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440: There must be nothing wrong with his behavior!

The bus with the VG team logo parked slowly beside the Super Mall.

The fans gathered here were very sharp-eyed and immediately gathered around to take photos.

Jin Wenhyuk acted as a bodyguard and wanted to protect the safety of the team members.

Gu Xing smiled and talked to them.

"Everyone, don't wait here. It's so hot. There's even air conditioning when you enter the venue."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone answered immediately.

"I didn't buy a ticket, brother, if I had a ticket, who would be standing here!"

On his way to the stadium on foot with his bag on his back, Gu Xing finally learned from the supporters how popular the regular season was today.

The space rented by Shiquan in Zhengda Plaza is not large and can only accommodate a few hundred people.

But when two popular teams, VG and RNG, compete, who are the only ones who are willing to come to watch the game?

You should know that during weekend prime time, the ticket price for the best seats in LPL is 150 yuan, which is about the same as the price of two movie tickets.

But you can see three BO3s in the evening from the afternoon, which is very cost-effective in an area of ​​Shanghai where land is at a premium!

The lower prices made the demand for tickets for popular teams' games exceed the supply, and in the end only a small number of spectators were able to enter.

Fans who couldn't get tickets simply took advantage of their weekend wandering time to try their luck at the Super Mall, and maybe they could actually meet their favorite players.

Now I finally got my wish.

After hearing the reason, Gu Xing felt that it was too hot to let the fans go all the way in vain. Seeing that it was still early, he took the initiative to take photos and sign autographs as souvenirs.

He has a strong sense of empathy and knows that as long as the person he likes does something trivial to him, he will be happy for a long time.

Gu Xing, who loved listening to Jay Chou when he was a student, knows what it feels like.

Compare yourself to others, if you meet Jay Chou on the road and get his autograph and take a photo, you might be able to have fun for several days!

Of course, Gu Xingca's position is not as good as that of someone else leading a star, so the effect should be a little inferior.

For him, it is just a matter of stopping for a minute or two. With a little effort, he can make his fans happy for a whole day, which is undoubtedly worth it.

Gu Xing responded to every request, and the male fans did not refuse even if they put their arms around his shoulders and took photos, and even said hello to each other with a smile on his face.

The whole process was full of intimacy.

Some female fans want to take things a step further, "Brother, can we compare our hearts when taking pictures?"

"No," Gu Xing refused decisively, "I have a crush, you are pushing me into a pit of fire!"

"It's hard to compare, but will Scissorhands look old-fashioned again?" the female fan muttered in a low voice, constantly rejecting the idea.

It’s not easy to get a chance to take a photo with Gu Xing, so you must cherish it.

Even the gestures when taking photos need to be carefully considered.

At this time, Gu Xing realized why Faker only gave a thumbs up when taking photos.

Save worry and effort.

After the fans in the same circle took photos as a souvenir, a thin layer of sweat appeared on Gu Xing's forehead.

The weather in Shanghai at the end of July was hot and humid, like a steamer, making people breathless.

The hot weather inevitably made me feel unhappy, but looking at the bright smiles on the faces of the supporters, Gu Xing felt sincerely at ease.

The fans got what they wanted and cheered him on.

"Brother Xing, come on for the competition today!"

"Dry RNG!"

"It's fun, Brother Xing will lose?"

"Can you give Uzi some military training today? I want to see him become autistic, Hong Wen!"

The last sentence made Gu Xing unable to answer, so he had to smile awkwardly and politely.

A male fan went to the convenience store nearby and bought some ice cream and stuffed it into his hand.

Fans probably watch the live broadcast frequently, and the chapters are the rhythm.

"I didn't buy Pepsi on purpose. How about it? Do you mind me?" The male fan looked proud, "Who drinks toilet cleaner?"

"What's wrong with Pepsi?" the fan next to him immediately retorted, "Don't you dump Coca-Cola?"

Gu Xing saw that the rhythm was getting more and more off-kilter, and he quickly pulled away and wanted to run away.

"You can keep this Coke and drink it. There are organic drinks and ice cubes at the backstage of the venue. I don't know how much better it tastes than the bottled version. I'm leaving now. I'll see you again when I come back!"

He trotted into the backstage of the venue and caught up with other members of the VG training department.

