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140: I want to go without killing me?!

 The cheers of VG supporters in the audience were endless, and the restless sound filled the ears of every audience at the scene!

"The blind monk's damage is too high now, and Xiaohu simply can't handle Virtue's set of output!"

I remember the voice was high and powerful, "The most critical mid-unit in the early stage of RNG was killed, and the rhythm suffered a huge loss!"

When VG Nosuke intercepted and killed Xiaohu, Xiangguo could only watch, watching the blind monk bully Syndra with all his hands!

Li Yuanhao's equipment isn't bad, but since he didn't get any kills, it definitely can't be called good!

The damage of E [The Weak Retreat] was blocked by Morgana's black shield.

Before dying, Xiaohu QR's output only reduced Gu Xing's blood volume to half!

If the incense pot is not marked with a hunting mark, it will never be able to kill the blind monk with a set of skills.

Seeing the blue BUFF with low health remaining, Xiang Guo used Leopard Form Q [Knock Down] combined with punishment to pocket it, and then quickly escaped through the grass.

Gu Xing was too lazy to pay attention to him and let Leopard Girl leave. Anyway, his goal had been achieved.

If Xiaohu dies once, his development time will be delayed for one minute, and he will not be able to get the blue BUFF. His lane life will be seriously affected!

Lord Hou was safely brushing troops in the middle, and his heart blossomed with joy as he watched the opposing mid laner being sent back to the spring by his own jungler to recuperate.

"Give me another 15 minutes, I want to show RNG what cruelty is!"

He is getting closer and closer to his first prototype rocket belt.

Nowadays, vampires make flame belts + inspiring armor, and then add ice staffs and hats. This way, they have more blood and can absorb energy. Although the damage is not as explosive as the full force armor, but with a little pull, it is not a small threat to the back row.


Marquis has a very deep understanding of vampires. This hero has been in the opponent's ban position some time ago, which is enough to prove his proficiency!

As long as it can develop into shape, RNG's back row is not worth mentioning in his opinion!

"15 minutes?" Brother Long wanted to laugh, "When you grow up, Mr. Hou, we will push you to the entrance of the RNG base!"

In just a few minutes, he witnessed with his own eyes how Gu Xing saved the jungle from the collapse of the game.

Now VG not only has no disadvantage, but also takes the initiative on the scene!

Zhu Xiaolong thinks that RNG can’t even support Hou Ye’s equipment to take shape!

Gu Xing listened to the relaxed teasing from his teammates in the voice, and turned around to brush the wild monsters in the upper half of RNG.

He has driven the incense pot out, and the wild area across the way is his home, and he can wander around wherever he wants!

"The blind monk is so fast at clearing the jungle..." Zeyuan praised, "The splash damage and Tiamat's active effect are no less efficient than the Leopard Girl!"

To be precise, it's Nidalee with average equipment.

If the development goes smoothly, Leopard Girl will definitely be able to make a Talisman Echo jungle knife at nearly 9 minutes, and the jungle clearing speed will be the only one in the league!

"Seeing that Virtue was not threatened, Xiao Duan planned to go back to accompany Imp to continue the battle..."

Before he finished speaking, the director cut the camera to the lower lane.

Seeing VG Nosuke running to the upper half to mess with Xiaohu, Mata couldn't help it anymore.

He can't leave the bottom lane, mainly because the army line is really bad.

The location of Gu Xing was not determined at that time. If Mata wandered away rashly, Uzi might suffer another disaster.

In order to ensure Ezreal's development, he stayed in the bottom lane to help manage the army line.

However, the opponent's Imp's positioning was too arrogant!

Your jungler and support have all appeared at the top of the map. How dare you move forward alone?

Mata was furious.

"Uzi clicked a minion with residual health, Mata successfully upgraded to level 6, and R [Solar Flare] aimed at Jhin!"

Ju Shengbin snorted coldly.

He turned around and made a small move, avoiding the solar flare easily while also placing an E [Crowd Down] trap underneath him.

"Leona's Zenith Blade successfully hit!"

Mata knows that Leona's R [Solar Flare] is not easy to trigger the stun effect in the small circle in the center of the area when the opponent is not restricted from moving.

After all, professional players are not pig noses. Avoiding Leona's ultimate move to stun them is a basic operation.

