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Chapter 270 270: Please enter the urn

 Gu Xing was marking the mini map when he went out.

"Stand in the defensive position. The opponent won't come in to fight. The most you can do is keep an eye on me and watch my movement in the field!" He simply commanded his teammates.

To be fair, the WE lineup is more proactive in the first-level team.

The top, middle and jungle combination of Qinggang Shadow + Wine Barrel + Ryze is all about control. When connected together, it can make the opponent unable to fight back, achieving the effect of instant attrition.

But VG's counterattack ability is equally strong.

With dual shooters and the presence of Purple Garlic Lulu, level 1 continuous combat firepower is quite sufficient!

If WE forcefully invades in a group, even if they can rely on the control chain to kill one person first, when they enter the skill vacuum period, they will easily be chased and beaten by VG.

Therefore, Gu Xing believed that the other party would not come from the wild area to cause trouble, and the occasional two or three people coming in to do some eye-catching would be the limit.

From God's perspective, Zeyuan can see the initial layout positions of both sides more clearly and intuitively.

"Both sides probably have no plans for a level 1 team collision, but the WE Ueno two are heading towards the VG Ueno area. It seems they are planning to set up the vision detection line to open the jungle..."

Kandi walked at the front with a shy belly, and 957's Qinggangying acted as a bodyguard beside him.

Kuro, who was setting up defenses in the area connected to his Ueno area by the upper river, did not dare to step forward, so he could only retreat and give up the pass position to the opponent.

Gu Xing and Smeb had no idea either.

WE are very flexible in the jungle and in the jungle, and they also have control. They alone can't stop the enemy from breaking into the jungle!

However, the advantages of standing in the defensive position are reflected in the early stage.

Kuro was stuck next to his Sharpbill camp. He watched his opponent enter the jungle with his own eyes, and turned back to exit the jungle without looking near F6.

In the area where WE Ueno is located, there are only two options for vision - F6 or red zone.

You can easily get the answer by elimination method.

"Put your eyes across the wall inside the red buff!" Li Ruixing immediately reminded him.

It has been three months since he came to China. Kuro has become more and more proficient in Chinese expressions in the game and can let his teammates understand what he means immediately.

Gu Xing knew the enemy's ward position, which actually allowed him to clarify the route to open the field.

Start directly from the home red BUFF where WE places the eye position!

This allows the opponent to only obtain his own open field position, while the subsequent route selection is completely hidden!

I remember seeing both sides retreating to safe positions, no further conflict broke out, and they started chatting about the lineup.

"One thing to say is that the tactics used by both sides in this game are not the smooth system used in the first half of the season," he said eloquently. "WE originally waited for Double C to work hard in the mid-to-late stage and relied on team battles to win, but this game turned into a 131-point push.

, let Qinggangying and Ryze play lane pulling!"

"The same goes for VG. Since Jack has chosen the policewoman, the focus of the lineup must be towards the bottom half. Smeb's Poppy can only resist pressure and develop in the top lane. This is contrary to the top, middle and jungle system they usually use..."

Zeyuan echoed, "Although version 7.4 seems to have not changed much, the weakening of armor-piercing equipment makes Jace feel like he is withdrawing from the altar. The increase in enthusiasm directly promotes the ADC's status in late-stage team battles to rise sharply!"

"Due to the ebb and flow, the influence of the upper half of the map is indeed not as good as at the beginning of the season. It is inevitable for VG to make changes."

While the two were talking, Gu Xing had already finished eating the red buff and reached level 2.

He didn't bother with F6, but went straight to the second half of the speed three.

"This is Qian Jue's standard routine. He will reach level 3 in about 2 minutes and 30 seconds, and then go grab the river crab mark."

"If you delay long enough with the opponent's jungler, Kindred with Insight can change the second punishment in 2 minutes and 47 seconds. Combined with the damage of E [Fear], you can increase your HP for killing river crabs.

, and then successfully grabbed the marked wild monster!"

Zeyuan has obviously studied Qianjue's gameplay, and now it makes perfect sense.

But WE also know this very well.

Kindred's marked wild monsters are all in the river or even the WE jungle area. If Gu Xing wants to come and fight for them, he must have lane rights to cover them in the early stage.

VG in the bottom lane is a rogue lane pushing combination of policewoman + grasshopper, so they naturally control the lane.

After the purple-skinned garlic in the middle has been strengthened, the damage of the passive Pixar attachment has been greatly improved. The mana cost of Q [Sparkling Spear] has been reduced by 10 points at all levels, directly improving its already powerful laning ability.

It is basically impossible for Xiye's Ryze to take the initiative in the early stage.

As for hitting the road...

