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Chapter 526

Fang Tianfeng finally couldn't bear it any longer, and unleashed murderous intent. The murderous blade turned into a rope and bound the reporter's feet, and then the rope was pulled out violently (Read the full text of "The Flower on the Crossing Street".//Fastest update//

"Ah..." the reporter yelled, and his body fell backwards. He fell from the car to the ground and lay on his back, just like a turtle that had been turned over.

People nearby looked at the reporter immediately, and people from other TV stations even pointed their cameras at him.

The reporter hurriedly stood up and walked out with a red face. As soon as he took a step, another dog fell and gnawed on him. His mouth hit the ground and his lips were full of blood.

This was just the beginning. Every time the reporter took a step, he would inevitably fall, either on his arms or legs or on his face. The whole process was so funny, just like people in a comedy, that the people in the car couldn't help but laugh.

, some people even laughed so hard, especially those children, who laughed the most (read the full text of "Yi Hu Bai Ying").

This reporter became the focus of the audience. Children could see him falling every step of the way, but adults had never seen him falling every step of the way.

After falling for fifteen times, this reporter finally had tears in his eyes. He sat on the ground and did not dare to stand up. The pain was secondary, and the humiliation was the most important thing.

Fang Tianfeng smiled slightly, looked back, and stopped looking at the reporter.

The door closed, and the first luxury bus headed to Yunhai City Passenger Terminal. There was another luxury bus waiting behind it. Because there were not enough ambulances, other lightly injured people were helped to this bus.

There are naive reporters, and there are smart reporters. A female reporter and a cameraman came to the bus with only slightly injured people and began to interview.

"Hello, I am Xiaowei, a reporter from Dongjiang News Channel. In order to let more people understand this disaster and to prevent it from happening again, can you tell me the specific situation from the beginning?"

"Tell me from the beginning?" The speaker was a middle-aged uncle with a bandage on his head.

"Yes, let's start from the beginning."

"I was sitting at the time, about to fall asleep, when I heard someone from behind shouting that the car was going to have an accident. Then someone laughed at him, and the driver even scolded him."

"Then what?" the female reporter asked.

"Then I looked back and saw that he was a young man. He was quite handsome. He looked very nice and didn't look like someone who talked nonsense. However, I felt strange at the time and wondered if there was something wrong with this man's brain.

Then he said what kind of master he was."

At this time, someone nearby shouted: "It's Master Fang! I will never forget it in my life!"

"Yes, yes (Qing Qiangtian)! It's Master Fang!" the middle-aged man said hurriedly.

"You continue." The reporter looked confused. It was originally a car accident, so how could it be related to the master?

"We didn't believe it, so Master Fang and his girlfriend walked out of the car. Then, another master went crazy and said that something was going to happen to the car. Anyway, he said some messy words and walked out.

Then we got a little scared. Then Master Fang said something again, but I didn’t hear it clearly. When I saw everyone else going down, I was a little scared, so I went down.”

"I was the last one to go down. As soon as I walked out of the door, I heard something from behind the car. I turned around and saw that I was scared to death! A tanker truck hit me and was about to hit the coach. Then I moved forward.

I pounced, but the tanker didn't hit me, and the explosion didn't hurt me. I hit my head on the guardrail on the side of the highway, and it hurt."

Some people in the car laughed.

The female reporter asked curiously: "It's not possible. I've seen the bus at the scene. It was flattened and burned into an empty frame. You are so close to the car. No matter how fast you run, it's impossible."

How to avoid the explosion of a LPG tanker! I asked the firefighters, once that kind of tanker exploded, there would be no life within a few dozen meters."

The middle-aged man hurriedly said: "Listen to me! At that time, I thought I was going to die, but something strange happened. The fire seemed to be blocked by something, and it couldn't get through. You know the glass fish tank, right? Look at the fish tank.

At that time, the water inside was replaced by fire, and it was what it looked like at that time. In short, it was very magical."

The female reporter was stunned and didn't believe this at all.

However, other people in the car spoke one after another.

"Yes! I've seen it too."

"I injured my leg while hiding from the fire. I thought I was going to be burned to death, but when I looked back, all the fire was blocked."

The female reporter suspected that these people were experiencing a collective hallucination. She was silent for a moment, then immediately changed the topic and asked: "Where is Master Fang? He got off the car and ran away?"

"Run away? You are such a pretty girl, how can you think of people so bad? Master Fang is such a good person, how can you run away? (Read the full text by Yan Si Zhaoyun)! We didn't even react, Master Fang rushed into the fire

Rescue people in the sea. You don’t know how dangerous the scene was at that time. It was a gas explosion in a car. All the cars next to it were on fire. They must have exploded! But Master Fang just rushed in and used both hands to remove the gas in the car.

People were pulled out one by one, then sent to a safe place, and then ran back to save others. I didn't react at the time, but now that I think about it, who is not fat? Who dares to rush into the fire like that? But Master Fang

Just went in."

After speaking, the middle-aged man wiped his red eyes, and several women nearby also wiped their tears.

An aunt said: "Yes. We were all frightened at the time. Looking back now, Master Fang is really a rare good person in the world. Where can I find such a good person now? I just don't have a beautiful daughter. If I had one,

Life or death, I want my daughter to marry him."

Everyone in the car spoke to each other, telling each other about the scene where Fang Tianfeng saved people at that time, and they were extremely grateful to Fang Tianfeng.

