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Chapter five hundred and forty-ninth initiative

While Yang Yuting was thinking about it, another telegram came from Qin Wei. It turned out that the air force stationed in Outer Mongolia had discovered signs that the Russians had made general moves. More and more Russian patrols appeared in areas near the border, and

Some temporary warehouses and barracks also appeared.

After getting this information, Zhang Tinglan was even more convinced that the Russians were targeting Outer Mongolia. Only then did Zhang Tinglan truly feel the threat posed by Outer Mongolia and Tangnu Ulianghai to Russia. If Russia was baring its teeth and claws,

If the polar bear is a polar bear, then the Mongolia is a dagger on the soft belly of the polar bear. Once it is in the hands of China, it is equivalent to handing over its lifeblood to others, and the Russians will have trouble sleeping, eating and sleeping at night.

As each other's largest neighbors, the more uncomfortable the Russians are, the more stable China will be. Therefore, the value of Outer Mongolia in Zhang Tinglan's eyes becomes higher and higher.

"Commander, Chief of Staff, since Outer Mongolia is so close to the Russians, wouldn't it be easier for us to simply send more troops and directly attack the Russian hinterland?" Wu Kaijie said with a smile: "Except for the Sixth Division,

I am also willing to lead another army into Outer Mongolia!"

Upon hearing Wu Kaijie's invitation to fight, Feng Yong also hurriedly shouted: "Commander, don't forget the air force, we have equipped bombers, just in time to show our power on the Russian territory and blow up their railways to pieces!"

"No!" Yang Yuting had been looking at the map after Zhang Tinglan decided to increase the number of people. He always felt that something was wrong. Now that someone wanted to fight again, he finally figured it out and hurriedly waved his hand to stop him.

"Commander, everyone, if you want Outer Mongolia to exert its due strategic value, the corresponding infrastructure must be built. At the very least, there must be a railway network directly leading to the front line. Troops can be deployed quickly, otherwise when the railway is not completed,

We and the Russians are fighting on a large scale in Outer Mongolia. Not only will we not have any advantage, we will also fall into passivity. Rushing to increase troops is not a good choice."

Wu Kaijie and Feng Yong looked at each other, both confused. It was clear that the vital points of the Russians in the Outer Mongolia were so close, why they still fell into the passive position. It was really puzzling!

Zhang Tinglan also frowned. In the past, Yang Yuting rarely opposed Zhang Tinglan's suggestions directly, but this time he did not agree with the increase of troops. I'm afraid there must be some reason. Zhang Tinglan couldn't help but think about it secretly, and suddenly he set his sights on the map of the Far East.

The top suddenly felt like a needle pricking him, and his pupils shrank for a while. He finally realized his mistake.

At this time, Yang Yuting walked up to the map, pointed at Outer Mongolia, and said: "Look here, Outer Mongolia is close to the Siberian region of Russia, and the distance from the railway line is generally about three to five hundred kilometers. This is the advantage of Outer Mongolia.

, and it is also the disadvantage of Outer Mongolia. Because it also means fighting in Outer Mongolia. The Russians can quickly transport personnel and materials through the Siberian Railway, and they only need to walk a few hundred kilometers to reach Outer Mongolia. But we mobilize supplies from the three eastern provinces, and in

Without railways, we would have to travel at least a thousand kilometers, or even more. Under the current conditions, we are actually at a disadvantage in the war with the Russians in Outer Mongolia."

After Yang Yuting's explanation, everyone finally realized that mastering Outer Mongolia would give China a geographical advantage when fighting Russia. But in order to take advantage of it, it must have corresponding infrastructure. There is no railway line support.

, simply cannot support too many garrison troops.

Unfortunately, the Fengjun army has just pacified Outer Mongolia and has not had time to invest in large-scale construction. If it wants to increase its troops on a large scale, it will face huge logistical pressure.

Zhang Tinglan also nodded and said with a calm smile: "The chief of staff is right, I was reckless! It is easy to send more than 10,000 people from the Sixth Division, but to ensure their food and arms consumption, at least hundreds of thousands are needed.

