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Chapter 247 247: 'The Birth of the Autistic Top Order'

 After Gu Xing completed the kill, he calmly exited the shooting range of the enemy's previous tower.

In the headphones, Smeb shouted in the broken Chinese he had just learned, "I feel good!"

He didn't even give a flash and got the head!

Gu Xing was also very happy.

In this wave of confrontation between the top and bottom lanes, the top laner is swapping for one, and the top laner is swapping for support. It seems that RNG is more profitable - Letme can teleport and make up for the lane, and when the cannon truck resists the tower, it will not lose many minions.

But he knew VG was the winner.

Because of the military line.

It takes about 15 seconds from Letme's resurrection to when the teleport goes online.

It's true that you won't lose many soldiers.

But Titan also missed the best opportunity to clear the line quickly!

When they were teleported under the defense tower, the fourth wave of soldiers from the two teams had already joined forces!

With the help of the turret's attack, RNG's top line will undoubtedly gain an advantage and push back towards the VG defense tower!

At that point, Letme's Titan will have no choice but to follow the advancing line of troops if it wants to hit the target.

This will give Gu Xing an opportunity to take advantage of!

He's a spider with a red buff, and it's easy to kill a Titan that doesn't flash!

Letme is also aware of the issue of troop lines.

When he saw the pushback line being generated, Yan Junze’s head became as big as Jack’s!

The nightmare experience of being subjected to repeated military training in the previous session still lingers in my mind.

Will this game happen again?

Letme wants to shake people to ask for help.

However, in this round, both mid laners were sprinting and could not quickly support the enemy on the road.

The only one who can help him get out of line is the jungle incense pot!

"Can you come over and help me?" Yan Junze was afraid of repeating the same mistakes and being beaten to a breakthrough.

Liu Shiyu is still weighing the pros and cons.

When he finished catching the short section, Jack had been forced to retreat to the second tower and was unable to deal with Binxuan.

As a result, RNG's bottom lane also has a wave of pushback troops!

The difference is that Xiangguo's own Mantis has no means of controlling and retaining people, and the duo of Ice + Grasshopper does not have hard control until level 6.

It’s difficult to stick to the opponent and kill them just by relying on the slowing effect!

To put it simply, it is easier and simpler for Gu Xing’s spiders to gain profits by using pushback lines to catch people.

From this point of view, it is a more appropriate choice for Xiangguo to go back and help Letme defend.

However, returning to defense means giving up the rhythm!

Liu Shiyu's upper jungle area has been cleared by Gu Xing. In the version where the camp refresh interval is 150 seconds, all the wild monsters in his upper half have not been reset.

Although VG's top and jungle areas exist, how can RNG's top and mid jungle of Titan + Ryze + Mantis fight against the opponent's combination of Gnar + Syndra + Spider?

Returning to the upper half of the area, there are no wild areas to farm and no invasion is possible.

Xiang Guo can do nothing but help the top laner solve the problem!

"Yan Junze, please be patient," he finally decided, "I will stay in the bottom lane to gain advantage, and I will help you later!"

Letme's heart suddenly went cold.

If the jungler can't come forward and the army line is pushed back, how can you play?

He could only accept his fate.

Teleport to the upper tower, quickly clean up the minions under the tower, and then huddle in a safe position behind.

I don’t want to be a soldier, so I can just use my experience, right?

But Smeb is unreasonable and unforgiving.

"Nar doesn't even want to let Titan know about his experience. He relies on his own equipment to take the lead. He hides in the line grass closest to the RNG tower as a deterrent, and throws boomerangs from time to time to reduce his health!"

Gnar's excessive behavior made the doll scream.

After Song Jinghao took the heads, he returned to the city and teleported online.

He added extraction, long sword and a true eye.

Even though the numerical improvement of the Mining Knife is not very high, the blood recovery effect of basic attacks combined with the Dolan Sword can also form a double blood-sucking effect.

The Titan hook consumes one set, and it won't take long for Smeb to fully recover his health!

Letme didn't have any means to restore his health except for the medicine bottle. He was worried that if he lost too much health in order to forcibly eat experience, Gu Xing would come again later and wait for an opportunity to escape the tower!

As a last resort, Yan Junze retreated further back.

Watching the army line slowly advance towards the VG direction, and each enemy soldier was killed in the battle between the army lines, Letme's heart was bleeding!

