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068: Fake vision, serial set! (8.6K big chapter!)

 "Kandi traveled a long distance to the road, handed over the flash and gave away the buff on himself," Su Xiaoyan put herself into Condi's perspective, feeling that her heart was bleeding, "It's such a loss.

Come on!"

I remember saying in a hurried tone, "Not only that, Kandi originally wanted to counterattack VG's stone beetles, but now not only can't he eat the opponent's wild monsters, he can't even defend his own top half, and he's been losing money this time.

It’s so big!”

Elise in the canyon maintained her spider form, and used the extra movement speed she gained to move around on the ground with her eight legs. She broke into the upper jungle area, obviously going to counter the jungle.

"Fortunately, Kandi ate a river crab, and he has just enough gold coins to make a jungle knife. If his economy is not 650, he will really die."

After condi bought the equipment, he looked at his black and white screen and was speechless.

He couldn't understand.

Why is the spider on the opposite side on the road?

And he was so good at hiding. When I first rushed to the road, I moved underground the whole time, but I didn't get any feedback from the spider with my Earth Hearing Technique!

Kandi felt that this was obviously an ambush set by vg, and he deliberately waited for himself to fall into the trap before closing the net!

But he was sure that the opponent did not have any vision in his jungle area at the beginning, and it was impossible for vg to obtain his own movements.

Could it be that the vg coaching staff found out through the video the route they used to clear the jungle when using Rek'Sai?

This idea was dismissed by Kandi as soon as it came into being.

Logically speaking, it is impossible to use this secret weapon in the regular season. It must be hidden until the critical moment and then revealed.

The more Candy thought about it, the more confused he became.

The vg players on the other side of the stage were also very surprised.

"Wairui, what does this Rek'Sai mean?" Brother Long was operating the troll to firmly block the line of soldiers pushing back in front of the tower while communicating with Gu Xing, "I almost scared me to death just now!"

When Gu Xing heard what Brother Long said, he couldn't help but think of the scene where Reksai came to attack on the road just now, and he almost burst into laughter, "Well, it must be a coincidence."

He turned back simply to catch a wave and hit the road.

At that time, the vg duo was pushing the lane. If Gu Xing wanted to help the bottom lane, he only had two options: jumping over the tower and counter-crouching.

He guessed Kandi's jungle clearing route and knew that the opponent's jungle clearing progress was similar to his own. The position must be near the bottom lane. If he jumped over the tower rashly, he would most likely be harvested by the approaching Rek'Sai.

It just so happened that imp had reached level 3. After clicking w, he could send soul sentries to detect the enemy jungle area, which would greatly avoid the enemy jungler's surprise attack. Gu Xing felt that he had no need to counter-crouch.

Gu Xingjian saw that Brother Long's troops on the top road had already advanced deeply into the WE defense tower, and the next wave of troops would push back towards the previous tower on VG.

That’s when I came up with the idea of ​​957!

The troop line is pushed back across the river. In order to replenish troops and gain experience, 957's Ike must move forward, away from the WE turret, giving him an opportunity.

Moreover, Gu Xing had been photographed by his brother-in-law's e Eagle Strike in the Sky before when he was clearing the jungle. He knew that his route to clear the jungle was controlled by us.

The other party knows that he brushes from top to bottom. In this case, 957 will naturally not be wary of him.

After all, who would have thought that a jungler would have to go back up and grab a top laner Ekko even though he had already brushed it down?

Normally, 957's defense against Gu Xing should be done after he has finished the first round of wild monsters - he will return to the city to resupply and then start the second round of wild monsters. When he goes to the upper half of the stone beetle, he may easily catch the wave.


So Gu Xingbing made a strange move and walked up after eating the blue buff!

In terms of time, since he was missing one Demon Swamp Frog, when he got on the road, the time was almost the same as when he had finished clearing six groups of wild monsters.

957 will most likely think that he is returning to the city to supply supplies, so he will not lay out a defensive vision for gank. Gu Xing can easily succeed.

And after catching 957, Kandi is nothing more than countering his group of frog concubines in the lower half. He can also invade the upper half of we's wild area to kill the Demon Marsh Frogs on the opposite side.

If you calculate it carefully, you will definitely not lose money.

Gu Xing didn't even expect that Kandi's Reksai would rush over as he was waiting in the triangle grass on the road!

