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328: Sitting on the mountain to watch the tiger fight!

 "To be fair, g2 and Longzhu are inseparable, which is definitely a good thing for us..."

In the vg training room of the hotel, Hongmi was having a conversation with the players after their daily duels.

Hearing that the two stumbling blocks on the road to winning the championship were fighting tonight, his tone was tinged with a hint of smile.

I wish my opponents could fight harder so that they could reveal all of each other's hidden tricks.

Dragon Ball and G2 are at serious internal friction, and the one who will benefit will be VG!

The employees in the training department were also overjoyed.

"Our next task is to keep first place in the group," Gu Xing continued following the coach's words, "try to avoid them in the semifinals and easily advance to the finals!"

"It's not difficult," Smeb answered with a smile, "As long as you control the losses within 2 games, you will be firmly at the top of the list!"

Now that the two powerful enemies are competing against each other, vg's ranking situation is extremely optimistic.

As long as they don't make mistakes, they have the initiative!

Hongmi thinks so too.

"Everyone works harder in the next few games. If we win the weak team steadily, it will be considered a success. With our ability, this should be regarded as a basic operation..."

He encouraged the team members with a few words and then brought the topic back to yesterday's showdown with Dragon Ball.

On the previous match day, after vg played Dragon Ball, they faced their first opponent in the second round, Flash Wolves. Riot Games was determined to get enough traffic from vg, so they arranged the game for the last game of the day.

After winning the game and finishing the interview, we returned to the hotel where we were staying. Time no longer allowed Hongmi to have a special meeting.

Then he moved the content to today.

"I asked Jack about his problem after the game yesterday. Next, instead of talking about operations, we will talk about our impressions of Dragon Ball."

Gu Xing offered some suggestions, "It is indeed quite strong, and its early firepower is very strong. Peanut can use the lane rights created by his teammates with his own strength to carry out wild area invasion or gank, and the effect is very good."

In Longzhu, only the players in the bottom lane are weak in laning, but they are also top-notch and will never be held back.

The mid-to-upper level is even more world-class strength.

As a jungler, Gu Xing naturally knows what is needed most in this position.

Line rights.

Of the five positions in the league, no one has more lane power than the jungler!

Every invasion, gank, and map control to obtain neutral resources is inseparable from the line rights of teammates, and will directly affect the team's support speed.

Sometimes teammates on the line do not have lane rights, so the jungler needs to go to help, which tests the players' coordination and linkage abilities.

Longzhu is better, as long as they have normal BP, they can achieve a situation where the upper middle and lower lanes are advantageous and the bottom lane is flat.

Little Peanut directly saves the key step of helping the three teammates to create line rights. The first step is to link up the line and field to launch an offensive towards the opponent!

This is the core factor that allows Longzhu to lead all other teams in early offensive rhythm!

"Quie," Mr. Hou fell into deep thought and subconsciously clicked the ballpoint pen in his hand, "Dragon Ball was extremely aggressive in the early stage. Even if we got two heads through five packs of two in the bottom lane, it would only be a stop loss. If it weren't for the small

Gu put on a show in the wild area, but the result is really hard to say..."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

If that wave of Gu Xing didn't rely on hard control to spin the Dragon Ball around in the wild, wasting all the enemy's flash and ultimate moves, but was directly killed by the little peanut in seconds, no one could say what would happen next!

Perhaps Dragon Ball quickly encroached on the VG jungle area, allowing the little peanut to do evil, and then radiated the mid-lane rights, further controlled the map through vision control, and finally won the game.

A brief review of the game against Longzhu revealed that even though vg pushed flat all the way after gaining the advantage, it seemed that their ability to snowball was invincible.

But it’s also extremely dangerous!

If you are not careful, you may lose everything!

Hongmi looked at Kuro, "Rui Xing, I've discovered your problem a long time ago. Your opponent often seizes the opportunity to give you first blood in the early stage."

"Fortunately, after the sprint is weakened, you like to bring teleportation, otherwise sometimes you will collapse in the early stage just because you lose your life!"

Fortunately, in the LPL, there are not many powerful junglers in the league, and Kuro can often provide early warning and avoidance.

But on the stage of the mid-season, the opponent's strength instantly increased by several levels!

