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Chapter 229 228: The best gift

 The next morning, Gu Xing was woken up by a burst of cell phone ringing.

Jack was still sleeping soundly in the next bed, muttering unconsciously.

Gu Xing quickly opened his sleepy eyes, pushed himself up and got out of bed. When he saw that the caller ID was from his girlfriend, he suddenly felt excited all over.

Unscrewing the door and heading to the balcony, the Los Angeles sunshine was clear and cloudless, and the light was very dazzling, shining directly into my eyes.

"What's wrong?" Gu Xing answered the phone nervously.

This was not the time Shen Guanshan was accustomed to contacting him, and Gu Xing was afraid that something urgent would happen over there.

A clear and cheerful female voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Happy 19th birthday!"

Gu Xing just woke up, his head was still a mess.

I didn't react immediately when I was attacked by my girlfriend.


"It's your birthday today!" Shen Guanshan seemed to be outside, and he could hear the howling wind in the background, "I won't forget it, will I?"

By the end, she was a little doubtful.

Gu Xing thought for a while.

It seems to be true.

Yesterday's final was October 30th in Los Angeles. Today is an extra day, plus time zone conversion...

On the other side of the ocean, it should be November 1st, his birthday.

"It's early morning over there?" Gu Xing turned the corner.

"Yes," Shen Guanshan said in a lively tone, "I specially wanted to be the first one to send you birthday wishes!"

Gu Xing switched to a video call, and the other party quickly picked up the call.

My girlfriend was also standing on the balcony wearing a plain white sweatshirt.

In the pitch-black night, her eyes were bright and lively, and her whole person appeared so vividly in front of Gu Xing.

"Your roommate hasn't gone to bed yet?" Gu Xing saw that the lights were still on in the dormitory.

"No, they have to study very late..." Shen Guanshan's voice was involuntarily rising when he spoke, "I went out to buy a small cake before!"

She moved the camera to show her boyfriend like a treasure.

There is a pink starfish and a rectangular yellow sponge creature standing on the palm-sized cake embryo.

Gu Xing burst out laughing.

"It's quite cute, isn't it?" Shen Guanshan was filled with a bright smile, as if it could drive away the dark night, "I found several cake shops before I bought it!"

She rubbed her frozen fingers and held the cake in front of Gu Xing's eyes, "I know it's relatively simple, but the conditions are really limited. We can make birthdays more elaborate in the future..."

Gu Xing interrupted his girlfriend, "That's good."

For the past ten years, he and Gu Pan had celebrated birthdays together, and when they were children they would even get into fights over who had an extra piece of cake.

Now that his partner can accompany him on his birthday, Gu Xing feels satisfied and doesn't care if it's simple or not.

"Thank you." He said sincerely.

"...Don't say that," Shen Guanshan was embarrassed, "I didn't do anything special."

She couldn't light candles in the dormitory, so she could only play the song "Happy Birthday" and sing along softly beside her, a little nervously.

However, he was somewhat tone-deaf and sometimes rushed to take pictures, which added a bit of comedy to the originally heartwarming scene.

Seeing Gu Xing looking at him without blinking, Shen Guanshan's cheeks turned slightly red and his clear voice became lower and lower. Only when the accompaniment ended did he let out a long sigh of relief.

"Hurry up and make a wish!" She forced the Patrick Star and SpongeBob SquarePants on the cake to face her boyfriend.

Gu Xing didn't believe this, but he still cooperated obediently at this moment.

I closed my eyes, countless thoughts were rolling through my mind, and my Adam's apple rolled slightly.

Then he opened his eyes and found Shen Guanshan staring at his neck intently.

"What's wrong?" he asked curiously.

"...It's nothing." Shen Guanshan looked away and muttered in a low voice, his cheeks getting redder and redder, and he secretly cursed himself for being a pervert.

I just saw my boyfriend's Adam's apple and wanted to touch it to see how it felt.

Gu Xing didn't care to delve deeper, "Is it cold if you stay on the balcony? Go back to bed quickly."

In the early morning of November in the capital, the temperature has dropped to single digits, and there is a cold air everywhere, which can be called a cold night.

