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135: Careful planning and opportunity!

 Gu Xing brushed his way down from the top of the map, and now he has reached the red zone.

He heard the short message prompt, cut the screen and glanced at the bottom road, and his heart suddenly felt calm.

"Brother Duan, you and Imp hurry up and push the line, I'll be in position right away!"

Duan Deliang knew what he should do.

Just now, the still-healthy Uzi pushed the first wave of artillery troops under his own tower.

Without saying anything, Xiao Duan picked up the big stick and hit the cannon body.

The beheading effect of the Holy Shield can directly kill the originally thick-skinned artillery car!

Ju Shengbin was very decisive. He used Q [Man Dance Grenade] and W [Fatal Brilliance] to hit multiple minions, preparing to quickly clear out the minions under the tower.

Moreover, during the previous duel, the health was reduced to 1/4, relying on the troll's passive [King's Tribute] and the blood bottle, the health was replenished after finishing the line of troops!

The pilot lens focuses on Leopard Girl.

In leopard form, Nidalee's last Q [Knock Down] takes away the red BUFF, and at the same time connects with W [Pounce] to turn around and move backward!

This can be judged as a one-time kill and shorten the cooldown of the pounce, which is a common operation for Leopard Girl players.

He successfully reached the edge of Xiaolong Pit and jumped in when his skills improved.

At this moment, the time is only 3 minutes and 08 seconds!

"Why do I feel that this leopard girl is so fast in clearing jungle?" I remember frowning, "Rek'Sai from Xiang Guo just finished clearing the three wolves, and just started playing blue BUFF. Virtue is almost faster than a whole group of jungle!"

Zeyuan laughed and teased, "That's not true. Virtue's basic jungle skills are indeed pretty good, but..."

He thought there was no need to make a fuss.

After all, they are all professional players, so there won’t be anyone who doesn’t know how to farm, right?

"But he saved a punishment..." I remember finally realizing something was wrong, "The brush is just faster than before!"

Unlike many commentators, he is considered a semi-professional.

I used to work for Flash Wolves, and also played in the Taiwanese server King.

Although the gold content of the Taiwanese server is average, compared with many commentators who can't even get diamonds in single queue, I don't know how high the current level is!

He noticed the small detail that Gu Xing cleared the jungle a little faster.

Has Virtue improved its farming skills?

I remember that when I thought of this, I felt a strong desire for knowledge in my heart, and I couldn't wait to wait for a break to ask Gu Xing.

It actually has nothing to do with technique.

Gu Xing cleared the jungle as usual, and his speed was faster than before.

The reason is that he has seen through the essence of the changes to Leopard Girl in version 6.15!

Most teams and commentators believe that increasing the damage of Q in human form and reducing the output of Q in leopard form will weaken Nidalee.

However, in Gu Xing's view, this is actually a big improvement!

It is true that in the early stage of the fight, it is difficult for the javelin to hit the enemy hero, and the output of the leopard form is cut off, which will affect the combat effectiveness of the leopard girl in the wild.

But there is one exception.

Refresh the wild!

Unlike heroes, except for the River Crab who often shows off professional players, all wild monsters will stay in the camp until they are attacked.

In this case, Leopard Girl's Q [Javelin Throwing] is a target and can hit the target reliably!

In version 6.15, the maximum damage of the first-level javelin has been increased by 30 points!

And every time Leopard Girl cleans a group of camps, she can trigger the longest range javelin once.

In other words, Nidalee can improve the efficiency of clearing the field just by strengthening the javelin!

on the other hand.

Although the base damage of Leopard Form Q [Knockdown] has been reduced, the additional damage it inflicts when facing a hunted target has been enhanced to a certain extent!

If you fight with a hero, because the javelin and clip are difficult to hit and the hunting passive cannot be triggered, the Leopard Girl's combat effectiveness will decline to a certain extent.

But farming is different.

The QW skill in Leopard Woman form can easily hit wild monsters, put a hunting mark on them, and use the increased extra output to make up for the basic damage!

In short, the update to version 6.15 speeds up Leopard Girl’s early cleanup of wild monsters!

Gu Xing, who finished clearing the camp one step ahead of time, crossed the river and looked at the direction. It was clear that he was going to invade the wild area!