For example, in the games against Dragon Ball and G2, when Kuro faced fierce wild kings like Peanut and Jankos, he always started with first blood!

Li Ruixing is also an experienced player and has long been aware of his own flaws.

He had a look of helplessness on his face, "I don't want to either, but the jungler on the opposite side always grabs nests, and the gank route is ridiculous every time. What can I do?"

There were bursts of gloating laughter in the training room.

All we can say is that this is the direction of the version.

There are currently two branches of top laners - tank-type functional characters led by Shen and Galio, and heroes such as AD flow Kennen who emphasize single-player and split-push.

The former is of no use, as you can't count on tank tanks to carry the game; the latter is worth helping, but it doesn't have strong and stable control, and it was difficult for junglers to get kills in the early stages.

The situation in the bottom lane is even more obvious. Either Lulu Karma is a soft support, or Blountam is a protective support. Pure output support like Zyra is becoming increasingly rare.

Although these supports have the ability to cooperate with the jungle, they are not strong.

What's more, the duo on the opposite side has four summoner skills, making it easy to escape!

Nowadays, the most popular characters in the jungle are male guns and blind monks. Their ganking ability before level 6 is really average. If you grab the bottom lane, you will face the dilemma of not being caught.

After thinking about it, only the middle lane is most suitable for early action.

If the midfielder and jungler bring double thunder, it will definitely be no problem to use the damage burst to kill people!

At the same time, facing a team like vg that likes to play with the midfielder and roam together, restricting kuro in the middle is also a very correct and reasonable choice, which can disrupt vg's subsequent tactical arrangement.

This causes Kuro to bear the brunt of the attack and is often used as a breakthrough point by the opponent.

Hongmi knows the reason and tries to give its own suggestions.

"How about you stay more stable in the first three levels? It's okay to temporarily hand over the middle route to your opponent. Once Xiao Gu has a certain combat effectiveness, he can protect you at any time."

Kuro did not agree directly, but first looked at Gu Xing, wanting to ask for his jungler's opinion.

If from the perspective of taking into account his own safety, Hongmi would not have to say anything, and he would just grow up obscenely for a while.

But Li Ruixing believed that he spent all his efforts to seize lane rights in the first three levels mainly to take care of the jungle and prevent Gu Xing from suffering losses in the jungle.

How can your own life be as important as the jungler's development?

Gu Xing thought for a moment, "We still have to analyze the specific situation..."

"In the future, I will communicate more with Rui Xing. If the opponent is the kind of midfielder combination that is difficult to interfere with me in the early stage, you will be forced to release the lane to maintain development; otherwise, you will still seize the lane rights, and I will pay more attention to protecting the middle.


Although vg is in a winning streak with high morale, this does not mean that the team does not have problems.

Gu Xing is quite humble. Even though he has become a leader in the current world, he is not so proud and complacent that he thinks there are no loopholes in his style of play.

Just like Hongmi pointed out that Kuro has often been attacked by the enemy jungler in the first three levels recently and received first blood. He felt that he did not take good care of the opponent's jungler and gave early warning signals in time. He was more or less 1/3 responsible.

A winning streak will boost morale, but it will also hide many potential flaws.

Now the team is in good shape, the team is getting better and better, and its own tactics are very suitable for the version. Even if there is a problem, it will not affect the overall situation, and vg can still win the game.

But what if the status fluctuates in the future and the version doesn’t match?

When the time comes, these hidden flaws will explode one after another!

If that day comes, vg will have to pay an extremely heavy price if it wants to make up for the loopholes!

Therefore, Gu Xing now wants to check for leaks and fill them up, and try to fix all the previous loopholes as much as possible.

This way, once the team faces difficulties in the future, there will be fewer problems to deal with.

He can be considered as planning ahead - after all, he has transformed from a spectator into a professional player and has a deep understanding of League of Legends e-sports.

In six years, no team has won consecutive championships.

A careful comparison will reveal that skt in s5 is already considered the best among the best. It won the spring championship and msi championship in the next year, but finally fell short of the world championship finals.

The curse of winning the S-League championship hangs over the heads of each team like a nightmare.

Gu Xing also doesn’t know how far vg can go this year.

He can only do his best.

After Kuro heard the solution given by his jungler, he immediately started the chicken pecking mode, "I think the method of selling customers is good, let's do this in the future!"

