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Chapter 315 315: Familiar friends

 The tickets provided by Riot Games are economy class by default, but the 30-hour long journey and the narrow seats are tantamount to torture for professional players who are already fragile.

Finally, Ding Jun made the decision to upgrade to a cabin and provide some blood to protect the condition of the team members.

He also solely paid for Allen Chu’s expenses.

Brother Long planned to come over to observe and see the daily work of the top coaching staff. When he was a player, he didn't care about these things at all, but now he has to carry VGP on his shoulders, which is a lot of pressure for him.

Gu Xing adjusted his sitting posture and did not forget to admire the scenery outside the window.

When the flight just took off, this feeling of freshness was particularly strong.

However, after leaving the Shanghai market completely and losing sight of the scattered lights on the ground, the clouds and ocean became the same.

Next to him, Yu Wenbo went to bed after eating, wearing a pair of eye patches with a Shiba Inu printed on them, and slumped in his chair.

Gu Xing's sleepiness was not obvious.

I turned on my phone and saw the safety message from my girlfriend and sister after they returned to school. I replied and had a few words.

While the two girls went to wash up and get ready to rest, he went to the post bar twice to browse out of boredom.

Someone in the Kangba posted a clip of his live broadcast today, and netizens were still laughing at Lin Weixiang's incredible operation, saying that the bull head was already as good as the silver segment.

[You look down on Silver, right? The most we can do is save lives and heal the wounded and send away the heroes with weak health on the opposite side, but we won’t harm our own teammates]

[There is a saying, Xia's strength is very high, and Xing Ge can carry Lin Weixiang's bull head. If it is true, it should be cut twice!]

[Xia: I have never provoked any of you, why does Brother Xing have anything to do with me? 】

[Coming to promote your anchor father again? Oh, it’s Brother Xing, that’s okay, I like to watch it too.]

During the offseason, the forums are filled with a lot of spammy posts. Although they have nothing to do with the content of the game, they are still interesting.

Gu Xing saw that someone posted various fanart pictures of the S6 champion skin on the Internet, including a picture of Qian Jue Yangling taking off his mask, and a group of people were shouting cuteness in the comments below.

He saved it with a backhand and loaded all the pictures of Zhang Qianjue into his mobile phone.

The champion skin has been online for a full week, and it is unclear how much the overall sales volume has been, but according to Jin Yibo, it has broken the record and become the best-selling skin in the series!

Gu Xing is full of expectations for the income sharing.

"Playoff microphone?" He unexpectedly saw a netizen reposting a video from VG's official blog.

Without saying anything else, just click in and jump to station B.

The video released two days ago has now been viewed more than 70W.

VG’s advantage of entering the video website early and starting operations has emerged, and they have sucked up most of the traffic in the League of Legends e-sports section!

Now the number of fans at Station B alone has reached one million!

Other teams saw that VG was in full swing and wanted to follow suit.

But the cake was almost taken away by VG, and the effect was very average.

As soon as Gu Xing clicked on the video, he saw dense and colorful barrages covering the interface.

Most of them are celebrating VG's victory in the Spring Split and their admission to the mid-season.

It has to be said that Ding Jun really paid a lot in order to get the traffic cake, and even hired a professional team to carry out video packaging and editing.

At present, the classification of club videos is very clear.

For example, the type that records players’ daily training life and competition day process is called V-log, and the voice column is called Voice microphone...

Combine it with VG elements as much as possible, and you will be much stronger than other clubs at the beginning.

Gu Xing saw the VG team logo gradually disappearing, and then his own voice from the match came from the earphones.

This feeling is very strange.

Without post-marking, he could recall the approximate time.

Before the first set of the final started, the VG players were still chatting in the players’ box.

Gu Xing saw that he was constantly adjusting the height of the armrests of the gaming chair and took the time to make a joke.

"Jack, you're not going to roll out the red carpet again today, are you?" He listened to the faint cheers coming from the audience and made fun of his own ADC.

Yu Wenbo was very dissatisfied, "Don't be embarrassed, I clearly won my first victory before I went to bed!"