The screen cuts to the bottom lane.

The director allows all viewers to see clearly what is going on there.

Uzi has returned to the city, and there are only three people left in the bottom lane.

With the help of the defense tower, the RNG artillery troop line of the push tower has been dealt with by the VG duo.

The next wave of troops will not reach the line until 3 minutes and 18 seconds.

Prior to this, the VG duo could travel offline without losing money or gold coins!

The puma's strong body runs forward and enters the lower half of the RNG wild area!

"Xiangguo hasn't noticed it yet," he remembered, suddenly turning up the volume. "Mata's eyes were in the triangular grass near the bottom road, and no trace of Virtue was found!"

"It will be very dangerous if you are caught. The VG duo who have cleared the line of troops can come to support in time!"

The noise caused by worry and anxiety from RNG fans in the audience filled the closed venue.

The incense pot knows nothing about it.

If we say that the current version of Leopard Girl’s jungle clearing is extremely fast.

Then Rek'Sai's jungle clearing efficiency in the first round is ridiculously low!

Compared with other strong junglers, its speed to level 3 is pretty good.

But upgrading from level three to level four - that is, clearing the other three groups of camps will be very slow!

Therefore, the vast majority of Rek'Sai players are quick to catch people or invade.

This was the original plan of Xiang Guo.

But reality does not allow him to do this!

Since he uses an open jungle route from top to bottom, he can only choose the lane or the bottom lane to catch people - if he goes back to the top lane, Looper's Gnar and him are not easy to catch Poppy, and catching the top lane is equivalent to losing the bottom half of the jungle.

District surrendered.

The Marquis in the middle has maintained a very conservative position from the laning to the present. He pulled the line of troops in front of his tower, completely giving Xiangguo no chance to forcefully capture it!

Xiangguo can only be played in the bottom lane for the time being.

But he didn't expect that a conflict broke out in the bottom lane between the two sides less than 3 minutes into the game!

The linkage between the troll and Jhin, plus the ignition cast in short bursts, directly crushed Uzi's health!

Uzi was forced to finish the lane and return to the city for supplies. Xiangguo lost its protection target and also lost the right to rely on the bottom lane.

There is only Mata on the line. He can't take his assistant Karma to the VG jungle area. That is no different from giving away a kill!

Xiangguo was forced to have no choice but to obediently wipe out all his wild monsters.

Just when he lowered the blue BUFF's blood volume to half, he suddenly heard a reminder from Mata in his voice.

"The auxiliary on the other side is heading towards the river, and may enter your jungle area!"

Mata's consciousness is quite sharp.

After discovering that Xiao Duan left the bottom lane, and combined with Xin Ran who had been forcibly handed over by the opponent before, he immediately realized that VG was going to cause trouble.

He reminded Xiang Guo that he wanted his jungler to move back first.

However, the fatal flaw of RNG was exposed at this time.

Mata's Chinese is very poor.

If Ju Shengbin can express himself, his accent and way of speaking are too weird for people to understand.

Then Matagawa just has trouble expressing himself!

During the microphone program of the spring game, he communicated with his teammates in Chinese, English and Korean. The homophone of "Xiang Guo NoGG" was widely circulated on the Internet at that time.

Now, Mata is in a state of desperation, and combinations of words in various languages ​​are popping out of her mouth.

Raoshixiangguo and Mata have been cooperating for more than half a year, but for a while they didn’t understand what the other party meant.

Fortunately, he is not stupid.

When I cut the screen and discovered the movement of a small segment, I also realized that I might be in danger.

It's roughly two seconds slower than Mata's direct reminder.

In just this short moment, the figure of the Leopard Girl appeared at the end of the field of vision!

The incense pot, who was making out with the blue buff, had not dived to the surface to obtain the geohearing spell in the last few seconds, so he directly saw Nidalee's message.

Level three, with double BUFF...

Xiangguo instinctively opened the scoreboard again.

Nidalee's CS count is 14!

He reacted immediately. Except for the stone beetles that had not yet been refreshed, Gu Xing wiped out all the remaining five groups of wild monsters in the VG wild area before rushing to counter his own wild monsters!

Xiangguo was shocked.

What kind of B jungle speed is this? Is there any reason for this?

