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057: That time and that moment, exactly this moment!

 Mata originally wanted to take advantage of the gap between his jungler and Uzi to bully others in the second half, making the VG duo too wild and unrestrained.

But he heard the incense pot curse in a low voice, his tone full of disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, he also found that the entire lower jungle area of ​​​​Xiang Guo was empty, not even a small wild monster was left!

"This man betrayed my two groups!" Xiang Guo's temper was not very good, and now he seemed to be gnashing his teeth.

Mata frowned.

After RNG finished the Spring Split, they went to participate in the Mid-Season Split. They had a tight schedule. They came back to recruit Uzi and then took a vacation. They did not close the team until the start of the Summer Split. There was not much training during this period.

The number of games is not high enough to make up for it. RNG has just won the league championship, and many teams are eager to play training matches with them. Based on the principle of selecting the best from the best, the Snakes and VG, who were previously ranked in the middle of the league, naturally did not take it seriously. During this period, they have never

Make an appointment with both teams.

No matter how high his gaming IQ is, Mata never expected to have such a bandit-style anti-wild play!

He also thought it was a coincidence, "Wait a minute and I'll help you take a look in the wild area."

Since RNG did not place wards next to the wild monster camp before, they knew nothing about the reset nodes of their own two camps, the Demon Swamp Frog and the Three Wolves, and had to do wards to obtain the information.

Xiangguo knows this is the only solution at the moment.

He has nothing to do now, so he decided to help relieve the pressure on the bottom lane.

When Uzi saw Xiang Guo coming to the rescue, his playing style finally became unrestrained.

Uzi is not the kind of player who develops steadily in the early stage. He likes to suppress the opponent and use various methods to gain health and last-hit advantage.

His own laning ability can also support Uzi to do this.

But he was very frustrated in these two games.

Xiangguo's help to the bottom lane during the laning phase was very limited, but VG's jungler kept wandering around in the bottom half.

Now that he finally has an opportunity, Uzi must take advantage of it!

"Uzi raised his hand to take out a minion with residual health, and then immediately rushed forward with a sliding step!"

He made perfect use of Lucian's E [Cold Pursuit] which can reset the basic attack mechanism. Two passive bullets hit imp, and then connected with Q [Transparent Holy Light]!

Click the floor to slightly cancel the skill and then shake it, raise your hand and fire two more shots!

The combos are extremely smooth.

Lucian can be regarded as one of Uzi's unique heroes. In the world championship, he instantly bebeed in the grass, which is enough to prove his proficiency.

"Imp turned around and inserted two spears. He knew that the incense pot was nearby at the moment, so he didn't fight back forcefully. He gained some blood and ran back!"

Fortunately, he had been in good condition before, and he still had a bottle of medicine on him, which he could knock back to replenish his condition.

Gu Xing counterattacked the wild monsters in the pot and ate the lower river crabs before returning to his own jungle area. Seeing that the bottom lane was consumed, he kept reminding his teammates, "The excavator should be returning to the city to replenish supplies.

He hasn’t been able to farm monsters for a while, so he will most likely take action against the laners..."

He himself wiped out the group of wild monsters in the stone beetle camp, which was in the lower half of the area. Gu Xing was afraid that the fragrant pot would kill him if he stayed, so he simply ate them together without giving the opponent a chance to develop, and then read the message back to the city.

Gu Xing swiped eight groups of wild monsters plus a river crab. In conjunction with the system's automatic money-distribution economy, the number of gold coins in his backpack now exceeded 1,200.

Although the opponent's economy is now definitely behind that of Xiangguo who has obtained first blood, he still has two groups of wild monsters in the top half of his own area that he has yet to slay!

Synthesize a green jungle knife, then buy straw sandals and real eyes. Gu Xing changes them and scans them, then moves up.

There was a brief calm in the canyon.

Wawa made two comments, "Although VG lost first blood, jungler Virtue's stop-loss strategy was quite successful. He killed the Incense Pot monster and made up for the economic losses over and over again."