The sudden appearance of the excavator made Gu Xing full of questions. He even panicked for a moment, thinking that Kandi had seen through his plan of crouching on the road.

Gu Xing didn't react until Reksai ran straight towards Brother Long without any concealment.

The two of them met just out of pure ideas.

"Fortunately, I didn't move at that time, otherwise Reksai would have used the ground to listen in advance and found out the traces."

Gu Xing's good habit of cutting the screen to observe his teammates when he had nothing to do helped Gu Xing.

While he was hiding in the triangular grass waiting for an opportunity, he even looked at the line-up between his teammates in the middle and lower lanes, and he had no time to move.

If you move a little bit in the grass, this wave of unexpected counter-crouching will not be successful!

After Gu Xing took the first blood, the corners of his mouth involuntarily raised slightly, revealing a happy smile.

This scene was accurately captured by the camera, and the director projected it on the big screen at the scene.

The few vg fans in the audience shouted excitedly and waved their cheering sticks even harder, creating a muffled sound.

This smile is so sunny. Does Virtue have a fan base? If you join now, you will be a ten-year-old fan!

Oh my god, what kind of weird jungle clearing routes are there on both sides?

I can only say that I don’t understand. Anyway, I still don’t understand why Virtue runs up the road.

Did he use X-ray? Seeing Kandi turning back and running to the upper road, Virtue took advantage of it and squatted instead.

God, he opened the perspective and his thoughts were very clear.

As we all know, Xiaotou is not a fool!

"After virtue finished clearing our Demon Marsh Frog, it happened that the Three Wolves were about to be refreshed. He doesn't want to leave yet, and plans to kill all the remaining wild monsters in the upper half of Kandi at once!"

Gu Xing has now reached level 4, and the Spider Queen with double buffs in hand is extremely powerful. Without the flash, it is impossible for Kandi to compete with him for wild monsters after resurrection.

When eating the three wolves, Gu Xing was still reminding his teammates in his voice, "Brother Duan, can you go to our Demon Swamp Frog to get an eye scan?"

He could probably guess what Kandi was thinking.

We have now completely cleared out the upper half of the wild area, and only two wild monsters, the Sharpbill and the Stone Beetle, are left in Condi's own camp.

If he wanted to stop his losses, Kandi would have to risk going to Gu Xing's lower half and try to change jungle resources.

"It's okay," Xiao Duan agreed, "but if the other side tries to resist, there's nothing we can do to stop it."

Kandi has no flash, and his level and equipment are not very good, so he is more dangerous in the jungle.

We should ask Zero to accompany us and protect us.

By then, Imp and Xiao Duan alone will not be able to stop Kandi's counterattack.

"It's okay, I just want to see what the opponent's jungler is doing." Gu Xing was already ready to give up the Demon Swamp Frog to Kandi.

At first, he cleared the jungle from top to bottom. His three wolves were eaten later, and now there is still some time before the reset.

In other words, Kandi's best strategy is to defeat a group of wild monsters against himself, which is completely acceptable.

Gu Xing wanted to know the exact time when the opponent counterattacked, so as to calculate the refresh node of his own Demon Swamp Frog, so that he could make the next decision.

After hearing this, Xiao Duan simply returned to his own jungle area and placed a ward between the blue buff and the Demon Swamp Frog camp.

Not long after, I saw Kandi coming to steal the wild.

Presumably just in case, Condi also deliberately wiped out We's lower jungle area first, and then went to replace wild monster resources after raising his own level.

I also have Zero as my bodyguard.

"Virtue has just eaten WE's three wolves. They are far away from the lower half of the area and beyond reach. Fortunately, the VG duo has pushed all the soldiers into the WE defense tower. Now they can retreat calmly and wait for the troops to push back."

Gu Xing recorded the time when Kandi counterattacked his own Demon Swamp Frog.

4 minutes and 50 seconds.

A dark thought emerged in my mind.

"Both sides are developing independently now. After Kandi's excavator doesn't flash, it will be difficult to attack other roads. It's better to just focus on brushing the jungle to make up for the early losses!"

Condi's Rek'Sai goes directly to raid online, and the success rate will not be very high.

Moreover, he is already at a disadvantage. If he drives the rhythm indiscriminately, the team will collapse in the early stage if he is not careful.

After careful consideration, he decided to brush it for a while first.