Hongmi was very reassured by Gu Xing's execution ability and turned to look at all the team members in the room.

"Yesterday's game against Longzhu, it was obvious that the opponent was using a pure rush system. They wanted to use the middle, upper and jungle rush tactics of Fox, Kled and Lee Sin to overwhelm our formation."

He turned to look at analytical problems from a more macro perspective.

"By seizing the right to the middle route and arranging vision in the jungle, we nipped the possibility of the opponent charging in the cradle. In the end, we only allowed Longzhu to succeed once, and we suppressed it through successful teamfight cooperation..."

The words and expressions used by Hou Ye in translation are becoming more and more localized, which can be easily accepted by Gu Xing and others.

Now, relying on his richer experience in professional events, he has successfully squeezed out Jin Wenhyuk's translation work, allowing him to safely serve as the team leader and in charge of logistics work.

"Everyone has done a pretty good job, but what deserves our attention is that Dragon Ball does not only have this set of tactics." Hongmi tapped on the whiteboard and used her voice to attract the attention of the team members.

"Their real powerful tactics are the side split push with Khan as the center, and the 131-point push with bdd," he emphasized. "Relying on this system, Longzhu is invincible in the LCK civil war!"

The players know this very well.

Longzhu showed strong enough to win the championship as early as the middle of the LCK Spring Split.

In addition, most of the team members are old acquaintances, so vg members usually watch Longzhu games.

Naturally, I am very familiar with their tactics.

"My plan is to use BP to force the opponent to choose a single-band system when we face Longzhu in the second round of the group stage," Hongmi said. "Let's see if we can win the game with conventional solutions."

"If we can win, it will be much easier to face Longzhu in the knockout round. The opponent's best system has been broken, and we have a huge advantage; even if we lose the game, we can collect samples for subsequent research and response!


In fact, it turned out that they relied on personal relationships and the outstanding strength of the team. They often trained with Longzhu and were very familiar with the enemy's single-band gameplay.

But the last time vg had a training match with Longzhu was before the spring playoffs.

Since the two major divisions use different versions for the playoffs - the lpl uses 7.7 later in the game, and the lck uses 7.6 earlier.

Moreover, in one version, characters such as Qing Gangying were weakened, and the environment changed suddenly.

In order to ensure the quality of training and ensure that their respective training lineups can be used in the playoffs, the two teams canceled the arrangement of competitions between divisions.

After coming to Brazil, they regarded each other as the strongest contenders for the championship, so naturally they would not expose their tactics in training matches.

After all, the two teams have not had a serious match for more than a month!

Having experienced version changes, vg still doesn’t know to what extent Dragon Ball’s single-band system has evolved to adapt to the version.

Just by watching the opponent's game video, you can't feel the pressure brought by Longzhu's single-band split push system.

Redmi wants to use the group stage to coax Jin Jingzhu to use his signature system to compete with vg.

Jack gave a thumbs up, "You guys are so dirty when it comes to tactics..."

"But I like it!"

He was full of praise for it.

If Yu Wenbo thinks that others are trying to trick me, I will be struck by lightning. If I try to trick others, it is only natural!

It's a bit of a double standard, but it's reasonable.

When Gu Xing finished his training and returned to his room to rest, he did not forget to browse the post forum for fun.

After losing to g2, Longzhu's second place is already in danger and may be overtaken at any time.

Not to mention surpassing the victorious vg!

The reaction of Korean netizens to this can only be described as mourning for their concubine.

Now that I see that vg is gaining momentum, I immediately turn on the taunt mode.

Maggot Baby is no longer satisfied with translating Korean content, and has even begun to add its own unique and charming language replies.

I have to say that Kangba’s aggressiveness is one of the best in e-sports forums.

Ordinary Tibetan words here can only be the lowest form of trolling.

He doesn't dare to save any pictures on his phone for fear of being seen by others.

I just found an emoticon based on my post-game interview yesterday.

The character has Jacky Cheung's magical expression printed on it, and is covered with a quilt with the vg team logo. The words next to it are, 'Do you still need to watch the vg game? Wake up to another victory.'

After saving them, Gu Xingcai picked out some interesting posts and read the comments with relish.