Although 957 got Qinggang Shadow, her laning ability is not very strong after being repeatedly weakened.

Especially when facing Poppy.

The reason why the hammer-shaped cannon can become one of the three fantasy gods in the top lane is because of its strong laning strength in the early stage!

A character with a particularly powerful mechanism like Phantom God, due to its strong control ability and team attributes, has far less growth than a warrior in the middle and late stages.

Therefore, in order to balance the heroes, designers will give these team top laners extremely strong basic attributes!

For example, Big Tree's abnormal recovery ability and initial attack speed, or Titan E's super clearing and consumption capabilities, or Poppy's passive and super high skill panel damage.

Most heroes can't beat these phantom gods in the early stage!

What's more, the operator is a top top orderer of Smeb's level.

957 is indeed strong, but it won’t gain much advantage until the equipment level is improved.

WE is currently in a situation where the middle and lower lanes are at a huge disadvantage and the top lanes are at a slight disadvantage.

Kandi knew that it would be extremely difficult for him to successfully hold the mark!

He chose to find another way.

Take action directly against online characters.

"When the time came to two and a half minutes, Qian Jue's first mark appeared on... Xiahe Crab!" I remember beaming, "This is absolutely good news for Brother Xing!"

Gu Xing swiped from top to bottom, and Speed ​​3 was right at the bottom of the map.

Moreover, VG’s mid-level and offline rights are extremely stable.

As long as he cooperates properly, there is no way Kandi can steal the river crab from Gu Xing!

But I remember that before I had time to celebrate, I saw something was wrong with Kandi's movements.

"Wine barrel Li Zai Gan Shen Mo?" He was very surprised.

The director's camera focuses on Kandi.

The chubby Gragas rose to level three after finishing the red BUFF, and moved straight towards the middle with small steps!

"Kandi wants to catch...it seems like there is a real chance, Kuro didn't bring purification!" Zeyuan's voice was urgent, realizing that a battle was about to break out.

Unless the mid laner Lulu encounters a lot of hard control, she will teleport to support her teammates.

This instead makes her the prey of Kandi!

Condi was also very scheming and deliberately launched a surprise attack on the center from below.

He knew that in order to protect Gu Xing from getting the river crab mark, Kuro had to lean down.

In this way, Lulu is walking towards her own face!

"Kuro's position is very dangerous. Brother Xing is fighting the Swift Crab. He is still some distance from the middle. It is difficult to provide timely support!"

Xiye's double E+Q detonates two layers of runes, causing area damage to the troops and gaining explosive movement speed.

He did not immediately step forward, but first circled behind to paralyze his opponent, allowing Kuro to relax his vigilance.

When the opponent wanted to hit the target, Xiye flashed forward without hesitation!

The moment E [Spell Surge] was attached to Lulu, Kuro also noticed the murderous intent shown by the enemy and immediately handed over Flash.

But it's still a step too late.

Ryze used the last moment of his movement speed to pursue forward, and W [Rune Confinement] imprisoned Lulu in place!

"Kandi cuts in from the side, E flashes and stuns Lulu, keeping up with the damage and preparing to kill him instantly!"

Xiye has successfully triggered Storm Rider's surge, and his movement speed has been increased again.

Kuro is alone and doomed!

"Kandi finally stopped and gave up the first-blood economy to mid laner Ryze!"

The deafening cheers of WE fans came from the audience seats!

"WE's midfielder is really decisive, handing over the double flash directly, without giving Kuro any chance to operate!" Zeyuan couldn't help but praise with emotion, "They can also push the wave of artillery lines in the middle into the tower, and Xiye returns to the city to directly supplement the goddess.

Tears, the rhythm is very comfortable!”

Remember to make up for it on the side, "The only shortcoming is that Brother Xing still got the mark, and Kuro has teleportation, this wave of artillery troops will not lose too much!"

In the voice of the VG team, Kuro, who had just delivered first blood, was very calm.

The other party used double flash to kill him forcefully. He had no ability to resist and anyone else would die, so he didn't think there was anything to regret.

"Come and eat Binxuan!"

Kuro shouted.

After resurrection and the teleportation guidance time, the artillery vehicle and a melee soldier will be missed.

Naturally, he wants to activate the 'transfer payment' and give up the soldiers to Qian Jue.

If it weren't for the fact that this wave of troops wasn't too large, and if he used teleport without delaying the rhythm, Kuro would have dedicated all of it to the jungle!

After taking the river crab, Gu Xing immediately rushed to the middle without saying a word, allowing the defense tower to attack the army line. He only repaired the tail knife, spent dozens of gold coins and a lot of experience, and then went back to continue farming.