In fact, if the 6.15 version of Leopard Girl only increases the jungle clearing speed, it is not enough to allow Nidalee and Rek'Sai to achieve such an exaggerated jungle clearing progress.

Another key point is punishment.

Gu Xing, who is on the blue side, starts from the Demon Swamp Frog above. The buff effect gained from punishment is [Gift of Toadstool]. The target that attacks him will be poisoned and will be given a BUFF that will continue to lose blood.

The red side's incense pot gave the first punishment to the stone beetle, and gained the [Gift of Heavy Hands] buff - the first attack and every fifth attack can stun minions or wild monsters.

Obviously, the gift of the toadstool has a damage effect and can increase the speed of clearing the field.

The gift of the heavy hand simply stuns the wild monsters to preserve one's health and status, and does not improve the progress of clearing the wilds much!

Gu Xing controls the Leopard Girl, and he is very fast in clearing the jungle. Coupled with the version changes and the lead in punishment income, he achieved such an exaggerated lead in the first round of clearing the jungle!

Remember to keep an eye on the canyon and not miss any detail.

"Virtue threw a javelin over!"

The angle and timing of this Q [javelin throw] are quite tricky.

Rek'Sai is a melee fighter, and he is almost face-to-face with the blue BUFF when farming.

Gu Xing throws his javelin, and if Xiangguo turns around to dodge, the one who will be hit hard will be the blue BUFF.

If he doesn't dodge and hits the javelin from a distance, a large chunk of his health will be directly poked out!

Xiangguo had no other choice, so he had to get out of the way and watch the javelin pierce the wild monster, lowering the blue BUFF's health to 777 points left!

"Leopard Girl puts on the hunting mark, triggers the passive extra movement speed bonus, steps forward to close the distance, and hits Rek'Sai at the basic attack point!"

Although Nidalee's attack power is not high, she has a red BUFF burning effect. Her basic attack slows down the opponent and causes additional damage, which makes the incense pot feel even more irritated.

However, he did not dare to turn around and fight back.

Xiao Duan has been disappearing in the bottom lane for a while, and even Imp's Jhin has left the lane.

The VG duo is obviously going to support the jungle!

Mata, who was guarding the bottom lane alone, was stuck. He didn't dare to come from the river, so he could only take a detour to the grass behind the next tower of RNG.

Uzi, who returned to the city to replenish his equipment, has just left the highlands and is still some distance away from the RNG blue buff camp.

If Xiangguo goes to find trouble with Gu Xing, it will be like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth!

"Rexai should just turn around and fight the blue BUFF... Isn't the fragrant pot going away as well?" Zeyuan said in a surprised tone, "He insists on guarding his wild monsters!"

Gu Xing's previous javelin hit a wild monster and left a hunting mark.

This means Nidalee transforms into panther form and can use her skills to deal extra damage!

Q [Knockdown] itself has a killing effect, plus a 40% output bonus from the Hunting Mark...

The instant burst damage is definitely higher than Rek'Sai!

However, Xiangguo still has some illusions.

He felt that Gu Xing should have used double punishment because of his speed.

If the opponent's Punishment enters the cooldown, you can steadily absorb the blue BUFF and then retreat!

However, when Leopard Girl jumped up with W [Pounce] and used basic attack + Q [Knockdown] combined with punishment to instantly kill the wild monster, Xiangguo realized that he had made a misjudgment!

Why does the Leopard Girl who only punishes her farm so fast?

Xiangguo can't understand.

The situation did not allow him to think about it carefully.

"The combat power is already out of balance. Xiao Gu's Leopard Girl has been upgraded to level four. The fight with Reksai is totally worth it!"

Gu Xing ate his own five groups of wild monsters, and with RNG's blue BUFF, the six groups of camps were upgraded to four!

"Xiang Guo quickly digs a tunnel and prepares to leave..."

I remember suddenly raising my voice, "My old swan! Xiao Duan flashed over and stopped him!"

Golden light flashed, and the Troll King's figure rushed forward 400 yards.

Then a pillar of ice came out of the ground and stuck Rek'Sai's body!

Before the tunnel was dug, the troll dug out proof that this road was impassable!

"The forced displacement effect completely destroyed the excavator's plan to use the tunnel to retreat!"