Duan Deliang then added, "That's all my credit, okay? If it hadn't been for holding us in double row, I would have had to kneel down before the final started!"

"There's nothing wrong with kneeling," Jack tried to argue. "The harder I punish you in ranking, the more stable my game will be. Do you understand?"

The barrage burst into laughter.

[It really made Jack understand. Give more heads in the qualifying match first, so that the finals will be safe]

[Is what I’m watching a fake final? I’ve obviously died several times! 】

[There is no harm without comparison. Compared with Jack’s previous style, which was like fighting with an electric baton to win the game, it was ridiculously stable; compared with his brother-in-law who would definitely die twice in every laning period, it was also stable!

[Brother-in-law, that’s really not a gift. R(Japan)N(You)G(Brother), who can withstand Brother Xing’s weird gank route? 】

Gu Xing felt happy when he saw someone praising him. After watching the barrage, he continued to play the video.

The microphone program is very long but does not seem protracted, and it is full of entertainment.

In addition to Gu Xing's superb situational insight and the execution ability of the players themselves during each team battle, the continuous cheers of celebration after the victory are also exciting to hear.

In addition, each player shows his or her own unique side in voice.

After Smeb kills the opponent, he will immediately claim credit in his voice, "It doesn't matter if I kill him or not, ah?!"

Shout out every time you kill someone.

The club's post-production wizards even edited together Gu Xing's replies.

The result is that the audience can clearly feel the whole process of Gu Xing from the initial excitement to the final perfunctory response, with each tone getting lower and lower.

The barrage filled the screen and flew across 233.

Xiao Duan seems to be honest, but he also talks a lot when communicating with acquaintances.

"Yu Wenbo, please be careful where you move... Why are you picking up Q again? The opponent's skills are so good?"

"I'll go, Yu Wenbo, can you stand a little further back? I can't even protect you!"

"Yu Wenbo, hurry up and come back to defend the line. Binxuan on the other side is about to enter the tower!"

The editing combines allegorical and textual sounds together, which sounds quite demonic and brainwashing, comparable to ghost videos.

Many netizens also described Duan Deliang in the barrage as an old father who worries about his reckless young children.

With a smile on his face, Gu Xing unknowingly saw the end.

Unexpectedly, the ending is all about Kuro.

"Sui Gu, come and collect troops, I'll go back to the city to supply supplies!" Li Ruixing urged his jungler.

Similar scenes occurred a total of 7 times in the spring finals, all of which were cut out by VG and posted online!

Gu Xing suddenly realized that Kuro's tone could even be described as flattering.

When he was playing the game, the situation was so tense that he didn't even think about such issues.

I didn't expect Li Ruixing to be so humble.

Kuro's frequency of playing jungle is extremely high. When he was freed from the lane, he would move closer to the jungle when he had nothing to do and support Gu Xing with his own actions.

When he was in trouble, he would feed the economy to Gu Xing. Every time he passed by the jungle area when he went online, he would also deliberately break up the jungle area with walls so that Gu Xing could quickly clear the jungle without any pressure.

It’s nothing short of meticulous!

Not only that, the scene where Gu Xing gives Kuro a sharp beak to help him advance to level 6 is also shown in the video.

When Li Ruixing hesitated in the face of the jungler's generous donation and said, "Isn't this good?", netizens went crazy with joy.

The number of barrages in the entire video peaks at the end of the voice session.

In the third set of the final, VG tortured WE with 131 points of push, constantly completing the push work on the upper and lower wings, and demolishing one defensive tower after another.

WE couldn't bear the humiliation and chose to use Baron Nash to force VG to return to defense from the sideline.

At that time, Gu Xing's command was to hold the front three back, allowing the single line Ryze + Qinggang Shadow to directly lead through the opponent's base.

Jack fell quickly and was one of the few sudden deaths in the finals.

However, Gu Xing's Mantis pounced down and used his level advantage to bluff Kandi, forcing Qian Jue's R [Sheep Spirit Breath].

In 4 seconds, the two people who split push VG can take the opportunity to go straight to Huanglong and try to bulldoze the WE main crystal!