[When I wake up at noon, it’s another day when Longzhu loses the game. I can order takeout and watch the movie before putting down my meal]

[I think some Koreans blame vg for being a bad guy. They said that after playing Dragon Ball, vg's condition dropped as if he had been knocked down. It really amused me]

[10% off? 10% off on the only Dragon Ball that Koreans boast about? I want to scream! 】

[?This is just the group stage, okay? Don’t forget how rng’s winning streak was blown to the sky last year in the mid-season. SKT could win the championship with four consecutive losses at that time, but now Longzhu has started to pessimize after losing two games, haha]

[The person upstairs is so mentally retarded that I even wonder if he is a treacherous person... Can Jinghan get out? This is resistance, you have no say! Will vg not win the championship with this momentum? 】

Thanks to lck's strong dominance of global competitions in the past three years, they have gained many fans in various major competitions.

lpl is no exception, there are many viewers supporting lck.

Gu Xing does not agree with this concept, but part of the content in the remarks is indeed reasonable, that is, it is not easy to judge the strength of the team through the group stage.

This does not mean that the team with the strongest group stage will definitely win the championship.

Even since the beginning of MSI, the team ranked first before the knockout rounds has not been able to win the championship trophy in the end!

In 2015, when the competition format was still a six-team round-robin, skt had 5 wins and 0 losses in the group stage, but the championship belonged to edg.

In 2016, rng started with 7 consecutive victories in the group stage, but was sent away by SKT in the semi-finals...

By the third year of the Mid-Season Invitational, everyone has understood that the group stage is for you to practice your lineup through trial and error. Only by understanding the version can you perform better in the knockout rounds!

The group stage has certain reference value, but it is indeed not accurate to judge the championship simply based on the early stage status.

The charm of the cup competition system is that the team will improve.

The final step is to see who can find the version answer and adapt faster and better.

But one day passed, and Gu Xing began to doubt whether his view was correct.

Because Longzhu lost again.

This time it was Flash Wolf who performed the surgery.

As an anti-Korean hero, FW has a glorious tradition from its ancestors.

In the group stage of s5 world championship, they double defeated the Tigers, and in s6msi, they defeated skt in the group stage...

As long as they are in bo1, Flash Wolves have unlimited possibilities!

No matter how strong the team is, it can show it to you!

Correspondingly, it is the extremely unstable lower limit of Dragon Ball.

A team that focuses on fighting and fighting, constantly emphasizing fighting and operation, would be prone to overturning.

Especially in a Bo1 game where the outcome is determined in one shot, the probability of failure is much higher than that of a solid and stable operations team!

Casa still had the initiative in the early stage this time, and he could accurately locate the movements of Little Peanut every time, just like being possessed by radar.

Peanut helped the mid laner bdd, but Mimidan performed exceptionally well on the top lane, and was able to withstand Khan in a single laning match!

The two sides went back and forth, and the game remained deadlocked for 39 minutes.

The Flash Wolf relied on its advantage in the military line to take the lead in positioning itself in the Xiaolong Pit and started attacking the Ancient Dragon.

Longzhu was a little late and was taken advantage of by the opponent.

Mimidan's Galio forced his way into the field with a w-dodge, forcibly controlling the three Dragon Ball players, and paired with Maple's Syndra to push the ball, the enemy formation was destroyed in an instant!

Shooter Betty's Verus rides on the face to output, and the explosion damage takes away the game!

Longzhu had no choice but to suffer the third defeat, and its ranking had been overtaken by g2.

"Hahaha..." Imp burst out laughing when he saw Gu Xing in the backstage corridor, "Longzhu can't help but beat him up. Can he even lose to Flash Wolf? You don't even need to lose face!"

Ju Shengbin's heart was filled with beauty.

For him, nothing is happier than witnessing a potential competitor suddenly stretch his hips.

"Longzhu will try to lose to tsm and gam in the second round. How about sending warmth to the five teams in turn? You can't treat them differently!" imp sent his most sincere blessings.

"No, no, no, no, five won't work..." Gu Xing quickly changed his words and waved his hand, "I mean, Longzhu can't lose five games."

According to the current situation, vg has a high probability of taking first place in the group.

If Longzhu loses five games, it will definitely be fourth.

Last year's Mid-Season Invitational, RNG ranked first in the group but drew the most powerful SKT in the semi-finals. Although this rule was criticized by many people, Riot Games did not modify it this year.