Zeyuan’s voice was loud, but it couldn’t cover up the uproar in the audience!

"The short paragraph brought out the characteristics of the troll to the fullest!" I remember being amazed, "It's hard to leave the incense pot!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the trajectory of a long-range shot appeared in front of everyone's eyes!

Fatal splendor!

"Mata finally arrived and gave E [Inspiration] a shield and acceleration effect!"

Unfortunately, Mata's R [Mantra] was previously used to enhance Q [Inner Flame] to help Uzi quickly push away the artillery troop line, and it has not yet finished cooling down.

The basic shield value of E alone is not enough to protect Rek'Sai.

Xiang Guo was afraid that he would be locked in place by Fatal Huacai, and VG would follow up with the burst damage to kill him.

He can only hand over the control of flash dodge and retreat back at the same time!

"If Rek'Sai uses Flash, it will be difficult for him to get up to speed in the next period of time!"

I remember feeling bad, "It seemed like Xiao Duan and Xiang Guo were switching between each other, but in fact, RNG suffered huge losses!"

Zeyuan thought for a moment, and suddenly realized that he finally came to his senses, "VG has played a big game!"

"A small section of level 2 forced a blood exchange, deliberately igniting crossfire to lower Uzi's health and forcing him to return to the city for supplies," he connected all the clues together. "In this way, RNG's originally stable bot lane advantage is gone!"


"Virtue will take advantage of Leopard Girl's ability to clear the jungle quickly and rush to the lower jungle area of ​​RNG to fight against the jungle invasion!"

I remember following my partner's thoughts and thinking about it a little, and I feel that this is indeed the case.

The chat channel in the event live broadcast room quickly filled the screen.

[Guigui, what a ruthless troll! 】

[The auxiliary troll effect is good, but this is really a knife in the butt - an eye-opener! 】

[First, the pillars Kavuzi and Jhin are linked together, and then the tunnel for the excavator to escape is blocked. Isn’t this small section too overwhelming? 】

[I can be regarded as a support by Uzi, and I don’t know about other abilities, but my operational level must be first-rate]

[The question is, why does Virtue refresh so quickly?]

In the voice of the VG team, Gu Xing, who retreated after noticing the flash of the incense pot, was still reminding his teammates.

"Take two steps back first, the rock bird is coming soon!"

When the mid laner Xiaohu saw a conflict breaking out in the jungle, he rushed to the battlefield.

Gu Xing was focusing on the HP of the Punishment Kill blue buff at that time and had no time to pay attention to the mini map.

He learned this information from Lord Marquis, and after a simple calculation, he felt that Uzi's EZ was almost here.

If he flashes and chases him hard, he can indeed kill the incense pot without any means of displacement and escape.

But I will most likely have to explain it here!

You can chase, but it's not necessary.

Gu Xing didn't want to give up when things were good, he wanted to continue rolling the snowball to build an advantage.

"After I finish eating the river crabs, I have to go into the opposite jungle area to eat the magic swamp frogs. Sir, can you push the lane quickly?"

After a period of training, Gu Xing is now able to command in an orderly manner, and his thinking is much clearer than before.

He informed everyone of his needs and the online character's response strategies.

Teammates basically don't have to spend too much energy thinking, they just do what they do.

After hearing the needs of his teammates, Mr. Hou agreed without hesitation.

Rockbird pushes the lane very quickly, but the Syndra he uses is not slow either!

One Q [Dark Sphere] in 4 seconds can cause considerable area damage.

When Hou Ye focused on pushing the lane, Xiaohu's Rock Bird didn't take much advantage.

What's more, in order to cover Xiangguo, Li Yuanhao left the middle road and turned back, which wasted some time.

Marquis took the opportunity to push his troops into the middle tower of RNG.

Gu Xing then killed the river crab, used the altar to gain acceleration and continued to drill into the lower jungle area of ​​RNG!

He knew that RNG went online after eating wild monsters in the bottom lane at the beginning.

After a little extrapolation, we know that the frog concubine in the opponent's lower half died in about 1 minute and 52 seconds.

Therefore, the reset node is around 3 minutes and 32 seconds!