However, the slowing effect at the edge of the flare makes it difficult for the opponent to avoid it without relying on displacement or increasing movement speed!

Mata's amplified move is to force Imp to turn around and adjust his position.

In this way, he can use the effect of E [Zenith Blade] to stick it on Gu Shengbin's face!

Q [Shield of Dawn]!

A heavy blow, knocking Jhin into a dazed state, and igniting the fire simultaneously!

The golden crescent moon coming from behind swept across Jhin's body!

Accurate barrages from EZ!

"Uzi jumps forward with Arcane Leap, QA hit output Imp!"

With less than half of his health left, Gu Shengbin didn't panic at all.

Since E [Overwhelming] was previously placed under his feet, when Mata used the Zenith Blade to close the distance, the lotus trap had been triggered and successfully slowed down the opponent!

Imp drank a bottle of potion, used the healing spell to move backwards, and then shot Uzi.

Then when the lotus trap is about to explode, he raises his hand and shoots W [Fatal Glory]!

Leona was imprisoned in place and unable to move!

"Imp continued to run backwards, while Uzi continued to pursue him. Healing skills accelerated forward, and he kept using basic attacks to reduce Jhin's health..."

Relying on R [Precision Barrage], Uzi increased the number of layers of his passive [Spell Power Increase], and his attack speed was much faster than before.

Combined with two long swords, it is quite a deterrent.

But Gu Shengbin is not afraid.

The slowing effect of Leona's ultimate move Solar Flare only lasted for 1.5 seconds, and it has ended long ago. When Imp's deadly brilliance imprisoned Mata, it would also increase her movement speed, making her left and right movements erratic.

Suddenly, he stopped.

He raised the old-school bolt-action sniper rifle named "Whisper" in his hand.

There were only two bullets left in the gun.

If Jhin waits for the last bullet to be fired, Jhin will gain explosive movement speed again, completely widening the distance!

By then, Uzi and Mata will not be able to catch up if their flash has not yet changed!

If you want to complete the kill, you must rush before Jhin's last shot is fired.

Uzi made the decision without hesitation.

What he was waiting for was for Jin to raise his gun!

Q has just improved, and Uzi knows that the hit rate of his EZ skill is not high.

Therefore, in this round of duels, he will only take action when his skills hit reliably!

The last Q was cast when Mata stunned Gu Shengbin on the spot.

This Q should be shot at the moment Jin raises his gun and shoots the bullet!

When a hero performs a basic attack, he will pause in place.

Jhin's attack speed is too slow, so it is particularly obvious.

At this time, Ezreal's Q [Secret Shot] is a sure hit!

Uzi has thought about it all.

Q receives the basic attack, and Jhin's health is probably only one layer of blood skin.

If Imp dares to turn around and take the last shot from A, he can take the head with the bounty by using his basic attack!

Without A's last shot, Jhin's movement speed is not fast, and there is still a 俿-shaped structure between the two towers in the bottom lane, and Uzi can easily catch up!

The abacus was ringing loudly.

However, the moment Ezreal raised his hand and shot Q [Secret Shot].

Jhin put away the barrel of the gun and took a step to the side.

Successfully deflected Ezreal's secret shot!

Uzi's heart skipped a beat.

"Imp canceled the basic attack!"

I remember it was hard to suppress my inner surprise, "He tricked Uzi's Q!"

There were low screams from the audience!

"Dear me..." Zeyuan couldn't believe his eyes, and the lines on his forehead were wrinkled, "Is Imp in this state now? Isn't it too outrageous?!"

Ju Shengbin smiled happily.

He raised his hand again and faced Uzi with A.

Before firing the last shot, Imp also threw Q [Man Dance Grenade] to increase the killing damage!

The stacks of Uzi's passive [Surge of Spell Power] were full. When Jhin fired two bullets, he made three basic attacks.

It's a pity that there is no radiance. With just two long swords, EZ's basic attack damage is not high!

"There are 43 drops of blood left!" Ze Yuan shouted loudly, "Imp escaped with the help of the movement speed bonus of Whisper's last shot!"

Since Uzi's last Q [Secret Shot] did not hit, the skill cooldown cannot be reduced.

He has no CD equipment on him, so it will take some time for the next secret shot!

