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Chapter seven hundred and forty-ninth southward strategy

The Jilin is fully loaded and has a displacement of 11,903 tons. It is equipped with three triple-mounted 203mm main guns, eight 120mm secondary guns, and six quadruple-mounted 40mm anti-aircraft guns. Compared with the heavy cruisers built by other countries in the same period under the Washington Treaty, the tonnage is slightly larger.

, the weapons and equipment can only be regarded as average.

However, according to China's requirements, both the Jilin and Harbin have thickened the armor at important locations and built more watertight cabins to ensure the survivability of the warships. This is also considered for the aircraft carrier formation. After all, China does not have a battleship at this time.

Along with battlecruisers, once the aircraft carrier formation collides with an enemy warship, the heavy cruiser will act as a shield.

Of course, this situation is only a last resort under special circumstances. The most important mission of the Jilin is air defense and destroying the aircraft that pose the greatest threat to the aircraft carrier. For this reason, after returning to China, the Jilin and Harbin will undergo the next step of modification.

Increased anti-aircraft firepower.

"Vice President, next I plan to install 20 20mm cannons on each heavy cruiser to enhance air defense capabilities!"

Zhang Tinglan also nodded: "Well, if we want to develop aircraft carriers, we must prevent others from using them against us. Strengthening air defense is very important. In addition, anti-submarine issues must also be stepped up. Now Huludao and Luda are strengthening their shipbuilding capabilities, and there are already some

A batch of frigates and destroyers have been launched. In addition, the construction of light cruisers has also begun. As long as the modification of the Mackensen is completed, our aircraft carrier fleet will be almost complete."

Shen Honglie's eyes suddenly lit up: "Vice President, you have started moving quickly enough. When I first left the country, I was still studying the Yarmouth. Now I am going to build it myself?"

"Well, time waits for no one. After the earthquake in Japan, I'm afraid there will be even more hysteria. An injured wild wolf can bite people at any time. We must speed up preparations."

What Zhang Tinglan said is absolutely correct. Nowadays, China must work hard to practice its internal strength and sharpen its claws. Only when it becomes stronger can it better cope with future challenges.

In fact, compared to the development of the navy, Zhang Tinglan was more concerned about the land reform issue in Henan, which was a major issue related to China's future economic development. Zhang Tinglan did not dare to be careless at all. After he left Luda, he immediately went south to inspect Henan.

Let’s take a look at the situation.

Yan Xishan and Chu Mingyuan were presiding over the land distribution at this time. More than 120 farmers in Liujiawan lined up in a neat line, with smiles on their faces. Several old farmers looked at the people in front of them.

They kept putting their fingerprints on the contract, and they all rubbed their hands anxiously. They couldn't wait for it to be their turn soon.

According to the land reform method, after the government buys the land, it will be divided equally between men and women according to the adult population in villages and towns.

Of course, this land is not given to the people for free, but a certain price must be paid. In principle, it is for a period of five years, and part of the ransom must be repaid every year, and within ten years, the government must have priority in purchasing grain.

The purpose of entering into this kind of contract is mainly to increase the amount of grain purchased. Otherwise, it would be a decentralized small-scale farmer economy and it would be difficult to ensure the supply of grain. In fact, to put it bluntly, this is also a kind of oppression of agriculture.

If you want to develop industry, you must have sources of funds. The powers that develop first will grab colonies, and the countries that develop later can only make their own decisions and take more from agriculture to compensate for the giant beast of industry.

Of course, Zhang Tinglan will not simply exploit farmers. After all, farmers also have considerable creative ability and enthusiasm for work. It is best to stimulate them, so as to achieve better results.

Therefore, corresponding incentives have also been formulated. For example, if farmers are willing to accept the large farm system, they can reduce the amount of repayment and receive loan support at the same time.

In addition, for farmers who are willing to work in cities, the government provides training, and for those who are willing to start a business, small loans can be provided, with a variety of details, and there are more than ten detailed rules.

Some people, such as blacksmiths, carpenters, and masons, can all work in the city and participate in urban construction. For Liujiawan, five households gave up their land, received an employment subsidy, and chose to work in the city.

However, for the vast majority of farmers, land is still the lifeblood. With trembling hands, Old Man Liu solemnly put his fingerprints on the contract. For a moment, the old man burst into tears.

"Sir Chu, this land belongs to my family?"

"That's right, you can just keep it, but there is one thing. This land is not allowed to be bought and sold for the time being. In the future, the country will develop the land market according to the situation."

"I won't sell it, I won't sell it, and I won't sell it even if I die!"

Old man Liu shook his head like a rattle and stuffed the contract into his lapel. At this time, there were several tables next to him, and there were also several people standing there, including representatives from banks and companies.

"Old man, we have land, but we still lack seeds and farm tools? We also have cattle and fertilizers."

Old man Liu looked at it and picked up an iron hoe. This hoe was made of high-quality pig iron. It was very strong and sharp and comfortable to hold. It was better than the hoe at home that was almost worn out.

Too much.

But after looking at it for a few times, Old Man Liu still shook his head: "It's really nice, but I don't have money and can't afford it."

