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261: Everyone is waiting for you!

Gu Xing just got on the bus, put on his earphones and played the white windmill, lying on the back of the chair and reading the news on his mobile phone.

The post bar is as lively as ever.

He found that VG had gained a group of pure passerby fans for no reason.

Just because the name of the team they are about to face is EDG.

The influence of Blitz Poland is too great, and EDG has been unpopular due to various factors since its establishment. In the week after the announcement of IEM's withdrawal, anti-bar netizens were all digging into the team's dark history.

, take it out and whip the corpse repeatedly!

Now that the game is approaching, they naturally stand on the opposite side of EDG and cheer for VG!

[VG rushes, justice will prevail!]

[Today we are all VC fans! Let’s lend our light to VG, and give me a lot of gauze Guodian! 】

[It depends on how hard Brother Xing will attack. Can we replay the classic series of Little Peanuts in last year’s World Championship? It’s best to play 4396 again and kill the pig hard!]

[One thing to say, Saiwen is still strong in the civil war. It is unrealistic for you to expect him to choose a blind monk to blindly hook β and send away]

[This WE fan temporarily became a VC fan today, Brother Xing is the best, smash EDG!]

[When will there be 60e in the resistance bar? Get out of here!]

"I saw why there are RNG fans who came to our official blog to cheer for our brothers," Jack sat down next to Gu Xing, "EDG is so hated now?"

"There's no way it can be like this..." Gu Xing made a bear gesture, "EDG caused trouble, and by some combination of circumstances, the heat of this game was directly increased!"

Originally, the two teams were among the most popular in the LPL division, and they competed with each other for a lot of attention.

After the Blitz Poland incident broke out, VG was the first team to fight against EDG, and it was okay for Sister Li to attract a lot of support from just passers-by.

"Isn't this putting us on the fire?" Xiao Duan was very unhappy, "I don't know how many people will scold me if I lose. You are a pure tool... His grandma's, it really makes the official win!"

No matter who loses or wins, this focus match is destined to make the LPL league gain a wave of public opinion and attract a few hot searches.

As Xiao Duan said, the encounter between the two traffic teams is destined to make the official a lot of money!

I guess Jin Yibo can't even close his mouth when he smiles now.

Kuro, who had just gotten into the car, heard the pre-match comments from his teammates and suddenly became a little nervous.

"Ruixing, don't panic," Mr. Hou comforted him, "It's not like you've never beaten Rucan before. Didn't you hit him hard in the quarter-finals last year?"

Kuro thinks back to that series.

I used the Dragon King to roam around, but Scout couldn't do anything to him, so he just stayed in the middle to bind spirits. His teammates were caught and laughed at the same time!

His face brightened slightly, and he heard Li Zhixun add another sentence inadvertently.

"Rucan is really not that strong right now. In my opinion, he is at most a little Faker..."

Kuro's body shook violently.

"Stop, stop, stop talking!" He quickly interrupted his assistant coach, "Don't mention Faker, I'll just play Scout!"

Li Ruixing’s technophobia doesn’t know when it will get better.

The Marquis realized that he had said something wrong, and there was a hint of apology in his eyes.

I wanted to add a few more words to make up for my mistake, but I heard a strong voice coming from the door of the bus.

"Wow haha, we're back!"

The short, stocky man jumped up the steps and came into view.

"Brother Long?" Gu Xing smiled happily and stepped forward to give him a hug, "Congratulations!"

The newly married Zhu Xiaolong had a bright smile on his face and said, "Long time no see, brothers, let's eat some wedding candy!"

He opened the bag and took out a few handfuls of candies wrapped in bright red wrappers and distributed them to everyone.

The two new players met Zhu Xiaolong for the first time after arriving in China. However, they met frequently last year for fights and could exchange a few words with each other.

I heard that the other party was getting married during the Chinese New Year, so I hurriedly said a few words of congratulations in less than standard Chinese, then took the wedding candy and stuffed it into my mouth.

"I arrived at the Shanghai Stock Exchange in the afternoon. I didn't want to take a break, so I rushed here non-stop to watch your game." Seeing the bus moving, Zhu Xiaolong simply sat down and chatted, "How about it, is it fun?"

"Do you think this is interesting?" Jack glared, "Why didn't you invite your brothers to Changsha for the wedding?"

Brother Long quickly added, "Originally I wanted to invite them, but there were too many people and I couldn't arrange them. Finally, I discussed it with my wife and decided to set up a few tables on weekends."