As we all know, cold nights are not good.

Gu Xing was afraid that his girlfriend would be affected by the cold and would be affected by the cold.

Shen Guanshan stamped his numb legs and feet, "Then my roommate and I will share the cake and eat it..."

When her boyfriend nodded, she added, "I also have a birthday present. I will give it to you when I return to China!"

"If you have some spare time, you can guess what it is," Shen Guanshan reminded, "please explain in advance that it is a small object."

Gu Xing was confused.

Until he hung up the video call, he didn't come up with a more reliable answer.

After leaving the balcony and returning to bed, Gu Xing belatedly sent a birthday message to his sister.

I originally wanted to take a nap.

As a result, as soon as I closed my eyes, I received a reply from Gu Pan.

Then, Ding Ran and some of his school friends also sent congratulatory messages.

Gu Xing really couldn't sleep now, so he replied one by one. By the time he cleared all the unread messages on WeChat, his sleepiness had already disappeared.

He saw that Yu Wenbo, whose whole body was hidden under the quilt except for his big, eye-catching head, had no intention of waking up, so he could only go to the Tieba to see what new things the Lezi people had done.

One day passed, and the carnival was still going on in the Kang Bar.

The explosive heat of VG winning the championship has not yet receded.

Posts often have hundreds of replies, and a bunch of new posts can appear in just a few seconds!

Gu Xing couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

He has been shopping around for half a year and has never seen such a grand event!

[Reasonable discussion, is Xiao Gu now firmly ranked as the number one jungler in LPL history?]

[Nonsense, the first championship + FMVP status is here, it’s not Xiao Gu, could it be Ming Kai? 】

[One repays Little Peanut, and the other beats Little Peanut, that is the difference between Xiao Gu and the factory director]

[Half a year after his debut, he won the Summer Championship + World Championship, so Gu Kaitian chose the script, right?]

[To tell you a joke, FMVP ranked fifteenth in the TOP20 selection before the game]

[Sweeping three LCK teams in a row, with a total score of 9 wins and 2 losses, the gold content is definitely the best! 】

Gu Xing browsed through them one by one, and the smile never stopped on his face.

He has not yet fully adapted to the change in mentality of winning the championship.

Even when I woke up early, my first reaction was to go to the training room to continue practicing and prepare for the next game.

After two months of regular life, Gu Xing has developed a habit, and it feels uncomfortable not to play games!

After scanning the hot posts on the forum and constantly impressing himself, he was sure that he really won the Summoner's Trophy yesterday.

During this period, I also saw reposted posts about post-game group interviews.

Netizens were caught off guard by the news that Lee Ji-hoon would retire at the end of the year.

They expressed their confusion and confusion in words under the post.

Gu Xing saw a comment in it - Easyhoon's two consecutive championships have ended. Even if he does not stay in VG, other clubs will spend a lot of money to invite him to join. It's obvious that he has money, so why should he retire in a hurry?

This also represents the inner thoughts of most netizens.

But Gu Xing can figure out the reason.

After Easyhoon destroyed the SKT dynasty, his career was complete.

If I really want to continue playing professionally, I guess I won’t be able to train so hard.

Coupled with the fact that he is one year older, it is inevitable that his condition will decline.

Staying in VG will inevitably be considered by some netizens as just resting on your laurels, and it will be difficult to perform in another team to be worthy of the huge salary offered.

No matter which choice is made, it will have a negative impact on Easyhoon's public opinion and reputation.

Li Zhixun has a character that makes him happy when he is a little rich. His family situation is not bad. His own view of money is that it is enough. He lives quite frugally and does not like Goo Shengbin who buys luxury goods like crazy.

He made millions in one year after coming to LPL.

For Li Zhixun, his savings are enough to ensure that he has enough food and clothing for the rest of his life!

Under such circumstances, Easyhoon would rather retire from the peak period and become a behind-the-scenes coaching staff to experience a new life and relax a little.

Gu Xing also saw SKT’s part in the group interview post after the game.

Curiosity immediately emerged.