Outer Mongolia is a vast and sparsely populated area. Where can we recruit so many civilians? If they are recruited from the three eastern provinces, the consumption will be even greater. I am afraid it will be beyond the control of Fengjun. If it were not for the Chief of Staff

Reminder, I almost made a big mistake, and I would like to apologize."

Zhang Tinglan frankly admitted his mistake and took the initiative to apologize in front of many subordinates, which surprised everyone. After all, a person in a high position can easily become stubborn, even if he is wrong, he is unwilling to

Admit it, it is not easy to achieve Zhang Tinglan's level.

Yang Yuting was a little embarrassed. He hurriedly said: "Commander, although there are logistical pressures, Outer Mongolia's strategic location is important and cannot be taken lightly. There is nothing wrong in sending reinforcements. It's just that how much to send needs to be considered."

Zhang Tinglan waved his hand: "Ling Ge, if you are right, you are right, and if you are wrong, you are wrong. Outer Mongolia is indeed important, but we must also focus on the overall situation and weigh the pros and cons. Let us all be honest and discuss how to deal with it.

, don’t be rash again!”

Yang Yuting's rhetoric was actually trying to find a way for Zhang Tinglan. Unexpectedly, Zhang Tinglan didn't care about the gain or loss of face, but asked to find a better way. Obviously, everyone here admired this big-heartedness. At such a young age, he could

Holding a high position and convincing countless people is indeed something worthy of praise.

For a long time, everyone has been accustomed to accepting Zhang Tinglan's orders, but after this episode, everyone has used their brains even more to find the best way.

Jiang Fangzhen had been thinking about it, and finally said: "Commander, in any battle, we must seize the initiative in the war. The Russians chose the Outer Mongolia front line as the key to breakthrough, precisely because they have the least logistical pressure here. We cannot

Being led by the Russians, the focus of the attack cannot be changed. They still have to choose the east line and attack along the railway line. As long as Chita is captured, Russia's stronghold in the Far East will collapse. Even if they occupy Outer Mongolia

There is no way to defend the land!"

Zhang Tinglan stared at the map and agreed with Jiang Baili's view in his heart: "Mr. Baili is right, Outer Mongolia is more than two thousand kilometers long from east to west. If we want to defend such a vast area, no matter how many troops we invest, it will not be enough. At least we still have

Without this ability, we cannot smash this bottomless black hole!"

Zhang Tinglan said categorically: "Immediately send a telegram to Qin Wei and ask him to make full use of the geographical advantages and not to worry too much about temporary gains and losses with the Russians. We must also mobilize the herdsmen who are loyal to us. With their support, we will have countless pairs of

With your eyes, you can clearly understand the movements of the Russians. Then you can use flexible tactics to drag the Russians into Outer Mongolia and cooperate with the frontal battlefield. This is already a victory!"

The most difficult thing is to recognize your own capabilities. Not to mention Outer Mongolia, even the railway network in the three eastern provinces has not been fully established. It is obviously not a wise move to choose a place that is not good for you to fight. Zhang Tinglan's head also calmed down.

In fact, putting aside the factor of time travel, he can only be regarded as a relatively mature young man.

He may be able to handle matters that have long been determined by history. He may be able to take his time calmly, but there is no battle between China and Russia for the Far East in history, and there is no way to learn any experience.

After this situation, it is better to listen to more professional military personnel to avoid irreversible consequences due to a hasty decision.

Yang Yuting thought for a while and said: "The Russians' idea of ​​attacking Outer Mongolia is actually to put it bluntly, they want to solve the problem on the flanks first. They want to get a safe buffer zone. Then they can take action with us and restore the Far East's sea access. This is their inevitable strategy.

Choice, the war in Outer Mongolia can only be regarded as a support at best. Of course, if we build up the infrastructure in Outer Mongolia and fully let this strategically important area play its role, I am afraid that the Russians will also fight for their lives. Will Outer Mongolia be

Consider it the most important battlefield.”