When receiving the pass at check-in, Dai Zhichun looked around and looked at the surrounding layout, looking very curious.

"Have you never been to a competition venue before?"

Gu Xing chatted casually.

"No," Able shook his head and whispered, "When I was in the second team, I couldn't join the rotation, and I couldn't visit the stadium."

The second team is called the youth training. Counting substitutes and high-scoring passers-by who come for trial training, there are always more than a dozen people.

The proportion of players who can participate in the rotation is not high.

The tacit understanding between the VGP bot lane Nanfu team is exaggerated, and their own strength is quite good in the secondary league. There is no reason for Brother Long to rotate the duo.

After all, they are not the IG of last year, so there is no point in permuting and combining them!

In contrast, Zhu Xiaolong, who is the top laner, prefers to bring Bai Jiahao up to see the world.

Able can only go to the Korean server rankings to score points every day and study various strategies to increase points.

This was the birth of the blazing incense burner system.

Because of this, Dai Zhichun was appreciated by the first team and directly joined the VG roster at a rocket-like speed!

VG now only has six players in total, so Lu Wenjun simply took Able to Supermarket Plaza to see how top professional players' pre-match preparations and voice communication work.

Dai Zhichun arrived here for the first time and was endlessly fresh about everything that happened in the venue.

The hurried staff in the backstage channel were talking very fast with walkie-talkies and their eyebrows were twisted into a knot when communicating with colleagues. They looked very busy.

"Are the lights ready? It's IG vs. EDG later. Don't forget to shine the light on the dome flags of both teams when you start!"

"What about the radio? There are a lot of EDG fans at the scene. Don't record all the sounds when the time comes. Balance it a little, otherwise the contrast will be too obvious!"

"Chief referee, please take a look at how the players from both teams are debugging their machines. If there is no problem, I will notify the director to prepare for the game!"

Dai Zhichunguang, who didn't have to play, felt a sense of urgency when he heard the rapid voices.

"We won't play until the next game," Gu Xinglong Feifengwu left his name on the sign-in book and said to Able with a smile, "If you are very interested, ask Brother Wenhe to show you around."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Dai Zhichun shook his head.

With an extremely autistic personality, he dare not chat with strangers, and he is also quite reserved when chatting with Gu Xing - this is the result of the other party's extremely terrible social skills.

Able's scalp feels numb just thinking about going out with the tour leader.

"By the way..." Dai Zhichun asked the doubt that had troubled him for a long time, "Is that incense burner system so strong?"

He initially saw that VG's promise of a replay by assistant coach Hou Ye was very tempting, and coupled with Gu Xing's quiet affinity for nourishing things, he decided to tell Gu Xing the secret of the incense burner hidden deep in his heart.

Able has never played in a professional league and knows nothing about the power of the incense burner.

I just thought that the incense burner routine I developed should be very useful.

But that's all.

"It's strong, it's really strong," Gu Xing reassured him, "Don't belittle yourself. I think many coaches of professional teams only know how to copy, and their R&D capabilities are not as good as yours."

"Really?" Able was very suspicious, "Don't tell me nonsense just to comfort me!"

"I never lie to people, okay!" Gu Xing immediately raised his voice when he saw that the middle brother in his team doubted him.

Before he could continue to explain, he heard someone calling him.

"Isn't that okay?" Xiangguo stepped forward with a playful smile, "Wait, I have to take your head tonight!"

"How many times have you said this?" Gu Xing sneered, "I don't remember you ever winning!"

He rubbed his ears, subtly indicating that his ears were about to get calloused.

Xiang Guo blushed, "Don't be too arrogant! This time will definitely be different, just watch it!"

"Ah, yes, yes..." Gu Xing agreed perfunctorily, "If you say yes, it's hot. I won't refute it."

This is not the first time that Xiangguo has said something like, "If RNG has a big move, VG will definitely suffer."

Gu Xing didn't know if it was useful, but he would win in the end anyway.

"I was reading forum comments yesterday and saw a particularly interesting topic. What do you think it was?" Gu Xing tried to counterattack.

Xiangguo didn't know why, and his curiosity drove him to respond unconsciously, "Huh?"

"Some people actually say that VG and RNG are rivals!" Gu Xing laughed.

