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Chapter 281 281: Two Heavens of Ice and Fire!

"Now the development of the two output cores Jack and Smeb is quite good." Remember to think about the problem from the perspective of the disadvantaged RNG, and it is inevitable to be worried. "Especially Lucian, when the equipment is formed in the mid-term, it will bring a lot of trouble to the frontal battlefield.

huge stress!"

After Lu Xian is currently strengthened, the equipment plan is to destroy the black cut.

The one- to two-piece set will be quite powerful in the mid-stage, with multiple armor-piercing bonuses for percentage damage. The tank is like a piece of paper in front of him!

"Furthermore, Xiangguo's tailing tactic is a bit out of whack," Wawa felt that the situation was not good for RNG. "The disadvantages of this strategy are too obvious. As long as one mistake is made, all previous efforts will be wasted!"

This was the case with Kandi before.

Now the fragrant pot is making the same mistake again!

Liu Shiyu finally realized the advantages and disadvantages of his hunger strike style.

The presence in the early and mid-term is really strong.

But the problem is also outstanding.

First, as Wawa said, there is no room for error.

The second is that the development is too poor.

Hunger Strike relies on the experience catch-up mechanism to make up for its level loss in the jungle.

But the number of wild fields is too small!

You know, Gu Xing didn't have dirty soldiers at all in this game, it was just plain farming!

In order to block the experience-catching mechanism, Xiangguo himself deliberately wiped out the stone beetles and razorbills, which had a large number of wild monsters.

Even so, this set was only 10 minutes long, and he was already 28 dollars behind Gu Xing!

It can be seen how many wild monsters Liu Shiyu gave up!

Xiangguo's poodle economy has lagged behind the average level of everyone on the field, probably only slightly higher than the assistants Xiao Ming and Xiao Duan.

The carnivorous junglers that are popular in the current version can snowball because they rely on economy and level to support their combat effectiveness.

Liu Shiyu currently doesn’t even have a warrior jungle knife.

On the other hand, Gu Xing has many assists and a health tower economy.

If he rashly goes to the VG jungle to play tailback, Rek'Sai probably won't tolerate him at all, and it will be useless to directly deal damage to wild monsters and fight with incense pot!

The excavator now has a big hunting knife and a meat suit, and there are few opponents in the fight!

A more serious situation is that Gu Xing may in turn invade the RNG jungle area, relying on the level economic advantage, constantly harassing the poodle to expand the snowball!

There is only one way left for Liu Shiyu.

Continue the hunger strike to initiate Gank.

Now it is basically unrealistic to try to make up for the early gap through jungle farming.

Xiangguo must bet that he can catch someone.

Only in this way can we catch up with our development!

"The lion dog's ultimate move has improved, and I plan to find Lulu in the middle again..." I remember laughing, "The incense pot is just keeping an eye on Kuro to kill!"

After switching lanes, Smeb's Rambo is finishing up the damage in the bottom tower. The top duo is protected by the anti-theft door Braum, which is really difficult to catch.

Relatively speaking, mid laner Lulu without flash is indeed easier to catch.

The golden lion's eyes once again appeared on Zipi Garlic's head.

Kuro immediately chose to shake people.

"Save me!"

Gu Xing's response was quite quick, "I'm right behind you, hold on!"

The calm emotion revealed in his voice made Kuro feel at ease.

The moment the poodle jumped on his face, he put R [Wild Growth] on himself to increase his health and knock the opponent away.

Then give Rengar the sheep-changing skill, so that the incense pot can't hit the first set of output after landing.

Xiaohu moved the puppet to the head of the poodle.

R [Command: Shock Wave]!

With no flash and no means of movement, all Lulu could do was to put an E [Fantasy] shield on herself, hoping to reduce the damage she suffered as much as possible.

Fortunately, he has level 9 E and his shield value is not low, so he can resist the damage from Clockwork's ultimate move.

The doll's urgent explanation echoed in the venue.

"Xiangguo has recovered from his transformation into a sheep, but he didn't do enough damage!"

The hidden dangers of the hunger strike style are clearly reflected here.

Without equipment support, the poodle lacks sufficient output capability!

After Lulu was beaten by him, her blood volume was still less than half!

"Brother Xing is coming from behind!" I remember shouting loudly.

Rek'Sai had already taken out his mercury shoes and was running very fast.

Gu Xing had previously speculated on how Xiangguo would recover from the disadvantage. He concluded that the opponent did not dare to enter the jungle and could only capture people online.

Not sure of the opponent's route of action, Gu Xing squatted near the middle road, so that no matter which way he was caught, he would be there as soon as possible!

"RNG midfielder doesn't want to leave yet, they insist on killing Kuro!"