Gu Xing returned to the city to resupply after finishing farming. Having gained first blood earlier, he took out a green jungle knife + dark seal + straw sandals. The equipment was quite luxurious.

"But it's very uncomfortable to hit the road. 957 hasn't touched the army line for a while!"

957 is really frustrated now.

The jungler came to help him before, but unexpectedly Kandi flashed up and gave blood.

The good news is that all Dragon Brother and the Trolls received were assists.

The bad news is that the other party controlled the pushback line in front of vg's last tower!

Since we were already defeated by Gu Xing in the upper jungle area, Kandi went straight to the lower half of the area after resurrecting and was completely unable to help the top laner handle the troops.

957 knew that Gu Xing was nearby just now, so he did not dare to step forward for fear of being caught.

He could only watch Brother Long's trolls slowly control the lane on the top lane, and it was difficult for him to even gain experience.

"957 can't use the q time curler to do long-distance damage. Once it touches other vg soldiers, the soldier line handover position will be stuck there for a while!"

Brother Long was already smiling.

Although the stuck line didn't give him any extra income.

But if the opponent Ekko cannot replenish his troops, it means he has made a profit.

Fortunately, 957 has a good attitude and can endure it.

If it were a top laner with a grumpy personality, he would probably go up there and push the troops into the tower, even if it means losing his flash or his life.

The ordeal continued until Kandi returned to his home district.

Nearly 6 minutes later, Reksai came over to help push the line, and finally successfully pushed the minion to the foot of Long Ge's tower.

"However, the gap in the reinforcements of the two top laners has reached 15 dollars," Su Xiaoyan frowned, "This is a very huge gap in the early stage!"

"Brother Long quickly cleared the minions under the tower, arranged the troop transfer point to the center of the upper road, then returned to the city to replenish supplies before walking back online, and the equipment was ahead of the curve."

"For Ike, he will face very severe challenges next!" I remember feeling that the future of 957 is not optimistic.

The top laner is isolated from the frontal battlefield most of the time.

Especially in the middle and late stages, you basically just keep leading the lane on the side lanes, and if the team needs it, you can transfer it to join the team.

The top laners of both sides are destined to be alone for a long time, and any matchup gap will be infinitely magnified.

In short, the top road is the line where the snowball moves the fastest.

957 is now lagging behind by 15 knives, allowing Snowball to take shape.

Whether the snowball can be rolled up will test Long Ge's suppression power and 957's ability to withstand pressure.

But Kandy is really cool.

When pushing the lane, he gained a lot of experience in the lane.

Now I leave with satisfaction and return to the wild area to cleanse myself of the Demon Swamp Frog and Three Wolves again.

Just when I was about to go down, I found that the swift crabs in the upper river had been refreshed, so I simply took them in my bag.

While Kandi was clearing the jungle, he was still guessing where Gu Xing was at this moment.

He felt that the opponent should also be in the top half, after all, the two started with the same jungle route.

As long as you don't deliberately disrupt it, the order in which wild monsters will be refreshed in the next few rounds should be roughly the same.

However, Gu Xing's elusiveness made Kandi dare not follow common sense to deduce the spider's location.

Condi thought for a moment, and decided to let his brother-in-law's Ice shoot e-eagles into the sky to detect the enemy's wild areas.

"The eagle spirit flew across the middle and successfully caught Virtue's figure!"

Gu Xing had just finished clearing the Ueno area and passed through the passage between the first and second towers on his middle road to see what was going on and was about to clear his three wolves.

The situation in the vg jungle area that Eagle Strikes the Sky followed also proved this point.

F4 and the stone beetle camp at the top were both empty, so Gu Xing could only scroll down.

When Xiye saw the direction of the Spider Queen, she directed the Enchantress downwards, placed an ornamental eye in the grass in the river, and tried to continue her route of catching him.

Gu Xing, who was aware of the movement, did not panic at all.

I even wanted to laugh a little bit.

What he is waiting for is for the ice eagle spirit to come to the wild area to find him!

After the visual mark of the eagle striking the sky above his head disappeared, Gu Xing turned his head again, turned around and ran upwards!

"Are you going to catch me?" Su Xiaoyan suddenly felt a strong uneasiness in her heart, "But 957 has set up a field of vision in the triangular grass on the upper road."

