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216: Just two feet!

 Summoner's Rift is coming!

Gu Xing quickly bought equipment and commanded his teammates in his voice.

"Be careful when standing in the defensive position, don't be kept by the opponent... If SKT insists on coming in as a ward, give up your position to them!"

He planned ahead and made preparations in advance.

The yellow chicken chosen by Li Zhixun only has level W [sand soldiers appear], and its combat effectiveness is extremely poor, on par with artillery soldiers.

On the opposite side, SKT, the female gunner's level 1 E [Rain of Bullets] combined with ice can effectively retain the hero. Coupled with Olaf's ax and Ryze's rune imprisonment, the combat intensity and control ability are quite good!

Gu Xing was afraid that SKT had some plans for the level 1 team in this game, so he headed into the VG jungle as a group.

Once the team members are retained, even if they hand over the flash escape, a lot of blood will be lost, delaying the subsequent battle.

In this case, it is better to give up the position.

Gu Xing's guess was accurate.

At 1 minute and 15 seconds, the five members of SKT crossed the river into a group and entered the lower jungle area of ​​VG!

"Retreat, retreat, I'll spend a little time..." Duan Deliang was on guard, and controlled Zyra to use Q [Deadly Bloom] to hit Olaf through the wall, and at the same time activated the plant seeds, and the resulting thorn spitter stabbed the opponent with a thorn.


Successfully triggered the thunder and lowered the blood volume of the stupid chicken.

But it didn't have any significant effect. KT obviously expected it and deliberately let the stupid Olaf take the lead.

In this way, even if part of the blood volume is lost, not only does it have no negative impact on Olaf, but it is of great benefit. His blood volume is reduced, which can increase the attack speed and improve the efficiency of clearing the field!

Gu Xing could see clearly that the stupid chicken was focusing on his red buff camp.

Not only that, Duke and Lee Sang Hyuk returned to the lane respectively, and the stupid chicken also ran around in the bottom lane, trampling all the seeds that were passively arranged in a small section.

This will ensure that the SKT duo can live more comfortably in the early stage.

In less than half a minute, Benji's true nature as a peak herbivorous jungler was clearly revealed. He did his best to create a suitable development space for the lane.

Even if doing so will delay your opening time.

"He opened the lower half of his open card," Gu Xing quickly provided information to his teammates, "Master Hou, be careful at 2 minutes and 35 seconds. Brother Long, please pay attention as well around 3 minutes and 10 seconds."

Gu Xing has played Olaf as a jungler for a long time, and he knows the clearing time of each group of camps in the early stages of Berserker by heart.

He didn't even need to deliberately calculate, a few key time points popped up in his mind instantly.

After receiving a positive reply from his teammates, he ran to the upper half of the area to prepare for blue speed three, and brushed all the way down.

In this game, Zhu Xiaolong used Ike, and Gu Xing did not need to protect the top lane.

Just focus on the two team output cores of Double C!

Taking advantage of the vacuum of skills, he also cut the screen to observe the three-way alignment.

Average to above average.

There is just a problem with the bottom lane.

The Wolf Club combination saw that Gu Xing was not in the lower half through the vision previously inserted in the VG red zone, and immediately started to show off.

Small sections of seeds were trampled by stupid chickens, and Zyra was unable to take advantage of it. SKT's double shooters began to use slow speed to pull them away.

On the commentary desk.

Wawa stood watching the game, his eyes fixed on the bottom lane.

"I have to say that in the early days, SKT's vision layout was good," said Miller beside him. "After they saw Xiao Gu's movements, they let the bottom lane try to exert suppressive power based on the strength of the laning. The female gunner was Kejie.

Pulled, E [Rain of Bullets]’s movement speed is reduced + triggers thunder, which is very powerful!”

In addition, since it is already clear that Gu Xing starts from the top and opens the field.

When Bang's Ice reaches level 2, he doesn't learn E to release Eagle Spirit. Instead, he clicks Q [Archer's Focus] to continue to increase the strength of the line!

Remember to add, "And this is completely different from the SKT duo's previous play style. In the past, Bang and Wolf used to develop smoothly and wait for team battles, but now they are uncharacteristically suppressing people and changing blood in the early stages of the laning..."