"I didn't dodge, the middle route may not be very good, please pay attention..." Kuro expressed his meaning concisely and comprehensively.

Due to the gap between first-blood economy and experience in the middle lane, it will inevitably affect the trend of lane rights.

Originally, Lulu could unscrupulously put pressure on her during the laning phase, but now she is just flat at best.

Gu Xing agreed quickly.

He wiped out the Three Wolves and F6.

Under normal circumstances, the current version requires all six groups of wild monsters to be wiped out in the first round before it can be upgraded to level 4.

But Gu Xing couldn't bear it and used the experience of the middle line of troops.

After five groups of wilds, he reached level 4.

The first thing is to go straight to the middle to help push the line!

Since Kuro's Lulu couldn't control the mid lane, Gu Xing came to give a little help!

"Brother Xing, are you starting again?" Zeyuan shouted, moving closer to the senior doll, "The salesman is a bit dirty!"

Gu Xing's basic attack combined with Q [Dance of Arrows] directly destroyed half the wave of soldiers!

Kuro's face doesn't change color.

He chose Lulu, could he carry it on his own?

Whoever takes advantage of it is right to put it in League of Legends!

VG's strange line supply relationship between the middle and jungle has been used for some time.

However, there are still many teams that cannot adapt.

Because it's really weird.

The mid laner giving up resources to the jungler in this way is simply a fool's errand in the eyes of many current team coaching staffs!

But VG is not only usable, but also very effective!

Gu Xing himself couldn't play it at first, and it took him a while to adjust before he could barely keep up with Kuro's spirit of sacrifice.

What about the other teams?

Xiye was stunned for a moment, then realized that the jungler came over, wanting to help him push out the army line.

But Kandi was brushing stone beetles, and his speed in getting to the middle was finally a step slower.

The VG midfielder has pushed the wave of troops in front of the artillery truck into the WE mid tower!

The game came to 4 minutes.

The wolf spirit turns on hunting mode.

Kandi had already acquired the Shanghe Crab before, just to artificially control the mark in WE's Sharp Beak Camp.

In this way, they may be able to hold on to their mark by relying on the strength of the midfielder's confrontation.

However, a wave of troops advancing towards the WE defense tower directly trapped Xiye under the tower and was unable to come out to support immediately!

It's just a time difference of three or four seconds.

When Ryze cleaned up the minions under the tower, Gu Xing had already hit the F6 halfway, and then used punishment to eat the big bird!

The VG supporters in the audience were smiling.

In their opinion, VG’s familiar jungle core rhythm will take off again!

"I got the second layer of marks!" Zeyuan felt something was wrong, "Brother Xing, Qian Jue's game is going smoothly again. I got the two layers of marks in early 4 minutes. Kandi will be very uncomfortable in the jungle later!"

Kandi also knew that if Gu Xing was allowed to develop like this, the consequences would be disastrous.

He kept in mind the task given to him by White Crescent Moon before the game - to lock down Gu Xing.

Just do it!

Returning to the city to buy a green jungle knife and straw sandals, Kandi went straight to the opponent's jungle area.

Due to various arrangements in the early stage, he could infer Gu Xing's jungle clearing route from clues, and naturally he could also roughly guess the reset time of each group of wild monsters.

Kandi first ran to VG's lower jungle area and made an eye between the opponent's blue buff and the Demon Swamp Frog camp - the lower swift crab altar that Gu Xing had knocked down previously had disappeared, and his actions were not noticed by VG.

Then he hid himself in the rear shadow view near the river.

As expected.

The first thing Gu Xing refreshed in the camp in the second round was the Demon Swamp Frog, and he came to clear it out just in time for the reset.

However, halfway through the fight, Kandi came out.

"The barrel is one punishment ahead, he is going to forcefully counterattack this group of Demon Swamp Frogs!" Remember to guess what Condi is thinking.

Gu Xing's last punishment was used to capture the mark at the enemy's F6, and now the skill is cooling down.

There was nothing he could do, he could only watch the wine barrel coming in front of him, and take the Frog Concubine away with punishment!

If you want to fight back, give Kandi some color.

As a result, when Gragas was running backwards, he threw a Q [Rolling Barrel] at his feet, successfully slowing down and keeping him!

Kindred's red BUFF has long since disappeared, and the slowing effect of E [Fear] alone can't keep the opponent at all!

"VG's duo that is pressing the line is approaching, but unfortunately neither of them has any stable control, so they can only watch Kandi escape!"

Gu Xing had no choice but to turn around and first went to cover Jack in the bottom lane to push the line.

Wait until the three wolves are refreshed before pampering the Shadow Wolf.