"Ouch..." The doll had a strong sense of empathy, as if he had personally experienced Titan's aggrievedness, and immediately shouted out, "Smeb is simply not given a way to survive!"

Miller frowned, "This line of troops is completely broken. Letme won't be able to line up at all!"

The rustling in the venue quickly expanded.

RNG fans were dumbfounded.

Less than four minutes into the game, the top lane almost collapsed, so how can we still play?

I thought Letme got Titan again in this round just to prove itself.

Who would have thought that it would be military training before the broadcast!

Gu Xing was still not satisfied.

"Jinghao, please stay stuck for a while, don't let the opponent develop!" He suggested in the voice message.

Smeb could understand the commonly used words in the game such as line blocking and development, and immediately made it clear, "Don't worry, the opponent will lose at least three waves of soldiers!"

Starting from the fourth wave of minions at 3 minutes and 17 seconds, the Titans never touched the line of minions again.

It is estimated that it will last until about four and a half minutes, and when the mantis from the Xiangguo comes on the road and starts clearing the second round of camps, Letme will not dare to step forward to clear the troops until she is protected!

"Don't eat, don't eat..." Smeb felt like he had made a profit again when he saw Titan losing soldiers, and he immediately became elated and kept smiling.

He used basic attacks to replenish some troops.

Let RNG minions always have an advantage, but the advantage is not particularly large.

In this way, the enemy's troops cannot advance smoothly towards the tower, and Smeb can comfortably hit the line in front of the tower!

Gu Xing was confident of his top laner's suppression, so he went back to clean up the River Crab and his upper half jungle area, and placed a trinket eye in the blue buff camp.

Returning to the city to replenish the jungle knife, and then buy the Dark Seal and True Eye, he went out and chose to move down.

While he was cleaning up the camp, Xiangguo's Mantis was not idle either, running to the bottom lane again to cause trouble for the VG duo.

However, Jack was very stable, so he stayed back and used Q [Secret Shooting] to finish the damage, and did not move forward to exchange blood at all!

At that time, Xiangguo couldn't find a chance, so he just used Void Thrust to consume a wave of blood, and then went back to continue to develop.

Gu Xing got the information that Mantis went to the bottom lane for the second time, and based on this, he judged that his jungle clearing progress was a little faster than the opponent's - after all, the jungler had to go online to raid once more, and it would take a lot of time to go back and forth.

He wanted to use the time difference to do something.

However, Gu Xing had just arrived at the F6 camp with the wild monster refresh node stuck, when he heard Jack's reminder.

"Uzi click E to see your location!"

The drone Eagle Spirit cut through the sky and flew towards the area where Gu Xing was.

He thought for a while and finally decided not to dodge and let the other party see his movements.

Because in the first round of Xiang Guo's jungle swapping, I brushed the VG Sharp-Beaked Bird first, then went to look for the Stone Beetle, and took advantage of the situation to capture and kill a small section.

Therefore, when wild monsters are refreshed in the second round, the lower half of the VG is also reset from top to bottom.

After Gu Xing's movements were exposed, RNG believed that he might brush all the way down and put pressure on the bottom lane.

Xiao Ming immediately left the line and went to the Triangular Grass and Xiaolongkeng Pass to lay out his vision to avoid being caught by spiders.

The atmosphere in the studio was tense and the staff were nervous.

"Pay attention to RNG's ward position," OB3 is still telling the main broadcaster, "The blockade is in place!"

The camera paused for a moment at the area where Shi Senming inserted his eye.

Because the spider relied on E [Coiled Silk] to move directly across the wall from above to Xiaolong, Xiao Ming deliberately made an eye at the pass of Longkeng.

In this way, Elise's route to gank from various angles is blocked!

Gu Pan stared at the screen intently and heard his friend whispering beside him, "Gu Xing probably won't come to the bottom lane to arrest people... maybe he will go up?"

The main moderator also believes that there is no reason for Spider to seek trouble in the bottom lane, and the top lane seems to be the most likely option.

He is always ready to switch perspectives.

The Spider Queen has ended her close and friendly interaction with the Sharp-Beaked Bird, and has taken the entire family of six into her pocket.

At this time, Xiaohu's Ryze inserted another eye into the camp through the wall and saw Gu Xing's position again.