The Wolf Club team knew that they couldn't stand firm in the face of VG, as that would be no different from waiting for death online.

Without him, Gu Xing's ability to seize opportunities is really too strong.

Shrinkage is slow death!

Their pre-game tactical arrangement was to attack each other with the VG duo during the laning phase!

Are we weaker than your VG bottom lane?

The SKT duo that suddenly became aggressive really caught VG off guard.

Xiao Duan didn't have any means to restore his blood volume and was forced to take a bottle of red medicine.

There were many SKT fans in the Staples Center. They couldn't help but be extremely happy when they saw this scene, and they happily made a noise!

"It's okay, they won't be able to suppress anyone at level three," Gu Xing was still calming down the team members, "Han Bing will definitely come to see where I am."

Once Ashe sacrifices one of his skill points, he will use it to find trends in his jungle area.

The pressure on the bottom lane will drop instantly.

Duan Deliang took a deep breath to calm down his panicked thoughts, and then he had an idea and thought of a countermeasure.

When conditions permit, he can try it.

Gu Xing's previous reminder to Zhongshang was somewhat helpful.

At the beginning of 3 minutes, Zhu Xiaolong ate the minions pushed by Duke Kennen into his own tower, followed the push back line to leave the protective range of the defensive tower, and immediately set his eye on the triangular grass on the top road.

Sure enough, I found Olaf who had quickly cleared six groups of camps!

Benji's Q [Countercurrent Throw] was easily avoided by Brother Long with a phase dive. KT Ueno chose to give up when he saw this.

They still don't know Gu Xing's position. It's been a while since the Blind Monk finished his third round. He was in the lower half half a minute ago, but they can't tell for sure now.

Stupid chicken is too stable.

Unless the success is very certain, he will not take the initiative at all!

He just blocked the position next to him and threatened the opponent to make Zhu Xiaolong miss two bins.

By 3 minutes and 24 seconds, Bang had finished eating the first three melee soldiers of the fourth wave of soldiers and was successfully promoted to level three.

Learn E [Eagle Strikes the Sky] immediately and shoot out the eagle spirit to explore the VG wild area!

The drone flew all the way and saw Gu Xing at the Sharpbill camp opposite!

The stupid chicken opened the scoreboard and reacted like a reflex.

Including this group of F4, the opponent has cleared five groups of wild monsters plus river crabs.

Only the three wolves in the upper half of the area were left unkilled.

This speed is normal. After all, Gu Xing started with Speed ​​3. When he saw that he couldn't find a suitable opportunity to catch people, he turned back and continued to clear the jungle.

A lot of time was wasted on the way.

"He wants to go up and clear the camp in the second round..." Halfway through the sentence, Ben Ji remembered the blind beta strategy used by Gu Xing in the playoffs of the group stage, and quickly changed his mind, "Maybe he will go to the bottom lane, in Wan you

Don’t press too far forward first, arrange the surrounding eye positions!”

The stupid chicken canceled the return to the city, and first cleared the upper river crabs, and then entered the VG upper jungle area. The partition wall inserted a ward between the Demon Swamp Frog and the Blue BUFF camp to detect Gu Xing's next movements.

When Wolf heard the prompt from his jungler, he immediately became alert.

Give up the suppression, quickly push a wave of minions, and lead Bang to wards in the triangular grass of the lower lane and the center of the lower river, blocking the only two routes for Gu Xing to go to the lower lane for gank.

After losing in the extra round, SKT once studied Gu Xing's video, trying to find a solution for blindly catching people.

The result is that it is difficult to achieve good results by simply responding to the situation in terms of play style.

Because it is difficult for a stupid chicken to change his style. As a veteran, he has basically set his style and cannot make major adjustments.

The strategy Kka finally came up with was vision blocking.

No matter how Gu Xing arrests people indiscriminately, as long as he can set up wards in the VG jungle area and see his movements clearly in advance, he can naturally take preventive measures in advance!

From the invasion of the ward at the beginning, to Bang's Eagle Spirit drone, to the current ward placement of the combination of the stupid chicken and the wolf stick, they are all strictly following the tactical arrangements made by the coach before the game.