The crucial wedding coincides with the Chinese New Year, so it is really difficult to arrange the time.

It was not easy for Zhu Xiaolong to invite only a few people alone, so he finally thought of going back to Shanghai.

"Have you seen the children in the second team?" Jin Wenhe, who was sitting in front, turned around and asked.

"I hurriedly went in and walked around, but I don't know much about it." Zhu Xiaolong immediately straightened his expression when he heard about his work, "But when I was on vacation in Changsha, I often watched training games remotely. The talents are very good, especially in China.

Ueno and his execution are pretty good.”

"We will try to seize the last chance to advance to the LPL this year in the promotion and relegation rounds!" He had just become the head coach of the second team, and he enthusiastically believed that there would be no problem.

Brother Long's return invisibly shifted the topic away from the upcoming battle with EDG. Along the way, the bus was full of laughter and chatting about the trivial matters of life on the wedding and honeymoon.

It wasn't until he entered the competition venue on the 9th floor of Supermarket Plaza and heard the shouts of support from many fans along the way that Gu Xing tightened his heart and tried to take back all his thoughts.

Kuro even took advantage of the fact that the game had not yet started and hurriedly lay down on the gaming chair and took a deep breath to calm down.

The outside world has high hopes for VG's game today, which has brought the entire team to the forefront of public opinion.

He doesn't want to lose.

Fortunately, a competition of this level between VG and EDG should be officially scheduled for the golden time at 7 o'clock. He has to survive the previous BO3 before playing. The time reserved is enough for him to adjust to a tense preparation posture, and even

I can also eat a piece of Gu Xing's black chocolate to maintain my concentration.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The game at five o'clock is RNG vs. GT. The strength of the two teams is quite different.

I originally thought it would be a crushing match, but who would have thought that the script was quite bizarre and twisty.

GT knew that its hard power was insufficient, so it chose to find another way and make a strange move.

They released Qinggangying, who was still a T0-level character, and tricked RNG into snatching it away for Letme to use.

Let Jin Gong choose Sword Girl to try for a 1v1 confrontation!

Letme’s Green Steel Shadow is pretty good.

But Jin Gong is even better!

Qinggang Shadow was weakened in version 7.3 and can no longer increase its attack speed when E [Wall Return] is empty.

This makes it easy for her to be restrained when she encounters Sword Queen in the early stage!

You have to use E to stun the opponent to have a chance of winning the fight, and Jian Ji's W [Laurent's Eye Sword] can perfectly resist and reverse the stun!

As the dean of GT, Jin Gong is at his peak, and his operations are quite gorgeous. After a wave of smooth and silky online solo kills, he officially takes control of the top lane!

"Ouch..." Smeb stared in the lounge and saw Sword Lady using her ultimate move, using movement speed and small displacement to constantly break holes in Qinggangying's body. He couldn't help but burst out in his native language, "This guy

The sword girl can do it!"

Brother Long looked quite serious.

He knows that VGP wants to be promoted to the top league this spring, and its biggest hope is to drag down the LPL Nabi team.

I heard that Gu Xing’s advice was to pull GT down.

But after reading half of it, he felt that it was not that simple.

Jin Gong's level will definitely not hinder other strong teams in the LPL. Wouldn't a promotion and relegation round be a dimensionality reduction blow?

Can Zoom hold up?

Allen Chu felt anxious.

Duan Deliang went out to use the toilet and came back to grab Jack's hair with his wet hands.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Yu Wenbo was closing his eyes and concentrating. Unexpectedly, his assistant dared to sneak attack on him, and a string of water drops was thrown on his face.

"Have you seen that Iboy from EDG?" Duan Deliang, who is usually introverted, couldn't help laughing. "I just met him in the bathroom... His shoulders are very thin, and his head is about the same size as yours."

Manager Lu Wenjun joked from the side, "Hey guys, today has become a duel between two big-headed ADCs."

"You two can just choose a game of Draven and play with an April Fool's Day skin. I think the ratings will definitely explode!"

The atmosphere inside and outside the VG lounge is full of joy.

The big-headed Draven skin was launched on April Fool's Day last year. The costume was so funny that it made people laugh just by looking at it.

It goes very well with Yu Wenbo.

"Go, go, brother, I will never use that ugly skin in my life, and I can't see any of Draven's fierce aura!" Jack said angrily, throwing away Duan Deliang's hand.

The live broadcast of the game on the room TV continues.

GT relied on Jin Gong's wonderful performance to win the game, but in the end it was difficult to withstand RNG's strong power and was forced to chase two and then lose a BO3.