Uzi had to let Jhin stay away from him and escape back to the tower!

I felt angry and helpless at the same time.

When Xiangguo came to gank the bottom lane for the first time, he used the temporarily added W [Essence Leap] to break a small section of the black shield. He was obviously better.

This time Imp deliberately used a false draw to cheat his secret shooting, which can be regarded as regaining the position.


There seems to be no more serious consequences.

It's just that I didn't get the kill.

But Mata's urgent voice with a heavy accent woke him up.

"Silk-bone chicken, run quickly, Easyhoon is here!"

The commentators and spectators watching the game from God's perspective can see it more clearly.

The first time Imp was besieged by the RNG duo, Hou Ye cleared the middle line of troops and rushed down.

Xiaohu has just been resurrected at this moment and has not returned to the line.

The Marquis was able to head straight down the road without any hindrance!

"Easyhoon wants to outflank us from behind, and Uzi is chasing us very deep now. It will be very difficult to retreat!"

This is the judgment made by Zeyuan.

Uzi's lower field area was covered in the fog of war, and it was impossible to tell where the Marquis had gone.

He continued to move forward to send VG to the next tower, and his head would also be taken by Imp, who had caused damage to him before.

Therefore, Uzi could only bite the bullet and walk to the bottom of his tower.

"Imp is using his body to seduce the RNG duo!" I remember finally realizing Ju Shengbin's entire plan, "He tricked EZ out and then killed him!"

None of the RNG duo had any ultimate moves or flashes.

When the Marquis appeared behind them, all thoughts were lost!

"Lay out the blood plague, the vampire's ultimate move, and combine the blood transformation with the blood tide, killing Ezreal in an instant!" Zeyuan started to recite the skill name again, just like the name of the dish.

When Uzi was chasing, he was shot several times by Imp, and also suffered damage from Manwu grenade, and his health was low.

A set of skills was directly taken away by a vampire!

"Only Mata managed to survive due to her high resistance," I remember feeling aggrieved for RNG. "In just five minutes, the situation changed drastically, and VG became the dominant side in this game!"

After Gu Xing finished killing RNG's wild monsters, he loudly cheered for his teammates in his voice.

Teammates can complete kills without relying on junglers, which is definitely good news in his opinion.

After all, if you can lie down, who wants to carry?

The only drawback is that Gu Xing's participation rate will decrease.

"How about it, should I hang on?" Imp smiled like a little devil, "I told you, just 50% of your strength will be fine!"

Gu Xing subconsciously blocked Gu Shengbin's rhythm engine, "We can wait for another two minutes of lanes, wait for Pupu to make Youmeng, and then switch lanes to push the tower!"

The team's advantage now is quite large.

It is impossible for RNG to threaten their first tower. No matter what, the bounty of the first blood tower will be obtained by VG!

In this case, it would be more beneficial to VG to keep the laning period longer.

Because the lineup chosen by RNG has offensive pressure.

By slowing down the pace, VG can gain more development time. Once the strong period of RNG Syndra + Ezreal's double C is over, victory will be within reach!

Xiao Duan, who arrived late, accompanied Hou Ye to push the bottom line of troops, causing the dead Uzi to lose another wave of troops.

"Xiang Guo ran to the top lane to catch Brother Long, but Shen's escape ability was so strong that RNG Ueno couldn't catch him!"

Zhu Xiaolong relied on the sword formation of W [Mysterious Soul Blessing] to protect his body and easily escaped under the tower.

Zeyuan still doesn't understand, "Why does Xiangguo want to trouble Brother Long? Shen's openness has gradually increased, and Poppy and Leopard Girl are not doing enough damage at all!"

There's nothing the spicy hot pot can do either.

His wild area fell, and the spawning time of several groups of wild monsters was under Gu Xing's control.

Since the bottom lane cannot be reached, Jhin on the other side immediately made Youmeng, and his own EZ didn't even take out the light.

Before Mata's Leona's ultimate move was good, RNG Shiye rashly attacked the VG duo, regardless of whether they would be counter-crouched by Gu Xing.

Even if it's 3 versus 2, they don't have much chance of winning!

If you are counter-killed, it will speed up the pace of the game!

It's difficult to help in the middle.

