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Chapter 229 Burn it! Sika

To truly fall in love with a man, in addition to dedicating your body, you must also dedicate your heart.

----"The Goddess Diary" Volume 2

This incident was beyond Pani's expectation. She never expected that Kim Taeyeon answered the call.

There was no response on the other end of the phone. Kim Taeyeon rubbed her temples with a headache and asked: "Is it just a harassing call? What time do you think it is in China? Pani, I really don't understand what you want to do." Kim Taeyeon didn't notice.

Her own expectations were mixed with anxiety and impatience. Pani was gone, but after returning to Korea, she still found a way to get involved between her and Zhang Xiaoxian. What was the meaning of sending chocolates, and what was the meaning of calling so late?

What, how many times did Zhang Xiaoxian have phone calls with Pani, and what did they say?

"Kim Taeyeon, you are anxious." Pani finally spoke, and as soon as she opened her mouth, it hit Kim Taeyeon's heart.

"The fact that you can still answer the phone for him at such a late hour proves that you two are together, right? Not just anyone can answer Zhang Xiaoxian's phone call." Pani seemed to be asking and answering himself.

"Yes, we have nothing to do together. Moreover, we have just done something more intimate. Why, are you bored and lonely in Korea? Do you want me to tell you the details of our love?" The cold moonlight shines on Kim Taeyeon's face.

It made his smile look ferocious.

"No need." Pani immediately replied through gritted teeth, eliciting a deep sneer from Kim Taeyeon.

"Tell me, why are you calling so late?"

"I can't call Zhang Xiaoxian?" Pani asked feeling ridiculous. Does he need Kim Taeyeon's permission to call Zhang Xiaoxian?

Unexpectedly, Kim Taeyeon answered quickly and coldly: "No"

"What..." Pani exclaimed.

Kim Taeyeon's cold and unchanging voice came through the lifeless receiver again: "Don't you know it's immoral to seduce other people's men?"

At this time, Pani opened her mouth wide and fell silent in astonishment. After a while, she yelled angrily: "Kim Taeyeon, you are so shameless!!! It's unbelievable!" Pani yelled incoherently and then responded with lightning speed.

He quickly hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy tone coming from inside, Kim Taeyeon lowered her eyes expressionlessly and closed the phone.

She did not go back to the room for the time being and stood on the balcony with a calm face. The night wind was very cold, blowing through her shirt and taking away her body temperature. Zhang Xiaoxian was sleeping deeply in the room, and Kim Taeyeon only glanced at it briefly.

After one glance, she looked away. She noticed after getting out of bed that her body was dry and not sticky. She lost consciousness after doing it. This could only be Zhang Xiaoxian helping her to deal with the aftermath. Shame Club or something

It's too late to regret it now. Now Kim Taeyeon doesn't have any other feelings except that she feels that there are sequelae of being invaded by foreign objects.

After staying outside for a long time, her fingertips became cold. Kim Taeyeon turned around and returned to the room, lifted the quilt and lay down next to Zhang Xiaoxian. Probably because her body was very cold, Zhang Xiaoxian shivered when her skin touched Zhang Xiaoxian.

When she woke up, she reached out and held Kim Taeyeon in her arms. Kim Taeyeon closed her eyes without struggling. She thought it would be nice to have a heater anyway. The movements and postures of hugging and being hugged all seemed so natural, as if they were used to it.

The land looks beautiful.

Pani angrily threw the phone on the bed, which was much larger than the double bed, and sat there with her legs curled up. Recalling the disdainful and sarcastic words Kim Taeyeon just said, she blushed angrily.


The door opened, and Bai Junlang, who had not been home for many days, walked in. He was still as high-spirited as usual, but his brows were a little more tired. It must be because he is very busy at work, Pani thought to himself.

"You won't even say a word to me when you come back?" Bai Junlang asked with a wry smile, looking at Pani who had been silent since he walked in.

Pani was speechless and unable to defend. It wasn't that she didn't want to say anything, but she just didn't know how to say it. She would unconsciously get nervous in front of Bai Junlang, which made Bai Junlang think that Pani was very fond of him.


"Bai Junlang, we are very pressed for time, hurry up and get your passport... uh..."

Suddenly another tall man broke into the room. She probably didn't expect that there was anyone else in the room. When she saw Pani, she looked surprised and swallowed back what she had not finished.