After the therapeutic effect of Sheep Spirit Resurrection wore off, Gu Xing's blood volume dropped rapidly.

There was also a rare panic in the voices within the VG team, with various voices mixed together.

Jack acted as the commander of the fountain, asking his teammates to be steady in front of the black and white monitor - the main reason was that he had died in battle, otherwise he would still rush ahead than anyone else.

After returning to Quanshui, his smart IQ has taken over the high ground, and he can be called the most stable player in the VG team.

Gu Xing and Xiao Duan were cheering for their teammates, allowing the middle and top two to work together to quickly demolish the base and win the game.

Smeb even shouted out various meaningless words to vent the turbulent thoughts in his heart.

In the chaotic voice environment, Kuro, who has always been known for his calmness and stability, suddenly shouted at the top of his voice.

"Hurry up, Pin Gu is going to die!"

The screams that broke the sound were sincere and heartfelt.

VG's voice went quiet for a while, and everyone was probably shocked by Li Ruixing's voice.

At the last moment before Gu Xing's death, Kuro finally cleared the health bar of the WE main crystal!

The special effects of the shattered base, coupled with the flickering lights in the Olympic Sports Center at that time, brought Gu Xing on the plane back to Nanjing two weeks ago.

The VG post-processing skills used to produce the video really have two brushes, rendering the picture extremely passionate.

After seeing the victory sign, the five players burst into laughter until their ecstatic expressions were completely recorded by the camera, and the scene of the whole team embracing enthusiastically was shown at the end of the microphone column.

This was the first time for Gu Xing to see this clip, and he had a strong sense of immersion.

But what worries him more is the comments from netizens.

Countless bullets were densely packed on the screen.

[Brother Xing, your family member calls you over to take the line! 】

[Rem, why does Kuro play so selflessly? 】

[Brother Xing is really lucky. In S6, he cooperates with Easyhoon, the top development monster, who is the top mid-level late-stage magic core; in S7, he becomes Kuro, who eats grass and milks cows, and roams infinitely to take care of the jungle. Two extreme styles of mid laners take turns to serve him. Brother Xing, can we have less blessings like this?】

[Kuro: Don’t you understand? Hundreds of good deeds and filial piety come first! 】

[It’s amazing, I’ve only seen the jungler act like a dog to the mid laner, but this is the first time I’ve seen the mid laner frequently give way to the jungler’s lane. Kuro is simply a shame to the mid laner!]

Gu Xing took a screenshot of the interesting comment and saved it. When his girlfriend sent him a good night emoticon, he simply replied and then turned off his phone and fell asleep.

Even if you upgrade to business class, the seat space will be improved to a certain extent.

But the 30-hour journey was still not easy.

After a brief stop in Dubai, Gu Xing returned to his seat before he had a good rest and headed to his final destination of Rio.

When he landed, he felt an unbearable soreness in his back. Fortunately, he was young and in good health, so he felt much lighter after some exercise.

But red rice is a bit hard to beat.

His hands were covering the area near his waist, his expression was very painful.

Jack kneaded it twice and started to gloat, "Hongmi, your physical fitness is not good either. Don't Koreans serve in the military?"

After listening to the translation, Hongmi immediately refuted Yu Wenbo's point of view, "I'm 33 years old, okay? I've almost completed 10 years of military service. Who can withstand sitting all the way to Brazil?"

Vincent has already contacted his colleagues at Riot Games’ Brazilian branch. He is an enthusiastic mixed-race young man. He introduced himself and asked everyone to call him Rafa, which sounded like a sports car.

"Let's go to the hotel first and try not to stay outside for too long. It's already very late and it's not very safe here." Vincent began to create a tense atmosphere.

Upon seeing this, Jin Wenhyuk quickly organized everyone to hold up the team flag and take a group photo.

"Don't be nervous, okay? Under normal circumstances, the security here is indeed not as good as in East Asia," Rafa said, fully understanding the sensitivity of his colleagues, "But it's not too bad. As long as we act as a team, no one will come after us."