Vampire now has mercury shoes in hand, magic resistance + toughness, and is naturally very capable of restraining RNG's midfielder Syndra and Leopard Girl.

Not to mention the existence of blood pools!

After thinking about it, Xiangguo didn't dare to go to the jungle to directly challenge Gu Xing, so he had to go to the top lane and try to find some rhythm.

It's a pity that when Hongmi chooses top lane, they have to have good pressure-resistance skills.

This was how he used to be.

S4's Looper can be both stable and carry. It is basically a hexagonal top laner and can do some dirty work.

Now Brother Long also has a tendency to evolve in the direction of Looper!

Seeing that his teammates had almost destroyed RNG, he simply became the son of the tower and hid under the tower, leaving the opponent unable to do anything to him!

The 23-year-old Looper was standing on the road, looking over with affectionate eyes, seeing his 21-year-old shadow.

He experienced from Allen Chu what it was like to "beat myself".

"Xiangguo doesn't dare to go to the VG wild area, but Xiao Gu wants to come and find him!"

I remember looking at the blind monk and the leopard girl who were getting closer on the mini-map, and shouted loudly, "The incense pot doesn't realize it yet!"

Because the RNG jungle area was penetrated very thoroughly by Gu Xing.

You can't eat sharp-beaked birds in Xiangguo.

Naturally, punishment cannot be used to obtain the true seeing effect of Eagle Eye.

In the current version, before level 9, the scanning lens can only clear the field of view of a small area near the shield.

If used for Gank, the effect is not bad.

But when it comes to guarding your own jungle area, the poor quality scanning lens is really mediocre!

With such a wide range, it is unrealistic to rely on a lens with a cooling time of more than a minute to clear the field of view.

Now the spicy hot pot is stepping on Gu Xing's eye position, and he is still brushing the B three wolves.

Gu Xing planned to come and get all the stolen goods, so he just waited patiently behind the camp.

When the blood volume of the big shadow wolf dropped to 777 points, he got close from the side, directly touched the eye position with W [Golden Bell], and came to the incense pot smoothly!

"Virtue starts with a basic attack, and uses E [Thunder Break] and Tiamat to instantly lower the Leopard Girl's HP!"

I remember glancing at the status bar and mentally condemning Nidalee to death.

"Xiangguo tried to escape, but Xiao Gu kicked him over the wall!"

This version of Blind Sin is strong. In addition to the direct enhancement of the shield value of W [Golden Bell], there is another reason.

The cooldown of R [Raptor's Tail Swing] is very short.

The initial cooldown of the level 1 ultimate move is only 90 seconds!

Gu Xing also has [Caulfield's Warhammer] on him, which can reduce the cooldown. He uses it to kill Xiaohu in the upper wave, and then kills the upper half of RNG.

Now that 100 seconds have passed, even the wild monsters have refreshed one round, and his Raptor Tail Swing has naturally finished cooling down!

Knock the leopard girl into the air, and the rest will fall into place.

After all, as Gu Xing is a normal person, Blind Monk RQQ will definitely win.

"The crispy leopard girl couldn't bear the high damage from the blind monk, so she was happily sent away by Virtue!"

The RNG fans at the scene looked at the big screen with great disappointment.

It's never been such a great start, why is it like this now?

The VG supporters in the barrage almost went crazy laughing.

[Hey, isn’t this a leopard girl? I was very happy when I was in the wild. I haven’t seen you for a few minutes. Why are you so angry? 】

[Those who said previously that the Leopard Heroine is very powerful should come out and see, this blind monk can kill anyone in seconds with a set of skills!]

[RNG: I’ll give it to you first in this round, and we’ll let two chase three later!]

[I don’t have the ability to resist now, but I still want to chase three games, which is very stupid]

[What is Mata doing? Can he stop binding spirits in the bottom lane? Come out and roam!]

The misfire of Mata, the FMVP winner of the S4 World Championship, surprised RNG fans.

From the Spring Split to now, Mata has always been able to open up situations for the team with his smart roaming support.

However, in these two games, he has not even conducted an effective roam!

Mata is now in a dilemma.

He subjectively wants roaming support, which can maximize the role of his team's brain.

If the lane is just hung up in the bottom lane, Mata will just cut the screen to watch the lane, and it will be difficult to make a calm and accurate analysis.