The first blood brought RNG a direct economy of 400 bounties and 200 assist gold coins. Long Ge had a teleportation line and basically did not lose troops. Before VG went down the lane, Gu Xing was covering the side and suppressed the RNG duo a little.

Last hit.

After Gu Xing finished swiping his own Demon Marsh Frog and Three Wolves, the total economy of the two sides on the data panel was almost the same!

Miller looked at the small map and suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Virtue ate his own F4 again and plunged into the lower river!" He glanced at the lower lane, and his tone became more and more surprised, "There is no way to catch this male gunman with no red buff in the line, is it possible..."

"Are you going to rebel again?"

Compared with the chattering discussions in the audience during the first counter-attack, the sound in the stadium is much noisier now!

Gu Xing indeed thought so.

"The excavator will most likely not be here. Brother Duan, just drag it down the road on the opposite side."

He could guess the general movement of the incense pot and communicated with his teammates at this time.

At the end of Gu Xing's last counterattack, he took a look at the RNG Three Wolf camp and saw the whole process of the incense pot coming in and finding nothing.

Paying attention to the changes in MLXG's jungle count, he learned that the opponent had wiped out all the wild monsters in the first half of the area, and that the two wild areas, Sharpbeak Bird and Shadow Wolf, died at similar times and would be reset almost at the same time.

This is the information Gu Xing obtained.

But Xiangguo doesn’t know!

Gu Xing was very certain about this.

Previously, Mata and Uzi had been lining up in the bottom lane and had never gone to the jungle. Naturally, it was impossible to set up a ward to observe his counter jungle.

From Xiangguo's perspective, the refresh nodes of the stone beetles and razorbills in the upper half of the RNG are fixed, and there is no definite answer to when the two groups of wild monsters in the lower half will be reset.

Then MLXG will definitely not wait at the bottom of the map, which will waste a lot of time!

What Gu Xing needs to do is to use the information he has in his hands to get one step ahead of the incense pot and race against time to complete the counterattack!

The last time RNG Frog Princess was eaten was at 3 minutes and 50 seconds, so the reset point is 5 minutes and 30 seconds.

In 5 minutes and 27 seconds, Gu Xing successfully reached the opponent's Demon Swamp Frog camp!

"RNG arranged its vision in the camp in advance this time and noticed Virtue's invasion..."

Mata finally understood when she saw Gu Xing entering his jungle area again.

The last rebellion was not a coincidence, it was done deliberately!

He also wanted to gain some more information, but Gu Xing realized that there might be an eye here, so he turned on the scan and used two shots in conjunction with E's loaded bullets to remove the false eye!

Mata saw that the jungle area had turned dark again, but he still had to force himself. He left Uzi behind and let him continue to develop in the lane. He entered the jungle area alone, using his body as a keeper.

"In this way, RNG can see Virtue's counter-jungling operation, but since the incense pot is not nearby, it can only let go of this group of Demon Swamp Frogs!"

Just as Gu Xing thought, the Incense Pot is still infested with stone beetles at the top of the map. It is a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from the Demon Swamp Frog Camp in the lower half of the map, and there is no time to get there!

"The male gun left a punishment and captured the wild monsters!":.

Gu Xing tasted the sweetness and took advantage of it, planning to continue to eat the other party's three wolves.

But this time the Spicy Hotpot would not let him succeed. After eating the stone beetle, he immediately rushed down to protect his wild monster.

"Virtue took a position at the pass connecting the middle lane of RNG and the lower half of the area. He noticed the movement of the incense pot in advance and did not choose to fight head-on. Instead, he turned around and left!"

Since Xiangguo had more gold coins than him when he returned to the city last time to replenish supplies, his equipment was naturally better.

Not to mention that MLXG still brings challenge and punishment, and the combat effectiveness must be much stronger. Now in the jungle, Gu Xing is no match for the enemy.

But it does not matter.

Since the incense pot is here to protect the three wolves, there is no time to brush F4 which is reset at the same time.

Gu Xing planned to do it for his opponent.