As long as casualties can be avoided in the early stage and the balance of power between the two sides is delayed until the middle and late stages, SKT's team battle lineup is destined to dominate the world!

However, there are also flaws.

The second eye of the wolf stick combination is placed in the middle of the lower river, and the river crab altar that Gu Xing had brushed off earlier can be clearly seen.

He did not hesitate and chose to change direction.

Did not continue to brush up the three wolves.

Instead, go straight to Xiaolongkeng!

In the blue square, Gu Xing stood above the Xiaolong Pit, used Tianyin Wave and the second stage of Q to come to the water dragon, and punched and kicked the monsters! KT's defense measures were of course very strict.

But in the early stage, they didn't have enough eye positions, so they could only insert their vision at necessary locations to prevent ganks and capture vision information.

Neutral resources such as dragons cannot be protected by eye position!

"Xiao Gu is really brave..." Miller was worried, "The game is only three and a half minutes old, and he's going to steal the dragon?!"

The current version of Xiaolong refreshes in two and a half minutes, but almost everyone will not take it away too early.

Mainly in this current environment that emphasizes jungle development.

In the early stages, the dragon fight was a bit slow.

They all need to wait until level 6 to catch the weakness of the opponent's duo, freeing up their own bottom lane to help farm the dragon together.

Gu Xingben did the opposite!

I remember feeling very happy, "SKT couldn't see what was going on inside the dragon pit from the river view. Xiao Gu pulled the water dragon to the inner edge closest to the dragon pit wall. It looked like he could really steal it easily!"

Wawa is already looking forward to the situation after getting Xiaolong, "Water Dragon has greatly improved the VG lineup and can effectively relieve the pressure on both the upper and lower lanes during the laning period!"

Whether it's Ekko in the top lane who can resist pressure normally, or Jhin + Zyra in the bottom lane who is terred by the wolf stick combination, they all need the recovery of Water Dragon.

This is why Gu Xing would rather delay the rhythm than steal the water dragon.

As long as you can get this water dragon, you are helping your teammates in disguise! KT finally realized that something was wrong.

The time now comes to 3 minutes and 40 seconds.

The second-round Demon Swamp Frogs in the upper half of VG have been refreshed.

Stupid Chicken just returned to the city, but he still didn't see Gu Xing at the Frog Concubine camp opposite.

Logically speaking, after clearing the three wolves, walking up will be the freshly baked Frog Concubine!

How could Gu Xing be able to endure it at such a young age?

It’s unreasonable not to brush!

Although I knew that the other party might be returning to the city to supply equipment.

But the stupid chicken who is cautious by nature is still worried.

He relies on Olaf to clear the jungle quickly, and the route planning is very smooth, so he is far ahead of the game. Now he has completed the green jungle knife and real eye, and has begun to clear the second half of the camp in the second round of the Demon Marsh Frog.

Now Benji wants to visit Xiaolongkeng.

As a result, just halfway through, I heard an announcement from the canyon!

The water dragon was taken by the blind monk alone!

"I..." Stupid Chicken became anxious.

Unexpectedly, in the dark under the lamp, Gu Xing would seize the opportunity to steal Xiaolong!

He rushed towards Xiaolongkeng with his ax in hand, trying to stop Gu Xing from leaving.

When the blind monk appeared in Benji's field of vision, there was only a short health bar left on his head, probably less than 200 health points.

Gu Xing laughed out loud with joy, showed the VG team logo dog tag in front of his face, touched his eyes and went to the dragon pit, to get rid of Olaf's pursuit!

The stupid chicken didn't flash, so it was impossible to threaten him!

"Nie!" Ju Shengbin became more energetic, "You can steal the dragon with your hands!"

There is a delay between the God's perspective and the game seen by the live audience.

Now I guess I just saw Gu Xing take down the water dragon, and a wave of cheers immediately started, breaking into Gu Xing's ears through the white noise barrier!

"This was a water dragon in less than 4 minutes!" He took credit for himself, "Are you happy, brothers?"

“I feel comfortable!” Allen Chu smiled happily.

The current dragon attributes are all very effective.

The water dragon is very good in terms of battery life. Only one water dragon can restore 4% of the lost mana and blood every 5 seconds.