Xiangguo fights to the death and never retreats.

He knew that his life was worthless.

Changing the economy for Xiaohu is the right choice for RNG to make a comeback!

The middle and jungle duo relied on their first mover advantage to cripple Lulu, and Xiaohu finally used a clockwork set of QW to take away Kuro's head.

But Gu Xing knocked the incense pot into the air and tore the poodle's body into pieces with his sharp claws!

"One for one!" Wawa felt okay at first, "The jungler swaps the head of the mid laner, RNG can accept it..."

I remember there were different opinions, "But the jungle area is going to be wiped out by Brother Xing!"

The incense pot retained F6 and stone beetles. The original plan was to wipe out the two groups of camps when the level of the captured people fell behind, in order to trigger the experience catch-up mechanism to replenish the level.

With this wave of deaths, his first half is destined to be wiped out by Rek'Sai!

Gu Xing didn't understand how the other party played the hunger strike style.

But he knows it very well.

Just counter all your wild monsters.

You can't gain experience out of thin air if you don't have any wild resources to grind, right?

Xiangguo pursed his lips, feeling frustrated.

He knew that this wave of killing kills would only make his situation in the jungle worse.

But Liu Shiyu had to do this!

He will never sit still and wait for death, and will try as long as there is a chance of survival.

I would rather die standing than lose on my knees.

"Li Yuanhao is in trouble..." Xiangguo turned to look at the mid laner.

Xiaohu looked very stressed and bitter.

Gu Xing left the middle and headed up, taking him with him to threaten Uzi.

"The RNG duo can only retreat under the tower on the top lane!" I remember looking at Han Bing shivering in the previous tower, and then glancing at Uzi under the camera, "How can you beat a puppy like this?"

Uzi is feeling unhappy now.

It doesn't matter if your own jungler doesn't take care of you. After all, the combination of Ice + Karma is really not easy to match with the poodle.

But the opposite jungler comes to me again and again. Can my teammates play a role?

He is still far from the first completed piece of equipment.

Jack's Lu Xiandu is already ruined + Caulfield's war hammer is in hand!

How to play?

The more Wuzi thought about it, the angrier he became, and his face turned red, just like Guan Gong was alive.

"Brother Xing, if you don't kill wild monsters first, then try to launch a tower-crossing offensive against the RNG duo!" Remember to see through Gu Xing's idea, "It seems to be feasible, Braum is very frank now!"

Whether the support equipment is good or not depends on how many assists and kills he mixes.

Xiao Duanhun's assists and the gold coins given by the Holy Artifact Shield allowed him to make the burning gem.

Under the protection of the security door, it is absolutely amazing!

"RNG has no choice but to ask Letme to hand over the teleportation to protect the duo!"

Gu Xing waited for Letme to land before going back to clear the jungle safely.

In his opinion, Titan's teleportation is equal to an offensive opportunity. The headlock deterrence of R [Deep Sea Impact] is really powerful, and it is easy to cooperate with teammates to get kills.

This wave of forced Letme teleportation is equivalent to cutting off the enemy's subsequent comeback possibility!

Song Jinghao, as Gundam Bobby, did not have the ability to interrupt TP, so he had no choice but to let Titan leave the bottom lane.

He pushed the bottom line of troops over, and then went to the RNG lower jungle area to arrange the eye position.

Smeb guessed that the incense pot would come to the lower half after being resurrected, so he made arrangements in advance and used his vision to detect the opponent's movements.

Liu Shiyu is still some distance away from level 9. Without upgrading his body scan, he does not have the ability to clear the jungle wards!

"The poodle is armed with a clockwork, and wants to take advantage of Brother Xing's counterattack in the first half of the area to brush off the dragon!"

Xiangguo is now a pure image control tool person.

He has already thought about how to play during the team battle. He just brings a clockwork ball into the field, cuts into the formation and uses the double W to restore health and drag a wave, and it will be useless to die...

Liu Shiyu is thinking about his next move.

Then I saw rockets falling from the sky!

"Smeb's ultimate move came down overwhelmingly, sealing the Longkeng Pass!"

I remember that my tongue was shining like a lotus flower, and my voice was raised very high, "Kuro also rushed to the vicinity of Xiaolong Pit, and the middle and upper two completed the encirclement!"

The eye position arranged by Song Jinghao earlier came in handy.

Detect the movement of the incense pot one step ahead, and drag the newly resurrected Kuro here to surround the opponent!

"The damage of Rambo's ultimate move is too high, and the RNG midfielder can't handle it at all!"

Not to mention that the fire dragon in the Xiaolong Pit was still venting its anger all the time, spraying down the blood volume of the two of them!

Xiangguo gritted his teeth and told Li Yuanhao to run away quickly, while he stayed and continued to get the dragon.

