherwise he will be burned out of blisters just like a vampire encountering sunlight - or the prototype of a vampire is actually a porphyria patient. Of course, in the Marvel Universe

It’s hard to say, vampires are real and have a long history.

So he carefully stretched out a finger out of the car window and found that after the sunlight shone on it, although his hand was a little pale, it was unscathed. He immediately stretched out his whole hand in joy, and then his whole head, and then...

"Logan, help me, I'm stuck!"

Gee, if this is a girl, I don’t even dare to think about the subsequent plot. Anyway, Deadpool will definitely be very excited.

Chen Yi couldn't bear to look at it. He felt deeply that Deadpool's sand sculpture virus was really terrible, especially for people with weak brains. He was assimilated in an instant and could compete with the zombie virus.

There was a commotion here, and the portal opened again, and Deadpool appeared in front of everyone unscathed, holding a corpse in his hand, which was none other than Logan's body.


"Phew, this X-24 is quite difficult to deal with."

Deadpool threw the body aside casually, looked at the watch in his hand that didn't show the time at all, and smiled confidently: "Exactly two minutes, perfect!"

Well, you jumped in time again, couldn't it be exactly two minutes?

Chen Yi's eyes passed through the void and directly saw Deadpool who was fighting X-24 at this moment. However, compared to the unscathed Deadpool just now, he and X-24 in the laboratory looked very embarrassed. From time to time,

X-24 used his claws to give him a chill.

However, Deadpool also has his own advantages. Although X-24 is a clone of Logan and possesses his self-healing factor, the clone is not the Logan at his peak, but the Logan who ate genetic food.

Logan's self-healing ability was a little stronger before he died, but now they need to consume a lot of physical energy to heal themselves. Even if they exceed the upper limit, they will not be able to heal themselves and die directly.

But Deadpool is different. His self-healing ability has always been arbitrary. When he is in a good mood, if his head is shot, he can recover by shaking his head. When he is in a good mood, if his lower body is chopped off, he will slowly heal himself.

He can also grow up slowly like a child, which is simply unbearable to watch.

Therefore, under Deadpool's blood-changing style, X-24 eventually died due to exhaustion of the self-healing factor, while Deadpool opened the portal and entered TVA. After coming out, his uniform became neat and complete again, and then he carried X

-24's body opened another portal and appeared in front of everyone.

"Wow, Captain, you are so awesome!"

Chen Yi clapped and then asked curiously: "By the way, why are your clothes so clean?"

"Hmph, it's just a Logan, it's easy to kill him."

Deadpool raised his head and glanced at Logan disdainfully: "I just didn't have the weapon in my hand just now. Now that I have it, it's not easy to kill him? Of course the clothes are no problem."

Logan was filled with anger when he saw his clone. When he heard Deadpool's words, he couldn't help clenching his hands. Six steel claws popped out and he looked at Deadpool with an unkind expression.

"Oh, but what about the three gashes and the dense bullet holes on your chest just now?"

Chen Yitu suddenly realized that people can heal themselves, but how do clothes heal themselves?


"Do you know anything about nanotechnology?"

He pondered for three seconds and explained: "I have eaten Iron Man cakes, so it makes sense to know some nano-repair technology, right?"

This chapter has been completed!
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