VG's water dragon benefits can be obtained from 4 minutes until the end of the laning period!

Just because Gu Xing fought the dragon, the price he paid was a lot of time and his own condition.

In the early stage, the water dragon's combat ability was quite strong. Fortunately, the blind monk had two consecutive waves of enhancements in the pre-World Championship version.

Otherwise, if you are alone, you may be killed by the water dragon!

He didn't have much health, so he simply returned to the city to replenish his green jungle knife and real eyes.

Go out and continue brushing from top to bottom.

The stupid chicken pursed his lips.

The Jungle is used to seeing big winds and waves, and most of the things that happen in the game cannot make him feel shaken.

But in this World Championship, he was tortured crazy by this group of new junglers.

Gu Xing's shameless behavior in the extra match was later learned by Jankos in the semi-finals.

Now Gu Xing starts to steal the dragon alone for 4 minutes!

Why don't you all play according to the routine?!

The stupid chicken asked Olaf to automatically beat the wild monster, and used his fingers to rub his temples twice to force himself to calm down.

"The opposite blind monk shouldn't launch an offensive in the lane for a short time. I've locked him in my ward position. Wait for 5 minutes for Junzhi to have Ying Ling, and let's continue to drag him down!"

Just now, the stupid chicken didn't catch up with Gu Xing who was touching the wall, but he wasn't idle either.

Run to the lower jungle area of ​​VG and insert two wards one after another, trying to block the location of the blind monk, and capture the opponent as soon as he reaches the bottom of the map!

Gu Xing also knows that there is a high probability that stupid chickens will go to his own jungle area to make eyes.

When he first arrived at the VG Beak Camp, Lee Sang Hyuk in the middle immediately moved up and away from the lower half.

This small move immediately alerted Easyhoon, who reported it to Gu Xing.

In this way, it is officially confirmed that SKT must have an eye in the VG jungle.

"I'm punishing F4. First, empty the surrounding eyes..."

When the thunder fell, Gu Xing got the Eagle Eye True Sight BUFF and directly saw an SKT artificial eye in the grass not far away.

He specifically clicked on the information bar to check.

Found to be valid for 150 seconds.

Gu Xing responded quickly.

Before the hero's level reaches level 13, the trinket eye cannot last for such a long time.

It can only be Olaf's green jungle knife.

Eliminate the eye position, and after the Eagle Eye BUFF disappears, Gu Xing moves all the way down.

Use the scan in the red zone on the way.

Level 9 pre-scan can only detect a small fixed area of ​​vision.

Didn't see the enemy's ward position.

He still didn't believe in evil, so in a blink of an eye he placed the only real eye he carried in the grass opposite the red zone.

As expected this time, I successfully saw another eye.

Gu Xing chuckled with satisfaction.

He knows that after the opponent's jungler completes the green jungle knife, and then invades the jungle all the way, he will rarely only use one eye position. Basically, he will directly lock the entire half of the zone with both eyes.

This is also the default approach for everyone in the current version.

The stupid chicken's actions are as easy to guess as before.

It is the most classic operation technique and vision layout.

Strict and standardized, even the most demanding coach can't find a single piece of cat cake.

But it will be accurately guessed by Gu Xing.

As long as you get used to it, you will know that Benji is the kind of jungler who will appear in the right place at the right time.

There are no surprises. He can be called the top template player for herbivorous junglers!

The SKT eye position inserted by Gu Xing with the real eye also lasts for 150 seconds, which is obviously still the field of vision provided by the jungle knife.

"Two..." He counted the number.

Gu Xing had noticed the details when they met at Xiaolongkeng before.

After the stupid chicken returned to the city for the first time, he did not change the jewelry eye to red scanning.

Gu Xing can probably guess the specific reason.

First, before level 9, scanning is not very practical. If it were not for the heavy responsibility of attacking, he would not switch to scanning too early.

The second is that the stupid chicken doesn’t want to take the initiative to launch a surprise attack during the laning phase!

Nearly 5 minutes into the game, Gu Xing finally figured it out. KT was using eye position and various visual field detection methods to see its own movements in advance, in order to be wary of its various weird catching strategies!

A green jungle knife and an accessory eye can restrain Gu Xing to a great extent!

Empty the eye position.