"Can you come and help me take a look?" He communicated with Easyhoon. The signal mark on the road was at the RNG Sharpbill camp. "Come over to the yellow chicken from the other side and control it directly. We will definitely do enough damage!"

Easyhoon agreed immediately.

Since I chose the hero Ice Girl, I must try my best to fatten up my teammates, and I mainly want to create sufficient output space for the core of the team.

His position is very correct.

There is no pressure on the Yellow Chicken in the middle, so Easyhoon ran to the opposite Beak Bird camp after pushing the lane.

"Virtue crossed the middle and invaded again. With the cooperation of Ice Girl, F4 was cleared!"

Xiaohu provided this information, but he did not dare to enter the jungle rashly for fear of being ambushed by VG's midfielder.

The combination of Ice Girl + Male Gun is quite powerful. The former provides control, while the latter can output without pressure. The damage is not something that a crispy chicken like him can withstand, so he can only set up sand soldiers across the wall to poke him twice.

As a result, we didn’t catch any wild monsters, and we also helped speed up Gu Xing’s jungle clearing progress!

There is nothing the incense pot can do.

With Ice Girl's help, the man's F4 shot was so fast that he had no time to get back on defense, so he simply vented his anger on the Shadow Wolf he had just protected.

After Gu Xing finished eating RNG's Sharpbill, he passed by the river and brushed off the newly reset Swift Crab. He then cleaned up his own Demon Swamp Frog and Three Wolf camps, and returned to the city to resupply equipment.

So far, Gu Xing has killed a total of 4 groups of wild monsters!

Unlike the lane, the jungle is a typical zero-sum game, and the counter-jungle is even more so.

He painted 4 more groups, but the fragrant pot had 4 less groups.

Over and over again, there is a difference of 8 groups of wild monsters!

This was quite exaggerated in the early stage!

Thanks to his efficient counter-jungling, Gu Xing has already reached level 6 in less than 7 minutes!

After buying [Caulfield's Warhammer] and the attack speed dagger, he went straight to the lower jungle area of ​​RNG!

He didn't go head-to-head with Xiangguo before because he wasn't ahead in combat effectiveness and had one less challenge to punish him.

Nowadays, the situation in the wild area has reversed!

With a leading level, a big move, and the equipment he had just replenished, Gu Xing swaggered forward to fight against the jungle!

"Are you coming again?" the doll shouted, "How many times has this happened in this game?"

"Virtue treats the RNG jungle as his own back garden and plans to eat another Demon Swamp Frog!" Miller's voice was also a bit louder.

The audience was in an uproar!

Gu Xing's style of play was completely beyond their understanding!

Xiangguo didn't know the plan of the male gunman on the other side.

After a lot of hard work, he finally learned the exact refresh time of his Demon Swamp Frog, and stuck it here waiting for the wild monster to be born.

As a result, just after two strikes, Gu Xing was spotted in the field of vision that was arranged across the wall towards the river pass!

"Come and help me!" Xiangguo quickly asked his teammates for help.

He doesn't want to give up this marsh frog!

Mata has just arrived in his jungle area, and Gu Xing, who has taken position in advance, has already reduced the HP of the Demon Swamp Frog to 650!

Xiangguo, who was waiting for the help of his teammates, knew that his level was lagging behind and the punishment damage would be lower. He did not dare to attack the wild monsters, but used Reksai to scratch the man with all his strength.

The damage is indeed not bad, but it is still far from killing Gu Xing.

"Mata's Thresh threw a lantern for Uzi in the distance, and he used E [Pendulum of Doom] to brush the male gun back," Miller said quickly, "Uzi picked up the lantern and came to his teammates, and the male gun was a little weak.

Da, now he is surrounded by three people, it is difficult for him to escape, it seems that he wants to give away this head..."

Xiangguo also sneaked into the ground, intending to knock Gu Xing away to provide control to his teammates, so that Thresh could follow the hook.

If the control chain is connected properly, there is no way the male gun can survive!

But before Miller finished speaking, Graves raised the shotgun in his hand!