In Group B, which has a weak average strength, they are already ranked at the bottom. If they don't work hard in the second half, they will have no choice but to play in the relegation match!

Gu Xing sat up like a carp, picked up his peripherals and followed his teammates outside.

While waiting in the backstage aisle, Smeb chatted with him.

"Shu Gu, the top orderer on the other side is named Mouse?"

Gu Xing responded with a smile, "Yes, this must be the first time you two have played against each other on the field..."

Before last year's quarterfinals, something happened to Mouse's family and he had to return home.

EDG went on the field to face off against Smeb.

"Then I want to test this guy's strength and see who is stronger, him or Koro1?" Smeb's words were full of confidence.

For Song Jinghao, there are only a handful of top laners in the entire LPL who can be called opponents!

It doesn't sound arrogant to say this.

Kuro, who had adjusted to his best condition, was even more excited, "Today we must let Brother Lu Zhe see how powerful the two of us are!"

EDG’s new coach this year is Nofe, the coach from the Tigers, and he has a close relationship with VG Zhongshang!

While they were chatting, the host had already shouted out the team name of VG.

Gu Xing quickly nudged Smeb and signaled him to lead his teammates to the stage.

This time on stage, Gu Xing could clearly feel the difference.

The number of VG fans in the venue is extremely large, accounting for almost 90% of the audience!

The cheering momentum they created was earth-shaking!

On the EDG side, there were only a handful of piglets left to join the group to keep warm. When they saw EDG players coming on stage, they occasionally let out two sporadic screams. Although they were high-pitched and powerful, they were ultimately weak and seemed alone.

If Gu Xing had walked through the main entrance of the venue today instead of going directly to the backstage through the staff passage, he would have been able to see the difference more clearly.

In this spring competition, a voting wall with team logos was specially set up near the entrance of the audience, so that fans can vote for the team they support.

There are so many sticky notes thrown in by the audience under the VG team logo that just one look at them can cause trypophobia patients to have an attack on the spot.

On the other hand, there are very few posts on EDG!

Usually such an exaggerated popularity comparison only appears in VG's games against mid-to-lower teams.

Even if EDG performs ugly in the S6 World Championship and beats fans to the point of losing their citizenship, they still cannot tolerate their large supporter base.

Logically speaking, there won't be only a handful of fans coming to watch the game.

After all, it was a matter of blitzing Poland.

Piggy felt like he had been unlucky for eight lifetimes. At first he really thought that EDG’s statement was genuine. He also helped the club to flush the Polish Embassy and the Shanghai Police’s Weibo. After being used as a tool, he was then beaten up by others.


The whole experience is like writing a routine novel.

Piggy is currently like a rat crossing the street in the LOL e-sports circle, and everyone is shouting to beat him up. Fans from all over the world have long been unhappy with their rampant behavior, and now is the time for reckoning.

Fans' speeches such as apple headshots and depression knife skills were all picked out during the anti-bar operation two days ago, attracting everyone's ridicule!

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Backlash can only be said to be backlash.

Guodian fans are afraid to come to watch games recently, for fear that if they hold up a support card for EDG, someone will point their fingers at them.

When the few piggies who ventured to Supermarket Plaza saw the voting wall, they didn't dare to go up and put sticky notes under the EDG. They felt like someone would poke their spines and scold them the next second!

After all, paying to watch the game is just for fun, so they have no reason to make themselves uncomfortable.

Today’s commentary is still about the Haier brothers, Doll Miller.

The two of them looked back at the audience seats at the back and realized that the number of EDG fans present today was extremely small.

It's impossible for the two of them to talk about EDG's blitz in public.

Fortunately, the Haier brothers are experienced commentators and have strong field control skills. They immediately started talking to everyone after greeting everyone.

"Look at the data performance of the two teams in the previous round-robin matches within the group, viewers!"

The director quickly gave out the performance data.

Wawa immediately said loudly: "Both sides in today's matchup have five wins and zero losses. The difference is that EDG has a higher winning rate in small games. They only lost one game to WE, while VG played two BO3s!"

"This also has something to do with the strength of the opponents in the group," Miller supplemented. "The overall strength of Group B where EDG is located is slightly weaker. Only WE has always been a truly strong team, and they almost suffered a serious defeat.


WE and EDG are mortal enemies.

The confrontation between the two sides means that enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

The two teams first won one game each and then went to the deciding game. WE jungler Kandi, who was at a disadvantage in the early and mid-term, grabbed two dragons, one big and one small, from the factory director one after another, almost reversing the situation!