Click on the attached video link to see the content of the group interview after SKT lost the finals last night.

Gu Xing initially thought it was some kind of torture ritual.

The members of SKT's training department sat in rows with stunned expressions, as if they were waiting for trial.

There are many very pointed questions raised by the Korean media.

Faced with a question like "the reason for losing the final and being swept", which from the perspective of a bystander should never appear in the group interview, Kkoma took the blame and blamed it on himself.

"VG performed really well, especially in the BP session. They designed a lot of small tricks around the time system, such as taking the lead in the second round to use it for themselves, splitting up our lineup, and Galio's mid laner's black technology, which all caused us

It’s a big threat.”

"The main reason is that I had a problem with the selection of the lineup, and I was not fully prepared."

Kkoma made it clear that he did not want his players to bear too much criticism and accusations.

The Korean Division has won the previous three consecutive World Championships.

Now that it has set a precedent in the hands of SKT, it will inevitably usher in domestic criticism!

If the mentality of the players collapses and the hearts of the players are dispersed, how will they be able to lead the team next year?

Stupid chicken is quite open-minded.

"I hope my teammates can perform even better next year, work hard together, and meet VG again on the world stage, so that they can see how powerful SKT is..."

Gu Xing understood the other party's subtext.

Stupid chicken wants to win over SKT.

I just don’t know if the double champion will retire or go to another team.

Anyway, it had nothing to do with Gu Xing himself, so he didn't care.

As SKT's post-match group interview came to an end, a staff member from the Chinese e-sports media stood up to ask questions.

"Excuse me, player Faker, which member of the VG team has the deepest impression on you in this final?"

The reporter wanted to get some words of praise from Lee Sang Hyuk for business purposes, so that he could write some articles to praise LPL players when he went back.

Faker responded immediately without thinking.

“I don’t think there is any player who particularly impressed me in today’s final…”

"It's a pity that I didn't win the championship. I am more focused on thinking and reflecting on this aspect."

Gu Xing turned over on the bed, turned off the video, and searched for any Korean website transfer posts.

As expected, the masterminds of Water Experience had already taken the initiative, moved the comments from the Korean Inven forum, and established a continuous update model.

He took a closer look and saw that even the translation had a sense of resistance.

[SKT is such a treasure, it has simply disgraced the face of our Republic of Korea!]

[Faker also said that there are no impressive players. Why, Virtue’s kicks gave you amnesia? 】

[Don’t be embarrassed, Lee Sang Hyuk only remembers the last game. His time was 0/1/0. He was a pure outsider until the end. He must have no impression of VG]

[Is this the SKT that was so hyped before the game? It’s not as good as ROX’s resistance! 】

[False final: VG vs. SKT, real final: VG vs. ROX]

[If I had known earlier, I would have asked SKT to play the knockout round with VG in advance, trying to take out the opponent's things and clear some obstacles for ROX. If the Tigers finally win the championship, they will have 1/3 of the credit]

Korean netizens have quite a lot of firepower.

All the old and new hatreds from the past burst out.

When SKT gained power in the past few years, fans often used the east wind to crush competitors.

Samsung CJ is no match for the fans of the double championship!

It offended many netizens.

The defeat in the finals caused public outrage in South Korea.

Fans who had been bullied by other families were full of energy to carry out liquidation work, coupled with the participation of countless pure passers-by, the online scolding war instantly became one-sided!

Backlash can only be said to be backlash.

Gu Xing was pleased to see half of it, and Jack finally woke up leisurely.

"Lao Gu, what are you looking at?"

"Forum..." Gu Xing ran to the bathroom to wash up, "Get up quickly, I'm treating you today, let's go out to eat!"

Yu Wenbo's eyes widened, he didn't expect such a good thing to happen, "Is it true?"

"It's my birthday, it's a waste!" The image of his girlfriend clumsily singing Happy Birthday with a cake in hand appeared in Gu Xing's mind, and he felt happy both physically and mentally.

Jack pondered for two seconds.

He knew that Gu Xing's family had average living conditions, and he probably didn't have much money on hand right now. If he really wanted to eat some top-quality steak, he wouldn't be able to stop the car.