However, the wolf-stick team saw his movements clearly and played very steadily, not giving him a chance easily.

"Don't come yet, I want to show the other side how powerful Zyra is!"

Duan Deliang asked Gu Xing not to worry about the bottom lane for the time being.

After he reached level four, he raised the corners of his lips and leaned forward to use the skill W [Rapid Growth] to activate the plants.

The wolf-stick combination has a perfect tacit understanding, and one of them can go straight to the plants with one basic attack.

Under normal circumstances, this plant will be directly taken away by two long-range basic attacks. At best, it can only be used once, and it is impossible to cause much health loss to SKT.

However, the basic attacks of Ice + Female Spear all hit.

But he didn’t kill the plants!

The Thorn Spitter has only one health bar left!

Facing the intruder, it sprayed back fiercely, and in conjunction with Xiao Duan Zyla's previous output, it hit the female gun with thunder!


Li Zaiwan's chubby face was full of doubts.

what's going on?

Why were the plants not killed instantly?

"Two levels of W, this person used level 4 skill points on W!" Bang was furious.

Normally, Zyra's primary Q and secondary E are her skill points that she would consider investing in W [Deadly Bloom] after level 13.

By then the laning period had long ended.

Zyra's Level 1 Deadly Bloom will only provide a 10% health bonus to the plant, from the original 4 points to 4.4.

Xiao Duan now invests another skill point to increase the plant's health by 20%, and the health volume is as high as 4.8!

The female gun has passive additional damage, which can only increase its damage to plants to 2.5, plus the ice's basic attack...

The plant has 0.3 health left!

This means that the still existing Thorn Thrower can resist another hero's basic attack!

The sudden changes caught the Wolf Stick combination off guard.

After Zyra learned the level 2 W, coupled with Water Dragon's continuous recovery ability, the combination of Ice + Female Gun could no longer regain the initiative in the bot lane before level 6! The voices in the KT team were briefly panicked.

"What?" Wolf finally opened his eyes and played the game.

They chose Ice + Female Spear to restrain Zyra online. After they both reach level six, they can still use magic crystal arrows to wait for opportunities to kill!

It's better now.

After the HP of Zyra's plants is increased, the wolf stick combination is like a normal duo, returning to three basic attacks to destroy the plants!

Although there is only one basic attack missing, it is an exaggerated blow to the bottom lane! The combination of KT Ice + Female Gun has no recovery ability. Every time it is cleared, it will be shot one more time by the plant. The more times it accumulates, that is

Huge blood volume gap!

The team previously lacked systematic training for female guns.

The disadvantages of relying solely on customization and ranking matches to maintain the feel are revealed.

Please tell them, how should they deal with this situation?

Kka only had a video of a women's gun game used by the Tigers for reference research, and the resulting tactical system was obviously not right.

"Wait for level 6, we can't survive now!" Bang signaled Li Zaiwan to step back.

There is also a water dragon on the opposite side. If blood is exchanged frequently, they will definitely suffer.

Wolf felt very unhappy.

But I couldn't find any reason to refute it.

You can only listen to your teammates' opinions and retreat.

Fortunately, the combination they got is not only good for laning, but also has a strong ability to find opportunities at level six.

"Brother Xingxiong, remember to come to the bottom lane to withdraw money when you look back. The opponent's duo will definitely die once when they reach six!" Li Zaiwan is responsible for part of the team's command.

The stupid chicken agreed.

Then I realized that I hadn't gotten Gu Xing's movements for a while, and I didn't know whether the opponent would choose to return to the city to resupply after clearing the second round of camps, or go to the line to provide cover and put pressure on him while waiting for a new round of wild monsters to spawn.

"Give an eagle spirit and shoot up along this line..." He helped use signals to point out the rough route on the map.

Bang listens very much to the big brother of the team.

Now around 5 minutes and 15 seconds into the game, his second Eagle Spirit was ready and he threw it out without saying a word.

The drone passed by and saw the blind monk rushing up the road at the extreme position.

When Benji saw this message, he asked Duke to be careful and pay attention to vision control.

He didn't choose to go back to the city either.

He was afraid that he would be left behind in his development by Gu Xing. If he was snatched to level six by the blind monk, something would probably happen!