Elise transformed into a spider form, increased her movement speed and moved downwards, as if she was going to the stone beetle camp first to clear the jungle for development.

However, after arriving in the red zone, it suddenly turned around and walked back up against the wall of the wild zone near the VG highland!

"Here we come!" The host's spirit was lifted.

A familiar deception!

This has almost become a symbol of Gu Xingye's style, and he has used it countless times in total.

However, he has proven successful despite repeated attempts. He is elusive and can often play with the opponent in the palm of his hand!

He immediately turned the camera on Gu Xing.

The Spider Queen bypassed Xiaohu's view of the Sharpbill camp and crossed the middle road to continue upward.

Just when everyone in the director's room thought Gu Xing was on his way to the road, they saw Elise crossing the river and heading towards the enemy's wild area!

"Huh?" The main broadcaster made a suspicious nasal sound and first cut to the RNG perspective.

But I found that I couldn’t see the movement of the spider at all!

The fog of war covered Elise's figure, and Xiaohu had no extra eye slots to use after completing the eye slots in the VG Sharpbill Camp.

RNG is currently almost in the dark in the top half!

The director quickly cut the scene to the road.

The time difference of Gu Xing's lead comes into play at this moment.

He finished brushing his F6 and went around in a circle to the upper half. Xiangguo had just cleared the line of soldiers stuck in front of VG's tower!

Mantis helped Letme relieve the pressure and followed the upper river channel into the VG upper jungle area.

Now it is naturally empty and empty.

Xiangguo originally didn't want to counter the jungle, but placed the eye position provided by the green jungle knife between the opponent's blue buff and the Demon Swamp Frog camp.

It’s clear that they want to capture Gu Xing’s position to prevent the Spider Queen from coming along the Ueno area to capture Letme later!

It's a pity that the movements of his field of vision were clearly seen by the eye Gu Xing dropped before returning to the city for supplies!

"Cut to the VG perspective first..." Zuo Yi made arrangements in an orderly manner.

Thick fog of war covers the wild areas.

Only the figure of the praying mantis was visible nearby, and the target was extremely eye-catching!

"Zoom the camera to see Brother Xing's movements!"

The host slides the mouse wheel to bring the entire upper half of the canyon into the screen!

The Spider Queen first glanced at RNG's Sharpbill camp, then ran up and crouched in the grass next to the opponent's red BUFF camp, not forgetting to give her a real eye at her feet.

At this time, the mantis in the Xiangguo arranged its vision, turned around and left the VG wild area, and ran to brush the stone beetles on the top of its house!

Zuo Yi hissed lightly, realizing Gu Xing's intention.

Miller on the commentary desk also noticed that something was wrong with the spider traces.

"Brother Xing made a big circle... He wanted to wait and wait for the incense pot to arrive!"

The doll's eyes widened and his expression was extremely excited, "Xiangguo doesn't know that Brother Xing is in the wild area, and he is still cleaning up the wild monsters!"

The RNG supporters present were in an anxious mood.

They watched helplessly as the spider set up the trap, but the mantis was completely unaware of the ambush ahead!

A few fans couldn't help but scream in low voices.

But Xiang Guo couldn’t hear it at all!

Since it is difficult for the mantis to trigger the helpless effect, the stone-brushing beetle is not particularly fast.

He deliberately left a W, waiting for the small stone beetles to split apart, and then kill them all with a void thrust.

After finishing all this, Xiangguo immediately headed towards the Sharpbill camp.

This is the route he carefully planned.

The progress of the jungle clearing itself is slow, and I help the top lane clear the lane and then go to the VG jungle area to lay out the vision, which leads to the start of the second round of jungle clearing very late.

So much so that the stone beetles that were last refreshed in the upper half of RNG have already been refreshed.

Starting from Stone Beetle, Incense Pot can clear the field from top to bottom to maximize its own development efficiency!

Liu Shiyu was planning how to torture Jack later.

When he reached the red zone, he saw a milky white cocoon flying out of the grass around him!

The distance was so close that Xiang Guo was stunned in place before his fingers could even press the E key!

A gorgeous spider queen emerged from the grass!

what's going on?

Didn't the spider just go around to brush the VG stone beetle? Why did it appear here?

Before Liu Shiyu could figure out the Spider Queen's movement path, Elise had already thrown all her skills at her!

In human form, QW explodes and deals damage, and after transforming into spider form, AWA starts biting crazily!