In the end, we relied on Mingkai Mantis's side pull, relied on W to consume the enemy's health, and then let the top laner go around and start a team fight, and finally won the game with difficulty.

"EDG is still the only one in KDA, and the factory director's battle damage ratio is as high as 7.7!" Miller couldn't help laughing, "On VG, only 'Clearlove's disciple' Xing Ge's battle damage ratio can be as high as 7-chan

Comparably, there is still a certain gap between the other four players and EDG."

Mainly the two games against IG.

Although he won in an almost crushing manner.

However, as long as IG falls behind in the mid-term, it will speed up the fight like crazy. No matter how great VG's advantage is, casualties will inevitably occur. The more deaths there are, the KDA will naturally drop.

"As for the two statistics of lead in the first 15 minutes and first blood tower rate, VG is more eye-catching, and VG even has a considerable lead in terms of average time per game."

"The games they win are often very clean and tidy. With their powerful snowballing ability, they can often expand their economic advantage to 1W before the game reaches 25 minutes!"

When the baby said this, he couldn't help but admire him.

Judging from the current LPL standards, VG's operational strength is unique!

In the opening game, RNG used a Korean split push, allowing Smeb to lead through the base alone.

The suffocating offensive in the subsequent games left the opponent completely breathless!

"That's right," Miller nodded in agreement, "and VG has not yet reached the best level of integration. Their tactics are relatively simple. Most of the time, the main attack point is on the top lane, and they will only attack when they can't attack for a long time.

Half zone.”

"EDG, on the other hand, has the same double-C system as always. They have been using it since the team was founded, and it is very stable," he said eloquently. "It is worth mentioning that the young player Iboy who replaced Deft really gave us a very big advantage.


Wawa echoed, "A newcomer who is very daring to operate. It can be said that he dares to fight and fight hard. He has his own characteristics!"

Originally, head coach Nofe brought his younger brother Zet to China to find a job.

As a result, he is now forced to sit on the water cooler as a newcomer and has no chance to play!

"Iboy will face JackeyLove today. I don't know what kind of sparks the two new-generation teenagers will create..."

The camera cuts to the shooters on both sides.

What comes to your face are two eye-catching big heads.

The audience immediately burst into laughter.

This laughter even passed through the white noise of the sound-isolating headphones and poured into the ears of Jack who was chatting with Meiko opposite.

"What's going on?" Yu Wenbo didn't understand, "Why are the audience laughing?"

Gu Xing shook his head, and with a wicked smile on his face, he tapped on the keyboard and asked Mingkai what the mentality of the EDG players was now.

Ancestor Saiwen put a question mark, and then claimed that everything was fine, just waiting to vent his anger on VG, and asked Gu Xing to wash his neck and wait to die.

The referee behind the player bench received instructions from the director that everything was ready, and then urged EDG's top laner to start the game quickly.

Mouse looked at the chat in the custom room and smiled like Tam, with his long tongue hanging out looking very weird.

As the factory director said, the entire EDG team has a good mentality.

Both Nakano and Suke have experienced the disastrous defeat in the S6 quarter-finals, and now it is difficult for off-field matters to have a negative impact on them.

The newcomer Iboy seems not to care about this matter in the professional arena at all, with a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

Top laner Mouse himself is also a natural optimist. Even if his level is not good, he rarely puts on a straight face and acts like a pressure boy after playing.

Seeing that none of his four teammates had objections, he clicked the start game button.

With a crisp and loud sound, the BP panel appeared in front of everyone!

"EDG has the priority to choose sides. This game is on the blue side. Come up and ban LeBlanc first!"

The game has entered version 7.3, and the strength of many heroes has changed.

The original five supermodel monsters were eliminated by two - the jungle lion dog and the support Zyra.

The former is still considered strong, and his priority in the jungle position is still very high, but he does not have to occupy the ban position as usual, and he can be evenly matched with the male gunner.

The intensity of the latter has plummeted!

Not only is she not as good as Karma the grasshopper, even Lulu, who has just seen the light of day due to enhancement, can still hold her head above Zyra!

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The remaining Enchantresses, Qinggangying and Verus are still strong.

But overall, the number of supermodel characters has been reduced, and many heroes have alternatives to choose from. The rigid BP strategy in version 7.1 will therefore be slightly more flexible.

"VG banned Qinggang Ying..." Miller immediately commented, "Jin Gong in GT's previous game today showed how to use Sword Princess to deal with Camille, and the results were quite good. As we all know, Smeb's Sword Princess is not very proficient.