It is still the first in the group and faces the fourth in the semi-finals.

In other words, Dragon Ball only needs to lose five games.

We will meet vg in advance in the semi-finals!

Gu Xing didn't want to follow this script.

After vg beats Dragon Ball, he will definitely be peeled off.

Even if the breakout is successful, they will face g2 in the finals who easily won the semi-finals and are waiting for work...

The road to winning the championship will be extremely difficult!

Imp also knows that his request is indeed a bit excessive.

He hugged Gu Xing affectionately, "Little Gu... Brother Shengbin, you don't expect Longzhu to reach fourth place. As long as vg defeats them in the second round and Longzhu confirms third place, I will personally give them a try."


After Dragon Ball's upset loss to Flash Wolves, the initiative in ranking now rests in the hands of g2.

If vg still wins completely, even if the second half of g2 is satisfactory, as long as they win all the games they should win, it will not affect the European Galaxy Battleship's ability to enter the knockout round as the second place in the group stage!

Imp really needs the priority to choose sides in the semi-finals.

The strength of Kennen in the current version is too high, and it is a ban position that must be taken by the red side chosen by the second player.

In this case, the blue side undoubtedly occupies a natural bp advantage.

Gu Shengbin feels that as long as g2 is given the right to choose sides, he will be able to crush Dragon Ball!

Gu Xing remembered the tactical idea that Hongmi had mentioned before, and wanted to seduce Longzhu into choosing its signature single belt system in the second round.

By then vg may not be able to win easily, so he changed the subject, "Pfft, you have to rely on yourself for everything. You have grown up and you can no longer let your old father protect you..."

Before he could finish his words, he was kicked by Gu Shengbin, who almost didn't dare to knock off his team uniform.

The two joked and joked for a while before finding an empty place in the corridor to chat.

What is going on now is gam versus tsm.

It is estimated that only the local audience in the competition area will watch - after all, for them, this is one of the few games in MSI where they can see hope of winning.

In the eyes of top professional players such as Gu Xing, the intensity is close to that of rookies competing against each other, and the teams that cannot even advance to the knockout round are really not necessary to watch, so they might as well just make a joke.

"By the way, what is your life like in Europe?" Gu Xing asked curiously.

Gu Shengbin sucked on the iced Coke and glanced at him, "I asked you before if you wanted to live in Europe at the end of your career, but you refused outright and outright."

"I just want to understand the operating mechanism. I really have no idea of ​​going overseas to make money right now..." Gu Xing still said the same thing.

He carried it very clearly.

I am different from Gu Shengbin.

Imp has already become a bad guy in the Korean league. LCK didn't even invite Goo Sung Bin to their anniversary celebrations, and the relationship has deteriorated to the extreme.

Gu Shengbin couldn't make it in Korea, so he came to LPL to be a mercenary, making money and doing his job for him.

The same goes for going to the European League.

What about Gu Xing himself?

Bobby and others at the top of LPL have a good relationship with him, and middle-level leaders such as Zuo Yi can also talk to him. The commentators and hosts all like him, and there are countless supporters in the audience.

Not only is he extremely popular with fans and passers-by, but he is also vaguely the leader among the players.

When the Ionian crew was sanctioned during the Chinese New Year, Gu Xing's appeal could be said to have been answered by hundreds of responses, successfully triggering the fruitful effect of "Give me virtue a face".

His domestic salary + live broadcast income + tournament bonuses amount to more than 10 million yuan a year.

In the e-sports circle in 2017, this is an astronomical figure!

Why does Gu Xing want to run to other competition areas?

Just like Faker refused a huge check from a domestic club after winning the championship, even if Gu Xing received an olive branch from Europe and the United States, he would refuse without hesitation!

He knows very well that he is as popular as he is today not only because of his status as a world champion and FMVP, but also because of the domestic dividends he has received.

Originally, lpl had poor performance, but the game's popularity exploded. Everyone was eagerly waiting for the first world championship.

Gu Xing won the championship in S6 and immediately took the cake. The number of supporters expanded rapidly to support his commercial value and high salary!

If I go to other regions for salary and abandon all the domestic fans, I will have to compete with LPL teams in the future World Championships...

Gu Xing feels that he will be the target of criticism from everyone in the e-sports forum!