Taking advantage of the node where the wild monsters were about to be refreshed, Benji ran to the lower jungle area of ​​VG again and arranged his vision.

On the other side of the contestants' bench, Mr. Gu breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, Bang's Eagle Spirit almost missed the target.

When he heard the Eagle Spirit route map given by his teammates, he also adjusted his position deliberately, for fear that the other party would not notice him!

Now I finally got what I wanted.

"SKT's bottom lane combination isn't playing quite right," Wawa later realized something was wrong. "Why were Han Bing and the female gunner trapped under the tower?"

What the commentary sees is ultimately God’s perspective presented by the director.

Unlike professional players who use the first-person perspective to play the game, they can immediately detect abnormalities in the line.

There must be a slight lag in the perspective of Wawa and others.

Now the three of them were very surprised.

"Just a water dragon shouldn't make such a big difference..." Miller didn't see any clues either.

The members of the Tigers in the audience responded quickly.

"Handsome, Duan!" Gloria communicated with Duan Deliang a lot during this period, and also learned to address friends in Chinese, but it was a bit lame, "My hard work is not in vain!"

His female gun support proficiency is much higher than that of all players, so he knows that Xiao Duan must use Zyra to activate the second level W to increase the plant's HP to restrain him.

"There is no problem in laning, as long as you hold on to the level 6 wave, you will be successful!" Grela was still shouting to cheer Duan Deliang.

The domestic international students around were even more excited.

The picture of VG reversing the situation in the bottom lane made them extremely excited, and the light sticks were tapping to create waves!

Gu Xing couldn't understand what the audience was shouting.

He has almost finished the wild monsters in the third round.

It turned out that due to route problems, a group of three wolves were missing, resulting in a total of 13 campsites plus a river crab with little experience.

The time came to nearly 7 minutes, and Gu Xing still had just a little experience to reach level 6.

During this period, he handed over punishment to F4 again and used the true vision effect to eliminate an accessory eye in the lower half of his house.

Immediately afterwards, a real eye inserted by Olaf was discovered.

Plan passes!

Gu Xing felt excited.

He did not return to the city, but moved to the bottom lane first.

As soon as I reached the triangular grass, I heard a small prompt.

"Hanbing lost her E!"

Gu Xing allowed the drone to hit him for the third time. The KT duo was at a disadvantage, so they were unable to place their wards in the triangular grass.

Olaf, who is a stupid chicken, still uses the jungle route from bottom to top, just staggered with Gu Xing.

I'm currently focusing on the top half, so I don't have time to worry about the bottom lane at the moment.

Langbang and the two were afraid that Gu Xing would take the opportunity to come over to the tower, so they released Yingling first and tried to persuade the other party to retreat.

From their perspective.

The blind monk was stunned for a moment, and then chose to return to the city.

"It's so bad!" Li Zaiwan reminded his jungler.

Stupid Chicken has also just finished the third round of wild areas.

Normally, the Olaf he chooses to clear the jungle is definitely faster than the blind monk.

But I couldn't bear it, so I ran to the VG wild area to investigate Gu's movement, which wasted a lot of time.

As a result, the progress of both sides is now almost the same.

Gu Xing's return to the city made Benji feel relieved.

It's time to go back.

Both junglers have finished two rounds of hunting wild monsters without returning to the city to replenish supplies. It makes sense to return to the spring to purchase a wave of equipment.

More importantly, the stupid chicken has no eyes.

It’s totally not enough to support him to continue to stay in the jungle!

If you don't return to the city to resupply, it will just be a boring field clearing, and all Gu Xing's movements will be lost.

This stupid chicken must go back and clear out the eye position of the green jungle knife in order to further restrain Gu Xing!

He also pressed the B button and started reading the message to return to the city.

However, the commentators suddenly lowered their voices.

"What is Xiao Gu doing?" Miller was sneaky, as if he was afraid of being heard by his opponent, "He canceled his return to the city and moved up!"

"You don't want to return to the city even if you hold 1,300 gold coins in your hand?" Wawa was confused when he saw the numbers displayed on the data panel. "It's a bit of a loss of pace if we don't improve our combat effectiveness yet..."