"We had barbecue yesterday, how about fried chicken today?" Yu Wenbo found a suitable solution.

Gu Xing readily agreed, and the two packed up and ran to a nearby fried chicken restaurant called Jollibee for lunch.

The two of them picked this restaurant at random, and it didn't surprise them. Instead, it was surprisingly delicious.

The fried chicken pieces are huge, juicy and tender inside, and the meat sauce mixes together perfectly.

In terms of the quality of fried chicken alone, it is one of the best on this trip to North America!

Seeing that it tasted good, Gu Xing packed two more bags and returned to the hotel, wanting to share them with other employees of the training department.

As soon as he walked out of the elevator door and turned to the corridor where the room was located, he saw Duan Deliang leaning against the door, picking up his cell phone and muttering something in his mouth.

"Brother Duan, do you want fried chicken?" Gu Xing shook the bag in his hand, "The taste is simply amazing! I really regret not discovering this store earlier..."

Duan Deliang, whose thoughts were interrupted, raised his head.

"Xiao Gu," his eyes were blank, and his voice was so light that it seemed like it might be blown away by the wind at any time, "Have you seen the prize money from this World Championship?"

"What's the matter?" Jack felt that he had consumed some calories by going up in the elevator, and took out a piece of fried chicken leg from the bag and gnawed on it, "The bonus for our project is not that big."

Gu Xing shook his head to indicate that he was unclear about the specific value.

But I don't think it will be much.

The League of Legends project is different from the neighboring Dota 2. The bonus is an added bonus, and it mainly relies on the league ecology to allow players to continue to survive.

Duan Deliang was not in the mood to hide it and revealed the answer directly.

"We can get more than two million dollars!"

When he said the number, Xiao Duan's eyes widened like bells.

Jack hissed lightly and suddenly felt that the fried chicken legs in his hands no longer tasted good.

The two million US dollars, excluding tax deductions, is mainly divided between the starting players and coaches.

Substitute players like him and World Girl, who have never played on the court, will not get any bonuses, so they are thankful to God for a small change.

Calculating the US dollars that Gu Xing can get alone and converting it into RMB, it comes to nearly 2 million!

Yu Wenbo now regrets it, very much.

If he had known that the bonus figure was so exaggerated, how would he have saved Gu Xing?

It’s okay to show off your tomahawk steak to death!

Gu Xing was also shocked.

With two million yuan, you can buy a three-bedroom apartment in Zhenhai in full!

A huge sum of money that he didn't even dare to think about before he started his career was about to hit his head?

After taking a moment to digest his surprise, Gu Xingcai asked in confusion, "Why is it so high?"

"This year's prize pool has been added to the income share of the skins of the Champion's Hidden Tribulation!" Duan Deliang had just figured out the reason and couldn't wait to explain, "Selling one skin, 25% of the money will flow into the World Championship prize pool, and the tide will rise, and the final total will be five hundred.

Thousands of knives!"

Gu Xing took Xiao Duan's cell phone. There was an announcement from Riot Games on it. He scanned it briefly and figured out the whole story.

Starting from this year, not only the income from the championship series skins sold before the World Championship will be injected into the prize pool.

After the world champion team skin is released, 25% of the total skin revenue for that year will also be allocated to the team and its division!

As for the winning teams in previous years, they will also receive income compensation from Riot Games.

"Hey..." Gu Xing took a deep breath, "How much does it cost together?"

He couldn't even think about it, and instinctively felt that it was an astronomical sum.

Duan Deliang was even more immersed in shock and couldn't extricate himself.

At the end of this summer season, Ding Jun received a salary increase. Xiao Duan was able to pay off all the foreign debts owed by his family at once, but he did not have much savings and was still in poverty overall.

If you get this bonus and future skin income sharing...

Xiao Duan finally realized what yesterday's victory meant.

In the evening, the VG and ROX teams had a dinner together.

The Tigers booked a flight back to Seoul late at night, just in time to say goodbye.

"Brother Xing!" Little Peanut pounced on Gu Xing when they met, "You were really top of the list yesterday!"

