Turn off the lights
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Chapter 389

There are also a large number of dead fish fry in the fish tank. Chairman Yan proudly said that he collected these overnight. There are not many, only more than 300 fish. When they were alive, they sold for more than 300,000 yuan at most. Now make a few calls.

With so much money, I really can’t afford to have it idle.

On the innermost table on the first floor, there were two things, one was a bag containing fragments of porcelain, and the other was a box containing fragments of an jade bracelet. Fang Tianfeng opened it, looked at it, and then carried it up to the second floor.

After a while, Fang Tianfeng walked down with a seemingly complete six-sided vase of blue and white flowers and placed it on the table. He had already used his energy to temporarily stick the porcelain together. It would not be a problem to hold on for a day. The jade bracelet was placed in the vase.


Fang Tianfeng said to everyone who had not slept all night: "This bottle is very expensive, at least 10 million, and there is a jade bracelet in it. It is very expensive, and it is worth 10 million. I will put it here for the time being. Don't touch any of you. My heart is broken."


The expressions of the clerks at the Arowana shop are getting weirder and weirder than the last. Isn’t this a trick? Who is so unlucky?

Too cruel!

Fang Tianfeng looked at the time and said: "Close the door, someone will lose power soon, let them do it!"

As he said that, Fang Tianfeng glanced at Ali and asked, "If the urban management comes here to cause trouble, can you guarantee that they will destroy the store?"

"Ah?" Ali was stunned for a moment, why were these words so awkward, but he quickly said with a complicated mood, "I will try my best to ensure that they smash the store smoothly."

"Okay! You go to the back hall to sleep first. As long as today's business is successful, everyone will receive a month's salary increase!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, their resentment disappeared, and they wished they could do it again.

So, everyone went to sleep in the back hall on the first floor, and Fang Tianfeng returned to the car and played games on his tablet computer.

It was less than six o'clock. Two people came outside the Arowana shop. After a while, all the lights lighting up the Arowana shop were turned off, and then the two people quietly left.

Fang Tianfeng didn't care at all and continued to wait.

At half past seven, the Shenlong Fishing Dragon Fish Shop opened on time. Fang Tianfeng’s Bentley was parked not far away.

Almost at the same time, a somewhat mysterious car appeared in a secret place, and there were actually people inside using cameras and taking pictures.

Not long after, more than ten people wearing ordinary clothes were hiding in the distance.

The clerk in the store immediately performed according to the original script, yelling and scolding the Electricity Bureau, and even shouted slogans that he was going to court to sue the Electricity Bureau.

Many people who were buying and selling dragon fish came to watch. Many people who didn't understand it felt very sorry. The losses inside must be in the millions, but those who knew about it were surprised because the fish inside was too strange. And who owned it?

It is impossible for an arowana shop to stock so many expensive aquariums.

Only a few people have discovered why the arowanas sold yesterday that died of disease are all here?

The store was in a miserable state. At eight o'clock, four urban management law enforcement vehicles arrived, a small car, two vans, and a pickup truck.

Four cars parked in front of the door. More than a dozen urban management officials in hurried uniforms came down, but the people in the cars did not move.

Fang Tianfeng used his qi-gazing technique to look at the middle-aged man in the back seat of the car. He was a senior official. Only the director of the Urban Management Bureau had this level.

A man who looked like an urban management captain pointed at the facade of the Arowana store and said, "Your facade violates regulations and affects the city's appearance. It must be demolished immediately!"

Because Shenlong Fishing Farm is on the high-end route, the decoration of the facade is relatively luxurious. There are red lacquered dragon pillars on both sides of the door, and there are also some antique decorations such as guise. Many large arowana restaurants nearby are like this, otherwise it will be too shabby for others.

Don't even look at it.

Ali immediately walked out. When he saw more than a dozen urban management officials surrounding him, he felt guilty. He smiled and said, "Hello, what's going on? We're not setting up stalls anywhere, so we're not violating the regulations?"

"Your facade extends too far. It's a clear violation of regulations," the urban management team leader said.

Ali said helplessly: "Please be accommodating. I don't know much about the law, but we are not occupying the sidewalk. Whose house doesn't have a step exit? The extension is only half a meter in total. Did we buy a house and connect it in front of the door?

Is it illegal to lay out a mat? Look at other people’s mats, and some of them extend more than one meter. Why don’t you wait until you check other stores before coming to us?”

"What nonsense! Demolish it immediately! I'll give you thirty minutes. If you don't demolish it, we will do it," said the urban management team leader.

Ali immediately said: "Then please bring out the relevant legal provisions and point out which one we have violated. If there are clear legal provisions, we will revise them immediately! In addition, if I remember correctly, we have already paid the 'facade decoration management fee'

, means that you recognize our appearance as legitimate!”

The urban management team leader was dumbfounded because he had indeed received management fees for facade decoration, and he had collected them not long after the store opened.

However, the urban management team leader quickly said: "Although you have paid the management fee, after repeated discussions, the bureau has determined that your store has affected other stores and affected passers-by walking on the sidewalk. Also, we suspect that you have fire safety standards

Hidden danger.”

"Fire safety is the responsibility of the fire brigade and the public security bureau, but you have nothing to do with it," Ali said.

The urban management chief originally wanted to find an excuse to close the store, but he didn't expect the other party's attitude to be so tough. He couldn't help but glanced at the urban management director on the car and immediately made up his mind.