But now the main thing that prevents him from roaming is stretching his hips in the lane.

Leona + Ezreal, this handsome man and beautiful woman, are far better than the VG duo in terms of looks.

But it won't work if you fight.

Xiao Duan deliberately ordered two levels of E magic black shield to make Leona even more uncomfortable.

The value of the black shield has increased, and it is impossible for Uzi's EZ to break it with W [Essence Leap] - after all, Ezreal cannot master W.

This means that if Sunshine Girl's E [Zenith Blade] is pointed up and a black shield is set on the opposite side, most of Leona's control skills will be useless!

At the same time, the VG duo now has equipment advantages, and their combat effectiveness has reached a high point!

Moreover, Mata's own laning level is also declining.

Roaming has always been based on laning.

If you can't beat the lane, roaming is just wishful thinking!

In the S4 World Championship, Mata was able to roam at will because he and Imp could defeat most teams' bottom lane just by laning. Controlling the lane and then roaming would only make the snowball roll as quickly as possible and shorten the game time.

That’s all.

Now that Mata is getting older, his concentration and detail processing are not as good as before. Moreover, he uses a weak combination, and now he is being bullied under the tower!

If he forced his way around, Uzi wouldn't be able to even use his tower sword to repair it.

The small Morgana and Jhin can jump over the tower and kill Uzi at will!

Something that made Mata happy finally happened.

Gu Xing killed people and traded goods, sweeping away all the wild monsters in the RNG wild area, and came to the bottom lane again.

Helped threaten the bottom defense tower, and also controlled a wind dragon.

Mata planned to go downhill and release the first-blood tower that was destined to be assigned to VG to the opponent as soon as possible.

As long as the line change period is started, he can take advantage of the chaos and fish in troubled waters to help Xiangguo save the situation!

As a result, he discovered that VG was not so kind.

"Let the defense towers get some more soldiers," Gu Xing suggested as he pushed down the first tower, "We can help Brother Long control the troop line back!"

What surged into the RNG defense tower was a wave of troops in front of the artillery truck.

RNG's artillery truck has arrived in front of the tower and is accompanying the turret to deal with VG's minions.

As long as Gu Xing and others deliberately stop, they will wait for the defense tower to swallow up all the VG artillery lines.

Then RNG is equivalent to adding an extra wave of artillery troops!

As a result, the military line situation will inevitably advance towards the next tower of VG!

After the lane change, Long Ge comes to the bottom lane and can have a stable development environment.

At the same time, because all the VG soldiers are eaten by defense towers, it is equivalent to Uzi eating less soldiers, which delays his development!

Why not take such a win-win initiative?

Zhu Xiaolong didn't expect that his teammates were so considerate, and even took care of him when he pushed the tower, so he just had to type on the public screen to express his tears.

"Thank you, Xiao Gu!" He thanked him sincerely.

Zeyuan was explaining the situation loudly.

"The bounty of the first-blood tower was divided up by VG in the jungle. The two sides officially entered the mid-term line change stage. Mata accompanied Xiangguo to crouch in the jungle..."

RNG Nosuke wants to try to arrest Gu Xing.

The blind monk has taken too many heads, and there is still a bounty on him. If he can withdraw the money, the incense pot can make a lot of money!

Gu Xing is indeed here.

He also didn’t realize that RNG Nosuke had the guts to ambush him in his own jungle area.

I have to say that Mata’s wandering ability is indeed powerful.

He can accurately see the gap in his vision, tear it open and lead his teammates to catch the opponent off guard at an unexpected position!

"The moment Xiao Gu showed up, Leona's Zenith Blade and Leopard Girl's Javelin hit the blind monk almost at the same time!"

Sunshine Girl follows up with Q [Shield of Dawn] to stun Gu Xing, and then pours Ignite and R [Sunflare] onto the opponent!

"The Leopard Girl pounced and bit her, and the little tiger's Syndra also sprinted to the side and poured R [Energy Pour]...but the damage was not enough!"

I remember the loud voice saying, "Virtue is so crazy that he took out a demon-drinking knife!"

When the blind monk's health reaches the warning line, an extra shield appears on the health bar out of thin air, which instantly wakes RNG Nakano and the other three!

What the hell?

They didn't think much about it when they did it.