Kandi was not idle during this period. He ran to the middle to help Xiye handle the soldier line. His hands were very clean throughout the process and he didn't touch a single soldier. He only gained some experience.

When Gu Xing finished brushing the three wolves, he then moved to the upper half to clear out his own sharp-beaked birds.

Kandi operated the wine barrel and rushed over again without leaving!

He had just helped Xiye control the middle line of troops, but now the situation had reversed. It was Kuro's turn to be unable to support Gu Xing!

Kandi's Q [Rolling Barrel] was thrown under the sharp-beaked bird, and he used the damage increased by beer fermentation to snatch four birds from Gu Xing's hands!

If it weren't for Gu Xing's quick reaction, he might not even be able to save the remaining bird!

WE fans were overjoyed. They felt so happy when they saw Kindred’s miserable appearance after being frequently disturbed by wine barrels!

"Fortunately, it's not five. Five is really not good..."

Gu Xing thought in pieces, and at the same time he was even more furious.

Kandi's move made it clear that when the human body moved its eye position, it was not enough to lock his position, and he frequently attacked to snatch the wild monsters!

Disgusting, right?

Gu Xing made up his mind and insisted on giving the other party some color!

The time came to 5 minutes and 48 seconds.

River Crabs spawn three minutes after death.

"Qian Jue's another wolf spirit mark is marked on it. The VG duo pushed the army line in one step ahead and came to help the jungler control the Swift Crab!"

Gu Xing rushed over without stopping.

Jack is holding a sniper rifle and firing at the river crab; Duan Deliang is keeping close guard at every step. As long as WE dares to come over and fight for it, he will release bugs and prepare to bite people.

"Brother Xing came over and punished me to accept the river crab and get my third level mark!"

Zeyuan compared the data panel, "Actually, I think Kandi's frequent invasions to grab jungles some time ago were not particularly profitable... In order to track Brother Xing, Jiugong didn't even farm his own wild monsters, and his current last-hit count is even behind.

Yu Qianjue!"

If you remember, you will have your own understanding.

"I feel that Kandi is not doing it for his own development at all. His fundamental purpose is to prevent Brother Xing from growing up quickly, and to destroy Qian Jue's economy by killing monsters. He also uses his body as an eye to block Qian Jue's whereabouts and let the opponent

There’s no way to grab the economy through ganking!”

I have to say that Kandi’s approach was very successful.

He really made Gu Xing feel a little irritated.

Since he couldn't control it except for the mark, Kandi had tried his best to restrict Gu Xing.

This isn't the end yet.

He even wanted to come to Boda because of the cheap money.

The entire process of Gu Xing's capture of the river crab's mark just now was under Kandi's eye position detection.

He knew that Qian Jue's punishment was cooling down again, so he had his own evil thoughts.

Kandi's punishment was still there, and he wanted to seize the time difference between the summoner's skills and grab Gu Xing's second red BUFF!

Without the red BUFF, Kindred's Gank and combat capabilities will be further weakened!

Just as he was told, Kandi went back to clear his lower half area, calculated the time, and set off across the upper river, preparing to enter the upper half of the VG wild area.

"There seems to be something wrong with Brother Xing's behavior..." I remember finding clues.

The pilot scene has been switched to the past.

The time comes to 6 minutes and 50 seconds.

Gu Xing’s red BUFF will be refreshed soon.

Instead of squatting quietly by the camp and waiting for the wild monsters to spawn, he ran to the side first and shot an arrow to kill the exploding cones next to him.

Then insert an ornament eye into the fruit.

After finishing all this, just as the red BUFF was born, Gu Xing turned around and started farming.

"If the purpose of making an eye is to prevent wine barrels from coming to snatch wild monsters, then what is the purpose of clicking the exploding cones? To keep the beer man?" Zeyuan guessed.

"Candy's already here!"

The beer man in the picture swayed left and right, moving his fat body against the wall connecting the Dalong Pit and the VG upper jungle area, and first inserted an eye into the red zone camp through the wall.

Seeing Qian Jue getting popular, his eyes lit up immediately, and he was ready to go in and rob him forcefully, relying on his punishment.

The director suddenly cut the screen.

Amid the audience’s confused murmurs, the camera showed VG spring water.

Poppy, who had just returned to the city for supplies, stayed at home motionless, almost like hanging up.

At this point, Zeyuan finally understood VG’s full plan.

He immediately shouted loudly, "Smeb has the teleport in his hand. As long as Kandi dares to come in and grab the jungle, Bobby can TP to the ward position arranged by Brother Xing, forming a double flank!"

But Zeyuan is from God's perspective.

Only by relying on the director's lens language can we understand what Gu Xing wants to do.

