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Chapter 148: Being submerged is a kind of capital (2)

Chen Yanxi was willing to "sacrifice" herself for the role of Xiao Longnu. The two were entangled, intertwined with happiness and sweetness. Chen Yanxi's smart eyes exuded fiery fascination. She moaned, and that was the sound of joy. At this moment, she seemed

I devoted myself wholeheartedly to this "battle between two people" without love. Maybe love is not the most important thing. This moment is the most memorable.

Chen Yanxi's charming white body was pressed against Zhang Xiaoxian's back, and her hands hugged Zhang Xiaoxian's waist. She closed her eyes slightly and smiled.

Things that are easy to obtain are often no longer cherished.

"Xiaoxian, I really like the role of Xiao Longnu. Can you consider letting me play it?"

Zhang Xiaoxian turned around, rubbed her face with his hands, and said with a smile: "Actually, you don't have to play the role of Little Dragon Girl. I think your temperament is more suitable for playing the silly girl!"

When Chen Yanxi heard this, she was almost heartbroken and hit a wall to death. Her face suddenly dimmed, and something crystal seemed to be shining in her eyes. When Zhang Xiaoxian saw her like this, he hugged her tightly immediately.

"I'm teasing you, why would I let you play the role of a silly girl!"

Chen Yanxi burst into laughter and said, "You are so bad!"

"I'm not bad, how could you love me?" As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Xiaoxian held her in his arms and started kissing her crazily. This was another romantic story.

Zhang Xiaoxian has already thought about holding a nationwide casting competition for the role of Xiao Longnu. His purpose of doing this is actually to find more people who are as willing as Chen Yanxi

A beautiful woman who devotes herself to her role.

As soon as the news came out, beauties from major universities rushed to recommend themselves. Zhang Xiaoxian's slogan for casting was: "As long as you dare to come, I dare to use you." What he meant was that as long as you dare to devote yourself, I will

will consider you.

Among them, Zhang Zetian, the school beauty from Dongda University, caught Zhang Xiaoxian's attention. This girl's origin is not ordinary. She is an innocent angel who is called milk tea sister by netizens. It is said that this temperament is quite consistent with Xiao Longnu's kind of otherworldly fireworks.

So pure.

The reason why Zhang Zetian came to compete for the role of Little Dragon Girl was inspired by her classmates. Her friends all thought that Zhang Zetian's temperament was the most suitable for the image of Little Dragon Girl, much better than Chen Yanxi.

Zhang Zetian did a lot of homework in order to play the role of Little Dragon Girl. He read the original work of "The Condor" many times and watched all the previous performances of female stars who played the role of Little Dragon Girl, absorbing the advantages of their interpretation of Little Dragon Girl.

It sounds like it was quite thoughtful.

When Zhang Xiaoxian heard the news that she was coming to participate in the performance of Little Dragon Girl, he was also overjoyed. He didn't say anything else at the moment and immediately invited Zhang Zetian to come to her company.

When Zhang Xiaoxian saw Zhang Zetian for the first time, he thought she was even more beautiful than what he saw online. Her small oval face had a hint of peach blossom. Especially when she smiled, she looked like someone walking out of a painting.

Fairy. Today is the audition for Little Dragon Girl. Zhang Zetian is dressed in ancient costumes, all in white, with her long hair tied behind her head. When Zhang Yimou called out, she immediately got into the mood.

Her somewhat sad expression and somewhat cold appearance were vividly displayed in every move she made. Zhang Xiaoxian came here specially to have a look. He wanted to personally check on the girls who were about to play the role of Little Dragon Girl.

Zhang Yimou saw Zhang Xiaoxian coming. He quickly stood up and said hello, "Director Zhang, you are here!"

"Well, let me take a look! How was the audition today? Is there anyone suitable?"

"Dr. Zhang, have you seen it? What do you think of Zhang Zetian? I think her temperament in all aspects is very consistent with the image of Xiao Longnu. Let's look at her online approval rate soaring! It's very topical!", Zhang Yimou's

The analysis was judged from a professional perspective. Zhang Xiaoxian looked at Zhang Zetian who was concentrating on the performance on the stage and couldn't help but secretly praise: "It's really beautiful!"

"Then besides her, are there any other candidates?"

"There are two others, but they are a little worse than Zhang Zetian!"

"Okay. Then call out the other two and let me take a look!"


At that moment, Zhang Yimou asked his assistant to call the other two girls to the stage. Zhang Xiaoxian looked at the other two girls. They were both very young and slightly inferior in temperament to Zhang Zetian, but they were both very beautiful.

The reason why Zhang Xiaoxian approached Zhang Yimou for casting was because he had been very good at selecting actresses in the past, and Zhang Yimou's aesthetic standards were quite consistent with Zhang Xiaoxian's. They both liked girls with pointy faces.

Very pure.

Zhang Zetian had known Zhang Xiaoxian before, because of his work in building free hospitals. She felt that entrepreneurs with such a conscience were really rare, so she had always secretly admired her in her heart. Being able to see Zhang Xiaoxian here today, she felt the same

Very happy.

Zhang Yimou said: "This is our Director Zhang! He also initiated the selection of the role of Little Dragon Girl! So in the end, who of you can play the role of Little Dragon Girl still depends on his decision!"

Zhang Xiaoxian had a faint smile, like a good old man, and looked very amiable. Zhang Zetian secretly glanced at Zhang Xiaoxian a few times, and Zhang Xiaoxian couldn't help but look at Zhang Zetian, and their eyes met inadvertently.

A different kind of smile appeared on Zhang Zetian's face, which looked very beautiful.

Zhang Xiaoxian said immediately: "I have also heard about the performance of the three of you. I believe in the level of our Director Zhang! When it comes to judging people, I believe in him! Of course, everyone has different standards for Little Dragon Girl.

That’s why I made the decision to audition for the role of Little Dragon Girl. I have seen your efforts! Each of you has your own advantages! You all have your own strengths. This is a quite difficult decision, but no matter

How about you three, I extend the most friendly invitation to you, I hope you can join my company, my company needs three of you!"

As soon as Zhang Xiaoxian finished speaking, the other two girls' faces were filled with extremely happy smiles. Although Zhang Zetian was happy, he didn't show it too much. Zhang Xiaoxian felt that she was different. This kind of specialness made Zhang Xiaoxian like it very much.

That night, Zhang Xiaoxian invited Zhang Zetian to his dinner party. What was the purpose of the dinner? Only Zhang Xiaoxian knew it best.

Zhang Zetian happily agreed. Looking at the idol she had admired for a long time, she restrained her excitement, but she didn't know that Zhang Xiaoxian is no longer

ps: Some of the chapters that follow will have a somewhat sarcastic flavor and are full of yy. The relationship between the protagonist and some popular actresses is just a pure yy.

This chapter has been completed!
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