When Gu Xing showed up, he seized the opportunity and acted quickly, fearing that the other party would notice his intentions.

After the fight, I obviously didn’t have the energy to look at the data panel again.

Finding ways to kill the blind monk instantly is the top priority.

As a result, the RNG team members were instantly dumbfounded by the Demon-Drinking Knife that Gu Xing had just taken out when he returned to the city last time!

Just be a human being!

"RNG Nakano Fu only deals magic damage, they can't beat Virtue at all!"

This is the reason why Gu Xing came out to drink the magic knife.

In RNG's lineup, only top laner Poppy and ADC Ezreal are physical output.

Currently, Uzi's EZ is underdeveloped and does not have the ability to kill himself.

Gu Xing simply took out the Demon Drinking Knife and used magic shield and magic resistance to improve his error tolerance.

After all, the Morgana used in Xiao Duan's game had average flawlessness, so Gu Xing had to take on some of the front-line duties.

It's always good to add some resistance.

It's just that Gu Xing didn't expect that the Demon Drinking Knife was freshly baked and would be effective immediately!

Seeing that his jungler was suffering, Brother Long's Shen immediately made a big move.

Although he was immediately interrupted by Looper's Poppy.

But the shield provided made Gu Xing's health bar grow again!

"Virtue touched his eyes and walked into the middle of RNG's midfielder formation... He is really brave!"

Gu Xing was alone and his move into the enemy formation was extremely impactful and caused a wave of excitement in the audience!

Do you want to leave without killing me?

no way!

The majestic and melodious music sounded again.

Jhin's sniper rifle is set up!

Relying on R [Perfect Curtain Call], the shooting range is up to 3500 yards.

Ju Shengbin, who is far away in the grass triangle on the top lane, can exert influence on the jungle!

"The Marquis's vampire has started sprinting into the field!"

With a loud shout that I remember, the vampire came quickly, and R [Blood Plague] was instantly spread on the three RNG people!

"Virtue's kick knocked the opponent away like a candied haws of sugar!"

The sudden burst of screams from the audience announced the outcome of this sudden team battle!

0 for 3!

Xiangguo tried to escape due to his flexibility, but Gu Xing used a wild monster as a springboard for the Tianyin Wave, and successfully closed the distance and took him away with an old punch!

"VG took advantage of the gap between the opponent and the opponent to advance and hit a tower, and RNG's defense line was completely destroyed!"

Uzi, who was far away on the road, was not brutally attacked.

Xiao Duan, who did not go to support, hid in the grass. When Uzi came slightly closer, he immediately flashed and activated R [Soul Shackles]!

Uzi used E plus flash to escape, but Imp's fatal cadenza immobilized him.

Later, Gu Shengbin activated Youmu to accelerate the approach, and easily sent Uzi back to the spring!

"RNG's last tower will also be bulldozed, and the economic gap between the two sides will reach 6K!"

The game only lasted 17 minutes.

This economic gap is quite exaggerated!

"RNG was retreating steadily, and sporadic resistance was quickly suppressed!"

Since the crouching in the VG jungle area completely failed.

RNG lost the last hope of a comeback.

Gu Xing did not give away the bounty, but tried every means to make it impossible for RNG to kill him!

Mercury shoes + demon-drinking knife, too high magic resistance is attached to the blind monk, RNG's magic output has no way to deal with him!

The point when the situation completely collapsed was at 24 minutes.

The tenacious RNG players stalled long enough.

But Gu Xing still seized the opportunity!

At his request, Brother Long in the spring put R on the blind monk to save his soul.

Morgana beside her also handed over the magic black shield.

"Virtue wore two layers of shields and rushed into the second tower of RNG from the side shadow!"

Gu Xing was still counting down the seconds and waiting for Shen's ultimate move to land before taking action.

This time Xiaohu was very focused.

The next moment Gu Xing touched his eyes and entered the second tower, Brother Long's Shen appeared next to him.

The moment Shen handed over the taunt, Li Yuanhao also used flash to evade the control!

"It's a pity that it's of no use. The magic black shield on Xiao Gu is immune to control. He has plenty of time to operate it!"

Gu Xing kicked out the Raptor and instantly adjusted his position with a flash, kicking Xiaohu towards his teammates outside the tower!