"Blind monk's 7-word roundhouse kick will smash SKT to pieces!" He was very excited.

The whole ROX team has a happy and peaceful atmosphere.

Even if they didn't take revenge with their own hands.

But witnessing SKT's brutal sweep at the Staples Center was enough to cheer up the Tigers members!

Smeb was drunk. He didn't know how much he drank before coming here. His face was as rosy as a monkey's butt. At this time, he hugged Gu Xing and smiled, "Nike Gu, you're so fierce!"

"That's for sure," Gu Xing bumped him with his shoulder, "I can't live up to your expectations."

When he wanted to say more, Jin Wenhyuk pushed the cart and trotted into the box, where there was a cake of astonishing size.

"I'm not telling you, this time it's really a bit embarrassing," manager Lu Wenjun joked beside him with a smile, "Xiao Gu just happened to have his birthday on the second day of the finals, so I didn't dare to book in advance..."

If they lose the final and end up with second place, the VG players may not be in the mood to celebrate Gu Xing’s birthday right away.

"Don't you understand?" Gu Xinghao retorted eloquently, "In the future, every year in the World Championships, I will celebrate my birthday after winning the championship. This is called double happiness!"

Upon hearing this, the air inside and outside the box was suddenly filled with joy.

The members of the Tigers sang happy birthday with high fives and beat the beat.

Gu Xing originally thought that Shen Guanshan was tone-deaf, but when he heard these friends singing, he realized that his knowledge was too shallow.

Little Peanut's voice sounded like a ghost crying or a wolf howling, and Gu Shengbin was no less generous.

The duet almost gave Gu Xing a happy ending, which can be called a death song.

After finally waiting for the accompaniment to stop, Gu Xing thought that the torture had finally come to an end.

But then the members of the two teams came over to take photos with him. Gu Xing could only keep smiling, and by the end his face was frozen with laughter.

He picked up the knife and cut open the cake. He finally completed all the tasks and wanted to go back to his seat to take a breath.

"Xiao Gu, please post on Weibo," Jin Wenhe distributed the cake to everyone, and also gave new instructions to his jungler, "Didn't I authenticate you before? Just use that number."

Gu Xing almost forgot that he still had Weibo.

He usually doesn't watch it.

Although there are also super chapters to discuss e-sports topics, Gu Xing browsed through it and found a lot of rainbow farts in it.

In contrast, he felt that resisting was more suitable for him.

But since Jin Wenhe had spoken, Gu Xing had no reason to refuse.

After logging into the account, edit the text and select a few photos from the gallery.

After much searching, I could only find eight suitable pictures.

He thought for a while, and finally pulled out one from the emoticon pack to complete the nine-square grid.

VG Virtue: The best 19th birthday gift [Picture]

Jiugonggeli has a photo of himself and the Summoner's Trophy yesterday, as well as the moment of holding the trophy on the Staples Center stage...

The last emoticon I added is a screenshot from "SpongeBob SquarePants".

In the picture, the rectangular yellow sponge holds up the trophy with both hands and shouts to the pink starfish standing aside, "Patrick, this trophy is for you!"

After Gu Xing posted on Weibo, he turned off his phone and started eating cake.

As a result, the dish was over the top. An hour later, when he looked at the comment section, he found that the number of replies had already exceeded 30,000!

The hot comments contained various elements, some openly recognized him as their father, and the following were all "brilliantly filial", which left Gu Xing at a loss.

【When will it be broadcast live?】

[There is no live broadcast after the game. I warn you not to forget your identity!]

[The anchor adds that there are still 147 hours of unbroadcast time in November. It’s only 147 hours. He will definitely make up for it. Is it possible that he can still waste these 147 hours? Isn’t that right, Xiao Gu?

[I’ll go first, which skin to choose for the championship? Why don’t we come back and hold a live broadcast to vote]

Gu Xing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he simply quit the software for temporary stability.

On the Tigers' last night in Los Angeles, they really let themselves go a little bit, and the members drank a lot while drinking.

Only Little Peanut, who was under the legal drinking age, was the most sober, and only took a few sneaky sips after a brief taste.

