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Chapter 197 All Beings Are Equal Monk Releases Locusts

Chapter 197 All living beings are equal, the monk releases locusts [Please subscribe and vote monthly]

Lord Zao didn't expect that Su Chen was really willing to listen to him.

He said in surprise: "Master Shangxian, are you really willing to listen to me and ask for my signature?!"

Su Chen said: "Since the Stove Lord is here, he believes in the poor Taoist. How can the poor Taoist disappoint you?"

Lord Zao said: "Before I came here, the little god actually didn't know what to do. In the past few years, there have been many customs in the human world that do not respect gods and even defeat ghosts. This is a great evil and must not be tolerated!"

Su Chen remained silent.

Zao Lord continued: "Not only that, the human temples are in ruins, mortals disrespect the gods, worship ghosts, take pride in ghosts, and respect monsters. In addition to being in charge of the jobs of the human world, the little god also has an inspector to oversee the human world.

The responsibilities of good and evil. However, I have feelings for the human world, and I cannot bear to report them all to God."

He looked embarrassed and said: "If you report truthfully, there will be natural disasters in the world; if you conceal it and fail to report it, you violate the laws of nature, and if you are exposed one day, you may get burned."

Kitchen Lord said bitterly: "The little god really doesn't know what to do."

Su Chen immediately understood that Heaven arranged for Zao Lord to be in the human world. In addition to taking care of the jobs of mortals, he also had a very important responsibility, which was to supervise the human world.

Mortals cannot be allowed to behave disrespectfully towards God.

Nowadays, the world is in chaos, and people's ideas are wild and wild. If they can't get anything from the traditional gods, they will worship monsters and worship ghosts.

This is the last thing Heaven wants to see.

This is where the Zao Lord is in trouble. If he reports truthfully, heaven will be furious and the world will suffer natural disasters.

If you conceal it, you will be derelict in your duty.

This is a dilemma. No wonder Lord Zao is so worried and embarrassed.

Su Chen said: "So, what do you want to ask?!"

The Kitchen Lord bowed to the ground and said respectfully: "The little god wants to ask if the work report from heaven on your majesty's birthday went well this time!"

Su Chen thought for a while and took out the bamboo tube.

With the experience of interpreting fortunes for gods last time, he felt that the situation of Zao Lord could be solved by the Golden List.

Lord Zao took the bamboo tube and saw something magical about it.

He has seen this thing too many times. In the past, mortals would kneel in front of his statue, and some Taoist priests would interpret people's fortunes in his name.

Unexpectedly, he would pick this up one day.

It's not about interpreting people's signatures, it's about asking for signatures.

If it were before, he would have dismissed it, because most of the Taoist priests using his name were parallel imports, relying on deception to fool ordinary people, and his reputation was gradually ruined.

Nowadays, he doesn’t have many temples, and he relies on the old business of putting statues of gods on ordinary people’s stoves to make his presence felt.

Now holding this bamboo tube, he trusts it very much.

Because a truly capable person can predict destiny.

Su Chen is definitely a person with real abilities, otherwise the Mountain God Land and the City God Dragon King would not respect him so much.

Mr. Zao has also met many important people, and they all have the ability to make deductions for others. Su Chen is famous, so he must be no exception.


Zaojun did not expect that Su Chen agreed so readily.

Other famous and powerful people keep things secret and do not interpret and deduce things easily for others. After all, if they reveal the destiny and secrets of heaven, they will be punished by heaven.

Even famous and powerful people dare not say that they will be 100% able to deal with divine punishment.

Therefore, even if it is not a good relationship or an unavoidable favor, the almighty and famous person will not easily interpret the fortune for the gods.

The danger is too great!


Su Chen actually agreed without hesitation, which made Zao Lord deeply moved and admired.

"Shang Immortal Wu Guo must be far more powerful than ordinary celebrities, otherwise he wouldn't have agreed to help me get my fortune so easily."

"But even so, Immortal Wu Gu will definitely suffer divine punishment. I owe a favor that I can never repay."

Zao Lord was moved, but he still hurriedly asked for the signature in a pious manner.

"The little god Zaojun obeys the destiny of heaven, takes charge of the people, and supervises the mortals for the heaven. However, mortals are ignorant and fooled by ghosts and cannot bear to report it. I asked God this time, and my report goes smoothly!"

Swish swish swish.


A bamboo stick fell.

Zaojun immediately picked it up and took a quick look, and was stunned.

Even if he is a god, he can't help but feel in a trance at this moment.

Sign under.

It's a sign.

It turned out to be a sign.

Lord Zao didn't expect that God's performance report this time would actually be a lottery.

