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Chapter 60: Comeback

Fang Tianfeng saw that this was not possible and said: "My friend's injury is too serious and he can't hold on any longer. Please send him to the hospital immediately."

The white-faced superintendent said calmly: "No one will die anyway, so there's no rush."

Fang Tianfeng could only say: "I know how to massage and can help him relieve his pain. Please cuff one of my hands and let me massage him with the other hand. I will not run away. If he dies in the car, you will not be able to get away with it."


The yellow-faced police officer driving the car glanced in the rearview mirror and said nothing with a sullen expression.

But the white-faced superintendent said lazily: "Stop talking nonsense and sit down honestly. It's just a broken leg. If he dies, I will be unlucky."

Fang Tianfeng was furious and squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: "I will make you regret it for the rest of your life! You will regret every word you said and everything you did today!"

The white-faced superintendent suddenly looked at his phone and received a text message.

"Take action immediately! I am responsible for everything! If he doesn't die today, you will be imprisoned for the rest of your life!"

The white-faced superintendent's eyes flashed fiercely, and he suddenly said to the yellow-faced superintendent: "Stop the car first, and let me take a look at his injuries."

The yellow-faced superintendent hesitated because he noticed that the white-faced superintendent was touching the holster of his gun. This definitely did not look like he was looking at the injury.

"What are you waiting for?" the white-faced superintendent asked anxiously.

The yellow-faced superintendent had to slow down and stop, and the cars behind him also stopped.

The white-faced superintendent first looked at Xiao Tao pretendingly, and then slowly opened Fang Tianfeng's handcuffs.

Fang Tianfeng moved his wrist and was about to treat Xiao Tao, but the white-faced superintendent said: "You get out of the car, I want to search you for any dangerous items!"

Fang Tianfeng felt something was wrong and couldn't get up from the car seat.

The yellow-faced superintendent looked at the white-faced superintendent in shock and was speechless for a moment.

A flash of panic flashed in the white-faced superintendent's eyes, he took out his pistol and pointed it at Fang Tianfeng, saying: "Put up your hands and come out! Otherwise I will shoot!"

Countless police-related information flashed through Fang Tianfeng's mind, and he quickly deduced the most likely possibility, and then used the qi-gazing technique.

"He wanted to frame me for escaping and then shoot me! His murderous intent was so strong that even if I didn't go out, he would still shoot! He couldn't just sit back and wait for death, he had to fight!"

Fang Tianfeng thought to himself, slowly raised his hands and walked out slowly.

The white-faced superintendent stared at Fang Tianfeng nervously and slowly backed away.

Suddenly, Fang Tianfeng looked behind the white-faced superintendent, showing a horrified look.

The yellow-faced superintendent subconsciously turned around to look, but the white-faced superintendent was just stunned. But at the moment when he was stunned, Fang Tianfeng moved.

Fang Tianfeng rushed forward, grabbed the pistol, quickly walked around behind the white-faced superintendent, put the gun against the white-faced superintendent's temple, tightened his neck with his left arm, and then leaned against the police car.

The yellow-faced police superintendent immediately pulled out his gun, pointed it at Fang Tianfeng, and said loudly: "Put down the gun! Put it down immediately!" At this moment, he was filled with anger. Once this incident was exposed, it would become a stain on his career.

The white-faced superintendent was extremely panicked at first, but soon calmed down and shouted loudly: "Reinforcement! Armed police come for reinforcement! The suspect not only wants to escape, attack the police, but also hijack the police!"

The police in the van and the armed police in the truck all got out of the car and quickly surrounded Fang Tianfeng. Several ordinary policemen held Type 92 pistols, while the armed police soldiers all held Type 81 automatic rifles.

More than a dozen black guns were aimed at Fang Tianfeng, creating a huge pressure.

A breath of death was approaching, Fang Tianfeng's heartbeat accelerated, and the blood vessels in his forehead almost burst.

Xiao Tao huddled in the back seat in fear, fearing that he would be killed.