I remember realizing what Gu Xing’s goal was, “Faker! He’s going to catch Faker!”

The blind monk passes through the middle road and heads to the upper river from the shelter of the VG middle tower.

In the God's perspective mini-map, the signals marked in the middle one after another also support his statement!

Gu Xing played a big game. KT's defense in the early stage was not lax.

But now, he has found a loophole!

It’s fleeting, but it’s definitely enough!

There are no more eye positions in the stupid chicken's hand. This is the information calculated by Gu Xing one by one.

2 green jungle knife eyes, 1 real eye and 1 accessory eye.

All previous investments were in VG’s lower jungle area to detect Gu Xing’s movements!

After clearing the third round of camps, you must return to the city to resupply equipment and eye positions!

This is why Gu Xing was deliberately exposed to Bang's Eagle Spirit range before.

After clearing the gap between the second round of camps and the third round of camps, he adjusted his position deliberately to be discovered by the Eagle Spirit, just to tell the stupid chicken that he did not plan to return to the city.

In order to force the stupid chicken to keep up with the development rhythm and strive to reach level 6 simultaneously, he is forced to bite the bullet and continue to farm!

He tried to capture it just now, but was caught by the Eagle Spirit. Then he chose to return to the city to let Bengi relax and make the other party mistakenly think that he also wanted to go back to replenish equipment.

As a result, the stupid chicken who has no eye position has to follow the rhythm and return to the city!

Now, KT has no eye position inside the jungle area, and the stupid chicken has not yet left the high ground.

The entire wild area belongs to Gu Xing!

"Faker planted an eye in the upper river, you'd better avoid it..." Li Zhixun gave the sign at the right time.

Gu Xing walked around and touched his eyes from the Dalong Pit.

He is also a green jungler, but he replaced the accessory eye with a scan. Previously, in order to clear out SKT's eye positions in his own jungle, he gave up his real eye.

All over his body, only the two eyes of the green knife can be used.

But what the stupid chicken doesn't know is.

Gu Xing planned for a long time to catch him.

It’s no use keeping two eyes!

Nowadays one is used to bypass the field of view and cross the wall.

Save one eye for battle.

Just right!

"Xiao Gu went all the way to SKT's F4 camp without being discovered by the other party!" I remember the Wanwan accent was very recognizable, and he was filled with excitement when he spoke, "But he is still level 5..."

The pilot shot goes to the middle.

Yellow Chicken is still facing Ryze.

The mid laners of both sides have returned to the city once, and now the number of last hits is exactly the same.

However, Lord Hou relied on the yellow chicken's range advantage after leveling up, and still pushed the troops into the SKT tower.

Gu Xing sticks to the innermost side of SKT's Beak Camp, gaining minion experience from the extreme distance.

The rotating light rises, and the blind monk reaches the sixth level!

The moment Ryze raised his hand and wanted to use Q [Overload] to hit the target.

Lee Sin rises up and takes action!

A golden light flashed.

At the same time, the last eye position on his body landed behind Ryze.

The blind monk performs two stages of displacement, and W [Golden Bell] moves to the eye position!

The extremely smooth operation immediately caused a commotion inside the venue!

"W flash!" Miller said impassionedly, "Xiao Gu's hand speed is so fast!"

In just a short moment, the blind monk arrived behind Ryze!

Lee Sang Hyuk opened his mouth slightly.

This is a subconscious action when he concentrates on operations.

Press your finger on the F key and prepare to use flash.

Faker, who was at his peak, reacted really quickly.

But a monster like Gu Xing is definitely not slow!

What's more, he attacked by surprise and already had the initiative!

The blind monk poured all his strength into his right foot.

Raptors tail swing!

When Lee Sang Hyuk typed F.

Ryze just soared into the air!

Flash is completely useless!

And the direction of the Raptor's tail swing happened to be facing Li Zhixun!

Faker is like falling into an ice cave.


The yellow chicken holding the scepter in front of him waved his hand.

"Soldiers, move forward!"

The skill trigger voice of W [Sand Soldier Appears] echoed throughout the Staples Center!

The yellow chicken came behind Ryze through the unpretentious WE second company.

R【Forbidden Wall】!