Gu Xingka broke into the lower jungle area at the right time and prepared to enjoy the delicious Demon Swamp Frog for himself!

"Rek'Sai has no intention of defending this group of camps," Zeyuan said loudly, always paying attention to the small map, "It is going all the way up and intends to replace VG's upper jungle area!"

Xiang Guo knows that the group of Demon Marsh Frogs at the top of VG has also been refreshed.

The three wolf camps along with it are about to be reset.

You steal my blue BUFF and then turn against the Demon Swamp Frog?

If I trade the two camps in the upper half of your area, it won’t be a loss!

Anyway, I’m using Reksai who doesn’t take blue buffs, so if I lose it, it’ll be useless...

The incense pot is indeed quite comfortable.

Apart from the time it takes to get to the VG jungle area and the loss of a flash, there are no additional losses.

But Gu Xing didn't want to let go of his teammates.

After stealing RNG's Demon Swamp Frog, he first checked the position between the enemy's three wolf camp and the blue zone, and then returned to his own camp to eat the Stone Beetle.

During this period, Gu Xing found no trace of the fragrant pot, and he probably guessed that his opponent had moved to the top half of his field.

"Brother Long, can you give me a sneak peek?" Gu Xing marked his Demon Swamp Frog camp, "Rek'Sai should be on his way,"

Brother Long obeyed his instructions.

Anyway, he was in front of the tower, so he took two steps back and poked an ornament eye through the wall towards where Frog Concubine was.

I just happened to see Xiang Guo eating the Demon Marsh Frog!

"When Rek'Sai saw this, he quickly used punishment to collect the wild monsters, for fear of being snatched by Poppy's buckler!"

Gu Xing raised his eyes and looked at the time.

4 minutes and 13 seconds.

For a moment, a dark thought occurred in my mind.

"Imp has laid a trap that will attract everyone in the army line..."

Two lotus traps are placed at the formations of melee soldiers and ranged soldiers respectively.

The countdown sound was extremely clear, and the burst of range damage instantly reduced the health of the RNG line of soldiers!

At the same time, the explosion radius of the two traps just encompassed the cannon truck in the center!

"The basic attack is connected with the dance grenade, clearing the line of troops. The troll then uses the salary to equip the holy shield to passively eat the artillery cart, speeding up the line push..."

This is the second wave of artillery trains that reached the bottom lane at 4 minutes and 18 seconds.

The VG duo handled it cleanly with ease!

Uzi and Mata tried their best but failed to achieve the same effect as VG's bottom lane.

It's really due to the hero's disadvantage.

Although the laning strength of EZ+Karma is enough to rank in the first echelon of previous versions.

However, when they faced Jhin's bug-level clearing method, they still seemed powerless!

Ezreal only relies on Q [Secret Shot] and basic attacks, and his push speed is very average.

The auxiliary Karma is the main pusher, but there is only one Q [Inner Flame] that can be used.

Moreover, Mata still carries the blue salary-equipped Sword Stealing Blade, which does not have the ability of the Holy Shield to kill minions and push the lane quickly!

That cannon truck alone is enough for the RNG duo to have a drink!

The two of them could only watch helplessly as a large number of soldiers rushed towards the tower!

Mata remembered that Gu Shengbin had not used W [Deadly Brilliance], and immediately became alert, "Binxuan has entered the tower... retreat, let's retreat to the front of the second tower first!"

He was also afraid that Uzi wouldn't understand what he was saying, so he gave two retreat signals.

Jhin's deadly brilliance is a must-have skill for killing people and cheating. Imp kept holding it in his hand when clearing the line. Mata always felt that something was not right.

Uzi is very greedy for the army line.

However, as the commander, his assistant had already made a judgment, and Uzi was not someone who had to die because of his own thoughts, so he immediately prepared to move back.

Unfortunately it's too late!

"Virtue took a detour to the grass behind the RNG lower tower, blocking the retreat of the RNG duo," I remember the voice became urgent, "VG plans to use the artillery line to cross the tower!"

The intention is obvious.

But looking at the whole audience, RNG has no means to stop Gu Xing!

Incense Pot also replaces wild monster resources in the upper half of VG.

Xiaohu pushed the middle line of troops to the center, but it would take a lot of time for him to come on foot. When he reaches the bottom lane, he will probably have to collect the corpses for EZ and Karma!