Low, now I still choose to ban Qinggang Shadow, I guess I still want to seek stability!"

"That's right. The hero Sword Princess can only walk on a tightrope when she is selected. She has to lead her all the way to the end. The error tolerance rate is too low!" Wawa followed casually.

What they said was correct.

Hongmi believes that VG's hard power is stronger than the opponent's, and there is no need to play the role of Sword Princess.

In this case, banning Qinggang Shadow is the most reasonable choice.

EDG's new coach Nofe was pacing behind the players' bench.

He is very familiar with the two former players and knows each other's style.

And I also know what the current shortcomings of VG are - the play style is too similar to ROX.

Obviously it is because the communication problem has not been perfectly solved, and it is a tactical compromise made to adapt to the style of the new mid-to-upper players!

"Then ban Jace, let's try not to go to the opposite side and hit the upper half," Nofe rubbed his brows and emphasized the basic policy to the players, "Mingkai, just focus on the lower half, we can double C


To be honest, it took him more than a month to come to EDG, and he is still not used to the way this team operates.

Nofe's previous Tigers team mainly played in the upper field, with one of the double Cs serving as a tool player and the other a stable supporter for the late stage.

Completely different style from the new owner!

EDG is really in a double-C state, and can only rely on double-C.

Mingkai rarely plays wild core, and even if he chooses to do so, he has a herbivore-like control.

This makes it difficult for him to carry a late-stage core like Gu Xing did to carry the team.

Overall, EDG's style is a bit like SKT.

The herbivorous jungler supports the early rhythm, and the double C is responsible for output.

It's just that this pair of C's is considered a youth version of Faker Bang, but it's still far from the best.

The only but also the most critical point is on the top road.

SKT's top laner has never been a breakthrough so far. Impact, Marin and Duke's names are shining brightly, and they are destined to be famous figures in the history of League of Legends e-sports.

What about EDG?

Except for the meat, the impression left on everyone is that he plays with a big tree without making a decision.

In Nofe’s opinion, the top order does not necessarily have to be Baba C.

But you must have the ability to carry.

Otherwise, the tactics are too simple!

SKT can give the ball to Double C, but if that doesn't work, they still have an invincible single-hander who can create space for their teammates to develop.

The overall operating rhythm appears to be as stable as Mount Tai.

EDG cannot be used!

Your Mouse is playing a carry type hero, can he play it? He can’t play it, he doesn’t have the ability, do you know?

Although the total taunting top laner is an orphan, he can significantly increase the team's upper limit.

There is no world-class team whose top laner is Nabi.

EDG's operating rhythm is very similar to SKT, very traditional.

But it is precisely because it is easy to go wrong with the top order in previous years, which leads to flaws.

There are many ways for SKT to win the game, but EDG only has double C to choose from.

As long as Double C misfires, their so-called stable operating rhythm will be a mess, and will even be easily torn apart by weak teams!

There is a reason why EDG was so miserable that they lost to the wild card.

But Nofe couldn't help it either.

There was no way he could hope to turn Mouse into Smeb.

We can only temporarily follow the existing route of EDG.

Hongmi saw the opponent sending Jace to the Ban position and reacted very quickly.

"Let's press down Syndra and try to reduce the influence of the opponent's mid laner..." He said to Kuro, "Ruixing, I will try to get Ryze for you. You need to adapt to the rhythm of the new version first."

Li Ruixing responded gratefully.

7.3 is a version that puts an extreme emphasis on fighting in the middle lane.

The weakening of sprinting has invisibly reduced the strength of the roaming mid laner, and the resulting environmental changes are not friendly to Kuro.

Relatively speaking, Ryze is currently the character with the strongest roaming ability among the strong mid laners.

Redmi intends to let Kuro adapt to changes in version strength little by little.

Gu Xing was also there to comfort his mid laner, "I will definitely take more care of you, just don't worry!"

Kuro had great trust in his jungler and immediately felt at ease.

"EDG banned Malzahar at the end of the first round. There was no problem!" Miller was not surprised by this.

After the 7.3 version update, Grasshopper officially replaced Zyra as the first support brother.

It has a shield that is immune to control, has strong control, and also has the ability to push the line and silence. From the current point of view, it is indeed a perfect assistant.

Nofe doesn't want Duan Deliang to play too comfortably in the bottom lane and suppress Iboy's development.

"VG very safely banned Snake Girl and tried to ban the junior's hero pool," Watanabe continued, "They released Verus!"

