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Chapter 86 The Unfortunate Toad

The power of public opinion is terrifying, and the people began to fall into panic. Some people even began to gather in the square for demonstrations, demanding the government to give a precise explanation. Is this incident "revenge of the monster" or "revenge of the monster"?

Premeditated murder.

The higher authorities are attaching great importance to this matter, and the forensic examination cannot give a definite result.

"According to what we know now, the death of the deceased surnamed Shen was extremely horrific. Her body was cut off at the waist. Who did this? Or was it revenge of a monster? Our station will follow up and report on this matter.


"Boom—" Zhang Xiaoxian threw the remote control in his hand at Lao Gao when he saw the news.

"Yooner, I really want to hit someone today! Monster? Call me a monster? Then why did I save someone that day? What were these people thinking, and why are they so sure that I killed Shen Wan?"

Zhang Xiaoxian's lungs were so angry that it was lucky that his heart function was very strong, otherwise his blood would really have reversed. Zhang Xiaoxian threw the remote control to the ground. The TV has been talking about it all day long, and they are all talking about the big toad.

He was a monster, and he was the one who killed Shen Wan. Not to mention the Internet, which is a place where all kinds of news are available. It’s not that Zhang Xiaoxian has a weak psychological endurance, it’s that he really can’t stand others wrongly accusing him.

Yoona picked up the remote control. She sat next to Zhang Xiaoxian and touched Zhang Xiaoxian's chest, hoping that he could calm down. Zhang Xiaoxian couldn't bear it anymore, "Yooner, what I was worried about happened. Although Shen Wan is not a good woman,

But it’s not like he will lose his life. That guy Zhang Yongzhi is such a bastard! What I’m afraid of now is that he will attack others! In this way, I will become a scapegoat! What’s more important is that those people are innocent!


Zhang Xiaoxian's worry is not unreasonable. According to Zhang Yongzhi's current strength and resentment towards Zhang Xiaoxian, it is entirely possible that he will do other extraordinary things.

In order to reduce Zhang Xiaoxian's psychological burden, Yoona tried to find a way to comfort him: "Don't worry too much first. In two days, the toad gene in your body will be completely integrated into your blood. By then, there will be a way to do it."

Deal with him!"

Zhang Xiaoxian can wait, but he is afraid that Zhang Yongzhi cannot wait, "That guy already knows that I am the big toad and now he will definitely try his best to kill me! If he really comes, then I will have a big fight with him!"

I will definitely not let him off lightly this time!"

Zhang Xiaoxian is ready to take on the challenge at any time. In fact, he is thinking that maybe all this is the arrangement of fate. If he didn't have Yoona, he might be an ordinary person. It is precisely because of Yoona that he will go like this.

life, then there must be other opposing people and things in his life. It’s just that he didn’t dare to think about all this at the beginning.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, and Zhang Xiaoxian still had trouble falling asleep. At this moment, his doorbell suddenly rang. Who could be looking for him so late?

It turned out to be Li Chen, Zhang Yongzhi’s personal bodyguard. What was he doing here?

"Li Chen?",

"Brother!" Li Chen now changed his name and called Brother Zhang Xiaoxian. He must have come so late to inform Zhang Xiaoxian of something important.

"come on in!"

Zhang Xiaoxian motioned for him to sit down, "Li Chen, come and drink some water!" Yoona poured him a glass of water. Li Chen looked out of breath. He had run all the way here. He didn't take a car, and he was afraid of attracting other people's attention.

"Brother, you have to be prepared. Now Zhang Yongzhi is no longer the same Zhang Yongzhi. Now he has super powers! He was the one who killed Shen Wan! And he has guessed that you are the big toad and is now preparing to deal with you.


Li Chen knew the news and was worried about Zhang Xiaoxian's safety, so he rushed to Zhang Xiaoxian overnight just to tell Zhang Xiaoxian about it. He didn't know that Zhang Xiaoxian already knew everything.

"Huh, I'm waiting for him!", the bad breath gathered in Zhang Xiaoxian's chest was aroused by Li Chen's words, but he still endured it. He knew that at this time, the only thing that mattered was calmness.

Only then can we succeed.

However, Zhang Xiaoxian was a little worried about Li Chen, "You must pay attention to these things when you are around him!"

"It's okay, brother, he won't do anything to me! He trusts me very much!"

"He is very cunning, you'd better be careful!" Although Zhang Xiaoxian only knew him for a few days, since Yoona controlled Li Chen's will last time, he has become very loyal to Zhang Xiaoxian. Zhang Xiaoxian thought about it

He risked his life to tell himself this and he felt very grateful.

"It's okay, brother! No matter how powerful he is now, I'm not afraid of him!" Li Chen was also a soldier after all, and what he had learned over the years was that he was not afraid of death.

Zhang Xiaoxian patted him on the shoulder, "It's always good to be cautious! That guy won't live long!"

Li Chen nodded and said: "Brother, I will go back first. It's very late. You can rest!"

During the long night, Zhang Xiaoxian really couldn't sleep. He seemed to have a very bad premonition, and suddenly felt that he had an extra mission and responsibility. He didn't know why he suddenly thought like this. He now has

He had super powers. He did not use his powers to do bad things. On the contrary, he controlled it very well. Just like the moment when he sacrificed his life to save others in the park that day, if Yoona hadn't reminded him that he had forgotten that he could use his super powers, it can be seen that

It was his instinct to save those people. On a certain level, there is no doubt that he is a good person. Perhaps with greater ability comes greater responsibility.

The night was dark, and shocking news came out early the next morning. The Han family, the chairman of Yuhao Company, and his family were murdered, and his house was full of toads. The three members of the family died in a miserable manner.


Why were the Han family killed? It was Zhang Yongzhi who killed them. When he founded Yuhao Company, Zhang Yongzhi and the Han family were partners. The two talked happily and got along very well. Later Yuhao

The company has achieved outstanding results. The Han family proposed that the company be listed. Zhang Yongzhi enjoyed a small half of the shares of Yuhao Company and the Han family was the major shareholder. Zhang Yongzhi has always been worried about why he is the chairman but he is not.

An executive director?

His evil heart was expanded by his current power, prompting Zhang Yongzhi to kill everyone in the Han family. Before killing the Han family, he also forced the Han family to sign a share transfer agreement. Zhang Yongzhi would not be that stupid.

This transfer contract was conducted on the secondary market, so he subsequently bought it at a low price. This was exactly Zhang Yongzhi’s conspiracy, a huge conspiracy.

He was secretly happy that he seemed to have everything now. He had money, status, and women. "I, Zhang Yongzhi, have never failed to get what I want!"

He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. He looked out the window angrily at the flashy city.

It seems that a lot of evidence from the police points to the "monster killing" theory, but the police have a neutral attitude on this point, because there is still no sufficient evidence to prove that this person was killed by a toad. What is the motive? These toads

Why did they kill them? If it was because the last scientific expedition team salvaged the giant toad, why didn't the giant toad seek revenge on them and instead went to find some unrelated people? Based on this alone, the theory of monster murder can be denied, but in fact

It is not that Zhang Yongzhi did not consider this. Those scientific expedition team members all died tragically at home, and no one was spared. This put the police in an embarrassing situation.

More and more people died, and twelve people died in one day. These were all innocent people. Zhang Xiaoxian held back a breath, secretly feeling grievances in his heart. With only two days left, he told himself: "I will let

You can live for two more days! Zhang Yongzhi, you are so cruel!"

This chapter has been completed!
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