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Chapter 615 Disaster and dense fog

Since this may be a major incident involving the murder of a retired patriarch of a prominent family, this person who only has the rank of patriarch of a prominent family couldn't handle it at all, so he immediately called Patriarch No. 5 in charge of the Cardinal's Office.

Patriarch No. 5 was stunned for a while when he learned about it. He was the recently retired patriarch of a prominent family. Not to mention others, even he, the patriarch, could not be killed. The most he could do was to put Mr. Xiang in jail.

If a person of this level is murdered, it will definitely be a big event that shocks the whole country. Foreign media will inevitably report it wildly. After all, there are not many people in the entire country of China who sit in prominent positions in the capital, and there are only more than thirty people every ten years. That's all.

Patriarch No. 5 thought for a long time and was about to pick up the phone to call Patriarch No. 1 when his secretary hurriedly entered the office.

"Grand Patriarch No. 1 has held an emergency meeting. Please go there immediately."

"Is it because of Xiang's family affairs?"

"No. A foreign website published a message saying that a man's brother died in China and he wanted Chinese people to bury his brother with him. His people had hijacked a flight from the capital to the sea of ​​clouds and wanted to use the plane to collide with him to carry out a terrorist attack. activities, and also called on some people in the country to rebel. There is also a very serious problem, the crown prince of Anguo is on the plane."

Patriarch No. 5 did not expect that the events that happened on this day would become more and more important. The 911 impact in the United States had a huge impact on the world and the United States. If this happened in China, the negative impact would be incalculable.

Plane hijacking is always a big deal, but now that it involves terrorist activities, national security will inevitably be given the highest level of attention. In addition, the Crown Prince of An is on top of it. Once the terrorists succeed, this will have the greatest impact since the founding of China. One of the events.

"I'll go right away." The No. 5 patriarch stood up and left worriedly.

On the plane.

With the support of noble energy, Fang Tianfeng no longer consumes vitality, and uses the qi-gazing technique to take a look with the newly restored vitality.

The entire cabin was filled with thick dark green fog, so thick that Fang Tianfeng couldn't even see the seats in front of him.

Fang Tianfeng immediately realized that something was going to happen to the plane. But he couldn't figure out what exactly happened. There could be too many things happening to the plane, it could be a malfunction, it could be in bad weather, it could be that the engine was hit by a bird, It could be that there was something wrong with the pilot, or it could be that the plane was hijacked, etc.

Under normal circumstances, Fang Tianfeng would have been able to feel the disaster energy before he got close to the plane, but he was enveloped by dragon energy before and had no vitality in his body, so he could not detect the disaster energy from the outside at all.

Fang Tianfeng then thought about it. Even if all two hundred people on the plane died, there would be no such strong disaster. This meant that the plane would cause more serious casualties. The number of people would either exceed five hundred, or it would cause particularly serious damage in other aspects. Loss.

At this time, Ning Youlan was sitting next to Fang Tianfeng, while An Tiantian stood beside him. No matter how other passengers shouted, she remained motionless, just staring at Fang Tianfeng, for fear that something would happen to him.

Fang Tianfeng quickly unbuckled his seat belt and whispered: "Sister Youlan, Tiantian, there's going to be an accident on the plane. No matter what happens, you two, don't stay away from me!"

Fang Tianfeng's voice was already very low, but a person in the front seat suddenly said in Chinese with a special accent: "What? Is there going to be an accident on the plane?" Then the person stood up and looked at Fang Tianfeng.

This man's appearance has obvious characteristics of Southeast Asians, and he also has a bit of Western white ancestry, and seems to have a bit of Chinese ancestry. He is a very handsome middle-aged man.

Fang Tianfeng was stunned for a moment. He had seen this man on TV. He was the crown prince of Anguo. He was indeed one-eighth Chinese. And Anguo was originally a vassal state of ancient China, and Chinese people had been migrating there for thousands of years.

It is said that 90% of Anguo people are of Chinese descent.

Business class is far less spacious than economy class, and there aren't many seats in total. As soon as this person opened his mouth, everyone became wary.

One person suddenly said: "I remember that two people entered it, but I don't remember who came out. I heard a noise in front just now, and the flight attendant and flight security never came out. Only the beautiful flight attendant stood there."

Everyone looked at An Tiantian.

An Tiantian is usually very pretty. As long as she is praised for her beauty, she will definitely smile. But now she doesn't smile at all, and she doesn't even worry about how the plane is going. She just asks Fang Tianfeng with concern: "Are you feeling better?"

Fang Tianfeng felt warm in his heart, gently shook her hand and said, "I'm fine. Don't worry about me for now. If something happens to the plane, I'll find a way to solve it first."

Now the disaster is just slowly condensing and has not exploded yet. It may be possible to solve it.

As soon as Fang Tianfeng finished speaking, a gunshot suddenly appeared in the economy cabin at the back. In a closed space like an airplane, the sound of the gun was so loud that it scared some people to tremble.

Then I heard someone shouting: "This plane has been taken over by us! Everyone holds their heads in their hands and leans on their seats! Anyone who dares to make any move will be shot on the spot!"

Immediately a woman screamed in the economy class, and then a child cried in fright.




No one screamed anymore, there was silence.