Some viewers still didn't understand Gu Xing's action route when they saw it - the spider cut into the upper river channel from VG's sharp-beaked bird camp, and then went up the road, using the true vision effect obtained by punishing the sharp-beaked bird just now, to determine

There are no we wards around me.

But in the middle of the river, there is still the altar that Kandi created by brushing off the swift crabs.

If Gu Xing walked over directly, he would definitely be discovered!

Under the gaze of everyone, Gu Xing manipulated Elise to transform into a spider form.

Standing at the bottom of the Dalong Pit away from the altar, turn on the e-pan silk and fly into the air!

The Canyon Pioneer, originally covered by the fog of war, has now been unveiled by him!

The vanguard refreshed in 6 minutes in the current version has become the springboard for the Spider Queen.

Elise fell lightly into the dragon pit, transformed into a human form again, and continued to move upwards against the wall!

At this moment, the director quickly switched the perspective to our side.

The River Crab Altar is working diligently to provide us with a nearby view.

But when the Spider Queen left the Dragon Pit, she didn't capture any information!

"Virtue bypassed the river crab altar without our knowledge!"

The noise from the audience is getting louder!

The chat channel in the live broadcast room was also filled with question marks!

"False vision!" I remember that I have a strong memory for such details. "From a visual point of view, the view of the Shanghe Crab Altar can include the Longkeng Pass, but in fact it can only see the entrance below and the wall above.

The passage is a blind spot!"

"Virtue obviously took advantage of this," he explained in a eloquent analysis. "Since there is no way to walk directly to the lower entrance, then use the spider-shaped e-coil to jump into the dragon pit, and then stick to the wall and leave from the upper passage


With this ability to circumnavigate your field of vision, you tell me I am a newbie?

clearlove, come out from under the table!

Don't tell me, this little trick of hiding from sight is really a bit like a factory director.

Oh, it’s really awesome. Is there such a way to bypass the field of view?

957 suffered badly!

Gu Xing hid in the blind spot of the enemy's field of vision, like a hunter patiently waiting for the opponent to take the bait.

I heard from Brother Long that the wards of 957 were arranged in the triangular grass, not at the point where the upper road meets the river, so he planned to use this method to pass through the Dragon Pit.

False vision is a concept mentioned by Hongmi when talking about eye position knowledge points.

Gu Xing's understanding ability is very strong, coupled with diligent practice, he can master it very quickly.

Now it comes in handy!

Hongmi in the lounge looked satisfied.

Gu Xing's strong thirst for knowledge and hard-working attitude during this period made him, who had always been strict, feel admiration.

When Hongmi saw 957 taking advantage of Brother Long to replenish his troops, he used Q-Time Curler and basic attacks to hit three rings to exchange blood, and he was sentenced to death in his heart.

"Pay attention to Ike's ultimate move," Gu Xing emphasized as he rushed to the line, trying to make this raid foolproof. "Don't leave any skills behind, we can do enough damage!"

Brother Long agreed, and when Ike's third ring disappeared, he immediately moved forward to exchange blood.

The intention was too obvious, and the indifference made 957 wary.

But it was too late to run away now.

When he saw Gu Xing's Spider Queen emerging from the river below, his heart went cold!

957 also knows that the Upper River Crab Altar is a fake vision.

But he never expected that Gu Xing could come back and use this method to surround and suppress him.

When my brother-in-law's eagle shot into the sky just now, he could clearly see that the opponent was brushing downwards!

957 has a strong desire to survive. He arranged w to stagger time and wanted to make room for himself.

"The troll pillar blocked the retreat, Brother Long did not hesitate to hand over the power of power!"

Ike's current position is all about meat equipment, but 957's early development is not good. At this moment, it is not very frank, and it has been sucked by the troll, and it has turned into a crispy skin.

More importantly, without the Q time curler, it becomes even more difficult for Ekko to achieve three-ring acceleration!

Gu Xing was standing nearby, using human form basic attacks + skills to consume the enemy's blood, and was not in a hurry to hand over E to form a cocoon.

When 957 had no choice but to use r-space-time rupture to return to the moment 4 seconds ago, he threw the cocoon close to his face, making him unable to dodge!

"Elise transforms into a spider form, bites hard, and combined with the troll's output, easily kills Ike!"

957 had a helpless expression. The spider on the opposite side was obviously paying attention to the afterimage of his ultimate move when he moved just now, and did not give him a chance to escape at all.