"Xiangguo's blood volume dropped by more than half in an instant!" Wawa's voice was loud, "Brother Xing's damage was too high!"

The deletion of the Power of Time in the current version has caused most carnivorous junglers to start carrying Thunder.

Everyone becomes more fragile, but the damage is more exaggerated.

Coupled with the addition of the small talent [Gift of the Emerald God] - entering the grass will cause the next attack/skill to add an additional magic damage of 3% of the target's current health.

Allowing the jungler to produce extremely outrageous bursts of output!

When Liu Shiyu saw his health bar dropping rapidly, he suddenly became panicked.

The enhancement of Mantis is mainly in the WR evolution mechanism, and the other skills and values ​​have not been changed at all!

Originally, it would be difficult for Kha'Zix to defeat Elise in a one-on-one duel. The effect of being isolated and helpless could not be triggered at all against the Queen with a little spider nearby.

What's more, when Xiangguo just brushed the small stone beetle, he handed over W [Void Sting].

He lacked skills and was beaten first. He was no match for Gu Xing!

Xiangguo immediately decided to run away.

E [Leap] Jump downwards, ready to meet Xiaohu.

"Brother Xing made Pansi to keep up with the pace, and he kept biting the fragrant pot!"

The lower the mantis' blood volume, the more excited the doll becomes, "It seems difficult for him to run away!"

The director was very good at using the camera, and the scene closely followed the pursuit battle between the two junglers, and also included the battle in the middle.

Xiaohu started sprinting to rush for support, but Kuro didn't give any chance. He used Syndra's flash EQ to push the opponent twice in a row, blocking his support!

"Xiang Guo flashes to keep the distance... Brother Xing follows Q with flash attack!"

The Spider Queen raised her sharp mouthparts and used Q [Venomous Sting] to tear open the mantis' carapace and empty out the last trace of its health bar!

"Cinsha!" Miller's excitement was palpable, "Brother Xing's strange detours and ambush have yielded miraculous results!"

"Brother Xing is really a very talented and bold person," Wawa repeatedly praised. "He completely guessed RNG's vision layout and psychological changes, and appeared in the most unexpected place of Xiangguo to launch a sneak attack!"

The VG fans at the scene were in high spirits, and cheers erupted from everyone's mouths, echoing throughout the venue!

There are even more supporters in the live broadcast room, and barrages are coming!

[Can junglers eat it alone? 】

[This blind trick is indeed a classic, and one more victim will be added to Brother Xing’s death list]

[Brother, I’m so impressed! Your performance is too stable, are you really going to get a C? 】

[Do you understand the value of the world’s number one jungler? If you play rhythmic and wild core roles, you are the god of gods!]

[The incense pot is cracked, I was killed in a cross-dodge, how can I still play in the jungle]

Liu Shiyu looked at the black and white screen in front of him, feeling extremely helpless in his heart.

After being killed in battle, he wanted to understand how the spider sneaked into his wild area.

I have a good relationship with Gu Xing. After VG won the world championship, I also carefully studied and studied each other's playing style.

Xiangguo knows that Virtue likes to use blinding methods, so that his vision becomes a weapon to paralyze the opponent's psychology.

We also know that Gu Xing is very good at using his own advantages. As long as he has a lead in the opponent's combat power, he will often go to the opponent's wild area to ambush in search of solo kill opportunities.

But the combination of the two still makes him hard to guard against!

Xiangguo carefully weighed the situation after being killed alone.

Finally had to admit it.

I'm about to collapse.

Originally, solo kills were the easiest way to widen the matchup gap.

What's more, there are still wild monsters.

In the zero-sum game jungle, the loss of being countered by the jungle is unbearable for the jungler!

Especially after the camp refresh interval is increased to 150 seconds, the number of wild monsters that the jungler can spawn will be much less, and being countered by the jungle will cause an explosion!

Xiangguo's thoughts were racing, and Letme's panicked voice came from the earphones again.

"What should I do if you die?" Yan Junze felt that something was wrong.

If your own jungler dies in the upper half, the remaining group of Sharpbills will be lost by default.

Naturally, I won’t rush to the first half after I’m resurrected!

So how will he face VG Ueno when he is alone under the tower?

The incense pot was silent for a while.

Just when Letme thought he was going to come up with a perfect solution, the other person's next words were like a bucket of cold water poured on her face!