"Then we can only forcibly remove the facade decorations that violate the regulations!" The urban management team leader waved, and the urban management team with tools immediately rushed to the door.

Led by Ali, all the store employees ran out and posted themselves around the door frame to prevent them from damaging it.

For a while, the star management didn't know how to start. They beat up the powerless vendors, elderly people and other vulnerable groups without mercy. But when faced with such luxuriously decorated shops, they hesitated.

The city managers looked at the captain.

The urban management team leader is not stupid. Nowadays, the superiors are tightening their grip, and with the development of the Internet, if things get serious, he will be dismissed as a temporary worker, but there are leaders watching behind him. If he cannot give the leader a satisfactory answer, he will be punished.

It makes no difference when you are fired as a temporary worker.

After thinking about it for a while, the urban management team leader suddenly realized that he had done this kind of thing before, but he just changed the target. He shouted: "Demolish them all!"

As a result, the storefront of Shenlong Fishery became chaotic. Some urban management officials used tools to dismantle and decorate the store. Others dragged Ali and other store clerks away.

"What a bully, fight with them!" Ali said, pushing the star tube violently.

When the urban management team leader saw Ali and others taking action, he immediately shouted excitedly: "They took action and dared to violently resist the law. Arrest them all!"

However, Ali and others were already prepared and ran to the store immediately.

The star tube has always been horizontally domineering. He was very depressed after standing outside the store for so long. But now that he saw them running away, he became energetic and immediately chased them inside.

Unexpectedly, the urban management team leader suddenly said with a sinister smile: "Be careful, don't let these people hit the fish tank when they escape!"

The urban management officials finally showed their long-suppressed desire for destruction.

An aquarium collapsed to the ground, and a large amount of water and dead fish rushed out.

"Oh, why did you guys knock over the fish tank? A few days ago, an old man accidentally stepped on the scale and overturned a basket of oranges." A city manager said with a smile.

Another urban management officer then pushed down another fish tank and shouted, "Why are you so careless? It's a pity that the fish tank is in the house and cannot be moved to the car."

As a result, the fish tanks in the store were destroyed one after another, turning the hall into a pool, with a large amount of water and dead fish pouring out the door.

"Polluting the environment! Affecting the appearance of the city! Fines! Fines!" a city management official shouted loudly.

Some urban management officers were destroying the aquarium, while others rushed to arrest Ali and others.

Ali deliberately walked near the table inside. When the city guard rushed to attack, he immediately dodged. The city guard bumped into the table.

The table shook, and the large six-square vase of blue and white flowers with entwining branches and flowers "worth 10 million" beside the table suddenly tilted and fell.

The porcelain bottle fell to the ground, making a crisp sound, porcelain pieces flying everywhere, and the jade bracelet inside also shattered.

Before the nearby urban management officer realized what was happening, Ali shouted as loudly as a dead person: "This is 20 million worth of antiques and jade! This is 20 million worth! You guys have a power outage early in the morning.

I caused the store to lose five to six million yuan of arowana, and now I am still unwilling to accept it. I deliberately broke 20 million worth of things, and I will sue you!"

Fang Tianfeng shook his head. He thought that Ali's acting skills were too poor, then he got out of the car and looked at the person who had been filming.

The reporter made a gesture to signify the end, and then Fang Tianfeng walked towards the Arowana shop.

Almost at the same time that Ali shouted out 20 million, the urban management team leader immediately understood that he had fallen into a trap!

"Everyone come back! Everyone leave this arowana shop, everyone come back! Don't do anything!" the urban management team leader yelled in panic.

But, it's too late.

Fang Tianfeng strode upright and walked to the door of the store. He glared at the urban management team leader and shouted, "Why did you smash up my arowana store? Are you being instigated by someone to avenge a private vendetta? I'm going to sue you!"

The urban management team leader's legs felt weak, not because Fang Tianfeng was too strong, but because this was obviously a trap, a trap.

"There must be some misunderstanding." The urban management team leader said hurriedly, completely losing the spirit of smashing the store just now.

"Misunderstanding? I smashed my aquarium worth four to five million, threw away my antiques worth ten million and my jade bracelet worth ten million. Is this a misunderstanding? Let me tell you, you must compensate, not even a penny.

Young Master! I have decided on this lawsuit, and I will fight it even if it reaches the stable! As public officials, you collude with each other, abuse your power, and avenge private revenge. I don’t believe that there is no kingly law in this world! Who ordered you to come here?


Fang Tianfeng said and looked at the urban management director in the car. The urban management director also understood and wanted to drive. Fang Tianfeng rushed over and blocked in front of the car.

"Who are you? Why did you command the urban management to smash my shop? Why did you deliberately smash my antique jade worth more than 20 million yuan!" Fang Tianfeng roared loudly, with grief and anger on his face. In order to perform this scene, he went to see the Roaring Cult Master.

TV series starring Ma Jingtao.

The urban management director vaguely felt that something was wrong, and subconsciously shouted: "Get out of here, or I will kill you!"

"This is the title of the headline news!" The hidden reporter was extremely excited, took pictures frantically, and faithfully recorded this sentence.

"Everyone, stop him!" Fang Tianfeng shouted, and more than ten people who had been prepared rushed out and surrounded the urban management director's car.

"The city management killed someone!"

"The city management is going to hit someone!"

"Don't let the urban management run over someone to death, stop him!" A gangster who was released from prison three years ago was now full of justice.

This chapter has been completed!
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