R【Ultimate Explosive Bomb】!

At the same time, a thunder struck in the sky!

"The ultimate move plus punishment instantly wiped out the remaining 650 health points of the wild monster!" The doll blurted out, "The Demon Swamp Frog was still taken over by the male gun!"

Gu Xing used the recoil to move backward, and then followed E [quickly draw gun] to cross the thin wall.

The two movements in an instant kept him away from the three RNG players in the jungle!

Then he made a small move in the opposite direction and avoided Mata's Q [Death Sentence] behind him!

"This operation is really crazy!" Miller shouted loudly, "The small bull head came to cover, and Virtue escaped smoothly!"

It's only just over 7 minutes now, the RNG duo has not yet reached level 6, and the burst damage is not high enough, so we can only watch the male gunner escape!

The RNG fans in the audience sighed.

They all thought their team was going to get a kill, but they didn't expect Gu Xing to run away!

It doesn't matter if he runs away. Why can he grab the wild monster before leaving?

There were a lot of barrages in the live broadcast room, all of which were discussing Gu Xing's wild escape just now.

【Jiang Zi plays games?】

[Elegant and silky, he robbed the Demon Swamp Frog in front of three people, but RNG couldn't do anything about him! 】

[That little move at the end to avoid Thresh’s hook was so confident]

[Virtue is a bandit, right? He's openly robbing wild animals? 】

Xiangguo's face turned red.

He felt his blood pressure rise.

Another group of wild monsters!

How to play this?

Xiang Guo was just like Gu Xing when he first met StyleofMe and didn’t know how to counteract it.

That time and that moment, exactly this moment!

The jungle area that was thought to be impregnable before the game was turned upside down by the opponent!

Time was tight on the field, and Xiangguo had no time to think more, so he could only use another one of his strengths.

Raid and arrest people!

After making a long circle, he followed the military line and arrived inside the next tower of RNG.

"Xiangguo plans to help his teammates open up the situation..."

Mata threw the lantern backwards and flashed forward at the same time, using the Pendulum of Doom to bring Xiao Duan and Imp back!

Xiao Duan helped imp block the hook, allowing ADC to retreat first, but he was finally taken away by Uzi with two shots.

"As expected of the incense pot!" Wawa is quite optimistic now, "If you turn my wild monsters over, I will go directly to kill your teammates!"

He believed that being countered by two groups was not a big deal, and he could make up for it by successfully arresting people once.

RNG now leads 2:0 in kills. If we just look at the number of kills, the team does have an advantage.

But Gu Xing felt that he was getting closer and closer to victory.

Rek'Sai is very popular in the game today and can be regarded as a first-tier jungler.

But like most heroes, Digger is afraid of the opponent's jungler directly invading the jungle to control the ward position.

Rekxai has a powerful ganking ability in the early stage. It can launch surprise attacks on the line from various weird angles, often making it difficult for opponents to defend against it.

But all this is based on the enemy not accurately judging the location of the excavator.

If the opponent has already grasped Rek'Sai's movements before it attacks, the excavator's capture success rate will plummet!

In this round, Gu Xing played the green jungle knife in order to control the map.

He wants to light up RNG's jungle area so that Rek'Sai has nowhere to hide!

How many times can Xiangguo’s gambling-style Gank succeed?

In comparison, your counter-wild gains are more stable!

It was exactly as he expected.

After the ward control is completed, it is difficult for the incense pot to catch anyone again.

Every time he enters the jungle, his position will be locked by Gu Xing, and he will quickly provide the information to his teammates so that VG players can take precautions.

"RNG is currently leading by two heads, but the economy is slightly behind. The development ability of Virtue, a male gunner, is really scary!"

Miller glanced at the data panel and couldn't help but exclaimed, "The difference in CS between the two junglers is already 30!"

"The incense pot appears again in the bottom lane, forcing Imp's ultimate move and healing technique, but the F4 group above him is gone again!"