The sand soldiers loyally guarded the emperor and pushed Ryze into the air for the second time!

"Faker can't come down at all!" Wawa couldn't hold back her inner joy, "First blood is born!"

Gu Xing's Tianyin Wave hit without any suspense, and Li Zhixun's Q [Crazy Sand Attack] emptied the last bit of Ryze's health bar!

"SKT defended for 7 minutes, but Xiao Gu still found a breakthrough!" Miller yelled on the commentary stage.

The VG supporters at the scene were in a state of excitement!

The live broadcast room of LPL matches is full of barrages!

【Xiao Gu, as expected of you!】

[What a cool W flash, Faker can’t react at all!]

[This is the blind monk of the LPL region]

【Who is the kid hinting at?】

【Why doesn’t Faker cross-flash?】

Lee Sang Hyuk took a sip of ice water.

"My, my, my..." Stupid Chicken quickly took the blame, blaming himself and feeling annoyed, "Why did this kid come out of F4?"

He didn't expect Gu Xing to be able to catch the flaw in the number of ward positions in detail, and with the help of deception, he gave Faker a big move!

"It's okay," Lee Sang Hyuk said in a calm voice, "I haven't handed over the flash yet, and I can still develop well in the future."

It was useless to flash him just now, he would still die.

Might as well save it for later use.

Faker only lasted less than three minutes.

During this period, the stupid chicken went to the bottom lane and used a lot of summoner skills in combination with the wolf stick, barely killing Duan Deliang and leveling the kill.

The game reached the 10-minute mark.

Gu Xing took action again.

The target is still the middle road!

"What is Xiao Gu doing?" Miller was surprised and confused. "He touched his eyes from the middle route and entered the grass below... and he avoided SKT's sight again!"

As long as the mid laner still has the ability to act independently, he will basically not focus on the grass below the middle after getting out of the early stage.

They are all inserted in the grass in the lower river, so more information can be obtained, and there is no false vision.

But Gu Xing seized on this flaw!

He waited for 13 seconds, and when W [Golden Bell] turned good again, he repeated his old trick and touched his eyes again to the narrow path from SKT's middle tower to the lower jungle area!

All the green blade holes on his body were used up.

But Gu Xing still has a real eye.

Place the ward in the grass behind SKT's Three Wolves camp, and then lurk in the narrow passage, quietly waiting for the enemy to take the bait.

"Faker is developing under the tower, and you can't see the blind monk hiding in the narrow passage next to it!" The doll spoke quickly, "He is even approaching downwards!"

There was joy in the tone of voice.

Lee Sang Hyuk thought that the stupid chicken had just succeeded in the lower half.

Gu Xing, who plays opposite Bengi, is bound to be in the top half.

In order to prevent the enemy from attacking from above again, he deliberately adjusted his position and moved closer to the bottom.

The result was exactly what Gu Xing wanted!

Looking for the right opportunity, Gu Xing threw out the Tianyin Wave from the shadow vision!

The skill passed through the thick wall. As soon as Lee Sang Hyuk saw the Tianyin Wave, before he could move, a mark was hung above his head!


Faker was very surprised by where Gu Xing appeared.

He quickly backed away without thinking.

I still have the flash in my hand.

As long as the opponent dares to come over, Lee Sang Hyuk can avoid the surprise attack, and can even use EW to pin the blind monk under the tower and kill him!

But the next moment, he flew into the air uncontrollably again and flew diagonally to the other side!

what's the situation?

Lee Sang Hyuk didn’t see the blind monk appear in the tower the whole time!

No matter how fast he reacts, he can't avoid it!

How did this kick happen?!

"My old swan!" I remember her voice being particularly loud, "Xiao Gu's feet are outrageous!"

Faker's operating space is compressed to the extreme.

Huang Ji once again used the Wall of Forbidden Forces to keep up with the chain control and pushed it into the air!

Sand soldier jab!

Ryze fell to the ground again!


The video of the last kick is in the Easter egg chapter, and the author did it himself.

9000 words, 24.05w

Including the number of words that were previously missed, it is close to 25W.

This month the difference is 20,000, and the average daily word count is a little over 8,000.

On July 31st, strive to achieve the small goal of 27,000 words.

This chapter has been completed!
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