"Besides, we still have companions...they are here!" Rafa's voice was full of energy.

When Gu Xing turned around, he was attacked with a bear hug.

"Long time no see, Virtue!" Jankos's thick-accented English contained full of joy.

"Four baskets, here comes your daddy!" Imp Mahakala wore a pair of sunglasses, dyed red hair, and opened his mouth as if he was cosplaying a rat's "Domineering" skin.

Ju Shengbin greeted Gu Xing and others in turn, and then ran to Hongmi who was holding his waist and grinning.

"Hey, isn't this red rice?" He looked up and down, "I haven't seen you for half a year, why are you like this?"

There was a lot of ridicule in his tone.

"Get out of here!" Hongmi waved her hand, "Have you ever talked to me like this?"

"You're from the LPL and you still want to take charge of the LCS.EU? You're just daydreaming!" Ju Shengbin looked up to the sky and laughed, his posture was extremely arrogant, as if he was saying, "What can you do to me?"

Gu Xing looked at Imp's flashy luxury clothes and the shiny diamond-encrusted watch on his wrist, and felt that even if there were more people on his side, he might attract robbers.

"My idol Virtue!" Ah P, who was short in stature, had a contagious smile and stepped forward to give Gu Xing a hug.

All members of G2 were present, and even boss Carlos came to supervise the battle. It was obvious that he was very confident in the strength of the team and believed that they had the ability to compete for the championship.

Madlife and substitute Beryl were whispering next to each other.

Gu Xing had met the legendary veteran Madlife at the All-Stars before, and he was so senior that even Li Zhixun had to go over and say hello in a soft voice.

This is the first time I've met the little substitute.

The other party wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses and has a youthful and handsome face, which gives people a very smart first impression.

Rafa helped take photos of G2 with the camera.

Imp shouted arrogantly during the countdown to the group photo, "The champions are here, let's see how they beat all their opponents!"

Smeb was full of displeasure, "Assi...you bastard, you really don't take VG seriously!"

After he won the spring championship, he once made bold remarks in a club interview program, claiming that going to Brazil to bring the trophy back was a routine task and not a rare thing.

Song Jinghao has already regarded the mid-season championship as his own.

Now that I see Imp being so arrogant, I naturally want to criticize him.

Rafa returned the camera to Carlos, the owner of G2, and then boarded the bus with two teams and prepared to return to the hotel.

"Longzhu won't arrive until noon tomorrow. Let's check in first and take a look at the training room..."

He spoke fluent English, and Vincent translated it into Chinese.

Gu Xing was leaning against the window and was about to ensure the safety of his family and girlfriend, when Perkz sat down next to him and enthusiastically explained the interesting things he encountered during the spring game.

"FNC got a new mid laner named Caps this year. He looks like Mr. Bean. The media trumpeted him as the new generation king of Europe. I thought he was so strong. But in the playoffs, I was defeated by me three times and five times.

I sent it away as happily as chopping vegetables!”

Ah P was still aggrieved when he said this, "The Internet is talking about the new Dharma King. I haven't retired yet, okay?"

Gu Xing looked at Perkz with helplessness in his eyes, "Why is it that no one is bragging about you? Don't you have any idea..."

Ah P’s current reputation is not good, and it’s basically his fault.

The S6 mid-season tournament missed the knockout stage, and the S5 world stage was still very successful, but the EU division, which had two seats in the semi-finals, was instantly defeated.

More importantly, G2 was overwhelmed by North American CLG!

This undoubtedly touched the back of European audiences.

The EU division loses to China, Hanwu and Wu, but they just can’t lose face in front of NA!

This is what Europeans think of themselves as old aristocrats.

When it came to the World Championship, G2 won the summer championship again. After arriving in the United States, they were eliminated in the top 16 group stage and were even beaten by C9.

The faces of European players were all humiliated by G2!

10% off on spring and summer double crowns?

G2's sluggishness throughout the year has not only made European audiences feel that this is a phantom god who is an expert in civil war and an outsider in foreign wars, but even audiences in China, South Korea and other places also think that this is a soft-footed shrimp.