Pani was also very surprised to see the new man in the room. He was really tall, and Bai Junlang's height of 180 centimeters seemed a little lower in front of him. But Pani also quickly noticed

It turns out that he and Bai Junlang look alike. Their eyebrows, eyes, and noses are all carved out of the same mold. If it weren't for the different hairstyles, even Pani wouldn't be able to tell who the two are.

Who is he? Bai Junlang, who has never brought anyone back before, let him enter the place that belongs to the two of them so easily.

As if he had seen through Pani's thoughts, Bai Junlang had no choice but to introduce him: "He is my eldest brother. Bai Zhanjun? He also just came back from China."

"Brother, he is Pani."

Bai Junlang's introduction to Pani was very simple. There was nothing else except his name. Even if he said one more sentence, he was my lover or lover or sexual partner. That's right. How can I introduce it to my family?

He, his identity and gender seem so sensitive and dangerous.

The pain seeped into Pani's body bit by bit, making him unable to help but grab the sheets underneath him.

"Hello." Bai Zhanjun greeted Pani.

"Hello." Pani quickly greeted Bai Zhanjun with a smile. He is Bai Junlang's brother. This is the first time for Pani to meet Bai Junlang's family. His eldest brother and Bai Junlang look very similar, but the two people have

The aura exuded is completely different. His eldest brother is very gentle, but Bai Junlang is a man who exudes danger all the time. Pani thought. If Bai Junlang has a soft expression, would he be like the man in front of him? He is.

Another version is Bai Junlang.

Then I heard Bai Zhanjun say: "Bai Junlang... time..."

"I understand, brother, please go outside and wait for me." Bai Junlang said irritably.

"Okay then." Bai Zhanjun didn't understand why his brother suddenly became in a bad mood, so Bai Zhanjun had no choice but to exit the room. Before leaving, he smiled and nodded at Pani. However, after being seen by Bai Junlang, his face became even gloomier.

When only Pani and Bai Junlang were left in the room, Bai Junlang said coldly: "Although he is a gentle man. But I warn you, don't take advantage of my elder brother."

Pani was stunned for a moment without reacting and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about."

Seeing that Pani was angry, Bai Junlang did not continue. He understood that he was also venting his anger on others.

"What did he say about passport just now? Do you want to go out?" Pani couldn't ignore what Bai Zhanjun just said.

"Yes, my third brother is in South Africa. The new development project needs help. My eldest brother and I are going there for a while." As he spoke, Bai Junlang had already started to look for his passport.

"When will you come back?" he asked quickly. There was nervousness in Pani's voice.

He paused while rummaging through the drawer, took out his passport, and Bai Junlang stood up and said, "Half a year."

Half a year...six months, this world is either long or short for the two of them.

After making a brief explanation, Bai Junlang was about to leave, because his life was very tight and he had no extra time to stay and talk to Pani about off-topic topics.

"What don't you say to me?" Seeing Bai Junlang walking to the door, Pani finally couldn't help asking.

"I'm sorry." Bai Junlang closed the door and left with these three words.

After a silence fell in the empty house, Pani's sneers came from the heart, which was desolate. I'm sorry... This was the first time she heard Bai Junlang say these three words, and she didn't know if it would be the last time.

Once. What Pani wanted was not these three words. What she wanted was: I love you, or I like you. She wanted to hear him say it more. Come with me. No, he didn't hear anything. Maybe Bai Junlang

I will never say it in this life.

On the plane flying to South Africa, Bai Junlang seemed very worried, and his eldest brother Bai Zhanjun also looked thoughtful. Probably because he was distracted by his thoughts, Bai Zhanjun loosened his hand holding the teacup and spilled the tea on himself.

, the stewardess hurriedly called for a tissue, and Bai Zhanjun gratefully took it and wiped it himself.

"Brother? Are you okay?"

"I haven't... thought about something a little bit." Bai Zhanjun just said that and then fell silent again.

The eldest brother suddenly returned to South Korea and was suddenly engaged. Bai Junlang was very curious, but because he didn't seem to want to say anything, he didn't ask anything. Besides, he was still too busy with his affairs, and he really couldn't worry about other people.


After being in a daze for an afternoon, Pani suddenly jumped out of bed, quickly packed a few things and rushed out of the door.

Wang Jianchun, who was sleeping in a daze, groped for the bed, but unfortunately he couldn't touch anyone, not even the temperature. Suddenly, he sat up from the bed without any sleep. The room was empty. The scattered clothes under the bed were gone.

Wang Jianchun's expression at this time was no better than that of Hell.