The yellow-faced superintendent said hurriedly: "Fang Tianfeng, put down your pistol immediately. If you really kill him, there will be no room for redemption. As long as you put down your gun now, it's still too late. Surrender is your only way out. Don't fight stubbornly anymore.


Fang Tianfeng sneered: "This man wanted to kill me from the beginning! Why did you send out the armed police? Why did he force me to get off the bus? Do you really think I am a fool! The most severe punishment is just the death penalty, so that is not the same as killing him.

What difference does it make if I die!"

The yellow-faced police superintendent said: "Put down your gun first, and I promise to give you justice. He acted without permission, and we will give him the punishment he deserves."

"Fair? Ridiculous! You back off immediately! Back off! I will count dozens of people and if you don't step back, I will shoot! I believe you know very well that once I shoot, even if you kill me, you will be severely punished.

Severe punishment!"

All the policemen hesitated. At this moment, the armed police squad leader's wireless intercom rang and they answered immediately.

The sound of this walkie-talkie was relatively low. Except for the armed police squad leader, only a few nearby armed policemen could hear the content clearly. Including the squad leader, every armed policeman who heard the content showed a surprised look.

Finally, the armed police squad leader said loudly: "Yes, chief!"

The squad leader of the armed police put away the walkie-talkie and said loudly: "After receiving instructions from the commander, the mission has changed. Protect the victim, Mr. Fang Tianfeng, at all costs! Anyone who attempts to harm Mr. Fang will be killed on the spot!"

Everyone was in a commotion, and Fang Tianfeng was pointing a gun at the police. What kind of victim was this?

The armed police squad leader pointed his gun at the yellow-faced superintendent: "Please cooperate with our actions, put down the gun! Raise your hands!"

The armed police soldiers hesitated for a moment, then all turned their guns and pointed them at the yellow-faced superintendent.

The yellow-faced police superintendent was so frightened that his hands shook, his pistol dropped to the ground, and then he raised his hands high. Then, tremblingly, he said: "If you don't give me an explanation, I will definitely report you! You armed police are simply crazy not to arrest you.

The person who hijacked the police officer pointed a gun at the police officer!"

When the white-faced superintendent saw this scene, his mind went blank and he lost the ability to think.

After a moment, the white-faced superintendent burst into anger and shouted: "Are you crazy? We are the police! Fang Tianfeng is the suspect!"

The armed police squad leader glanced at the white-faced superintendent coldly and said sternly: "Everyone put their guns on the ground, quick!"

The armed police soldiers pointed their guns at other police officers. The remaining police officers quickly put their guns on the ground and backed away. Then the armed police soldiers collected all the guns.

The squad leader of the armed police stepped forward and said: "Mr. Fang, we have received instructions from the commander to protect you with all our strength. However, please put down your gun to avoid accidents."

However, Fang Tianfeng still pointed his gun at the white-faced superintendent and said, "First open Xiao Tao's handcuffs."

"Open the handcuffs!" the armed police squad leader ordered.

The white-faced superintendent did not move, and said angrily: "Don't you have any brains? Do you dare to disobey the order given by Director Wu himself? You are only cooperating with our actions and have no right to order us!"

The squad leader of the armed police said: "We only accept orders from the leaders of the armed police force. Open the handcuffs immediately and don't let us do anything!"

The armed police soldiers with guns raised took a step forward and made a neat sound of stepping.

The white-faced superintendent had no choice but to open Xiao Tao's handcuffs and connect his arms.

Fang Tianfeng pushed the white-faced superintendent away, put his hand on Xiao Tao's leg, and sent in vitality. Only consuming one-fifth of the vitality allowed Xiao Tao's broken bones to heal, the injury improved, and the pain disappeared, but he had to fully recover.

Still need to rest for a few days.

Part of the vitality spread into Xiao Tao's body, allowing Xiao Tao to quickly regain his energy.

Xiao Tao touched the injured area, then looked at Fang Tianfeng in horror, and then became ecstatic.