He forked a piece of bread soaked in soup and stuffed it into his mouth, turning his head and whispering to Gu Xing.

"I still have to find a job during the transfer period..."

Gu Xing didn't drink. Even though his cheeks were flushed by the hot atmosphere in the box, he could still stay awake. "Don't be ridiculous. You don't have to look for a job. You must be invited by various clubs."

He has never been through a transfer period.

But if you think about it, you will know that a popular player like Peanut, a semi-finalist in the World Championships, can no longer find a job and have to go to the Tigers like he did back then.

Now the choice is basically in Peanut's own hands. Except for the top clubs, the rest all depends on his own wishes.

Little Peanut was silent for a while, his eyes lingering on his ROX teammates, and finally let out a long sigh.

"I may not be able to make up my mind at that time, so I have to let you refer to it."

Gu Xing quickly refused, "No, no, no, no, it's easy to do something thankless."

It's okay if the recommended path is right, but if something goes wrong, your entire career will be delayed!

Gu Xing cannot take responsibility.

"I'll let you advise me. I'm not stupid. The final decision must be in my hands!" Little Peanut insisted on pestering him.

Peanut feels that Gu Xing is a stable and reliable person and should be able to give him some advice when necessary.

Gu Xing hesitated for a long time and finally relaxed, "...Let's talk about it when we get back."

In Little Peanut's opinion, this was considered an agreement, and she happily clinked glasses with him.

At nine o'clock in the evening, ROX leader Sejin got up to wake up the players and prepare to go to the airport to catch their flight.

Everyone knew that the time to say goodbye had arrived, so they stood up and hugged their acquaintances.

"Keep in touch," Gu Xing shook hands with the members of the Tiger Team one by one, "Take care."

Little Peanut punched his chest twice with his fist, "See you on the field next year, I want to regain my place!"

"Sure," Gu Xingfu swept the other person's grandmother's gray hair twice, "It's a deal, I'll wait for you."

The ROX members waved goodbye to the VG training department for the last time, got into a taxi and sped away.

Smeb leaned against the back window, watching the bustling and bustling Los Angeles gradually move away from him, feeling melancholy and confused in his heart.

When a group of people arrived at the airport, they met an old acquaintance.

SKT Training Department.

The bright red uniforms are very eye-catching, and you can easily spot them.

Both sides looked at each other in silence, and no one spoke first.

The situation was very embarrassing for a time.

"Enemies meet on a narrow road," Smeb complained in a low voice after he sobered up. "Brother Luzhe, how did you book the flight? We don't have to spend 12 hours together!"

The head coach defended himself, "There aren't many flights from Los Angeles to Seoul every week. Isn't it normal for them to bump into each other?"

Smeb didn't want to see SKT, so he got up and ran to a nearby cafe to wait for boarding.

Pei Junzhi obviously thinks so too.

But instead of going to the coffee shop, he took Kkoma to the nearby Rolex store.

As soon as Smeb got the coffee, he vaguely heard Kkoma standing outside the window of the watch store communicating with the team members.

"Junzhi, I really can't accept the watch you sent me. If I win the final, it's okay..." SKT head coach patted Bang on the shoulder, "How about next year? Let's make a comeback next season and win the world championship."


"This way I can receive gifts with peace of mind."

Pei Junzhi couldn't defeat him.

Then I thought about what Kkoma said was exactly what I wanted to achieve, so I decisively agreed.

"Then I'll train hard," Bang said firmly, "Let's try for another year!"

"If there is a version that is better for ADC next season, I have to give VG some color!"

Smeb lowered his head and sipped, letting the bitter taste of coffee spread in his mouth.

He feels like next season will be interesting.

The next afternoon, Riot Games headquarters in Santa Monica, Los Angeles.

"Let's come over today to discuss the championship skin."

The skin designer sitting opposite the VG player looked friendly and cheerful, and Vincent sat next to him and was responsible for translating.

"Let's talk about our basic principles first," he first listed the restrictions. "It must be a hero that the player himself has selected in the current World Championship, and theoretically we will not make duplicate characters."