Xiaohu had long wanted to withdraw.

After hearing Xiangguo's command, he ran away quickly without saying a word.

Seeing Smeb throwing a harpoon at him, Xiaohu had no choice but to hand over his flash evasion skills - otherwise he would easily be roasted to death by Rambo!

"Only Xiangguo is left alone in the dragon pit. He almost turned around after flashing, but now he can only let the other party slaughter him!"

Song Jinghao turned around and operated on the poodle with Kuro.

It's a pity that Rengar's double W [War Roar] regenerates blood too much. He let the incense pot last until the blood of the fire dragon was reached, and then took the dragon with the last punishment!

"The lion dog's head was taken by Rambo... RNG really doesn't make any money!" I remember feeling sad, "The fragrant pot was killed in two waves in a row, and the level was completely stretched!"

Now Liu Shiyu doesn't even have a chance to use the experience compensation mechanism.

Gu Xing completely controlled the first half.

There are only two camps in the lower half of the Xiangguo area, namely the Three Wolves and the Demon Marsh Frog.

You can only get 120 extra experience points after clearing it once!

In the mid-term when level promotion is becoming more and more difficult, this experience point compensation is nothing more than a drop in the bucket!

"Brother Xing is two levels ahead. He is currently roaming in the wild area and entering a state of doing whatever he wants!"

Wawa gushed, "Among the five RNG points, only Xiaohu has the lead. This game can only rely on his carry!"

2-0 clockwork, plus 15 minutes of development of $157.

Li Yuanhao can indeed serve as the core of the team.

It’s just that VG didn’t give it a chance at all.

"Jack W fires up the ferocious bullets and activates his ultimate move to shoot down the bloodline!"

Lucian has begun to show his strength.

The output of R [Baptism of the Holy Spear] is simply not something that the RNG duo can handle.

"Xiao Ming's ultimate move is cooling down..." I remember that I had sharp eyes and saw the R skill blacked out in Karma's status bar. "If he puts the acceleration effect of the E skill on Uzi, he will only suffer the consequences!"

One holy silver bullet took away Karma's health.

After triggering the movement speed bonus effect of Zealous Bullet, Lucian became arrogant!

Jack's ability to use his words to his advantage is far superior to that of the other Edicis, and he starts to inflict damage whenever he gets the chance.

"Uzi turned around and used magic crystal arrows to try to immobilize Lucian, but Xiao Duan was very protective and jumped in front of the shooter while holding up the security door to help him get the big move!"

Yu Wenbo almost scanned the whole place!

In the end, if Uzi hadn't used the healing technique to raise Xiao Ming's hand, Karma, who had 70% of his health, would have been killed directly!

"The stalemate on the top lane was broken, and the auxiliary's residual health could only return to the city. Uzi had to give up the previous tower!"

Gu Xing was not idle during this time either.

He went to disgust Xiaohu.

After confirming that the incense pot had not caught up with the level for a long time, Gu Xing was basically sure that the group of stone beetles were responsible for the trouble.

As long as you keep an eye on the wild monster and don't let the incense pot be brushed away easily, he can roll the snowball!

Feeling relieved, he went to the middle to clear the troops, and blocked his position to prevent Xiaohu from clearing troops casually.

He was not satisfied until Xiangguo was pulled on the line by Xiaohu to help protect it.

Gu Xing thought very clearly.

At present, RNG can only rely on clockwork to pull out good big moves to come back.

Therefore, how to restrict the clockwork is his core job.

Forcing Xiangguo to defend the line in the middle was Gu Xing's plan!

As a result, Xiaohu was forced to allocate his army experience to Xiang Guo, and it was difficult for Chongzhong to gain a level advantage over the entire field.

Then Li Yuanhao's power will be greatly weakened!

Moreover, binding Xiangguobian to Xiaohu online allows the upper and lower sides to play freely!

Gu Xing trusts his teammates very much.

The key is that when the lineup selected by RNG loses the jungler, the wing does not have any ability to fight VG!

Han Bing + Karma are still on the road. This lineup is mainly about consumption. If they fight to the end, they are obviously not as good as the VG duo.

What's more, Jack was fed two heads + a health tower by Gu Xing, and his equipment was fully maxed out.

Letme Titan fight Rambo in the bottom lane.

In a balanced game, Titan is Rambo's toy in the mid-game!

The main output skill E [Undercurrent] can't even break Rambo's shield. If you dare to step forward to exchange blood, you will be chased all the way!

The side can't open up the situation, and the middle field is restricted...

RNG is a complete backwater!

"The rhythm is completely controlled by Brother Xing. When the game ends depends on when he is ready to freeze his hands!"