"Brother Fang, you are so awesome! You are simply amazing!"

Fang Tianfeng quickly made a look, and Xiao Tao immediately shut up, his face full of admiration. At this moment, his reverence for Fang Tianfeng was comparable to that of a devout believer.

Fang Tianfeng got out of the car, looking at the white-faced superintendent with a gloomy face.

The white-faced superintendent took a step back in fright and said, "What do you want to do? Behind me is Director Wu! He can crush you like ants with just one finger! How dare you openly disobey Director Wu's order?"

Go against the entire police system! Go against the country!"

Just then, Superintendent Bai Lian's cell phone rang. He took it out and saw that it was Director Wu's number.

The white-faced superintendent laughed, raised his cell phone, raised his head, looked around at everyone contemptuously, and said: "Did you see it? This is a call from Director Wu! Do you know who Director Wu is? Do you know how old he is?

Background, how much energy is there? A bunch of idiots! I tell you, you are dead! You are dead!"

The white-faced superintendent answered the phone and said in rapid succession: "Chief, you really should come here and see for yourself. The suspects are more arrogant than the police. The armed police even pointed their guns at the criminal police. Is this still the party's world? This is

Is it still China? It’s completely the opposite!”

Director Wu was silent for a moment and said, "Please ask Master Fang to answer the phone right away. Hurry!"

The white-faced superintendent was stunned and asked: "Master Fang? Who is it? Never heard of this name?"

Director Wu suppressed his anger and said: "That's Fang Tianfeng! That's the person you arrested! Give him the phone right away, quick! If you don't hear Master Fang's voice within three seconds, I'll skin you!"

The white-faced superintendent's hand trembled violently, feeling strong uneasiness in his heart, but he was ordered to hand the phone to Fang Tianfeng immediately.

"Director Wu asked you to answer the phone." The white-faced superintendent's voice was trembling.

Fang Tianfeng answered the phone.

"Hello, I am Fang Tianfeng."

"Master Fang? Hello, I am Wu Wei from the Municipal Bureau. Because the two criminal policemen of the Municipal Bureau accepted bribes from others and went to the police without permission, seriously violating disciplines and laws and causing inconvenience to you, as their leader, I cannot refuse to serve.

We apologize to the two police officers for their disregard of party discipline and state laws, and we will give them the severest punishment. Please rest assured."

"What's the most severe punishment? I want to know now."

Director Wu was silent for a moment and said: "This kind of scum should be fired from the police force!"

"Thank you, Director Wu." Fang Tianfeng formally expressed his stance.

Director Wu quickly said: "Master Fang, I heard about your miraculous deeds. I am troubled by something. Could you please help me? If you can solve it, I would be very grateful."

Fang Tianfeng had known Meng Decai, Shi Weicheng and others for a long time, and with his increasing experience, he naturally knew that Director Wu was asking for help on the surface, but actually wanted to apologize.

"If I have time, I can give it a try. Now, you have to say a few words to your men first." After saying that, Fang Tianfeng threw the phone to the white-faced superintendent.

The white-faced superintendent held the mobile phone to his ear with a panicked expression. Slowly, his face became more and more ugly, and his hands shook more and more violently. Finally, he let go and the mobile phone fell to the ground.

The pale-faced superintendent muttered to himself: "I'm not a policeman anymore? Impossible! The fifth master is obviously so powerful, Pang Jingzhou is obviously so powerful, the chief is obviously so powerful, how can he, the security guard of the villa, turn the tables? The chief must be so powerful

It’s fake, it’s fake! I just wanted to kill a murderer, he deserves it, I’m not wrong, there’s nothing wrong! I still have a chance! Yes, there must be a chance!”

The white-faced superintendent kept talking nonsense.

The squad leader of the armed police looked at the white-faced superintendent as if he were a dead man, wondering how someone who could allow the commander of the provincial armed police force to personally issue orders could give someone a chance.

This chapter has been completed!
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