"I looked at the results and found out that RNG, not to mention BO5, didn't even beat me in a BO3!" He smiled like an Uchiha clansman, "The winning rate in small games is less than 10%, how can you be so shy and call yourself an old enemy?


Gu Xing relied on his good relationship with Xiangguo, and they usually teased each other a lot. Now they are very aggressive, trying to destroy the opponent's morale before the game.

The provocation effect proved to be very successful.

Liu Shiyu was breathing heavily, his thin chest heaving violently, and his whole figure looked like an angry bull.

"Are you anxious? Don't be anxious yet..." Gu Xingle chuckled.

Shi Senming, who was still traveling with the incense pot, came out to talk to Xinni and directly started to change the subject.

"What do you mean, let's go out for a meal after the fight?" He smiled at Gu Xing, "We haven't had a meal together for a long time."

Gu Xing agreed, "Okay, I'm just afraid that you won't be in the mood to have dinner after being beaten by me, and you'll be so angry that you want to stab me twice."

"Get out of here!" Shi Senming pushed angrily, "If we lose the game, we'll eat you for dinner!"

His eyes moved sideways, and when he saw Dai Zhichun, he asked doubtfully: "This..."

"Our team's new ADC," Gu Xing introduced them, "just call him Able... I don't need to tell you the identities of Dai Zhichun, right? You should know both of them."

Just now, when Gu Xing was chatting with RNG Yesuke, Able was huddled next to him and autistic, acting like a lonely patient.

Now that his name was called, he finally raised his head to greet the other party - just nodded.

He still had his hands in his pockets, and his posture was exactly the same as when he first came to the VG base.

Shi Senming's smile faded slightly, thinking that Able looked down on him.

Newcomers who have just entered the professional league should not only nod and bend down to support their seniors, but you must have the most basic courtesy, right?

Is it too much for you, Jiang Zi, to say hello?

I don't care about the incense pot, I don't think there is any problem.

Because he usually has the same expression when meeting strangers.

There must be no problem with how I behave!

In Liu Shiyu's opinion, Able's behavior is reasonable!

Gu Xing is familiar with "Emotional Intelligence" and is proficient in micro-expressions. He can guess RNG Nosuke's emotional changes from clues.

In desperation, he had no choice but to say a few words casually, and then took Able and quickly retreated to the VG lounge.

After putting on makeup, the game starts at 5pm today.

IG faces EDG.

After being beaten violently by Gu Xing, Youth Storm finally fixed their lineup.

The upper lane is composed of TheShy Ning, and the lower lane is composed of the child wandering god Baolan.

This system is all about stocking the bottom lane. Although Kid is given away wildly in the World Championship and given the nickname "Slut" in the competition, he is definitely a mid-range or above shooter in the league.

As long as the duo mixes the lanes, IG can focus on the top half and let the extremely offensive TheShy break through the enemy!

Dreams are full, reality is skinny.

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with IG's strategy.

But they met Guijiaoqi.

TheShy thought that he could put on a good show when facing Mouse, and decisively used his unique skill Rambo to try to unilaterally ravage his opponent.

As a result, he ignored the presence of the jungler.

Ghostly Seven can always catch Rambo.

At that time, Ma Datou was almost beaten to autism in the Optimistic Team, and Clearlove had at least 1/3 of the credit!

TheShy, who is not afraid of death, still chooses Rambo, and Guijiaoqi smiles fiercely and launches an offensive on the top lane.

In less than 15 minutes, Gundam Poppy died 5 times!

Even Gao Zhenning's jungle area collapsed!

"...Rambo was quite loud today." Gu Xing complained.

Yu Wenbo was eating egg tarts to satisfy his hunger, while watching the competition to increase his appetite, "I am a turtle, and I have the link to trust Lao Song again?"

Song Yijin was sitting in the middle of the road, and bad news spread from three directions.

In the bottom lane, Meiko and Iboy casually attacked the IG duo, and even had a lane kill.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The cock will make you sweat profusely.

The level of the opposing juniors has become even better than last year. He is a proper first-line mid laner in the league, and Song Yijin cannot overpower him.

When it comes to the team battle period, IG's formation will be shattered at the first touch!

EDG took advantage of the victory and quickly rolled the snowball.

TheShy ended in the last 1/7, and was targeted quite miserably.