"You wish for your own good, I really can't control you."

After sending out kills one after another, RNG's strength in the jungle is no longer a match for VG.

Now go on the road again, if you are not careful, you will get a double kill!

Xiaohu hit his Beak Bird camp with overload on the partition wall and found that the wild monster was still alive. He immediately sent a signal to his top laner, "Spider hasn't countered F6 yet... he should go to Junze."

Letme took a deep breath when she heard this.

There was no time to think about it, so I quickly used Q [Clear Channel] to hook the defense tower behind me, and quickly moved towards the self-closing grass in front of the second tower.

It's still a little short of getting better before I can show up.

Just now, Xiangguo helped push the troops into the VG defense tower, but now Smeb pushed them back.

In the absence of the incense pot, Gu Xing made a detour and then steadily jumped over the tower to kill!

He had to run away quickly.

Arriving at the location between the first and second towers on the upper road, Letme met Gu Xing's spider on a narrow road.

"Titans in this position should be indestructible," Miller was not worried, "but it is inevitable to have his skin peeled off..."

Gu Xing didn't even bother to release the cocoon. He dealt hard damage to lower Titan's HP, and then he changed direction and went to counterattack.

Letme must return to the city.

There is no vision in the upper half of RNG, so there is no guarantee whether Gu Xing will come back and make a comeback.

If he insists on breaking the line, the consequences will be very serious!

"But Titan going home now means giving up another wave of troops on the road and entering the tower!" Miller felt distressed when he saw it. "Nearly five and a half minutes into the game, he only had 18 last hits!"

On the other hand, Smeb made up a total of 48 knives in 8 waves of troops, and only missed two bins before and after!

"The difference in CS between the two top laners is as high as 30. Counting that kill, the economic difference goes straight to 1,000!"

After the doll calculated the numbers, he was shocked.

Partner Miller was still adding, "What's more important is experience. Letme has just reached level 4, and Smeb will soon reach level 6. The single-line combat effectiveness gap has been completely widened!"

Smeb is not done yet.

Naturally, he has to show off his hard power in his first game in the LPL!

Operate Gnar to jump forward, pulling aside the enemy's ninth wave of artillery troops that was scheduled to arrive on the upper road at 5 minutes and 47 seconds in front of the second tower of the RNG, using his body to attract the hatred of the minions.

As a result, our own artillery line could not find an opponent, so it drove straight into the firing range of the RNG tower!

Smeb then ran to the grass behind the defense tower to get rid of the enemy line's hatred.

The RNG gun carriage line can continue to come online and hand over with VG soldiers in the defense tower.

Different modus operandi, but in the end, different paths lead to the same destination, but the same result.

Push back the line!

For the Titan that is about to go online, half of this wave of artillery train lines will be filled by defensive towers.

The army line is advancing in the direction of VG, and Letme is forced to leave the defense tower. What he will face is a shocking headwind situation between level 4 Titan and level 6 Gnar!

"How is this going to work?" Wawa doubted life, "I doubt that the Titans even dare to take a look at the army line!"

Yan Junze tried his best to gain experience.

He no longer expects to be able to recruit minions. He will be successful if he can reach level six before the end of the laning period!

But there are no public toilet pits on the road today. Letme has just returned to the top league, and her ability to withstand pressure has obviously not been developed to the highest level. She is not a master of unique skills, and the method of mixed experience without systematic training is too clumsy.

Smeb can see through it at a glance!

Driving Little Nar to force Titan out of the experience area again, looking at the opponent's embarrassed and aggrieved look, he burst into laughter and burst out with pride, "Brother, wait for me in this game!"

The Chinese is very non-standard, and even reveals a bit of joy.

"Brother Jinghao is too strong, isn't he?" Jack lay comfortably and started blowing rainbow farts, "It will blow up the opponent directly!"

When Gu Xing heard this, he pretended to be dissatisfied, and retorted to his teammates while clearing the jungle, "What about me? If I hadn't been on the road again and again, would Jing Hao be so smooth?"

"Lao Gu, you are great too!" Yu Wenbo quickly turned around and praised his teammates, "That guy from Xiangguo who was single-killed really made me laugh..."

He hasn't finished speaking yet.

A praying mantis jumped out from the grass behind!