Even during last winter's transfer period, Ah P performed an astonishing 1-and-4 kick, changed all the players on the team, and even brought in the strongest top and jungle combination in Europe.

But the audience doesn't think highly of him.

Most of them are about competition soft-footed shrimps and the like.

It can be called the trumpet Clearlove7. They are at least in the top eight every year, and they can still guarantee the bottom of the group.

Perkz can't even do this!

In addition, FNC is a traditional European e-sports giant, so it is reasonable for media audiences to praise the newly talented mid laner Caps.

Ah P was still moaning and expressing his dissatisfaction, "When I go back to the summer split and continue to tease him, what a Caps, I'm going to beat him into Craps!"

Gu Xing couldn't help but wish Perkz's dream would come true.

Turn around and enjoy the night view of Rio de Janeiro.

Like most cities, this place is bustling with lights and entertainment. After all, it is one of the largest cities in South America, and its size is here.

Gu Xing originally wanted to see the statue of Christ on the Rio Mountain, but unfortunately the bus was not going along the way and took them directly to the Grand Hyatt Hotel.

But the opportunity came the next day.

Riot Games is going to shoot a promotional video for the mid-season and will bring the entire VG team in front of the most famous statue of Jesus Christ in Corcovado.

"It's pretty amazing..." Jack looked up at the magnificent statue in front of him, holding up his camera and taking pictures.

Gu Xing estimated that the statue of Jesus must be thirty or forty meters high, and could reach 10 stories high.

It lowers its head and overlooks all living things, and its arms are like outstretched wings, protecting the city of Rio below the mountain.

The statue of Christ faces the majestic Atlantic Ocean with rippling blue waves. Everything looks quiet and beautiful.

Everything seemed peaceful.

As a result, not long after returning to the hotel training room, Jin Wenhyuk, who had originally planned to buy a sandwich, came back crying and reported that his wallet had been stolen.

"How disgusting!" He was very angry. "What kind of disaster am I? I was robbed in Chicago and stolen in Brazil!"

"1,000 reais!"

Converted, it’s about 1,200 RMB.

"I told you not to go out and wander around. You have to listen to Rafa..." Gu Xing logged into the Brazilian server account given by Riot Games and turned around to comfort him, "But it's okay. As long as everything is fine."

"Originally I wanted to find some steak sandwiches for you," Jin Wenhe explained, "I think the food in the hotel is too monotonous. It's okay to try a few black beans, but it's probably hard to accept it if you eat it every day."

He said this and sighed again, feeling sad for the money he had lost.

But his head coach's unusual behavior immediately attracted Jin Wenhyuk's attention.

"Hongmi, don't move, I'll help you!" He ran behind Hongmi and pushed him to the middle of the training room with a small wheelchair.

The players were not yet involved in training. When they looked back and saw Hongmi's appearance, they immediately burst into laughter.

"Why have you become a wheelchair user?" Gu Xing muttered.

"I really don't have much trouble..." Homme saw the expressions of the team members and felt that the team leader was making a fuss.

He slept well last night and went for a massage after getting up. Now his back pain symptoms have been reduced by half.

"That's not okay!"

Seeing that Hongmi wanted to stand up straight, Jin Wenhyuk pushed him back with a slap.

"If it relapses again, there's no way you won't be on stage as BP in the group stage, right?" The team leader reasoned, "I finally asked Vincent to borrow a wheelchair from a hotel, so just sit there honestly!"

Hongmi couldn't resist him and quickly asked the players to turn around and listen to the lecture.

"This mid-season tournament is using version 7.8. Except for Xia Luo who cannot play, there are not many updates..."

He handed the information in his hand to Mr. Hou and distributed it to the team members in turn.

"One of the more critical links is the weakening of the auxiliary position Malzahar. The basic armor has been cut by two points. The health of the ethereal spirits summoned by W [Void Swarm] has also been reduced. The strength of the auxiliary position has been cut by one point.

Big cut."

Previously, Grasshopper's support relied on the powerful consumption ability of the Netherfire Touch, coupled with the endless swarm of Void Insects.