This made him a little confused, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

As a god, he is used to seeing strong winds and waves, but at this time he was a little confused and didn't know what to do.

Lord Zao murmured to himself, "Why is this so? Why is this so? It's just a one-hundred-year report. It was always safe and smooth in the past. Why did it just sign this time?"

He took a look at the bamboo tube and saw that there were only two bamboo sticks inside, and three including the ones underground.

There are twelve others. Taken together, this ratio is not large.


He still won the lottery.

The Kitchen King was a little unwilling, and shook the bamboo stick again, but the result was that he still signed the bamboo stick.

Lord Zao completely accepted his fate.

He fell to the ground and said feebly: "Why is it the lottery? The little god is conscientious and never makes any mistakes. How could he win the lottery?!"

Su Chen saw that he was lost and his concentration was not as high as that of the famous ministers of the Tang Dynasty.

He shook his head secretly.

But I was a little happy in my heart. After all, the lottery was resolved, and the reward was very tempting.

He comforted him and said, "Don't worry, Lord Stove. Drawing a lot is not a fatal disaster. It can be resolved."

Zao Lord was filled with surprises, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw, and said quickly: "The Immortal saved me, how should I resolve this?!"

He felt so insincere, so he quickly knelt down and kowtowed: "The little god is really powerless, please teach me!"

Su Chen said: "Don't worry, let Pindao take a look at the bamboo stick."

Then I took the lottery and everything in front of me changed.

He has one more picture, as if he were actually there.

I saw that in Luoyang City, the people believed in Buddhism, overthrew more than a dozen temples, ushered in Buddhism, and even tore off the statue of Zao Lord and replaced it with portraits of Guanyin Bodhisattva and other Buddhists.

In Chang'an City, at the end of the year, ordinary people tore off the statue of Kitchen God, threw it directly into the fire and burned it, and replaced it with a statue of the Five Earth Dragon God, or a portrait of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, or Medicine Buddha

Name taboo.

In short, many of the statues of Zao Lord have been replaced one after another. Not only that, many Taoist temples in the Tang Dynasty have also been demolished one after another.

Instead, there are some temples of ghosts and monsters, or temples of Buddha and Bodhisattvas.

The scene changed again, and the Kitchen Lord appeared in a temple. It was the temple that had been enshrined for him for three hundred years. It was the Temple of the Kitchen God outside Yunzhou City in Mobei.

Some people rushed into the Temple of the Kitchen Lord and overthrew the statue of the Kitchen God. Some people wanted to smash his statue to pieces, but they were stopped by others.

The reason why these people were so impulsive was that the Kitchen Lord did not let them eat enough. They were hungry outside Mobei City. They did not have enough to eat, so they expressed their anger at the Kitchen God.

A few scenes later, a few years ago, a plague of locusts spread all over the Tang Dynasty, sweeping across the entire northern region of the Central Plains. The people prayed day and night, brought out all the statues of the Kitchen God, and worshiped them day and night.

However, many people still starved to death that year. When Su Chen saw the picture, Zao Lord stood in the field, listening to the people crying and cursing him, he couldn't help but frown.

However, Zao Lord still took action and used his magic power to kill all the locusts in a ten-mile radius. However, the scene turned around and there was a group of monks outside Mobei City. They chanted sutras and Buddhas for the locusts that fell on the ground, so that the land could

The locusts that had been frozen to death came back to life when they were warmed.

The monks believe that all living beings are equal, and the locusts should also have a way to survive. It is bitterly cold in Mobei, and they should not die in Mobei. Therefore, they chant sutras and Buddhas to make the locusts come back to life.

Soon these locusts occupied the south of Mobei, and the area killed by Zao Lord was soon occupied by locusts again. The people kept cursing and accusing the gods who knelt down to worship as useless.

Lord Zao originally wanted to keep the locusts at bay south of Mobei, but when he heard the people's curses and saw someone overthrowing his statue, he became angry and wandered away, ignoring the lives of mortals.

As a result, the locusts raged and eventually spread throughout the Tang Dynasty. It was not until later that Su Chen came forward to solve the problem based on people.

The scene changes again. After the fairy rice seeds appear, the people are gradually able to have enough to eat. However, Buddhism is wandering around to lobby, and some ghosts come forward to cast some spells to make the people believe in it.

Many of Zao Lord's statues were replaced, which made him very angry.

He was scolded when he was hungry and replaced when he was full. Zao Lord was very angry.

The picture ends here.

Su Chen was thoughtful.

He frowned, vaguely guessing.

At this time, the rhythm of Jinbang was moving.

(End of chapter)

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