Yu Wenbo's big head in the camera shook. Without saying anything, he quickly flashed E+ and retreated. He successfully distanced himself and said through gritted teeth, "Spicy hotpot, your mother's kiss!"

Xiao Duan was weakened by Xiang Guo and also managed to escape.

RNG fans in the audience sighed in despair.

Again failed!

"No way," Watanadu shrugged, "Although the RNG lineup has many ways to force the attack, we still have to wait until level six!"

The explanation is clear, so there is no reason why Xiang Guo is unclear.

He just wants to help push the artillery and troop lines forward.

This way, with the cover of the lower route, he could counter the stone beetles that Gu Xing had not used before.

You can even get a little dragon!

Uzi's performance on the line is indeed very stable, especially after getting first blood, he can steadily suppress the VG duo.

But that's all.

EZ's strong ability to withstand pressure on the line allows him to still develop without pressure from a long distance when facing threats!

The CS difference between the two ADCs has always been around 10, which is completely acceptable to Jack!

"Brother Xing saw the fragrant pot showing up in the bottom lane, so he continued to put pressure in the middle lane!"

Kuro's weaklings retreated and knocked Xiaohu unconscious first, and then Gu Xing appeared from the side.

E [Coiling Silk] shifts and hangs next to Ryze, turning into human form and preparing to throw out the cocoon.

"Xiaohu dodged and escaped in time... Even so, he lost most of his health!"

Kuro was unreasonable and directly hit the opponent's face with his big move.

Coupled with the QW skill of Gu Xingren, it is to lower Xiaohu's state!

Li Yuanhao doesn't have much health, so he has to rely on the middle lane to replenish troops and develop troops. It's difficult to exert influence on the side lanes!

"VG midfielder is going to grab the dragon after pushing the lane?" Gu Pan asked his friend in a low voice.

"...No," Shen Guanshan was very sure this time, "There is no way to fight in the lower half. You just put the camera on the road. VG wants to grab the first blood tower."

VG's current combat power lead lies entirely with the two players in the jungle.

Among them, Smeb's teleportation is cooling down and cannot come down to play group games.

Gu Xing, on the other hand, had not replenished his equipment for a long time and had saved a lot of money.

In addition, the VG bottom lane duo has been hit with a lot of summoner skills before, and their combat effectiveness is obviously insufficient. In order to clear the bottom line of the tower, they have to be late in positioning!

Shen Guanshan believed that there was no reason why Gu Xing had to go to Xiaolong Pit to fight in a team battle with RNG.

Going on the road to withdraw money is the most annoying thing.

The main anchor received the call from OB4 and sent the camera to the road in advance.

Letme is still autistic under the tower.

Smeb is still enjoying his time and is stuck in the lane to replenish troops.

The two of them are quite peaceful, not like the top laner who is usually known for his grumpy brothers fighting each other!

The VG midfielder who finished pushing the line was just like what Shen Guanshan said, he didn't even look at the lower half and just rushed up!

Xiangguo quickly typed out a reminder, "Yan Junze, stay back... find a safe place and return to the city. It's time for us to change lines!"

Letme felt very aggrieved and felt very unhappy.

But I couldn't find any reason to refute it.

On the opposite side, Nakano rushes up, but he stays under the tower waiting to die!

Yan Junze had experience this time. He was able to avoid VG's blockade and ran into the grass to read a message to return to the city. He was not even discovered the whole time!

When Kuro walked out of the grass behind the tower, he saw that there was no one in the tower above RNG!

"Jinghao, push the tower yourself," Gu Xing saw this and didn't waste any time. He chose to go back to the spring to resupply equipment, expressing his meaning concisely and concisely, "Remember to control the push line!"

In this way, the two sides will switch lanes, and Jack on the top lane will have a safe and stable development environment.

Yu Wenbo knew that Gu Xing's special instructions were for his own good, and he was immediately grateful, "I really cried to death...Lao Gu, you are too gentle!"

"Which one of us is following whom?" Gu Xing said with a smile, "Besides, it's really good when everyone is good!"

Jack felt at ease knowing that he could gain soldiers even if he changed lanes.

Watching Uzi slowly push the tower and lose the minions, I didn't feel anxious.

Anyway, bro, don’t worry about not growing up!

20 seconds after Smeb bulldozed a tower, VG's lower tower was also destroyed by ice, and both sides officially entered the transition period!