The Tianyin Wave encountered no obstacles in its flight and hit Syndra with incomparable accuracy!

"The second echo attack moves Virtue out of the tower!"

Remember to praise, "Xiao Gu, this operation is so fast!"

From touching the eyes to enter the tower, to seeing the tiger dodge to avoid the taunt, to Gu Xing flashing R to Q to answer the echo and knock out of the tower.

Everything is in the blink of an eye!

"Sindra was killed!"

Amid Zeyuan's shouts, the team battle officially broke out!

After Ju Shengbin fired four bullets, he ran to the back and started sniping with R!

Super bullets roared out of the air one after another, hitting all RNG members!

"With four kills, Jhin, VG won the team battle and will try to end the game with one wave!"

Resurrection time is up to 30 seconds.

VG only lost one person in the battle, so they could bulldoze the local base all the way from the upper second tower!

At 24 minutes and 57 seconds, the RNG base crystal shattered to pieces!

"Congratulations to VG, leading 2-0!"

I remember feeling excited, "They are only one step away from the final ticket in Guangzhou!"

"Few people would have thought before the game that VG, which reached the semi-finals of the LPL playoffs for the first time since its establishment, could push the defending champion RNG into a desperate situation!"

Zeyuan was filled with emotion, "Virtue is really the key... In this game, when he was at a big disadvantage in the early stage, he calmly dealt with it and found an opportunity to counterattack, successfully restoring the team's disadvantage!"

"Imp, who has been watching the water cooler for more than half a month, returned to the starting lineup, and his performance was particularly impressive..."

There were two fans in the audience, one was frustrated and the other was cheering, just like the two worlds of ice and fire.

It can only be said that the joys and sorrows of people are not the same.

Gu Xing drank up the ice water in the paper cup and stood up to accept the cheers from his teammates.

After playing two games, even Xiao Duan became excited, "It's really the best, Gu Xing, can you even fight back from this situation?"

"Good luck..." Gu Xing didn't get carried away this time.

When he stepped down, he was reviewing it in his mind.

RNG's initial layout was a trick on itself.

If it hadn't been for that wave of counter-crouching in the bottom lane, Gu Xing might not have been able to reverse his disadvantage.

If Xiangguo's Leopard Girl is allowed to find the rhythm, Gu Xing will be beaten into pieces in this game!

Members of the VG training department welcomed them out of the lounge as usual.

"Just one win away!" Ding Jun was so excited that he even took the paper cup from Gu Xing's hand and ran to help him get the water. "Everyone, take a break and have enough energy to prepare for the next game!"

He was watching the live broadcast in the lounge, and when he saw Gu Xing's early disadvantage, he was frightened.

When Gu Xing re-established his lead, Ding Jun's face turned cloudy again, his eyes turned bright and he smiled happily.

"Let's play the blue side in the next round. In theory, BP is pretty easy to do..."

Hongmi wants the players to relax.

The game's MVP player is still playing on the TV in the room.

Gu Xing saw his final makeup photo again.

Only this time the background behind him was changed to a blind monk!

In the battle damage ratio of 7/1/11, the only time Gu Xing died in battle was when he was demolishing his home at the end. In order to delay his teammates, he ran to the RNG spring alone to attract firepower.

In the end, he was accidentally killed by Xiaohu before the base exploded.

The damage ratio is only 22.00%, which doesn't seem high, but for the jungle blind monk, it's really good.

The injury-bearing ratio is 28.7%, which is lower than the average. The main reason is that the shield does not count as damage-bearing.

In this round, Gu Xing relied on the Demon Drinking Knife, Shen's ultimate move and the triple shield of his W to absorb a lot of additional damage, but it was not included in the calculation.

Entering the playoffs for the first time, Gu Xing felt that as a rookie, he was able to win MVP in two games in a row and performed well.

Hongmi briefly explained the BP ideas for the third game to the players, emphasized again the serious mistakes made in the early stages of the game, and warned the players twice to prevent them from making it again.

"VG players, head coach and translator can come on stage to prepare for the game..."

The staff knocked on the door of the VG lounge.

Gu Xing simply moved his body and calmed down to face his key match in the semi-finals!

The 8k words will hit the chapter, and I’ll continue writing tomorrow!

This chapter has been completed!
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