"Haha, old man, you don't have to spend money. Didn't you sign a land contract? As long as you take the contract, the bank here will immediately provide you with a guarantee. You can take the farm tools home for use first. Ordinary farm tools will be repaid within a year.

Three years. As long as you pay back the money within this time, that’s it!”

"You still want to borrow money?" Old Man Liu suddenly shook his head: "This old man has had two fingers cut off just because of borrowing money. If he borrows money again, I don't know when his head will be gone."


At this time, Chu Mingyuan also happened to come over. After listening to Old Man Liu's words, he immediately smiled and said: "Our loans are different from the usury money given by the landlords. Their interest is like a donkey. If you borrow ten yuan, I'm afraid you have to pay back two yuan."

Three hundred, really three to five hundred. This kind of usury is already illegal. We are specializing in benefiting farmers. The annual interest is only 3%. If you can't pay back, you can apply for an extension."

Upon hearing Chu Mingyuan's words, Old Man Liu's eyes suddenly lit up. If the interest rate was so low, he could borrow some money and exchange it for a few farm tools that he had handy. Then he would work faster and would not be afraid of delaying the farming season. It would be enough to harvest more grain.


Finally, Old Man Liu made a careful selection and bought a hoe and a sickle. With the contract in his arms, the hoe and the sickle, he returned home. The family had already gathered together, with happy smiles on their faces.

Old man Liu even took out the tobacco that he had been reluctant to smoke, asked his son to light it, and took a few puffs.

"Old man, don't be too happy too soon. When Wu Peifu and the others came over, they gave us the land directly. As a result, every three days, someone came to collect taxes and rent, and forced young people to join the army. Maybe it would be bad.

It's a trap. If you borrow money from the court, there will be no good end. Why don't you know how to be afraid?" My wife was not so relieved and couldn't help but scolded.

"Humph, you just have long hair and short knowledge. How do people like Wu Peifu do things? They directly send people to drive away the landlords and then divide the land. The result is unfair. Some families don't even have farm tools or seeds. Some families don't even have farm tools or seeds.

They couldn't farm even if they had the land, so they sent people here every three days to collect taxes. They either broke up the family or just ran away. This time the new government thought of everything, and not only gave them the land, but also gave them all the exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes.

No worries, I look reliable and much better than before."

"Dad, you are right, but when Wu Peifu allocated the land, he didn't ask for a penny. But this time he had to sign an agreement to repay the money in five years and sell all the grain to the government within ten years. Why?

It sounds a bit stingy."

"Being stingy is better than being visible and having nothing to eat. After Wu Peifu did what he did, there were fights in the local area every day, and the landlords also made trouble, and they didn't know what to do. The current new government has made everything smooth and stable, which makes people feel at ease.

Your father and I will work hard for ten years and save a few acres of land. From now on, it will all depend on your own destiny!"

"Vice President, how come you are in Henan?"

"Can't I come yet?"

"No, of course not." Chu Mingyuan said hurriedly: "I'm just a little surprised, you have a lot of things to do."

Zhang Tinglan smiled slightly: "It is true that there are many things to do every day, but to tell you the truth, what I am most worried about is the land reform. It is a very important matter, so I can't be careless."

Yan Xishan also smiled and said: "Vice President, Henan has completed about 30% of the land reform at present. It is expected that it will be completed by June next year. However, if you want to see the effect, you have to wait until the autumn harvest next year. The government tax revenue must be guaranteed and the food supply must be guaranteed.

Increase production, and farmers can still live on."

"What Baichuan said makes sense. The purpose of carrying out land reform is to better support agriculture and industry. Otherwise, where will the investment come from? But you must also be aware that it will definitely not work to become a small-scale peasant economy by decentralization alone. Therefore, on the one hand, we must

Guide farmers and try to build farms as much as possible. If this is not feasible for the time being, we must organize farmers, overhaul water conservancy, pave more roads, and lay a good foundation, so that agricultural production can be guaranteed."

When Zhang Tinglan said this, he smiled and said: "You have done a good job in Henan. Baichuan, when Henan is basically stable, you can go to the central government and serve as the Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources."

Upon hearing this, Yan Xishan hurriedly said with sincerity and fear: "Vice President, I'm afraid I'm not qualified yet, and I need to learn more."

"There is no need to be modest. Now the country is employing people. As long as you have achieved results, you should be reused." Zhang Tinglan smiled and said to Chu Mingyuan: "The next step is that the government will set up a development planning committee, and you will also serve as a member of it.

Member, I am preparing to prepare a five-year plan nationwide, and I need your suggestions!"

Zhang Tinglan stayed in Henan for half a month and found that the land reform was carried out smoothly and the people basically accepted the plan. Zhang Tinglan was also very satisfied.

Just when Zhang Tinglan was preparing to return to Beijing, news suddenly came from Southeast Asia. The Dutch authorities attacked a Chinese village and more than 300 people died tragically.

As soon as he heard the news, Zhang Tinglan keenly felt that the time had finally come to expand intervention in Southeast Asia, so he immediately returned to Beijing. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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