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Chapter 338

Yue Guzhai's people have been digging for many days, and now with Fang Tianfeng and others, the speed is much faster.

Fang Tianfeng used extra strength at the beginning, but when there was still the last section, he started to use normal strength, and the progress slowed down.

At nine o'clock in the evening, everyone stopped, but there were not many boulders left, and the grotto hall inside could even be seen through the gaps in the rocks.

Thinking of being able to excavate these huge boulders tomorrow, everyone was in a good mood. The continuous light rain no longer bothered them. Everyone even went into the big tent to sit around and chat.

Both sides are still wary, and some people still carry guns with them. However, after two days of cooperation, the relationship has eased and they are chatting and laughing together.

Fang Tianfeng remained silent, and no one noticed the occasional faint flash of light in his eyes.

That is a phenomenon unique to the emergence of Qi-Wang Technique and Yuan Qi.

It was late at night, and everyone slowly dispersed. Both sides appointed people to keep watch for the night. Fang Tianfeng and Ling still went to bed first, and got up in the middle of the night to keep watch.

Not long after Fang Tianfeng lay down, he heard some noises and conversations that he shouldn't have.

Fang Tianfeng quickly released an air weapon, which silently flew past the tent camp, past several dilapidated houses, and stopped at the edge of the cemetery.

Two people were standing on the edge of the cemetery smoking cigarettes. The flames of the two cigarette butts flickered, which was particularly eye-catching at night.

The fierce-looking Brother Lang said: "Old Boss, we are not from the same family. If you have anything to say, just say it. I don't want the Leng family to be suspicious."

"Who told you that we are not from the same group?" Gu Rende suddenly took a puff of cigarette, the cigarette butt was bright, and the firelight shone on his face. It looked particularly strange.

"What do you mean?" Brother Wolf asked warily.

"As far as I know, the master left Dongjiang with more people. The target should be the tomb of the princes in the pre-Qin Dynasty. Even if only one Warring States cloth coin is produced, it is an income of nearly one million. If the master is in Mang County recently, this

I'm afraid we won't have anything to do with the Leng family this time." After finishing speaking, Gu Rende took a long drag on the cigarette.

Brother Lang looked fierce and asked, "How do you know Master's whereabouts?"

"I, Yue Gu Zhai, have been based in Yunhai City for so long. If I don't know many people, how can I achieve the current scale? I know every billionaire in Yunhai City who collects. More than one-third of them have come to my store.

Yue Guzhai. Do you think that when I sell antiques, I just sit in the shop and wait for them to come?"

"What exactly do you want to say to me?"

Gurende stared into Brother Lang's eyes and said: "According to the weather forecast, this rain will end in the middle of the night, and we will use two large helicopters to arrive before dawn at the latest.

No choice. My foreign master is the same person as yours, and we don’t want to force you to fight. As long as you join us, it will be yours. It will not be less."

"Why should I believe you?" Brother Lang didn't believe it at all. Yangzhuang was selling antiques overseas. After all, it was against the law. The owner had always been unknown to the public, and Brother Lang only found out the identity of that person not long ago.

Gu Rende smiled and said: "The incident in Hanjiagou a year ago was planned by Mr. Yin and I. Do you want me to tell you the details? I remember you killed two people, one with a gun and one with a gun."

He hacked people to death with an axe."

"That's enough!" Brother Wolf's eyes turned red.

Gu Rende smiled calmly and said: "I want your answer before midnight."

Brother Lang was silent for a moment and said, "Why don't you choose to cooperate with the Leng family?"

"Mr. Yin did not suffer less from Leng Yun. He did this this time mainly for the sake of face. The most important thing is that, by cooperating with the Leng family, we ended up with too little." Gu Rende replied.

"Let me think about it." Brother Lang hesitated.

"Don't forget, you are not the only one in your team, and I am not the first one to talk to you!"

Fang Tianfeng continued to monitor these two people, and remembered that when he was digging rocks, Gu Rende's men had called Brother Lang and Yu Zhenshan's disciples away because they had known each other before and were too far away at that time.

, Fang Tianfeng didn't pay attention, but now he knows the reason.

Before eleven o'clock, Brother Lang suddenly woke up Fang Tianfeng and Ling, saying that he and his brothers would stay vigil in the second half of the night and that they didn't need to bother them.

Fang Tianfeng seemed to know nothing and agreed with a smile, and finally said: "Brother Lang, take care of your health. You can't make enough money, so don't work too hard."

Brother Lang smiled and said: "You finally said something nice to me, okay, go to bed early."

Both of them had very kind smiles.

However, after a while, Fang Tianfeng walked out of the tent. The night watchman asked what was going on. Fang Tianfeng said that he was woken up just as he fell asleep. He couldn't sleep and wanted to take a walk.

Fang Tianfeng walked slowly and leisurely, and finally came to the entrance of the grotto.

The four people on watch all stared at Fang Tianfeng.

Fang Tianfeng's eyes fell on the top of the cave entrance passage.

There are still huge boulders in this section of the cave, but it is the last section and is not as dense as before. There are many gaps and cavities between the boulders and the top, some even as big as half a person.

The murderous blade and the fighting tiger talisman flew out one after another, flying into the grotto hall along the gap at the top, and then the two air soldiers easily opened the sarcophagus.

The most basic ability of the Thousand-Refined Qi Soldier is that it can change its form. The tiger talisman of fighting energy turned into a small box, and the murderous blade turned into a hand. Under the command of Fang Tianfeng, he began to select things.

Hong Xiuquan's Yunzhongxue Broken Knife and Wooden Seal were naturally his first choices. Then, Fang Tianfeng carefully collected a large number of other funerary objects in the coffin.