Kandi from the first perspective has no idea about this.

Nearly 7 minutes into the game, the power of the top lane Huanshen diminished, and 957 was able to maintain a flat line; in the middle lane, Xiye had blood in hand, and even had a small advantage against Kuro.

The situation of the troops in the middle and upper lanes fully supports his invasion.

Little did Kandi know that a secret network was quietly tightening!

At this moment, I am still dreaming happily, imagining what I should do after grabbing the red BUFF.

Like showing a dog tag?

He dove into the grass next to the VG Red BUFF camp.

When Gu Xing saw this scene with the help of his eyesight, he suddenly felt that the fishing technique was complete!

It's now!

"Maibo teleportation!"

Gu Xing's signal kept hitting the eye position previously arranged.

Smeb was already prepared. After replenishing his equipment, he handed over the teleportation.

The scarlet light shines brightly!

Only now did Kandi realize that something was wrong.

There is an ambush!

He immediately turned around and wanted to leave, shaking his teammates on the way.

But Gu Xing was not going to let him go.

Jump forward, E [Fear] will slow it down!

Arrows kept hitting the barrel.

Qian Jue got 3 layers of marks in less than 7 minutes, and the damage is definitely enough!

"Kandi adjusted his position E Halong Pit, turned around and slowed down the rolling barrel..."

Remember to turn on the machine gun mode and spit out words like, "Brother Xing jumps down into the dragon pit with a dance of arrows and continues to keep up with the output!"

"The side effects of the previous stalking are showing. Kandi has not yet reached level 6!" His tone was extremely urgent, "And the flash is still barely getting better!"

The 4.5 second teleportation guidance time has expired.

A full-status Poppy appears above the Dragon Pit.

Seeing the retreating wine barrel not far away, Song Jinghao sneered coldly.

Humph, want to escape?

Smeb did not hesitate for a moment, flashed over the wall, W [Steadfast Style] started to accelerate, and knocked him unconscious on the wall of the dragon pit with a wall bang!

"Kuro in the middle successfully held back Xiye, and used the slowing effect of the shining spear to stick to Ryze, preventing the opponent from quickly leaving the middle to come for support..." Zeyuan looked at the six lanes, still paying attention to the two lines in the middle.

The rest of the heroes.

"957 arrived late. When he rushed over, Kandi was already in a state of residual health!"

Smeb never wanted to let Kandi go.

The moment the opponent recovers from the dazed state, follow up with R [Guardian's Judgment], charge up in seconds and knock him into the air!

The series of controls made Kandi feel like he was falling into an ice cave!

He couldn't move the whole time and didn't even have the ability to resist!

When 957 saw this, he also knew that his teammates could not be saved, so he hit the wall with his hook and ran back to the top to continue finishing the attack.

"Brother Xing took the life of the wine barrel with his last arrow!"

The huge momentum created by VG fans swept the entire venue in an instant!

The hunting effect of the sheep spirit traps the soul of the wine barrel and turns it into a passive layer of its own.

"Fourth level passive!" Zeyuan shouted selflessly, "Brother Xing received both head marks. This wave will directly make up for the disadvantage of being robbed of the jungle in the early stage!"

Gu Xing was so excited that he felt elated and exhilarated, and his previous upset was gone.

"Wuhu!" He was elated, "100% off water bottle? I want to scream!"

Gu Xing has been playing a big game of chess since a minute ago.

When plundering the Xiahe Crab Mark, he deliberately handed over the punishment.

The purpose is to let Kandi know that he has no punishment and give the other party a chance to steal the prize.

He tried his best to lure you into the urn and trick Kandi into killing him!

Gu Xing's signal was sent directly to the jungle area on the opposite side, "I want to go in to counter the jungle, Maibo, don't let Qinggangying come to find me!"

Just now when Wine Barrel came to counter the jungle, his last-hit count was exposed.

Gu Xing counted with his fingers and knew that WE's upper and jungle areas had not been cleared yet.

He is going to make a lot of money this time!

At 7 minutes and 11 seconds, the wolf spirit started hunting again.

Under the 4-layer imprint, its hunting targets are four groups of non-BUFF wild monsters in the opponent's wild area.

WE's lower jungle area has been completely cleared.

Then you will only have to choose between Frog Princess and Shadow Wolf!

When the imprint logo appeared above the head of the Demon Swamp Frog, Gu Xing smiled brightly.

The fifth floor is obtained!

Next, he wants Kandi to taste what pain is!

I have a conference today which is quite busy, so there will be less updates.

Jingdong looks really strong, it’s not on the same level as LNG.

6300 words, 17.48W.

This chapter has been completed!
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