Gu Xing chose to give this head to his own top order.

"Xiao Gu, do you think I'm so embarrassed because of your head?" Brother Long refused, but he was secretly happy in his heart.

With 300 gold coins and the previous CS lead, the economic gap between the top laners on both sides is already terrifying. Coupled with the Troll's inherent advantage in beating Ekko, Brother Long has the confidence to lead the way.

"If you can't carry in this game, you'll have to wait for a treat tonight, Zhu Xiaolong." Xiao Duan, who was accompanying adc in the bottom lane to replenish troops, hummed twice.

imp muttered, "Xiao Gu, why don't you come to the bottom lane?"

During the BP in this game, he even said he wanted to carry, but now he has no chance.

Gu Xing never came to help the bottom lane. Instead, Kandi repeatedly came to the bottom jungle area to brush the jungle, creating pressure on the vg duo.

Imp didn't feel comfortable playing, and was tied up and couldn't bring out Kalista's laning strength.

Fortunately, he knew that the most important thing for a professional player was to win the game, so he did not vent his dissatisfaction to his teammates.

"Immediately" Gu Xing's mind was spinning rapidly. The last time Kandi went to the lower half of his house to counterattack the Demon Marsh Frog, he had asked Xiao Duan to have a vision in advance and saw that the death time of Frog Concubine was 4 minutes and 50 seconds.

In other words, this group of Demon Swamp Frogs will be refreshed at 6 minutes and 30 seconds.

And it’s exactly six and a half minutes!

"Brother Duan, take a look. If the excavator from the opposite side comes to attack, we will fight directly!" Gu Xing spoke quickly, "Brother Long, prepare to teleport!"

He himself circled back to his own jungle area from the triangle grass on the top road, and rushed down quickly in spider form.

Unknowingly, Gu Xing also had a certain influence on the team's early decision-making.

His outstanding performance in the previous games not only conquered some of the audience, but also gained the trust of his teammates.

The team commander, Xiao Duan, was not dissatisfied with this. He walked towards his jungle area with imp, and when he cast his true eye, he happened to see Kandi's Rek'Sai stealing the newly spawned Demon Swamp Frog!

Thresh is still surrounded by bodyguard zero!

Xiao Duan realized the great opportunity and immediately shouted loudly in his voice, "Teleport, teleport!"

Imp reacted quickly and quickly inserted eyelets on Kandi's retreat.

The next moment, a scarlet swirling light lit up in the canyon!

"Teleport from top laner Long Ge!" I remember his voice was high and loud, "VG wants to trap WE and Nosuke in the jungle!"

Xiye, who had been replenishing troops online before, saw that his teammates were in trouble and quickly went to the jungle to support them.

But the vampires operated by easyhoon got wind at every step and left the middle first!

"Master Hou just started sprinting!"

Version 6.10 has made an epic enhancement to Ghost Step, with the cooldown reduced from 210 seconds to 180 seconds, and the movement speed bonus increased from 27% at all levels to 28%-45% adjusted according to level.

Currently, many non-displacement mid-lane characters like to use sprint to increase their flexibility.

Vampires are one of them.

After being reworked in the mid-season version, today's vampires rely heavily on acceleration to quickly enter the battlefield.

Among the cornerstone talents is Storm Rider's Surge, which can increase the movement speed of the hero, but the current mainstream equipment of vampires is still invigorating. The trigger condition of Wind Rider is to reduce the maximum health of the opponent's hero by 30% within 2.5 seconds, which is relatively harsh.


Therefore, most vampire players, including the Marquis, use sprint, which is more convenient.

Easyhoon, who had the ability to run quickly, quickly shook off Xiye's enchantress, and was about to seal the river pass before his eyes!

The voices in the we team fell into a brief panic.

"I can't get off, you have to leave quickly!" 957 told his teammates not to worry about counterattack, and that the best strategy would be to retreat and sell out.

Zero's Chinese is not bad. At this moment, he used simple words to convey his meaning to Kandi, "Pick up the lantern!"

He knew that his jungler's flash had not improved yet, and it would be difficult to escape in the face of an encirclement and suppression if he escaped alone, so he deliberately dropped the W Soul Lamp at Rek'Sai's feet, hoping to pick up Kandi and escape quickly.