Gu Xing waited for a while after returning to the city. After Smeb knocked down the first-blood tower and paid his wages, he just had enough money to buy a Talisman Echo jungle knife.

Instead of going up, go to the lower jungle area first and knock out the fortune-telling flowers to clear part of RNG's vision in the lower half.

Yan Junze's face turned dark when he saw the visual effects of the divination flowers.

Is it over?

The laning period is over, and you still want to come here to disgust me?

Are you treating me like a sheep and shedding my wool?

Originally, Uzi flattened VG's lower tower and blocked a wave of pushback troops specifically for him, in order to allow Titan to keep up with its development as much as possible.

Who would ever think that Gu Xing’s ghost is still there and he wants to come looking for him!

Letme's chest rose and fell violently.

Now he can't even stay under the tower!

In desperation, we had to retreat to the closed grass in front of the lower second tower and wait for Gnar to continue advancing.

Xiangguo ran to the middle, letting Xiaohu's Ryze open up and lead him to Kuro's side.

In the last few seconds before the opponent's flash turned for the better, he successfully completed a surprise attack and got a kill thanks to Mantis's helpless burst!

"It's just that RNG has to pay the price of a tower in the bottom lane because of one Syndra head!"

After pushing the tower, Smeb returned to the city to replenish equipment, and at the same time used the teleport in his hand as a threat to prevent the RNG midfielder from running to the top lane with a four-pack and two.

Seeing that RNG had thrown a rat weapon and did not go over the tower to kill the VG duo who had switched lanes to the top lane for the time being, he rushed to the bottom lane on foot to continue leading the lane.

"Letme doesn't dare to take the troops far away from our second tower now... Gnar's equipment is too good!"

Smeb's development can only be described as horrific.

The economy of taking two towers plus one head allowed him to make a big ice hammer in 9 minutes!

Now Gnar has reached the peak of his combat power.

As long as A hits someone with a basic attack, it will be slowed down by 30%. On a long enough sideline, the opponent will have no chance of escaping!

Letme didn't want to ask for trouble, so he just stayed near the second tower. After clearing the troops, he hid behind and didn't give Smeb a chance to make a surprise attack.

But Gu Xing refused.

"Jinghao, come with me!" He signaled at the RNG Demon Swamp Frog camp, "We can kill by force!"

When Smeb heard that there was something to be gained, he was naturally very obedient and used Gnar to go to the designated place.

RNG's previous wards in the lower jungle have expired.

As the incense pot moved to the upper half, the entire lower half area completely fell into the control of VG!

After Titan cleared the minions under the tower, it was forced to move forward two steps along the line transfer position.

Letme stared at the dark, shadowy area ahead, and poked an eye into the autistic grass with considerable vigilance.

No one was found.

Yan Junze was quite happy at first, but he did not lose the due caution and moved close to the edge of the canyon near the autistic grass, away from the unknown jungle area of ​​his own.

Even so, Gu Xing still didn't let him go.

When the flash improved, he first used the spider-form E [Coiling Silk] to cross the wall and land on the RNG minion.

Then use Q to punish Q to complete two stages of displacement and come to Titan!

Letme panicked, handed over the hook and wanted to run down the tower.

But a golden light flashed.

"Brother Xing flashed to block the hook!" Wawa's eyes lit up, "Successfully thwarted Titan's plan to return to the defense tower!"

After transforming into human form, the coquettish Spider Queen may throw out her cocoon at any time!

Since the two of them were in a close relationship, Letme was not sure when Gu Xing would lose control.

He simply R [Deep Sea Impact] then flashed and ran away!

Unfortunately, Little Gnar used the Demon Swamp Frog to jump over the wall in two steps, and the boomerang scraped Letme's body, exerting a huge slowing effect!

"The spider recovered from Titan's ultimate move and then threw the cocoon!"

"Hit!" the doll shouted.

The Titan being slowed down by Gnar was so bulky that it was impossible to move around to avoid his skills!

"The spider deals burst damage, and Smeb gets the head!"

Miller didn't know what to say, "Let me..."

Yan Junze rubbed his hair irritably.

A total of $35 was paid in 10 minutes.

in or out?!

The state of V5 is outrageous. If the resurrection armor is not offended, why not go to Casa?

8300 words, 24.87w.

Red envelopes will be given out at the end of the chapter tomorrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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