The female reporter and cameraman were shocked by what everyone said. Both of them had seen the scene. Let alone go in to save people right after the explosion, they would not dare to go in even if they waited for a few more minutes.

Afterwards, the female reporter asked many questions, and everyone answered them one by one. Finally, when asked about the whereabouts of Master Fang, someone pointed to the place where the first luxury bus disappeared and said, "The darkest person is Master Fang. He insisted that

I was not hurt, I went to the car in front of me, and it has already driven away."

As soon as the female reporter heard this, she immediately called the TV station and asked the reporters in the station to go to the passenger terminal and wait for the bus, and to find Master Fang himself and interview him.

Before the luxury bus entered the city, Fang Tianfeng had already called Master Cui to pick him up. He got off the bus with Nie Xiaoyao on the way and exchanged contact information with Master Sang before leaving.

Master Cui was startled when he saw Fang Tianfeng's appearance, and he didn't feel relieved until he was sure that Fang Tianfeng was fine.

Fang Tianfeng and Nie Xiaoyao were sitting in the back seat. When they were approaching the villa, Fang Tianfeng regained a little strength and said, "Take off your shoes and I will help you treat your injury (Read the full text of Carrying the Sunshine)."

Nie Xiaoyao was a little embarrassed and said, "No need, I just sprained my foot. It will be fine in a few days."

"It's impossible to tell. If the twist is too serious, it may take several days to recover. Aren't you going to the capital?"

"Okay, thank you, Fang Tianfeng." Nie Xiaoyao was too embarrassed to take off his leather boots and socks, revealing his white and tender feet, and rolled up his pants.

Nie Xiaoyao whispered: "I just took a shower this morning." As he spoke, his white toes moved slightly.

Fang Tianfeng put Nie Xiaoyao's little feet on his knees and said: "It's okay, it doesn't stink at all. I've always been surprised that you women's feet don't seem to stink at all, unlike us men who stink like hell if we don't wash our feet for a day.


"Then you have never seen a smelly one." Nie Xiaoyao was particularly ticklish. He twisted his body slightly and smiled. The car was full of beauties. Even Master Cui, who was used to seeing beauties in the villa, couldn't help but look at the rear view.

Taking a look in the mirror, I thought that Mr. Fang's vision was really high, and all the beauties he brought back were top-notch beauties.

Fang Tianfeng grabbed Nie Xiaoyao's ankle with his left hand and fixed it, put his right hand in the air, and then used the Qi-gazing technique to check Nie Xiaoyao's illness.

There is a lot of disease energy inside. If not treated in time, it will cause permanent injuries. Moreover, there are very shallow disease energy in many places on her feet.

Fang Tianfeng said: "Xiaoyao, don't wear high heels in the future. The reason why you were injured so badly this time is mainly because you have been wearing high heels, which has caused hidden dangers to your feet."

"Well, I will wear shorter high heels from now on." Nie Xiaoyao said this, but actually he didn't want to change. Wearing high heels in the workplace can make you taller and appear more powerful. The key is that after wearing high heels,

, not only makes the legs slender, but also makes the chest more straight and the back straighter because of the change in the body's center of gravity.

Fang Tianfeng placed his right hand on the sole of Nie Xiaoyao's foot, because it was closest to the injured foot and it was easier for vitality to enter. After all, there was very little vitality now, so it couldn't be wasted as usual (Weiyang Song).

However, Fang Tianfeng did not expect that this was the place where Nie Xiaoyao was most afraid of being touched. She suddenly twisted her whole body, laughed out of breath, and the crisp sound echoed in the vehicle.

"Please, please, don't, it's itchy, it's so itchy... Ouch... you're so necrotic, I'm..."

Nie Xiaoyao laughed while talking, and finally burst into tears.

Nie Xiaoyao was originally an extremely beautiful beauty. She had always been serious and stern with ordinary employees, but now she was smiling so wildly that her charm was scattered everywhere. She was simply discharged indiscriminately, and Fang Tianfeng couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

"Okay, are you okay?" Nie Xiaoyao asked while smiling.

"Almost." Fang Tianfeng didn't expect that he would become so happy after just treating a foot injury. He couldn't help but be amused by Nie Xiaoyao and laughed.

Not long after, Fang Tianfeng healed Nie Xiaoyao's feet. Nie Xiaoyao didn't even bother wiping his tears. He waved his fist and lightly hit Fang Tianfeng on the shoulder. He smiled and said, "You are so bad! I have never been touched like this before."

But, oh, I won’t talk anymore, my stomach hurts from laughing!”

Nie Xiaoyao was covering his stomach with one hand and wiping his tears with the other, leaning against the car door with his little white jade feet resting on Fang Tianfeng's thighs.

"I didn't know you were so ticklish." Fang Tianfeng said while suppressing a smile. Seeing beautiful Nie Xiaoyao smile like this was enough to become a long-lasting topic in the company.

"I really doubt you did it on purpose!" Nie Xiaoyao looked at Fang Tianfeng feebly, as if there was a trace of lip water rippling in his eyes, and his rich charm was seductive.

If her charm hadn't revealed that Nie Xiaoyao had never touched a man, Fang Tianfeng would have thought like others that she was a particularly slutty woman, because Fang Tianfeng believed that not many men in the world could withstand Nie Xiaoyao's temptation.

Nie Xiaoyao seems to be a little fairy born to seduce men. (To be continued.)

This chapter has been completed!
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