Gu Xing clicked on the resistance bar and found that the baby maggots were all taunting him.

[This top order is a cake, right? They fight each other as soon as they go online. Gui Jiao Qi comes as soon as he smells it. Isn’t Rambo, who is still alive, going to kill him? 】

[This is the first time I have seen a top laner who dares to catch and die. He died a lot and the damage was really high]

[Then you probably haven’t seen the live broadcast of Xuan Gou. The taste is exactly the same, even the curve of the mouth is the same. I would like to call TheShy Xiao Xuan! 】

[i7 development is completed, Intel hired TheShy as the company’s technical consultant overnight! 】

[Broiler tried his best again today...I wonder if he has some magnetic field. As long as he is on the same team with him, he will automatically become a boss, allowing Song Yijin to continue to be the dean]

In the second plate, the broiler chicken continued to work hard.

Really trying his best.

After he took control of the line, he ran into the jungle and frequently harassed Gui Jiaoqi, which made Nuo Yan unable to calmly control the rhythm and contained the jungle to a certain extent.

On the road, TheShy learned his shame and then acted bravely. He used his own skill to carefully kill Mouse in the lane.

But the gap in the bottom lane is too big.

Iboy is gradually entering his peak period, and the strength of the combination with Meiko is outrageous, hanging the IG duo from a tree and beating them violently!

At the 25th minute of the game, Iboy Verus's incredible four kills helped EDG successfully win the Baron, establishing a complete advantage!

IG's shortcomings of unlimited team picking were discovered by EDG, and after continuous battles, they turned their advantage into a victory!

"Two to zero!" I remember the loud voice, "EDG is in great shape, they are holding on to VG for the top spot in Group A!"

Gu Xing turned down the sound of the TV, applied the Silence BUFF to Remember, stood up and clapped his hands to indicate that everyone was looking at him.

"Tonight's game is quite crucial for us," he called all his teammates together, "Judging from the historical record, VG has an absolute advantage, but I hope everyone will not take it lightly. The opponent's strength cannot be underestimated.

There are many examples of boats capsizing in the gutter..."

"Especially Jack, you should play more cautiously, Uzi is not that easy to deal with."

Yu Wenbo took a sip of Sprite and solemnly nodded his promise, "Don't worry, I'll make a sure decision today!"

He only showed his face when facing Cai Bi.

When facing strong enemies, your playing style will be relatively more stable.

Gu Xing trusted Jack in this regard.

He simply encouraged his teammates and everyone folded their palms.

"Three, two, one...VG, come on!"

Able sat in the corner and watched silently.

This was his first time participating in a similar activity, and he couldn't help but feel filled with emotion.

"Fight hard, brother Meng!" Hongmi urged in half-baked Chinese, "Give them some color!"

The VG training department picked up the keyboard and mouse peripherals and stepped onto the stage.

Before wearing the sound-isolating headphones, Gu Xing could still hear two commentators analyzing the team's play style.

"RNG really likes the linkage in the laning phase. Xiangguo likes to do things with the top and middle lanes. This can also be seen in the jungle affinity ranking given by E," I remember talking about it, "VG

In comparison, I prefer to help."

"This is the biggest change from the spring split," Miller took over the topic. "VG liked to catch Smeb very much in the spring. At that time, Smeb's number of MVPs in the team was evenly matched with his peers, but now it's completely different!"

Remember to express your thoughts, "The main reason is that the version has changed. In the spring, the top and jungle linkage was the mainstream, and the bottom lane was all expendable soft supports, but now it has been replaced by various control supports. Furthermore, the top and jungle currently use tank roles.

Lord, the damage is low and it is difficult to catch the opponent to death, and the team battle sound is not loud. Even if you help the top laner, it will be difficult to repay the team!"

"It can only be said that Brother Xing's style is too changeable. He can switch his tactical focus according to the trend of the version," Miller praised. "Many junglers have a fixed style throughout their careers, and it would be easy for them to change their style rashly."

There will be situations where you are not acclimatized, but Brother Xing has no such trouble at all!"

Remember to hold on to the headset.

"The scene is ready, let's enter the BP phase of this game!"

Accompanied by a sonorous and powerful crisp sound, the BP panel appeared in front of everyone!

This chapter has been completed!
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