Now he is really just curious about life in the outer division, and he hopes that Gu Shengbin can answer his questions.

"It's very simple. Get up at noon to eat, play a training match in the afternoon, and then do some physical training..."

"You still want to do physical fitness?" Gu Xing discovered that it was completely different from the LPL training system.

Gu Shengbin bent his arms.

Only then did Gu Xing realize that Imp's arms, which were as fat as lotus roots last year, could now clearly see the muscle lines when they were bent.

"Now if I meet that Korean in the barbecue restaurant last year, I can punch him to death!" Goo Shengbin still remembers the 8,000 glasses that were smashed when he spoke for China.

When Gu Xing heard this, he recalled the heroic gesture of Imp rushing forward with a fist, and immediately burst into hearty laughter.

"Look at Perkz and Jankos, they have more obvious statures. Regardless of their height, their physiques are indeed stronger," Imp simply explained. "Physical training can effectively reduce injuries and extend career life, which is very beneficial to players."

"I remember when I was playing in the LPL before, the Snakes had a player who played Draven. He couldn't play because of injuries and age." Gu Shengbin patted his chest, "If he were in Europe, I would definitely be able to play.

Let him fight for another three years!"

"There is also a training match in the evening. After the review, we play ranked games until one o'clock in the morning. The rest of the time is free time. You can play whatever you want. Wunder often takes us to play World of Warcraft."

imp continued, "I usually have a full day off every week. If the schedule is relatively loose, I can also take a double day off."

"Good guy," Gu Xing was very envious, "your job is too easy!"

When it comes to health preservation, although Europe is not as good as North America.

But it still beats China and South Korea too much.

Putting aside LPL and LCK, if you only train until one o'clock in the morning every day, within a week, the coach and management will be talking to you.

"But it's really difficult to achieve results like this in Europe," Gu Xing rationally judged, "With that little amount of practice in one day, unless we form a team with all the talents in the region, it will be difficult to win the championship!"

Ju Shengbin yawned, "It's like this, you can't just take it easy and come up with results at the same time, right?"

"By the way, are you looking for a partner in Europe?" Gu Xing was concerned about the private life of his old teammate, "Aren't you still in contact with that Ida Yakiniku?"

Ju Shengbin waved his hand impatiently, "It has been broken for a long time. Don't mention her to Wo."

In the second half of last summer's competition, he cut off contact with the female anchor because he was concentrating on training.

After arriving in Europe, due to the time difference and space distance, the relationship naturally faded over time.

"It's outrageous to think about it now. When I chased her, she liked meiko. Who knew that meiko didn't want to fall in love at all? She only accepted the gifts from the nest, and she was so high-spirited that she didn't want to establish a relationship with me. She was using me as a fish to catch...waiting for me

After winning the second championship, he came back and took the initiative to chat with me."

Imp sneered coldly, "Bad woman!"

Gu Xing was noncommittal.

When it comes to your private life, Ju Shengbin, don’t make a fool of yourself. No one is nobler than anyone else.

The battle at the competition site continues.

Both of them were sitting in the corridor and could hear the passionate shouts of the live Portuguese commentator.

Ju Shengbin couldn't figure out the specific explanation, so he took out his mobile phone and took a look at the Korean live broadcast room, and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"What's going on?" Gu Xing probed his head.

The result surprised him beyond measure.

Under the leadership of the commander, gam actually had a huge advantage against tsm!

Under the camera, the race knight's face became as gloomy as water.

He was caught off guard by the Vietnamese team's strategy of four guards and one jungler. He was counterattacked at the beginning, allowing Levi's male spearman to start with three buffs.

After finally waiting for him to stabilize his position, the team collapsed!

There is no way TSM can deal with the fat man!

Bilson tried his best and found an opportunity to flash Levi and inflict a set of damage, but most of the damage was blocked by the big demon-drinking knife he had just made.

Tsm couldn't kill the soldier commander, so he could only watch helplessly as gam surrounded Levi in ​​the middle of the formation, and they gathered together to attack the city and advance!

The Vietnamese, jungle beasts, finally showed their fangs and dragged North America into the water.

After this game, TSM, which was still relying on its breath to hold on, collapsed instantly!

Flash Wolves, the last contender for the knockout spot, won Dragon Ball, but they lost to gam.