But just before Condi picked up the lantern, a short flash of +w pushed him into the depths of the VG wild area!

"Rek'Sai is far away from the lantern and can't be picked up at all!"

The tauren stood waiting. Looking at his posture, Kandi knew that before he could light the lantern before he ran over, he was about to eat the opponent's Q. The Earth Shattered.

With the equipment I have, if I take continuous control, I can't even hope to survive.

As a last resort, Kandi gave up and played hide-and-seek with the vg players in the opposite jungle, trying to find a way to survive.

When Zero saw Kandi running in another direction, he quickly ran back.

But Easyhoon, who has already arrived, doesn’t want to let him live!

"Mystic came to support, but he has not yet reached level 6, so he can only use w thousands of arrows to slow down the opponent."

The Marquis r Blood Plague started, and all subsequent skills were thrown at Thresh, while the imp Kalista kept poking at the side.

Zero, who did not have a big move, used the Pendulum of Doom to throw away the approaching vampire. Xiye Demon Shadow stalked forward, followed by the Phantom Chain, and tried to imprison the Marquis in place.

Zero took a healing spell from his brother-in-law and thought he saw hope of survival.

But Brother Long, who was teleported to the ground, used a pillar to cut off his last glimmer of hope!

"Give me the head!" Easyhoon rarely took the initiative to ask for money. He felt that as a mid-to-late stage nuclear vampire, it was still necessary for him to take money.

Imp really wants to eat.

But he still calmed down at the last moment, and pulled out all the spears on Thresh's body, leaving a trace of blood skin for the vampire to take away with the blood plague that delayed the detonation of damage!

"Kandi is still running away." I remember looking at the direction Reksai was heading in, with a very surprised tone, "But that's someone else's house!"

Several vg fans in the audience burst into laughter.

Condi immersed himself in running, used e to dig a tunnel across the wall and left the lower jungle area of ​​​​vg. He came within the shooting range of the opponent's second tower in the middle, and wanted to continue running upward.

As long as he can find a safe and secluded location, he can successfully return to the city in 8 seconds!

But the reality is cruel.

Stepping into the grass, Kandi ran into a small spider full of venom!

"Virtue, who ran down from the top lane before the battle even started, stopped Rek'Sai!"

Gu Xing ran down in such a hurry mainly because he wanted to help the team capture a little dragon.

Unexpectedly, there are additional rewards!

The cocoon was thrown out, and Kandi, who was at a narrow intersection in the wild area, had no room to move, and even after twisting his waist, he couldn't dodge the skill.

"The spider switches forms, inflicts damage on the opponent, and takes it away easily!"

I remember shouting on the commentary stage, "vg has taken the absolute initiative on the scene, and it is difficult for us to find a chance to turn around!"

"That's awesome, Xiao Gu," Brother Long teleported and only got an assist, but he still had an unstoppable smile on his face, "Your idea is okay!"

The atmosphere within the team is relaxed and cheerful.

"If you want to rebel against my jungle, you have to pay a price, right?" Gu Xing joked.

This was his long-planned dark idea.

Previously, I asked Xiao Duan to wards and observe the refresh node of vg Demon Swamp Frog, just to catch Kandi once in his own jungle area.

Gu Xingfang just counted the time and appeared on the road. Firstly, he wanted to raid 957, and secondly, he deliberately exposed his position.

Around six and a half minutes, Kandi discovered that he was in the upper half, and there was a high probability that he would make up for his disadvantage through counter-wild invasion.

At this point in time, there is only one group of Demon Swamp Frogs in the lower jungle area of ​​VG.

Gu Xing's hobby is fishing.

Last time We Yefu was able to successfully counter the Demon Swamp Frog, it was because Easyhoon was at a very low level at the time and had no burst damage, and Brother Long couldn't find the right time to teleport around.

He used Frog Concubine to trick Kandi into his jungle area, and let the liberated top laner Troll teleport to cut off the opponent's retreat!

This time is completely different!

Zero and Kandi were killed one after another, and Gu Xing started to fight Tulong with the help of his teammates.

As Xiaolong screamed before his death, Su Xiaoyan looked at the widening economic gap between the two sides, and a strong sense of powerlessness filled her heart.

"We have three lanes plus jungle, and no one point is an advantage." She sighed secretly, "We said it when we analyzed the lineup at the end of the BP, we cannot accept a disadvantageous start, and it is too difficult to come back."