Well, Sika, you used me and you ran away while I was sleeping, right?

Wang Jianchun got out of bed angrily and felt something stepped on under his feet. He lowered his head, looked at it, and burst out laughing. Sika had run away. You can guess what kind of expression she had when she ran away. She must have been blushing and panicked.

Wang Jianchun laughed so hard that he squatted on the ground holding his stomach and couldn't straighten his back. How could she be so cute?

How should we face Wang Jianchun today and pretend that nothing has happened? Or should we smile at him and say: Treat it as an unfortunate accident that happened when both parties were not sober? But Wang Jianchun is completely sober. If he doesn't go to the company today, he won't go.

See him? But if you avoid today, what about tomorrow? I simply can't stand the days without Wang Jianchun from now on.

Sika gently pressed her forehead against the tiles and said to herself: "It's so annoying..."

People in the company thought that the boss was in a good mood today. He entered the company with a cheerful face and whistled. Wang Jianchun walked towards his office. He looked the same as usual, but if you paid a little attention, you could see that his pace had sped up a lot.

When he opened the door of the company, he saw that cute figure busy sorting out information with his back turned, as if he didn't notice anyone coming in.

The fact is that Sika knew that Wang Jianchun was coming when he heard the footsteps in the corridor. He paid attention to Wang Jianchun every day. It was impossible that he couldn't distinguish his footsteps, so he was always nervous to death. Wang Jianchun opened the door.

At this time, Sika almost jumped up with a scream. He tried hard to calm down.


Wang Jianchun called him, and Sika turned around quickly. Then she regretted it. She wanted to pretend to be calm, but she didn't know if Wang Jianchun noticed his nervous and fast reaction.

She must have discovered it, because Sika saw the playful smile on the corner of Wang Jianchun's mouth. His eyes stared at her, which made her heart tremble, and her expressionless face was also sore from muscle twitching due to excessive tension.

Wang Jianchun stepped forward and Sika reflexively retreated. As a result, her waist suddenly hit the desk behind her. Her waist, which was burdened by her forced acceptance of Wang Jianchun, almost seemed to be broken.

Seeing the thin sweat on Sika's forehead, Wang Jianchun walked over and supported her waist with his arms. This considerate gesture made Sika's cheeks blush slightly.

"Xika..." Wang Jianchun narrowed his eyes and whispered.


Suddenly, Sika's body tensed up, because Wang Jianchun's hands were moving back and forth around her buttocks with malicious intent.

"Boss..." Maybe it's because Sika's brain is still in a state of shock from what happened yesterday, so she can't run away or scold Wang Jianchun as usual.

"Xika, didn't you feel chilly when you came home?" Wang Jianchun suppressed a smile.

"What do you mean...I don't understand."

Suddenly a white thing appeared in front of her eyes. Sika's first reaction was that this thing looked familiar. But when she saw clearly that what was in front of her was her underwear, her face suddenly changed. It was green, white, and red.


"What a lovely color." With a frivolous whistle, Wang Jianchun approached Sika and blew cool air into her ear.

Sika snatched Wang Jianchun's own underwear and held it nervously in her hand. The shame of being teased and the anger of being played with made Sika's whole body tremble. Her lips trembled for a long time before she burst into a shocking roar: "Don't let this kind of thing happen.

Bring it to the office with a calm face."

In the early morning, Zhang Xiaoxian was awakened by a book full of hunger. He opened his eyes and sat up from the bed. There was no one around him and he didn't show much surprise. Anyway, he was used to it. He scratched his hair, picked up his nightgown, put it on and opened it.

He went downstairs, and as soon as he walked into the living room, he smelled the aroma of food. Hunger drove Zhang Xiaoxian towards the kitchen, so that he stood at the door of the kitchen and rubbed his eyes vigorously. He looked like a gentle and virtuous woman in the kitchen.

Who is it?

She skillfully cut the vegetables and placed the condiments appropriately. Then she took a sip of the soup with a spoon. In the rising white water vapor, she could vaguely see the indifferent smile on the corner of Kim Taeyeon's mouth.

"Are you awake?"

Are you awake? Oh my God, Zhang Xiaoxian loved this sentence so much. But he didn't stay happy for long before he realized a serious problem.

Jin Taeyeon knitted her eyebrows. She didn't understand why Zhang Xiaoxian suddenly looked at her with fierce eyes, even though he was smiling like an idiot just now.

This chapter has been completed!
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