Over and over again, the gap between victory and defeat was completely widened!

TSM only has the theoretical possibility of advancing to the knockout rounds.

"Vietnam is really ruthless in attacking the United States, there is a saying..." Gu Shengbin muttered, "gam Huaiting, I hope you can crush the dragon balls!"

But after Longzhu lost the third game, it finally began to display the duality of gods and ghosts.

Facing gam, Xiaohuahua succeeded in becoming a super god in 8 minutes, almost breaking Gu Xinggang's recent super god record!

Peanut is the kind of player who starts to make endless moves as soon as he gets high. He wants to ride on the opponent's head and bombard him wildly.

The Vietnamese team held on and held on until Baron Nash arrived, and then they finally couldn't withstand the pressure from Longzhu and lost.

Longzhu, which has won six games, is destined not to be ranked fourth in the group, but it is also impossible to reach the top.

The ranking of the two teams will be decided by vg!

When facing vg in the second round of g2, their mediocre hero selection made it clear that they had to hide their tactics.

They don't want to exert force, and Redmi is happy to use the regular lineup.

Everyone understands it tacitly.

During the game, the perkz operation Syndra suddenly broke out. In a wave of chaos in the middle, he relied on the blue buff to provide a steady stream of mana to harvest the battlefield and get four kills!

The equipment gap between the two mid laners is difficult to make up, and the disadvantages of kuro's play style are fully exposed.

He gave away too much economy, and his perkz equipment was too luxurious. He couldn't stand the line between the two sides!

Even though Jack's Verus relied on Q [Piercing Arrow] and Gu Xing's Punishment to complete the cooperation, he snatched a big dragon from G2.

But it was still difficult to resist the opponent's offensive.

After holding on for 44 minutes and 36 seconds, the vg base was still flattened by the opponent, resulting in their first defeat in this mid-season tournament.

At the end of the game, Gu Shengbin was overjoyed and stood up to celebrate enthusiastically with his teammates.

They ended the group stage with 8 wins and 2 losses, and even achieved a complete victory in the second round!

Now not only can they secure second place in the group, but if vg loses to Longzhu again, they will even have a chance to compete for first place in the playoffs!

"Crab!" imp smiled like a spring breeze as he shook hands, and couldn't help but thank his old teammates.

The vg players didn't think it was a big deal.

Not losing a match is very harsh.

Victory in a game is made up of countless details in the game, but there are always times when something unexpected happens.

Especially when facing a strong team, you cannot make mistakes easily.

The strength of g2 is not bad. After all, it is also a galactic battleship in the European division. Perkz is at the peak of his personal strength. In addition, the coaching staff has good ability to analyze and control data. It is normal to beat them in a game.

vg doesn't want to maintain any winning streak, and it's not good to keep tensing up just to win.

It’s just that Hongmi’s lure plan was forced to abort because of this failure.

Longzhu is destined to advance to the knockout rounds only as third in the group.

Riot Games originally thought that the battle for the top spot in the China-South Korea division would last until the last moment, so it specially arranged the match between the two teams in the last game.

But the lightning wolf disrupted the situation and ended the suspense early!

Now that Dragon Ball's ranking is fixed, there's no need to work so hard to win.

Wouldn't it be nice to save some cards and wait for the finals?

During the BP, Hongmi tried every means to block Longzhu's formation system, pretending that 'the lineup selected by lz in the first round is too strong, we can't handle it and can only ban it'.

If you want Longzhu to play one-on-one, you can find out the opponent's trump card.

But Kim Jing-soo is not a good person either.

We both have the same teacher, why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf like me?

He saw through Hongmi's thoughts and took out the Qinggang Shadow with his backhand and gave it to Khan.

It seems like he is going to play split push.

As a result, Khan entered the game and played a strong frontal approach from the beginning to the end!

Hongmi watched the whole game in the background and laughed out loud. She felt that her junior brother was really a genius.

Longzhu just wants to relieve the pressure in this game, and they have already begun to study their opponents in the knockout round.

When he lost the game, Little Peanut was still laughing.

"Congratulations to vg!" Wawa's voice was loud, "Refused to play extra games and ended up in first place with 9 wins and 1 loss... This is also the best group stage record since the LPL division participated in the mid-season!"