Now chop off Malzahar's frankness with one knife, and chop off the proud consumption with another knife.

It can be expected that Grasshopper will directly change from a T1 support to a marginal figure in the professional arena!

"In addition, Titan has also been killed," Hongmi said happily, "which is good news for us!"

The rise of a tough team-fighting character like Titan in the second half of the Spring Split is not a good thing for VG.

They prefer to use the mid-auxiliary swing system to pull, creating single-band space for Smeb.

Titan's team-building methods are mindless. The head-locking attack of R [Deep Sea Impact] can easily launch a frontal offensive and destroy the opponent's single-band system!

Moreover, Jack is indeed more afraid of Titans due to his own attribute limitations.

Now that the fist has been weakened, Redmi is overjoyed!

Smeb was happy, "Then we can play split push again!"

Gu Xing guessed from the side, "But this weakening is not only good for us, it will also be a great enhancement for Longzhu."

Dragon Ball is a typical top half team.

The combination of Khan+Little Peanut+BDD is invincible in the Korean league, crushing almost all teams!

Among them, Khan's strong single belt is the most deadly.

It is worth mentioning that the second half of the LCK Spring Split took a completely opposite path from the LPL.

A group of e-sports giants in the Korean League can't stand the outsider Longzhu. They firmly believe that their own style of play is the essence of LCK, so they specialize in how to crack LZ split push.

Finally, a strong opening system was developed using heroes such as Titan as the starting point of attack.

The LPL had no brainers to trust VG, which won the first championship in league history, and followed their soft-assist system.

However, with the weakening of standalone heroes such as Jayce and Qinggangying, the remaining murlocs and Shen are not considered purely offensive top laners, so the split-push strategy will inevitably become obsolete.

Now that Titan has been weakened and Galio has been added, whether it will change the top lane environment still depends on the training games.

"There are almost zero changes to the shooter and midfielder positions," Hongmi described his opinion. "There will basically not be many changes to the ADC. Personally, I still prefer to focus on the roles such as Bing Bing, Verus, and Policewoman.

War fervor improves combat effectiveness in the later stage, and it also has certain functionality in the early stage."

"I dare not draw any conclusions about the midfielder. After all, these two off-tempo positions can greatly affect the game environment. At the same time, they will also be affected by the environment and be forced to complete changes." He expressed a conservative view.

Jack raised his hand to ask questions at the right time.

"I saw there is a play-in tournament this time at MSI. Can we learn something?"

Hongmi replied without hesitation.

"It has certain reference value, but it cannot be our main tool for judging versions, because their level is so poor that it is not advisable to learn from them all."

This year MSI added a play-in tournament mechanism for the first time.

The spring champions of the eight wild card divisions were divided into two groups to fight, and in the end only the top team in the group could advance to the knockout stages of the play-in stage.

They will face the champions of North America and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan respectively, and the winner will directly advance to the main draw.

There will be another BO5 game between the losers, and the winner will get the last ticket to the main game.

Riot's original intention is to give wild cards more opportunities to compete with top teams in order to improve the overall competitive level of the division.

However, in Hongmi's view, due respect can be given, and objective facts must be acknowledged.

The strength of this group of wild cards is simply poor.

The miracle of ANX last year is difficult to replicate. Most of the wild card participating teams are at the level of LSPL champions at best!

With these strengths competing in the finals, what version of information can be researched?

Just as Hongmi was emphasizing the focus of the next training, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Who?" Jin Wenhe didn't know why.

A group of old acquaintances were standing outside the door.

"Xing Guo, I want you to die!" Xiao Huahua smiled broadly and rushed in and punched Gu Xing on the shoulder.

Everyone in Dragon Ball Sentai was tired from traveling, and their suitcases were placed in the corridor.

"Wanghu, what do you mean, don't you ask me first when you come in?" Smeb, who was near the door, stood up and pretended to be serious and asked.

"You're showing off to me now, aren't you?" Little Peanut was not afraid of Song Jinghao at all, "Get out of the way quickly and don't stop me from talking to Xingguo!"