Top laner Looper is even more clueless.

It takes 4.5 seconds to teleport and guide, and the opposing dragon's hammer-shaped cannon can be easily interrupted by keeping his E [Heroic Charge]!

Fans who found RNG isolated in the bottom lane shouted loudly from their seats, their hearts hanging high in the air!

Gu Xing is still planning the specific operation of jumping over the tower.

"Brother Duan, I'll climb the tower first, let's kill Karma, and leave this EZ alone!"

Ezreal had flash and E [Arcane Leap], which was difficult to kill. Gu Xing aimed at Mata!

Uzi knew that the other party would definitely not kill him first.

Therefore, the position was stuck between Leopard Girl and Big Quail, trying to block the opponent's skills with her body.

"Virtue doesn't throw the javelin at all, it's just a simple basic attack!"

The red BUFF effect has not disappeared yet, Gu Xing even improvised to play A.

"Mata activates her ultimate move, uses Mantra to bless E [Inspire], put shields on herself and Uzi, and prepare to force a breakout!"

It is worth mentioning that Karma was weakened in version 6.15.

The basic shield value of E [Inspiration] has been reduced, and the group acceleration effect of R [Mantra] has also been cut when turned on to enhance E.

This is also the reason why Gu Xing set the tower-crossing target as Mata!

The current version of Karma is easier to kill than before!

Mata had no choice.

If he puts the mantra on the spiritual chain of W [Unwavering], the blood volume restored is based on the lost health value. Now when the blood volume is large, the treatment effect will not be very satisfactory.

Moreover, the second stage of blood recovery must ensure that the spirit chain is tied.

If you are alone under the tower and are double-teamed by the opponent, it is okay to use RW to fight to the death and hope that the tower father will avenge you.

But he also has Uzi by his side!

If they huddle under the tower and VG repeatedly resists the tower, they can kill both of them!

Mata knew that he had to send people out, so he bit the bullet and started the RE group to accelerate down to the second tower.

"The troll cast Pillar of Ice and successfully attracted the hatred of the defense tower!"

Zeyuan's voice was very excited, mixed with a bit of disbelief, "The small pillars are too good to use, right?"

Since preparing for the playoffs, Duan Deliang has not practiced a few heroes in total according to Redmi's requirements, and Troll is one of them.

It took a lot of hard work to drive the custom learning pillar position every day.

Now shine on the field!

The thick icicle pushed in front of Karma, and the forced displacement effect knocked her back one step.

Uzi's EZ was only affected by slowdown.

He originally wanted to help Mata block his skills, but he got misaligned with his teammates!

"Jin found the right opportunity to shoot a fatal brilliance!" Zeyuan increased his power and explained the situation at the scene like a barrage of cannons, "Mata was forced to hand over to dodge to dodge!"

The big quail knew that this flash could not be saved.

He crossed the troll pillar and wanted to continue retreating.

"Virtue placed a clamp on the only path in front of Karma, gave himself a mouthful and continued to attack with basic attacks!"

Gu Xing just refused to turn in Q [Javelin Throwing] and maximized the effectiveness of his red BUFF!

In order to avoid the trap placed by Gu Xing, Mata had no choice but to take a detour, and also used W [Unwavering] to build a spiritual chain between herself and the opponent.

When Karma moved laterally to avoid the animal trap, Gu Shengbin took the time to close the distance.

"Imp heals myself and Xiao Gu to speed up, flash forward and shoot Q [Man Dance Grenade] and the last bullet!"

All the damage was poured into Karma's body, directly reducing the originally dissatisfied blood volume to 1/3!

Uzi quickly used the healing technique to help her breastfeed.

"Virtue uses his teammates' healing to accelerate, first pulls back to break away from the spiritual chain, and then throws the javelin at Karma!"

Gu Xing's javelin is still tricky.

It just blocks Karma's movement. If the opponent continues to move forward, he will definitely get this javelin.

If you retreat, the VG crowd will catch up!

For a moment Mata was in a dilemma!

"Uzi steps up!"

Zeyuan shouted, his voice lingering inside the venue, "He turned sideways to help block this javelin!"

Mata was able to continue fleeing towards the second tower.