Li Zhixun couldn't hide his disappointment, "You can't choose the yellow chicken?"

Easyhoon has always regarded the yellow chicken as his destiny - when the Korean server was first established, he chose a pyramid pattern in the desert as the summoner's avatar.

Later, when the SKTS team was established, in order to correspond with the rose symbol of the K team, the pyramid was also chosen as the logo.

Then, the emperor from the Shurima Desert, a land full of yellow sand, came.

In the end, Li Zhixun got Azir’s championship skin.

There seems to be some divine will somewhere.

He personally crowned Yishasha back then!

Now Easyhoon wanted to change the skin color of the yellow chicken, but unexpectedly encountered resistance in the first step.

"Yes," the designer said without leaving any room for negotiation, "Choose from the remaining characters. We will make a final plan based on comprehensive considerations such as the composition of the original painting."

Li Zhixun fell into silence.

Ju Shengbin muttered, "It's a pity that I have never used Verus, otherwise I would have to choose him to show Gao Dewei..."

There are only three characters that Imp likes the most.

Mouse, VN and Calista.

He has never used any of the three heroes in this World Championship!

The rest of the choices seem to be overwhelming.

"Let's go ahead." Gu Shengbin decided.

Ice's Source Project skin feels great. If Ashe is chosen as the champion skin, the sales volume will probably not be very high.

If he had left it alone, he might have made a champion skin for Han Bing.

But now Riot Games has made an announcement that the champion skin will give players a share of their income. Naturally, Goo Shengbin has to consider the issue of money!

The designer recorded it and looked at Zhu Xiaolong again.

Brother Long had already thought of the answer, "Bobby, Rambo or Gnar, I need a yordle anyway!"

The requirements were very broad, and the designer had a feeling that his job would be very easy.

The next moment Duan Deliang started to increase his intensity.

"Zyra Nami choose one of the two," he said with bright eyes, "the two auxiliary ultimate moves have a wide range, it is not difficult to design some VG elements, right?"

The designer probably has an idea in his mind and quickly writes it down.

Looking back, he saw that Li Zhixun was still stunned and took the initiative to give advice, "Victor, Snake Girl and Time are all good choices, and they are not very popular..."

"If it doesn't work, just use Galio," the designer revealed. "According to the boss in charge of hero mechanism design, Gargoyle will be redone next season. The concept drawing will come out soon, and it will be launched around the middle of next year, along with the championship skin.

Front and rear feet."

Li Zhixun was like a shark smelling the smell of blood, his eyes suddenly lit up.

In recent years, Riot Games has launched hero redo plans more than once, trying to give characters with outdated mechanics a new lease of life!

Sword Lady, Captain, Nuo Shou...

This group of characters have one common feature after being reworked.

The intensity is ridiculously high!

No matter how fast the fist weakens, it still takes half a year to cut it.

High intensity means that the appearance rate in professional competitions and qualifying matches will skyrocket!

Li Zhixun was quite moved, "Just Galio, he should be more handsome, right?"

"Of course, we can definitely guarantee that he will be handsome..." The designer breathed a sigh of relief and finally looked at Gu Xing, "Our FMVP player, have you made your decision?"

Ju Shengbin encouraged from the side, "Choose Blind Monk! This one alone can sell millions of copies!"

Li Sin's high operability has made him very popular in servers around the world.

It is definitely the first choice for selling skins. As long as the quality is good, the sales volume will definitely be top among the top!

Gu Xing had a different idea.

"Qian Jue."

If he had to choose one, he would definitely choose Kindred's skin.

there are many reasons.

The designer nodded and understood Gu Xing's idea, "To be honest, the sales volume in the LPL region is the main component. You don't have to worry too much. With the blessing of the first championship, even if you choose a difficult hero like Qian Jue, the sales situation will be very low."

It won’t be bad.”

"You don't want a blind monk, don't you?!" Gu Shengbin was still surprised.

Gu Xing's smile was full of confidence, "Li Qing's skin...won't it be next year?"

"I'll come and get it when the time comes."

8300 words,10.28w

This chapter has been completed!
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