Gu Xing used the male gun to break into the upper jungle area of ​​​​RNG with ease. He hit the wall with Q and combined with the shotgun basic attack, and easily defeated the sharp beak bird.

Wawa is no longer optimistic after witnessing the successful raid on the incense pot, and her taste is a bit wrong.

"Virtue's anti-wild idea is really weird. The time calculation is very scary. Every time I see him going to invade, the wild monsters are just born..."

"If it's just a group of wild monsters, it wouldn't be surprising. Most players can do it," Watou said, expressing his doubts and surprise. "And Virtue knows the refresh time of each group of enemy wild monsters very well.


The time calculation was so precise and the route planning was so perfect that Wawa once wondered if Gu Xing was cheating.

Looking back at Xiangguo, he has no way out!

Even with the challenge and punishment, he is definitely no match for the male gunner in the wild.

He had no choice but to avoid fighting.

When Gu Xing appeared in the jungle, he had no choice but to catch people online.

However, because the opponent's eyes are all in the RNG jungle, his raid efficiency is extremely low.

Every time Xiangguo appears online, Gu Xing will break into the wild area and fight against him with a group of wild monsters.

Such a vicious cycle makes the gap between the two junglers wider and wider.

When it collapses depends entirely on Gu Xing.

There was a sharp sword hanging above Xiangguo's head at all times. He was frightened, but he didn't know when something would happen.

Didn't wait too long.

Thirteen minutes into the game, a battle broke out between the two sides in the bottom lane!

The cause was just a tentative hook from Mata that hit a short section.

But the opponent's backhand is WQ's second company and they start the group directly!

As we all know, the forward speed of Thresh E [Pendulum of Doom] is slower than the pullback speed. It is difficult to use the Pendulum of Doom to interrupt Niutou's WQ second chain just by relying on reaction speed.

Moreover, Mata's reaction speed is not very fast now. He didn't expect that VG would come up to fight!

The next moment, Xiao Duan inserted artificial eyes behind the opponent's duo.

The teleportation light flashes on it!

"Come on, come on, the opponent's AD has no treatment or ultimate moves, we can fight it!" Uzi said in a loud voice, directing his teammates to join the battle.

Niutou's second company has already been handed over, and he feels that I have the advantage.

If you don't miss the opportunity, don't come back again. If you continue to delay, the wild area will explode!

After hearing Uzi's words, Looper and Xiaohu handed over the teleportation!

"The junglers of both sides are also on their way... They are going to start a 5V5 battle in the bottom lane!"

Just do it alone!

Brother Long's big tree fell to the ground first, quickly activate his ultimate move!

Today's Big Tree has not yet been revised, and its R skill is still [Vengeance Vortex], which can surround itself with a magic vortex, allowing itself and its own heroes to take 20% less damage. The effect lasts for up to 10 seconds.

This is also one of the reasons why Dashu can become the Three Illusion Gods. The control is stable, and the ultimate move can protect the C position.

"Master Hou waits for RNG to hit the ground, and uses Ice Girl to cast W [Ring of Frost], immobilize the enemy, and then use the ultimate move on himself!"

R [Ice Tomb] covers the ground, causing damage and slowing down the surrounding RNG members.

I have to say that Easyhoon’s Ice Girl is really ruthless.

The position was chosen just right, stuck between the front row and the back row of RNG, making the enemy's tanks disconnected from the output position!

"Remember to kill AD!" Xiao Duan raised his voice to the loudest and directed his teammates to focus fire.

For them now, the biggest threat is Uzi's Lucian.

Although the tiger cub is not bad in development, it has not yet reached the power stage of the yellow chicken.

"Brother Long's big tree W stepped forward, trying to get behind Lucian, and used Q [Arcane Strike] to knock the opponent back!"

Uzi reacted quickly. He slid back to a safe position and brought Brother Long into his formation.

However, the big tree is quite frank, and with the damage reduction of the Vengeful Vortex and the blood recovery of the passive [Essence-absorbing Secret Technique], he survived the wave of damage.

"The male gun has entered the scene!"