I remember frowning, "But this doesn't seem to change the outcome!"

Gu Xing turned into a leopard form, and with the blessing of the hunting mark, he came to Uzi's side with W [Pounce] from a long distance!

At this time, he and Mata's Karma were very close!

"Virtue is very stable, he doesn't even flash, he just follows Mata!"

In Gu Xing's view, the RNG bottom team has surrendered all its escape skills, and there is no way to stop it!

When the next W [Pounce] turned around, Gu Xing jumped to Mata's side and used a simple leopard form AQE to clear Karma's health bar!

"The First Blood is Born!"

I remember saying in a high-pitched and powerful voice, "The RNG duo has done everything they can, but they still haven't avoided death!"

The RNG fans in the audience sighed and looked very frustrated.

"The only good news is that Uzi didn't die in this wave," Zeyuan tried to make up for RNG. "He returned to a safe position in front of the second tower and let the next tower swallow up all the artillery lines!"

When Xiaohu saw the fight on the bottom lane, he cleared the line of troops and rushed to the bottom lane.

But by the time he was in position, Mata's Karma had been killed!

It is obviously unrealistic to expect Yanqiao's W [Rock Burst] to lift professional players without the cooperation of other control skills.

"Virtue nimbly avoided the rock protrusion and returned to the city in the grass..."

Xiaohu didn't get the harvest and had to go back in anger.

Fortunately, he relied on Yanque's passive [Pumice Rush] to travel very quickly and didn't waste too long.

Seeing that there were no threats around him, Gu Xing started shopping on Taobao.

He brushed a total of 8 groups of wild monsters plus river crabs and first-blood economy.

Taking into account the system's automatic money jump, Gu Xing took out a green jungle knife and law-wearing shoes!

"This equipment is outrageous," I remember praising, "It's not even five minutes yet!"

He noticed Uzi's equipment column, "Uzi was beaten back to the city last time, so he could only buy an extraction, and he wanted to make up for his development by adding troops."

"But Uzi spent 450 gold coins, and there was not much profit before the extraction was detonated, and this wave of artillery soldiers was also missed..."

"Ezreal's Magic Slice will take shape very slowly!"

Uzi hasn't even made tears of the goddess yet.

He originally happily wanted to use the powerful duo of EZ + Karma to suppress or even destroy Imp.

But a series of changes completely disrupted his plan!

Now Uzi has to hold back the tears of the goddess, otherwise the magic cut will be too late, and EZ's mid-term combat effectiveness will not be guaranteed!

He is destined to be quiet for a while and concentrate on his development.

Xiangguo Qieping witnessed the entire process of Gu Xing's attack on his side.

He was not a clay figurine who just resigned himself to the temper of a clay figure. He planned to retaliate tooth for tooth, eye for eye, to give Gu Xing some color.

On the top lane, Brother Long's Bobby is too strong in tower defense. Xiangguo felt that if he tried forcefully, he would easily be replaced.

After thinking about it, Malaxiang Guo finally decided to take action against the Marquis of Zhonglu.

After finishing the upper half of VG's wild area, he crouched in the pass between the Three Wolf Camp and the middle road.

When Xiaohu pushes the troops in, Xiangguo is ready to freeze his hands!

"Rexai dug a tunnel to the middle..."

Before Xiangguo could see Syndra's graceful figure clearly, he saw a flash of golden light!

"It flashed so fast!"

I remember being amazed, "The moment the Marquis saw the Rek'Sai Tunnel, he handed over the flash!"

The audience in the audience was noisy!

"He is so steady!"

Zeyuan was stunned by this operation, "Easyhoon didn't even plan to counterattack by relying on the defense tower!"

Xiangguo was so frustrated that he retreated in disgrace after resisting the defense tower twice, and could only return to the upper half of his home area to continue farming.

Gu Xing, who had initially established an advantage, was already thinking about how to end the game.

At this point in the game, Gu Xing feels like he has already won half the battle.

He only needs to deliver another fatal blow to his opponent to win the game!

Gu Xing didn't think about it for too long before he discovered an opportunity.

It's a medium-sized chapter of 8,000 words. There were too many melons. I was confused by it all night and took a lot of time.

Will make up for it tomorrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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