Verus, who has not been poisoned by the designer, is definitely the strongest shooter in the current version.

Nofe could guess that if Redmi dared to release Verus, it would have to exchange powerful characters.

But he still insisted on locking down the supermodel monster first for Iboy.

"VG used Ryze and Poodle in exchange, directly locking the midfielder combination!"

Gu Xing rubbed the baby hard, trying to warm his fingertips in this way.

He has never played Poodle in a regular game, and he never even played Rengar before he became a pro.

However, thanks to his powerful hero training speed, Gu Xing quickly got started again.

Nofe first targeted Mingkai as the male gun, and then hesitated for a long time on selecting the last shot in the first round.

In the end, I decided to choose the hero for Mouse first.

Otherwise, if it is postponed to the second round, VG may come up with some disgusting tricks and ban all the remaining fantasy tank characters in the top lane!

"Take...the big tree." Nofe was helpless.

Mouse pursed his lips.

Ming Kai was still laughing, "Do you want to win with a big tree and cry, or do you want to lose with a smile with another character?"

"Okay, okay, let's just use the big tree!" Mouse did not retort.

Seeing the opponent's top and jungle combination, Hongmi also guessed that EDG was going to play the double C system again.

"Jinghao, do you want to play Rambo?"

Smeb was stunned, "Are you sure I want to play Rambo in the LPL division?"

He had long heard that everyone who used Gundam Poppy here would not end well.

Ma Datou was directly trained by the military until he became autistic!

"Just asking if you want to play," Gu Xing looked at him, "Clearlove won't catch you at all."

Song Jinghao gritted his teeth, "Then choose! Who is afraid of whom? Let's see if I can burn them to death!"

Rambo and Kennan are Smeb's most proud characters.

As long as you take it out, the damage will basically be full.

He was very confident against Dashu in a single line.

Seeing Rambo displayed in the VG hero selection box, Miller was surprised and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Smeb, are you serious? This seems to be his first time picking Rambo in the LPL!"

The doll was shouting, "Smeb's Rambo is absolutely guaranteed to be strong and worthy of everyone's trust!"

There were many Smeb fans in the audience. Seeing Rambo locked in, they kept shaking their support signs and screaming.

In the second round, Nofe originally wanted to target Jack, blocking the two shooters Ice and Jhin, leaving him with no strong characters to use.

But red rice is a piece of cake.

He deliberately banned Karma and Zyra, leaving only one strong supporting character in the version, Lulu.

Nofe was unable to dismount, so he had to give up his plan to block the shooter and take on the role of Lulu's ban.

In this way, VG on the red side cannot get strong support in the fourth pick to put pressure on the bottom lane.

"VG chose to get Jhin to make up for the control shortcomings of the lineup. The lineup looks more three-dimensional," Wawa looked at the opposite side curiously, "I don't know what midfielder EDG needs to make up for..."

The mid laner in the version is almost banned by Redmi, so the younger players can only choose Clockwork.

After careful consideration, Nofe chose to add Tamu to Meiko to enhance her protection ability. Partnering with Verus can also protect Iboy.

Hongmi also picked Nami among the remaining supporting characters to provide a short section.

At this point, the lineups of both sides have been determined.

Blue side EDG: top laner Big Tree, jungler gunner, mid laner Clockwork, bottom lane Verus Tahm.

Red side VG: top laner Rambo, jungler Poodle, mid laner Ryze, bottom lane Jhin Nami.

Miller frowned, "EDG's lineup has a distinctive feature, which is to fight head-on. Let Dashu bring the Clockwork Golem in to start a group fight, and keep your own double C fight!"

“And VG doesn’t have any means to start a group!”

Wawa smiled and said, "That's what VG did best in last year's World Championship, pulling!"

"Look for gaps in team battles little by little, and rely on repeated pulls to win the team battle!"

Hongmi told Gu Xing what to pay attention to in this game. Seeing his jungler nodding, he took off his earphones and went to shake hands with his opponent, Nofe.

The two of them were very familiar with each other due to their frequent appointments at the S6 World Championships. They walked hand in hand to the audience and kept talking to each other on the way.

Gu Xing silently listened to the deafening cheers from the audience.

The VG fans who came to the scene did their best to cheer them on, hoping that the players could defeat EDG, which had just caused a scandal!

Amid the excitement, Summoner's Rift has officially arrived!

(I watched the game for a while. Sorry for being a bit late. It will continue at 10pm tomorrow)

This chapter has been completed!
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