There are not many funerary objects here. Apparently Hong Xiuquan ran in a hurry and did not bring too many things with him.

Not all antique cultural relics are attached with luck, and not all antique cultural relics with attached luck are qi treasures. It is also impossible to see the value of everything using qi-gazing techniques.

Except for these two items, there was no way to judge other items, so Fang Tianfeng decided to choose the ones with small quantity and good condition.

There were many Qing Dynasty coins inside, as well as many other coins. Among them, there were only two "Qixiang Chongbao" coins, so I packed them away. There was also a very beautiful and golden coin with the words "Tianping Heavenly Kingdom" and "Sacred Treasure" engraved on it.

, and intact, also picked up together.

In addition to coins, there are also various gold, silver, jade, jewelry, etc. Fang Tianfeng didn't look at the gold and silver. He only looked at various jade and jade. The jade inside looked very ordinary. Fang Tianfeng picked three of the most beautiful jade belts.


Fang Tianfeng once went to a jewelry store to buy jadeite. The current price of jadeite can only be described as terrible. The one with a little green color is worth hundreds of thousands. The kind of jadeite jewelry used to sell stores can easily cost five to six million, and the higher ones are also

Tens of millions.

These three pieces of jadeite are all very beautiful. Fang Tianfeng can't tell which type of glass is from which type of ice. They look no worse than the jadeite that costs five or six million yuan in a jewelry store.

The box in which the fighting tiger talisman was transformed brought Hong Xiuquan's broken sword, the wooden seal of the Heavenly King, two Qixiang treasures, money from the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom's treasury and three pieces of jade, and returned together with the murderous blade.

The Qi soldiers showed their "despicability". Others couldn't see the box that the Tiger Talisman of War Qi turned into, so naturally they couldn't see the contents inside. Fang Tianfeng returned to the tent in an unusually leisurely manner under the eyes of those people, and then put the

Put a few things away.

"As long as we find that ancient book, we can know whether the Broken Sword and the Wooden Seal are Qi treasures and whether they can be used!"

Fang Tianfeng fell asleep peacefully.

At 4:30 in the morning, just after dawn, Fang Tianfeng suddenly opened his eyes, because many people in the camp had gotten up, but most of them were people from Yueguzhai.

The people in Yue Guzhai were already very careful, but they still woke up the people on Fang Tianfeng's side, especially Ling. He immediately notified everyone to get up.

Everyone didn't take off their clothes and quickly walked out of the sleeping bags and tents, all with their guys.

The rain for days has stopped, and the sky is gray, with a faint blue light. The morning breeze is caressing, and it feels cool on people's bodies.

The autumn wind makes everyone's minds clear.

Fang Tianfeng saw Gu Rende and others standing in front of the big tent door, everyone holding guns and aiming at the people here.

Leng Yuanyuan asked loudly: "Gu Rende, you suddenly got up at this time and brought a gun. What do you mean?"

Gu Rende smiled and said: "Do you still need to ask? The helicopter that passed here three days ago belonged to your Leng family, right? If I guessed correctly, the Leng family will send a helicopter and people this morning

, if the things inside and the things in these cemeteries are not valuable, everyone can distribute them according to the original plan. If there are precious treasures inside, we can only leave with hatred, right?"

"But no one from our Leng family is coming now." Leng Yuanyuan said.

"It will be too late when someone comes! Leng Yuanyuan, Ling, you two are the people that Leng Yun values ​​​​and I don't want to be rough with you. I will throw out the gun in my hand. I will continue to treat you as honored guests. When we get to the grotto

The things inside should be left immediately. As for the things in the cemeteries in the valley, we don’t want anything."

"Your calculation is very good. How about we give up these thousands of tombs and only want the things in the caves?" Leng Yuanyuan said without showing any signs of weakness.

"Manager Leng, don't force me!" Gu Rende said slowly, and a powerful aura formed on his body, which was shocking.

Only Fang Tianfeng could see that the murderous aura and luck above Gu Rende's head began to surge, changing the flow of vitality nearby.

"If you dare to touch me and Ling, I guarantee that you will not be able to leave Qingfeng Mountain!" Leng Yuanyuan raised her head and said stubbornly, not afraid of Gu Rende.

Ling raised his pistol and pointed it at Gurende, saying: "You have many people and guns, but I can guarantee that if you want to shoot, you will be the first to die among everyone!"

Gu Rende sighed softly, showed a faint sneer, and said: "I didn't expect that you didn't see the situation clearly now. Take action!"

After Gu Rende finished speaking, he raised his head high and looked at Leng Yuanyuan and Ling with contempt.

I saw Brother Lang and four of his men turning their guns. One pointed the gun at Leng Yuanyuan's head, while the other four pointed at Ling.

Even though Zero was a special forces soldier and was pointed at so many guns at the same time, there was nothing he could do for a while.

Brother Wolf quickly snatched the gun from Ling's hand.

Yu Zhenshan, who was on the side without a gun, shouted: "Do you take me seriously?"

Yu Zhenshan originally thought that after he finished speaking, his five disciples would use guns or knives to force Brother Lang and others, but Gu Rende, Brother Lang and others showed mocking smiles at the same time.

Yu Zhenshan's five disciples actually held their knives or knives behind Zhenshan at the same time.

Yu Zhenshan's eyes immediately turned from anger to surprise, and then his whole body seemed to be surrounded by anger.

"Why are you doing this!" Yu Zhenshan yelled in disbelief that his disciples betrayed him. To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature for better and faster novels!

This chapter has been completed!
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