I remember nodding my head repeatedly, "The key lies in Virtue's spider. As mentioned before the game, he has no ability to cooperate with the heroes on the top and middle lanes, but as long as he can give the team some advantages, it will be enough to wait until Hou Ye's equipment is formed.

Can take over the game!"

Easyhoon has a head in hand, equip it and start swiping hard.

Xiye's Enchantress initially has the ability to clear the line, and she also wants to support the side and help the team save the situation.

But we are now at a huge disadvantage. In addition, Kandi's Rek'Sai has not yet bought a green jungle knife. Before making the eye stone, the field of vision in the jungle has been completely reduced.

As a result, Xiye's wandering direction was clearly visible through the eye position arranged by Gu Xing.

"The spider crouched in the grass in advance, and a set of skills was unreasonable and directly reduced the Enchantress's HP by more than half!"

Gu Xing didn't even let go of the cocoon, so he used damage skills to forcefully instill it.

If LeBlanc's condition is disabled, she will no longer be able to help her teammates on the wing!

"Xiye is very angry and will fight back if he raises his hand, but the spider can fly to avoid damage, so it is impossible to be killed alone!"

After Gu Xing landed, he didn't even look at the remaining health of the Enchantress, and went back to clearing the jungle.

"Virtue doesn't chase deeply either, and his playing style is very smart!"

The Enchantress itself does not have any recovery ability. As the level increases, the recovery effect provided by the life potion becomes worse and worse. Xiye is afraid that he will be killed by the Marquis alone when he returns to the line, so he can only return to the city to replenish his supplies.

But in this way, easyhoon has found an opportunity to develop steadily.

"Master Hou, this vampire's developmental ability is really terrifying!" Su Xiaoyan sighed with emotion.

When the game entered 20 minutes, easyhoon's last hit count had risen to 230!

In addition to the middle line of troops, some wild monsters were also swallowed by him!

With Rocket Belt + Invigorating Armor + Mercury Shoes in hand, his equipment level leads the field!

Gu Xing has performed his task perfectly. After making the Fu Neng Echo jungle knife, he added an ice staff, trying to use the slowing effect to give his mid laner a wider space to play.

Brother Long stands out as a arrogant man with a greedy hydra. He ignores 957 and destroys the defense tower with just a few sticks!

Turn around, use two basic attacks and bite with sharp teeth to drive the opponent away, and a wave of minions will suck up all the health!

957 pursed his lips, saying there was nothing he could do against the troll.

He and Kandi's Rek'Sai together can't beat Brother Long!

As a last resort, 957 simply tried to join the group directly.

A team battle broke out in front of the second tower in the middle. A small group of tauren decisively flashed wq to start the team, knocking the opponent's front row into the air!

"Imp activates his ultimate move, and then throws himself out at a small stage, causing a second stage of control!"

In the midst of the remembered shouts, Hou Ye entered the field at a sprint, sprayed his ultimate move into the middle of the enemy crowd, and charged up the e-blood tide to explode a high amount of area damage.

Gu Xing provided some control from the side, using the self-destructing spider and the slowing effect of the ice staff to retain the opponent.

Find the remaining health and pounce upwards. After killing the person, use the e-coil to hang him in the air to avoid damage and then land on the ground to perform a set of skills.

Imp's skateboard shoes jump left and right, stabbing spears into everyone's bodies, and when they are pulled out, they create a considerable burst of output!

"We can't defeat vampires head-on!"

We supporters at the scene were filled with despair.

He had just lowered the Houye's blood volume, but the detonation effect of the r-blood plague filled his blood volume up again!

Invigorating armor increases the healing benefits received, making it a perfect match for vampires!

"With 957 joining us, the frontal battlefield of WE has collapsed. VG is about to win the four-on-five battle, and the high ground in the bottom lane will also be destroyed by Brother Long!"

The atmosphere in the venue is hot!

Amid waves of cheers from vg fans, the team won a great victory and turned around to take down Baron Nash!

When the game progressed to 28 minutes, Zero and Kandi, who wanted to go to the jungle to ward, were caught by Gu Xing.

Bread sandwich!

After downsizing, we no longer had any ability to resist. We sent out three-on-five team annihilations. We watched helplessly as vg rushed to the high ground and destroyed the main crystal of our base!

This chapter has been completed!
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