"Two lives can shut you up. It shows that you are very polite. Just cover your mouth, it is better than death. There are only six of us. You read that right, there are two more

We are flying a plane. However, don't try to resist, because the two people flying the plane and I have a detonator in our hands. Did you see it? It's something like an old-fashioned mobile phone in my hand. As soon as I press this button,

The fake bomb in the cargo hold will explode with a loud bang."

"Does anyone still doubt that the guns in our hands are fake? Don't doubt the security check, because our weapons have been hidden in the cabin before boarding the plane. What you have to do next is to wait slowly. As for what will happen in the end

, I’m not sure either. I’m too excited right now, so I’ll talk a little more, please forgive me.”

At this moment, the plane suddenly began to turn, and the curve was so large that everyone could feel it.

"The show has begun. Please come back to the capital with me. Friends by the window can continue to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the capital. In the end, everyone will become one with the capital. By the way, I am a kind person. You can think about it now

My last words and epitaph, although your relatives and friends will not receive them."

This person's Chinese is not standard. Even if there is a curtain between business class and economy class, people in business class can hear it clearly.

Fang Tianfeng pushed An Tiantian into his seat and gave her a look not to move.

At the same time, a middle-aged man walked out from the front of the cabin, holding a detonator in his left hand and a pistol in his right hand. This man had a thick beard and deep-set eye sockets, making people think of the famous Terrorist Boss at a glance.

Ben Ladi.

"Everyone, sit back!" The terrorists pointed guns at Fang Tianfeng and others.

Fang Tianfeng immediately sat down on another empty seat pretending to be scared, and the other people who stood up also sat down obediently. The atmosphere in the cabin was extremely solemn, and some people even had difficulty breathing.

In front of terrorists, no one, whether they are rich, high-ranking officials or the crown prince of An An, will make special moves based on their status. In the face of huge threats, they, like ordinary people, wait quietly for death. Or survive.

However, Crown Prince An secretly glanced at Fang Tianfeng, because as soon as Fang Tianfeng said that the plane was going to have an accident, something big happened.

Fang Tianfeng remembered that because he left early this morning, he didn't look at An Tiantian's luck, so he immediately looked at An Tiantian's luck.

The egg of disaster lurking in An Tiantian's luck has hatched into a complete smoke column of disaster!

At this time, An Tiantian was looking at Fang Tianfeng quietly, her eyes were extremely complicated, with fear, worry, and anxiety, but strangely, there was still hope, and an indescribable tranquility, as if she had known it for a long time. This day will come.

Ning Youlan looked unusually calm. She was not pretending, but she was born with a spirit of not being afraid of anything. She was not panicked at all, only unhappy. But she had no other choice but to wait slowly.

A wry smile appeared on Fang Tianfeng's face.

"It's really God's fate. I wanted to escape from the capital, but in the end I was hijacked by terrorists. If the plane exploded, even if I survived, I would stay in the capital. If the terrorists were successfully eliminated, the plane would inevitably return. The key is, I can't fly a plane."

Fang Tianfeng used the tiny vitality he had just accumulated in his body to control the murderous blade to fly forward, fly past the terrorists, and continue flying towards the cabin at the nose of the plane.

Through the murderous blade, Fang Tianfeng saw that two stewardesses and an air security guard had been killed, and one of the two pilots had his throat cut with a knife and was already dead. The other pilot had a knife stuck in his heart. Although he was not dead, he was dead. coma.

In the cab, a man whose appearance resembled that of a terrorist was flying the plane.

Fang Tianfeng didn't know much about airplanes, but he knew that passenger planes usually drive automatically. It seems that this person used some method to interrupt the automatic driving and switch to manual driving. You can see through the glass of the cockpit that the capital city is below!

Fang Tianfeng clearly saw the Forbidden City and the famous Grand Square.

The plane is speeding past!

Fang Tianfeng took a deep breath and quickly thought about countermeasures.

Now Fang Tianfeng is in an embarrassing dilemma with a wolf in front and a tiger behind him. If he saves others, he will be caught. If he doesn't save others, he will not be able to escape.

"Now I can cut through the plane with a murderous blade and jump out, but in the end I will be suppressed by the luck of the capital, and I will definitely be caught and executed. If I save people and let the plane land, others may live, but I will still die."

Fang Tianfeng sighed secretly in his heart, he has never been a saint, but now he has no choice.

In the capital, in the meeting room of the patriarchs.

In addition to the two chiefs who are recovering from illness, there are eight other chiefs among them. The current No. 8 chief is the most low-key. Although he was the previous No. 1 chief, he has rarely been on the road this year.

"You all know the matter, let's talk about it." The No. 1 patriarch said.

No one spoke.

Not to mention these people who stand at the top of the Chinese nation, even ordinary people know that any suggestion anyone makes will be remembered and will have a huge impact on them.

This matter involves the lives of hundreds of people and the impact on the country. Any suggestion or decision must consider the consequences.

At this moment, the secretary of Patriarch No. 1 hurriedly walked in and was about to say something to Patriarch No. 1. The Patriarch waved his hand and said, "If it's about this hijacking, tell everyone."

"Yes. The military has found out what happened."



Again, some sensitive words will be replaced with homophones, not typos. (To be continued.)

This chapter has been completed!
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