Following Miller's shout, Gu Xing controlled the gang godfather Graves and entered the battle first!

"RNG assisted Thresh to bear the brunt of the impact, and his blood volume dropped rapidly!"

Mata had previously handed over his flash in order to cooperate with Xiangguo's capture, but now he is still a little short of getting better.

Thresh itself, which didn't flash, wasn't very fleshy either. It was connected by two small pieces of bull heads, and was held in place by the Ice Girl, unable to move.

Gu Xing came up and fired two more shots, reducing the cooldown of his E [Quick Draw], and rubbing his head in the meantime!

"Xiang Guo digs a tunnel to enter the field and wants to stop the opponent with his body!"

But Gu Xing fired two bullets, directly reducing his blood volume by a large amount!

There were endless exclamations at the scene!

The equipment gap between the two junglers is too big.

Gu Xing already had a warrior jungle knife + attack speed shoes + yellow fork in his hand. On the other hand, Xiangguo relied on the profits from the previous two raids to barely make a slag jungle knife + straw sandals.

"The damage caused by the male gun is too exaggerated!"

Imp also has no pressure output at the back.

Although the popular joke about his Kalista is that most of his blood was returned to the spring by Tetsuo with a stick, but in terms of proficiency, Imp believes that skateboarding shoes are not inferior to his favorite heroes Mouse and Vayne.

While inserting a spear into the nearest excavator, he jumped to the side to distance himself from his opponent. His movements were very smooth!

Gu Xing also quickly drew his gun to distance himself so that the incense pot could not touch him, trying to stay in good condition as much as possible.

"Looper's Poppy-charged ultimate move will quickly knock the man's gun away!"

But Gu Xing always paid attention to him.

After all, Rek'Sai is by his side, and Mata has been killed. The only remaining front row player in RNG is Poppy.

The moment he saw Looper's ultimate move coming out, Gu Xing immediately dodged it with a dodge!

"Uzi's damage is indeed very high, but he is very restricted by Brother Long, and his output cannot hit other people at all!"

Lucian is short-handed, and has very few range skills, so his damage is basically dealt to big trees.

However, Brother Long now has a lot of armor and equipment, so he has been able to hold on for a long time.

After Xiangguo was killed in battle, he was reduced to residual blood!

Before he died, Brother Long detonated a vortex of revenge, lowering Uzi's health. He also urged his teammates, "If you can't kill Lucian, just cripple him first. He has no way to recover health!"

When Gu Xing heard his teammates' words, he adjusted his position, avoided the Looper in front of him, and blasted him with an R [ultimate bomb]!

"The male gun's ultimate skill is fully output, reducing Lucian's health to only 1/4!"

Uzi also gave himself a healing spell, but Easyhoon's Ice Girl made up for some damage, but still made him lose the ability to participate in the battle!

Xiaohu had just been poking wildly from behind with his sand soldiers, but unfortunately the effect was very average.

Seeing that all his Nosukes were killed in battle, and Uzi was reduced to a low health figure, anyone with a discerning eye knew that RNG was in decline!

Keep fighting, and when the male gun's [Pure Man] passive resistance stacks up, no one will be able to handle it!

"Xiaohu used the Forbidden Wall to push Ice Girl and Niutou out to cover his and Uzi's retreat...but Looper's position is very awkward!"

As a front rower, Poppy naturally has to push forward to provide output space for his teammates.

However, RNG Nosuke fell too quickly. He was unable to support himself, and now it is difficult to retreat.

"Imp pulls out his spear, causing a short-term deceleration effect. Even if Looper hands over his flash, it will be difficult to escape!"

Everyone in VG gathered fire and surrounded him. Finally, at the moment when Looper was about to escape back to the defense tower, Gu Xing fired the last bullet, and his skillful EQ combo created a rebound effect after hitting the wall.

He retreated gracefully without looking back, letting the gunpowder bullets clear Poppy's health bar!

The snowball of jungle matchup leadership created by Gu Xing in the early stage has rolled smoothly! We provide you with the fastest updates and free reading.:.

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