The final stage of the transition period has arrived.

The duo moved to the middle, and the mid laner ran to the top lane to lead the lane development.

Gu Xing is even more at home!

Lucian + Braun firmly control the mid lane. As long as the ultimate move is good, a set of Holy Spear Baptism can cripple the opponent and radiate the jungle at any time.

With the help of the duo, Gu Xing only needs to keep a close eye on Xiaohu to be successful!

He happens to be in the upper half of the area, and can also guard the opponent's stone beetles, so that the incense pot has no chance to catch up with the level!

RNG also realizes that continuing to consume like this is simply tantamount to slow death.

They want to create a wave of opportunities to save the situation.

The rhythm point is Letme’s transmission!

"Titan ran from the bottom lane to the top lane, intending to seize the opportunity with a headlock!"

The knock-up effect of R [Deep Sea Impact] knocked Gu Xing into the air, and then connected with Clockwork Demon's ultimate move. The successive controls looked very bluffing.

But that's all.

Gu Xing has already made a ghost cloak, and combined with the mercury shoes from before, the magic resistance has been increased.

Under Lulu's protection, he withstood the first wave of RNG's offensive!

"Brother Xing is pulling back, dodging another golem shot by the wind-up..." I remember speaking very fast, "RNG will not give up until it achieves its goal, they must kill Rek'Sai!"

However, RNG soon paid the price for this wave of pursuit.

After teleporting, Smeb throws R [Constant Temperature Burning]!

Landry's torture + magic shoes, the damage of Rambo's ultimate move with both shoes in hand can only be described as terrifying!

"Xiaohu still wanted to kill Brother Xing, but Prince Duan came over!"

After gaining the line advantage, Xiao Duan's support speed was very fast.

With the help of RNG's exploding cones in the red zone, he arrived on the battlefield one step ahead of Shi Senming.

Flash forward, W [Stand Up] to connect with the security door, blocking the clockwork golem!

This scene immediately set off the atmosphere of watching the game, and there were endless cheers!

"Prince Duan's Braum is really ruthless!" Watanaru admired sincerely, "Brother Xing, who is still alive, was protected by him!"

The sudden outbreak of the team battle completely lost its suspense at this point.

Even if Xiao Ming came over and used the RE group shield to cover everyone's retreat, he still couldn't withstand the ability of Braum + Lulu to retain people.

In the end, Smeb easily scored a double kill, and only Shi Senming escaped alone!

"Rambo is going to be invincible. He also needs to make Zhonya's hourglass to increase his fault tolerance. RNG won't be able to defeat this Rambo in seconds!"

Smeb, who was formed in advance, quickly showed RNG what pain is.

In the 24-minute Baron team battle.

Gu Xing drilled through the tunnel and received a good flash and went straight into the enemy's formation.

Kuro's Lulu immediately followed up with her ultimate move.

The swollen Rek'Sai knocked three enemies into the air!

Braum raised his shield and moved forward, R [Glacial Fissure] followed with control!

For a moment, three RNG heroes were flying in the sky!

"Rambo's ultimate move is coming down... what kind of output is this?!" the doll couldn't help but screamed.

In an instant, the health of the three RNG people who were knocked away dropped by half!

RNG cannot withstand the damage caused by the three-piece Gundam Poppy!

The effects of constant-temperature burning rockets and glacial fissures are superimposed.

Like two heavens of ice and fire!

"RNG was defeated by three people in an instant. Only Uzi and Xiaohu's double C were still retreating, but Jack's follow-up output kept them!"

Yu Wenbo flashed up and slid forward, using the broken active effect to take a sip to keep Xiaohu.

Even though he was hit by Li Yuanhao's ultimate move and died instantly.

But it’s a foregone conclusion that Xiaohu will be left behind!

"Lulu's shining spear keeps up with the slow speed, and Brother Xing uses his big move to fly directly to the RNG red zone to circle behind!"

Rek'Sai appeared from behind, blocking RNG's double C's escape route!

Rambo flashed up to barbecue and took the two heads into his bag without hesitation.

"Smeb with four kills!" I remember being so excited that my face turned red and my neck thickened, "VG can try to end the game with one wave!"

There is no need to even close the dragon, with the help of a wave of artillery troops pushing forward on the road, they can drive straight in.

When VG advanced to the incisor tower position, RNG Ueno and Fu were able to revive.

They go to great lengths to limit each other.

But none of the three were harmed.

I can only watch helplessly as my main crystal is destroyed!

V5 is really a weakling in the playoffs, and its top and bottom lanes are really bad to a certain extent.

Can lights be so flattering?


In the past two days, I have been working during the day and watching games at night, which is indeed a bit less, I’m sorry.

I will reply to the normal update tomorrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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