"As a result, the knockout group results have been announced," he was extremely excited. "The top-ranked vg will be the first to face the Flash Wolves, while g2 will fight with Longzhu to compete for another ticket to the finals!"

"For our LPL, this is really the best grouping situation. The two major competitors recognized before the game meet in the semi-finals in advance, and we can reap the benefits!"

Miller repeatedly echoed, "That's right, and vg starts in the early morning of May 20th, the game between g2 and Longzhu is on the 21st... and the 22nd is the final!"

"We also have an advantage in terms of schedule. After the semi-finals, we can rest for a day and prepare carefully before going on the court for the decisive battle!"

This is the advantage of being first in the msi group.

The schedule is very tight. The knockout rounds last for three consecutive days. VG can squeeze out a day in between to recuperate.

Of course, the premise is that they have to reach the finals.

Otherwise, those who receive the schedule bonus will become Flash Wolves!

In the few days after the group stage ended, apart from daily media interviews, shooting promotional videos, and seeing off the representative teams from Vietnam and North America, the entire vg team huddled in the training room and practiced hard.

Gu Xing previously mentioned a solution to top laner AD Kennen. Redmi asked the players to create a custom simulated laning. They thought it was feasible and simply made it the main training direction.

Not only did Song Jinghao improve his hero proficiency, he also had to customize supporting lineups for the other players.

Any successful trump card in the professional arena is more than just a hero.

Hidden behind it is a brand-new lineup system and a completely different style of play from ordinary tactics in the game!

Among them, as the jungler who has the closest relationship with the top laner, Gu Xing should shoulder an extremely heavy task.

Fortunately, he is extremely talented, and he was able to figure it out in a few days during the off-season.

vg will focus its main energy on studying the two teams in the other half of the zone.

Flash Wolf is vulnerable to them.

The day before the semi-finals, Gu Xing finally found time to check out the online public opinion.

"Khan said he would sweep g2 in the semifinals, imp responded..."

"Khan, a guy born in 1995, is the same age as me. He had never played League of Legends when I was playing OGN. I didn't expect that he could be so famous by winning only one league championship at the age of 22. Have you ever seen the Summoner's Trophy?

I have two!"

"We can send away the Dragon Ball in the semifinals with only 50% of our strength..."

Yu Wenbo was lying on his back on the bed, reading the news on the Internet, with an expression like a Shiba Inu with his belly exposed.

"Classic 50% strength," Gu Xing laughed dumbly, "imp is as crazy as ever."

Jack groaned, "I feel like it's a bit uncertain if g2 plays bo5. I just hope that g2 can play the Dragon Ball stuff and clear some obstacles for us. Of course, it would be better if we win. If we lose and vg succeeds in winning the championship, then this championship,

g2 has one-third of the credit..."

Gu Xing didn't answer the call. He swiped his finger on his phone and saw a post from the Wanwan ptt forum in Kangba.

I took a closer look to see what the LMS division has to say.

However, within two seconds I was forced to rub my eyes.

"Why does this forum interface look like the inscription on a tombstone? It's so anti-human..." he complained.

On a completely black background, the font color is also very dark, making it difficult to distinguish the specific content at a glance.

But the content was an eye-opener for Gu Xing.

[fw will play against vg tomorrow, guess how many games we can win?]

[Every game is difficult. Please take a look at the configuration of the other three semi-final teams, and look at the Flash Wolf. If you can win a game, it is all because of vg.]

[Kasa is very strong, can you please stop talking bad about me? 】

[Let’s see if Fengtang can stand up for herself. We, the pride of the LMS division, must show the momentum of the S5 global finals! 】

[Baibei, you are hitting the top with your breasts and everything, you can play, you don’t have this ability, you know? 】

[Koko, Mimi Dan actually wants to ban Kaineng on the blue side. He doesn’t even know how to play meta, and some people expect him to be able to withstand Smeb]

After reading the comments, Gu Xing realized that Kaineng was the name of Kainan in the Taiwanese server.

ptt condenses some of the mainland's themes and adds some of its own characteristics, making it a hodgepodge.

He watched carefully and finally had a certain understanding of Wanwan's current public opinion.

As a result, after reading the inscriptions on the tombstones, my eyes were so sore that I had to take a nap to recover successfully.

And just today, the MSI semi-finals officially kicked off!

This chapter has been completed!
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