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Chapter 28 The Goddess Sends Coolness

Xiaoxian stopped the car and walked towards the guard box. Master Liu took a card and an invoice and was about to hand it to Zhang Xiaoxian. He said with a smile: "Your parking space has been reserved. Here is your card."

!There is also an invoice! You have collected it!"

Zhang Xiaoxian took the card, looked at it, and politely said to Master Liu, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome! This is what I should do!"

"It's not easy for you. It's such a hot day and I see you don't even have an air conditioner here! Is it hot?" Zhang Xiaoxian took a look at the security booth and saw a younger security guard inside, who almost stuck out his tongue because of the heat.

This small security booth is only as big as your buttocks. This is the hot season, and the strong sun shining in the booth is like roasting sweet potatoes. It can make a person sweat three kilograms.

"It's hot! There's nothing we can do!" Master Liu was very simple and honest, and his face, which was already dark, looked even darker when he sweated. Zhang Xiaoxian looked at the huge sweat beads on his forehead and said, "It's not easy, you guys

If it doesn’t work, you must install an air conditioner. I will report it to your leader another day!”

Master Liu waved his hand and said: "No need, we have already reported it! Digging! Digging!"

Zhang Xiaoxian curled his lips. After all, this matter was someone else's business, but he was born with a warm heart, so he asked a few more questions. He didn't say anything more, "Master Liu, then I'll go back!"

Master Liu smiled slightly and waved his hand. Zhang Xiaoxian drove the car to the underground garage. After parking the car, he followed the elevator back home.

Yoona at home also knew about the conversation he had with the security guards just now, and knew that Zhang Xiaoxian wanted to help those security guards. She also made some considerations in her heart.

Yoona prepared sour plum soup for Zhang Xiaoxian, which is Zhang Xiaoxian’s favorite summer drink. Yoona knew that he liked it, so she made some for him at home. After drinking it, Zhang Xiaoxian felt refreshed.

"Yooner's work has been finished. I can go to work tomorrow! Do you have to apply for the job tomorrow?"

In fact, Zhang Xiaoxian doesn't want Yoona to go out to work, but this is a plan and arrangement to complete the task.

"Well, if Yoona goes there, she can help Xiaoxian!"

"It's just that I'm worried that if the work is too tiring, you won't be used to it. After all, you don't know the actual situation of the work. It's just like those bloody ancient pornographic dramas, full of intrigues!"

"It's okay. Yoona can handle it!" After Yoona said this, Zhang Xiaoxian thought that there was no need to say more, after all, Yoona's ability was much stronger than him.

Zhang Xiaoxian felt that today's weather was surprisingly hot, "This guy really wants to roast people! Yoona, are you hot?"

Yoona shook her head and said with a smile: "I'm not hot. If Xiaoxian is very hot, then I will turn down the air in the room a little lower!"

"Yeah! Turn it down a little lower!"

"Xiaoxian has adjusted the temperature to the most suitable temperature!"

"Yooner, have you seen that Master Liu and those security guards are as hot as dogs! Their tongues are almost sticking out!" Zhang Xiaoxian's metaphor was so vivid that Yoona couldn't help but laugh.

She smiled, and she already had a solution in mind, "Xiaoxian, do you want to help them install an air conditioner?"

"Think about it, it's okay for me to contribute some money. Just treat it as a good deed!"

"Xiaoxian, I have a way. Without you paying any money, I can ask the property management company to install air conditioners on all their booths in each phase!"

Zhang Xiaoxian said in surprise: "Yooner, you really have a way to make this dead property pay for it!"

"Well, Yoona can make them happily take out the money!"

"How to do that?"

"As long as Yoona turns on the "comparison function" in reality mode, they will definitely take out the money!"

Zhang Xiaoxian muttered: "Comparing people's feelings with their own feelings? This is quite interesting. It's not easy for everyone to compare their feelings. If the property manager had to sit in that post all afternoon, he wouldn't be able to bear it! Those security guards are really suffering! Yoona, you

It also has this function, which is really wonderful!”

"Yooner has many functions. As long as you need me, Xiaoxian, Yoona will definitely be able to do it for Xiaoxian!"

Zhang Xiaoxian knows that Yoona is powerful, but he also knows that when using those functions, Yoona consumes a lot of physical energy, which also affects Yoona.

Zhang Xiaoxian held Yuner's hand, placed it on his palm and said softly: "Yooner, thank you for your hard work!"

"It's not hard at all. As long as Xiaoxian is happy, I will be happy no matter what I do!"

At 12:30 at noon, the big sun was blooming with its terrifying smile in the high sky. The temperature of the security booth was getting higher and higher. Master Liu held a fan and shook it vigorously. The small swaying fan was also blowing fire.

The wind doesn't work at all.

"Xiao Li, you should go and rest for a while. I can handle it at noon. Young people have never suffered much. Don't suffer from heatstroke. Go and rest!"

Master Liu asked the young security guard to find a cool place to rest for a while. The young security guard must have been waiting for him to say this for a long time, "Then I will go and have a rest first, and I will take my place for you later."


Master Liu smiled and said: "Go quickly, I can still bear it!"

"Activate the heart-to-heart comparison function, lock the target tasks, Mr. Li of Kangju Home Property...!"

Yoona's heart-to-heart comparison function has been activated, and Mr. Li from the property management miraculously walked step by step from his small air-conditioned office to the security booth. Master Liu rubbed his eyes and was shocked when he saw Mr. Li coming.

, he thought he was here to check the guard, so he quickly pressed the pager three times. These three times were a signal, telling the lazy security guards that someone was coming from above. Quickly cheer up.

Mr. Li seemed to have lost his soul and walked towards the security booth with a rare smile on his face, which surprised Master Liu.

"Mr. Li! You are here!"

He quickly stood up, wanting to give Mr. Li a seat, "You can sit down, but you don't have to get up!"

Master Liu was obviously a little cautious. Mr. Li looked at the beads of sweat on his head and asked, "Isn't it very hot in here?"

Master Liu laughed naively. Needless to say, Mr. Li obviously felt the heat wave coming, "The temperature in here is really too hot. Why is there no air conditioner?"

"Haha, there is a fan!" Master Liu pointed at the fan and smiled. Mr. Li shook his hand in front of the fan, "This is no good, this is fire wind! This place is too small! There is no air or wind.

I'll ask them to install an air conditioner for you this afternoon! You can see if it works!"

Master Liu was overjoyed. He thought he was confused because he was too hot. He saw the illusion. He pinched his arm lightly. He knew that Mr. Li usually spent money on women and treated his employees like that.

If you can dig a little, you will never be idle. Now he can actually install air conditioners for them. It is like a beautiful woman saying to him: Come on, sleep with me!

He couldn't believe it. It wasn't until the air conditioner came to install the air conditioner in the afternoon that he felt that Mr. Li's conscience had finally discovered it. He knew that Yoona was secretly helping in all this.

Yoona and Zhang Xiaoxian did another good thing. Although it was a small thing, everything starts from small things. After Mr. Li installed the air conditioner, he woke up and found that he had done such a good thing. He had no impression at all.

No, I regret it endlessly.

This chapter has been completed!
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