The lounge instantly became lively.

The G2 players next door also came over to chat.

Now the rest of the teams participating in the qualifying rounds are still fighting in Sao Paulo, and there are only three of them in the Rio hotel.

But all I could see were familiar IDs.

The three teams combined, excluding the three newcomers Khan, BDD, and Beryl, and the veteran Madlife.

The remaining 12 team members are all contestants of the S6 World Championship!

Among them, all members of the old VG and ROX are here!

"Take a photo and post it online," Xiaoyang said excitedly, taking the camera, "I want to show it off!"

There are still a few days left before the start of MSI, which is relatively comfortable.

There are also many opportunities for players to get closer.

Gu Xing became a favorite in everyone's eyes, and everyone wanted to chat with him.

"Everyone, give me a like!" Jankos uploaded several group photos to social media and urged the players to help promote it.

Gu Xing opened his phone and took a look. The first picture was a photo of himself and Jankos.

Xiaoyang also expressed a thought: [The first and most meaningful thing every time I participate in a world competition in the future is to ask Virtue for a photo!]

There is an extra little peanut in the second picture.

Peanut's chestnut hair color limited edition continues to the mid-season stage. The height and body restrictions make him look harmless and cute.

In the group photo, Little Peanut stands at the front, followed by two tall men, Gu Xing and Jankos.

The three of them looked directly into the camera and made funny faces.

Jankos explained with words, [The three wild kings of S6 reunite, let the world see our dominance! 】

The three of them can be said to be the mainstays of today's League of Legends jungle positions in various regions.

Both performance and strength are excellent.

Outstanding talent can ensure the length of their careers.

Gu Xing liked it and posted two pictures on Weibo.

One is a group photo of VG and ROX during the S6 World Championship.

At that time, Grandma Hui Xiaohuahua and the high-spirited Gu Xing were surrounded by stars and moons.

The second is another group photo taken just now.

This time, Hou Ye and Zhu Xiaolong changed into suits, and many players also changed their clubs.

But everyone still had bright smiles on their faces.

The two photos are placed together, and the traces of time are clearly revealed on Imp's body - this guy has gained a full two pounds.

The number of Gu Xing's fans is shown here. It happened to be late at night in China when he posted on Weibo. Many night owls were extremely active and the comments were refreshed quickly.

[This time MSI is played by players from these two teams again, why is it always you? 】

[Among the top four teams last year, only SKT didn’t come, hehe]

【Imp dyeing his hair red is too provocative, will he return to the non-mainstream? 】

[You can’t understand it at first glance. S4Imp is a red-haired man who won the championship. He is a believer in metaphysics]

[Puff, why did it become like this? OMP, right? I thought it was Uzi at first]

Gu Xing deliberately read the last few comments to Imp.

"How can I be C if I am not fat?" Ju Shengbin said confidently.

Just as Gu Xing was about to answer the call, he saw Beryl walking up to him and embarrassedly holding his cell phone and asking for a photo in English.

Naturally, he had no reason to refuse and stood side by side with Beryl with a smile on his face.

Hongmi watched a dozen contestants chatting animatedly, and then turned her attention to the fat guy in a suit who entered the door last.

The other party's ID is unpretentious in Korea.


My real name is Jin Jingzhu.

The relationship between the two is pretty good.

Mainly because they have a common teacher, Edgar.

In terms of seniority, Hongmi is still considered a senior.

He studied under Edgar in the S4 season.

Kim Jung-soo was the assistant coach of Samsung in the S6 season.

After the transfer period arrived, in order to seek further development, he left for the new team Longzhu.

Who could ever dream of soaring into the sky!

The two coaches, both of whom were well-established in the Samsung Galaxy, didn't talk much and just nodded to show politeness.

However, when Jin Jingzhu saw the wheelchair under Hongmi, there was still a look of doubt in his eyes.

Where are you role-playing Professor X here?

There will be three LPL games tomorrow. How many do you think you can win?

The author feels that two games count as a success, and winning all three games counts as Tianhu's start.

8100 words, 5.35W

This chapter has been completed!
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