"Well, we must remain unchanged to cope with all changes. Our original plan does not need to be changed. We will launch an attack from the eastern front now!" Zhang Tinglan finally made a decision. The ancient Chinese have long had stories of besieging Wei and rescuing Zhao. In order to reduce the pressure on Outer Mongolia,

pressure, the best way is not to directly send troops to Outer Mongolia, but to open another battlefield to share the pressure.

Because of this, Zhang Tinglan decided to keep the Sixth Division to enhance its offensive capabilities here, which could contain more Russian forces and be of greater help to Outer Mongolia. You must have your own rhythm in fighting, and be able to

Only by taking the initiative on the battlefield can you truly win.

Everyone present also agreed to this proposal. The high command's suggestion was quickly handed down to the combat units below. The war machine that had been ready for war was fully operational. Nearly 100,000 soldiers secretly gathered on the front line.

The Siberian Railway has two lines, one is in the original territory of Russia, and the Fengjun army currently controls the eastern section; the other is from Manchuria into the three eastern provinces, which is the so-called Middle East Road, and finally reaches Vladivostok.

The Feng army's attack route was also chosen around these two railways. Jiang Dengxuan led the Northeastern Outer Army, starting from Hailanpao and other places, and went straight to Sklovdino, which was heavily guarded by the Russians, across the Mohe River.

It is also an important link on the Siberian Railway.

The Fengjun army's real main attack direction was Manchuria, which has a railway; it is directly connected to the Middle East Road, making logistics and material transportation very convenient, and it is only more than 500 kilometers away from Chita, making it a very good breakthrough location.

In order to be able to break through smoothly, Fengjun concentrated three main divisions of the border defense force, and also had an artillery division to participate in the battle. In addition, the air force and armored forces also participated in the battle. The entire army has a total of more than 300 artillery pieces. This is already what Fengjun can currently do.

The most powerful force invested.

As the commander of this army, Sun Anhu was also very ambitious and must teach the Russians an unforgettable lesson. As the appointment time approached, Zhang Tinglan also went to the frontline command post in person to learn about the situation first-hand. This time the enemy was new.

Red Empire.

Zhang Tinglan knows best how much this country will shock the world. This battle is destined to not be easy. He can only try his best to control his emotions and calm himself down.

The first thing that kicked off the war was the cannon, known as the God of War. The Fengjun artillery fired fiercely at the Russian defenses on the border, and the heavy artillery shells hit the heads of the Russians mercilessly.

The violent explosion shook the earth, and even from far away, you could clearly hear the roar of the cannon. The shells hit the Russian position one after another, and the flames rose into the sky. The Russian defenses were instantly destroyed.

Was swallowed up.

The fortress was blown to pieces, the barbed wire fence was destroyed, and the trenches were filled. The Russians initially launched artillery fire back, but then they all failed to fire. After two hours of artillery preparations, the Fengjun soldiers finally

Rushed towards the Russian position.

There was a mess everywhere. Only two to three hundred meters away from the Russian position, sporadic gunshots appeared. The surviving Russian soldiers began to fight back, but perhaps the artillery fire was too fierce. Their counterattack was very weak and very difficult.

Soon Fengjun easily occupied the first line of positions.

However, as the advance accelerated, the Russian resistance also became fierce. With a majority party organization, the Russians became extremely resilient and did not even care about death.

Feng Jun, who was responsible for the assault mission, finally encountered a hard nut to crack. Under the cover of artillery, Feng Jun broke into the Russian position. These Russian soldiers did not flinch. They held their bayonets and decisively launched a hand-to-hand battle with Feng Jun.

, the battlefield became extremely ferocious, and soldiers fell every moment.

Zhang Tinglan has been anxiously waiting for news in the headquarters. It was not until about three o'clock in the afternoon that news finally came that Fengjun had successfully broken through the national border! (To be continued...)

ps: These two chapters feel a bit wrong, so I revised them again, and it’s too late. Please forgive me...

This chapter has been completed!
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